If the Files are not equal in the feveral Companies, they muft be levelled at the Regimental Parade. Quit the right Hand and place it fmartly down the right Side. Front to the Left, march up, drefs, and form a Grand-Divifion in front. The right Platoon of Grenadiers marches to within eight Paces of the right of the Battalion; as foon as they come to their Ground; the Officers commanding the Platoons order them to Halt! The Lieutenant-Colonel in the rear of the Captains. 3. In the Irish Defence Forces, Foot and Arms Drill is usually given in the Irish language. The Lieutenant-Colonel in the front rank of the Referve. When the 4thGrand-Divifion makes ready, the fecond fire. except the Right-hand Man, obferving to feel the hand they wheel to, without crouding upon it. Bring the Firelock down with a brifk motion to the priming Pofition, the left Hand holding the Firelock as in priming, the Thumb of the right Hand placed againft the Face of the fteel, the fingers clenched, and the elbow a little turned out, that the Wrift may be clear of the Cock. 2 Motions. The Column thus formed, may be ordered to advance to the attack--- If it penetrates through the Enemy's Lines, and a Referve is prepared to attack the head of the Column, there is a proper Front to oppofe them : and if attacked on one or both Flanks at the fame Time, the commanding Officer orders ; Upon which, the Divifions on the.Flanks face outwards, and oppofe a proper Front to the enemy. Explanation--- Ram the Cartridge well down the Barrel, inftantly recovering, and feizing the Rammer back-handed at tfie Centre, turning it, and enter it as far as the lower Pipe, placing at the fame time the edge of the Hand on the Butt End of the Rammer, with Fingers extended. Strike the Piece with the ifght Hand under the Cock without turning the Barrel. The Captains on the right of the Colours, in one rank irt Front of the firft Grand Diviilon. Bring up your right Hand to the Muzzle and ftand firm, as in the Order. Explanation--- The Rear Ranks clofe to the Front; the Officers at the fame time march into the Intervals, thofe commanding Companies, coming to the right-about, and drefling in the front rank, and the Supernumeraries going through the intervals of their refpectjve companies to the rear. The left platoon of Grenadiers marches to the right of the Battalion, and the right platoon to its former Ground. Caft off the Piece a little, and feize the fame with the left Hand around the Swell, that Elbow clofe to the lock. Explanation--- Bring your right Hand with a fhort round to your Pouch, flapping it hard; feize the Cartridge, and bring it with a quick Motion to your Mouth, bite the Top well off, and bring the Hand as low as the Chin, with the Elbow down. XXXIII. A command voice is characterized by DLIPS: Distinctness, Loudness, Inflection, Projection, and Snap. N. B. As the Body is finking, the right Knee is to be thrown fo far back as the left leg may be right up and down, the right Foot to be thrown a little to the Right, the body to be kept ftraight, the head up, looking to the right along the rank, the fame as if fhouldered ; the firelock to be upright, and the Butt about four Inches to the Right of the Infide of the left Foot. LAST WEEK OF Phase 1 BASIC TRAINING | Civilian To Soldier | British Army djrxp 24.4K subscribers Subscribe 2.1K 149K views 2 years ago Civilian To Soldier The final week of Phase One training -. The 18th-century musket, as typified by the brown Bess, was loaded and fired in the following way: Cavalry drill had the purpose of training cavalrymen and their horses to work together during a battle. As in Plate 2d, Fig, 2d. Drill commands are generally used with a group that is marching, most often in military foot drills or in a marching band. The Enfigns with the Colours in the Centre Rank, twoSerjeants in their Front, and two in their Rear. Officers and Serjeants advance their Arms, and the Officers face to the Right-about. There are various methods practifed in performingthis Manoeuvre, among others the following, viz. Bring the Firelock down the right Side with the rightHand, as low as it will admit without Conftraint, flipping up the left Hand at the fame Time to the Swell, the Guard between the Thumb and fore Finger of the right Hand, the three laft fingers under the cock, with the barrel to the rear. Stand Easy: Stand with feet shoulder width apart and hands are placed between the tail bone and the lower back, upper body is relaxed without slouching. Lift up your right Foot and place it by your left; bring the Firelock at the fame Time to your left fhoulder, and feize the butt end with the left hand, keeping it in the fame Pdfition as above defcribed. 3. The Colours to be fent away with the ufual Form, and the Battalion then to be difmiffed. The fix Centre or leading Files of each Grand-Divifion move three long paces forward, the others turn to the Centre of their refpedtive divifions, and wheeling out fucceffiveIy, follow the leading Files in four Columns each, of fix Men in Front. The American Battlefield Trust and our members have saved more than 56,000 acres in 25 states! to the Defense Forces like Military and Police and firefighters. Explanation--- 1. When given forward march and halting everyone does a "marschantrde" which is done by slamming the foot down. Step back with your right foot, placing it behind your left Heel, and come to the Reft. Bring up the Firelock to the Shoulder, place the left Hand upon the Butt, bringing the feet fquare to the Front. An interval of one pace or three feet between each company. This booklet is designed as a quick reference to the US Army drill procedures most frequently utilized by the SC State Guard. This is also used in Ceremonial occasions in Indonesia which is usually for commemorating the Independence day, flag raising ceremony, etc. These are the basic commands, the Ausfhrungskommando is in bold: During the British Raj the Indian Armed Forces essentially used the British (English language) drill commands. The Drummers march ftraight out, when they have paffed the line where the Major ftands, they face inwards, and take poft behind him, keeping faced to the Centre untill the next Flam. In the United States Armed Forces, the basis of drill procedures can be traced to von Steuben's 'Blue Book'. 2. Philip Brankin has been the Company Sergeant Major of the Chicago Highland Rifles since April 2001. Also, this command is (in my experience) common across the RAF, RN and Army. The Officers face to the Front, and order their Arms. A variant of jrjesty used is ryhmity (group), at which the unit ordered runs into formation. The Battalion advances in two columns, each of fix menin Front. Explanation--- 1. Under battle conditions, many of these commands were combined for speed and efficiency. In three ranks, at fix paces, or twelve feet diftance from one another. [1][2][3] Drill commands are usually heard in major events involving service personnel, reservists and veterans of a country's armed forces, and by extension, public security services and youth uniformed organizations. As foon as the Centre Platoons are got far enough over, they are ordered by their own Officers to Halt; and the other Platoons as they come into their rear, reflectively face to the right and left outwards, marching by files until they come to their proper Places in Battalion, then Front. The Colonel fix Paces in the Front of the Colours. Explanation --- SPRING the firelock brifkly to the recover ; as foon as the left Hand feizes the Firelock above the Lock, the right Elbow is to be nimbly raifed a little, placing the Thumb of that Hand upon the Cock, the Fingers open by the Plate of the Lock, and as quick as poflible force the Piece to the Cock, by dropping the elbow, and forcing down the cock with the thumb flapping at the fame time a moderate pace, or two feet, to the Right, keeping the left Foot faft ; as the firelock is cocked, the Thumb is to fall below the cock, the right hand feizing the Firelock clofe under the Cock firmly ; the Fore-finger not to be before the Tricker : The Piece to be held in this pofition perpendicular, oppofite the left fide of the face, the Butt clofe to the left breaft, but not preffed, the body to be ftraight, and as full to the front as poflible ; the head kept up, looking to the Right of the Rank, that the Body and Firelock may not ftoop forward, nor lean much out of the Rank. In preparation for their time in Britain,. The Battalion fires, as in Explanation of firing by Sub-Divifions, advancing. The basic commands are usually divided into two parts, the announcement that a command is to follow (Ankndigungskommando) and the executory command (Ausfhrungskommando). Advancing and Retreating by Files, from the Right of. Examples of those events televised would be the 1916 Rising commemorations and the National Day of Remembrance. The Battalion faces, Supernumerary Officers, &c. taketheir former Pofts. If ordered to retreat, it is done as in the foregoing Explanation, by the following Words of Command. As in explanation fourth in the manual, with this difference, that the left Foot is to be brought up to the right, at the fame Time that the Firelock is brought down to the priming Pofition. If the commander gives a command by mistake, the commander should say Ulangi which means: As you were. Explanations--- The battalion receives the Word of Command: By half Companies from the Centre pafs the Defile or Bridge I. Drill commands are generally used with a group that is marching, most often in military foot drill or marching band. Face to the Right upon both Heels. The PBB is taught all over Indonesia starting from Primary, Secondary, and Senior Schools mentored by members of the military or other organizations. N. B. Singapore's cadet organizations also use the same commands. Explanation--- 1. In all Wheelings to the Right, the Men muft caft their Eyes to the Left, except the Left-Hand Man : And in all Wheelings to the Left, they caft their Eyes to the Right. The officers four paces diftant from the front of their refpedtive Companies, the Captain on the Right, the Enfign in the Centre, the Lieutenant on the Left. The commanding Officer then gives the Words: Supernumerary Officers, Serjeants and Pioneers, go thro' the intervals neareft them ; the Drummers round the flanks of the Grand-Divifions. 3. Seize the firelock with the right hand, turning the Lock outwards. N. B. In a drill type formation, a military unit executes precise movements from one formation to another or marches from one place to another. =====LINKS:https://discord.gg/britisharmy (BA discord server)https://www.roblox.com/games/3295514368 (Sandhurst Military Academy)https://www.. The Grenadier company, the Captain advanced two paces before the Lieutenants. 2. The First American President: Setting the Precedent, African Americans During the Revolutionary War, Help Save 820 Acres at Five Virginia Battlefields, Save 343 Acres at FIVE Battlefields in FOUR Western Theater States, Save 42 Historic Acres at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Phase Three of Gaines Mill-Cold Harbor Saved Forever Campaign, An Unparalleled Preservation Opportunity at Gettysburg Battlefield. If the Officer who commands the Column of Ranks routs the Referve, and thinks it neceffary to affift the flank Attack, he may detach a Platoon or Sub-Divifion to each Party. 2. Explanation--- Half bend the Cock brifkly with a draw back of the right elbow, bringing it clofe to the butt of the Firelock. Throw the right Hand a-crofs the Piece, clapping hands and bending the Knees eafily. Grand-Divifions, from the Centre advance by Files! N. B. Befides the foregoing, the Battalion is fometimes ordered to fire two rounds, beginning with the four right Hand Sub-Divifions at once ; and then the four left Hand ones : Alfo two rounds by Wings, or Half Battalions, beginning with the right. If the Square is to move forward, this Company keeps its proper Front: but if it is to Halt, the Company is ordered to face to the Right-about. The Army (Deutsches Heer) and Air Force (Luftwaffe) use the same commands; the German Navy (Deutsche Marine) has a number of additional commands for duty on a ship. The Battalion fires two rounds as before ordered, beginning with the 4th Grand Divifion, which is now the ift to fire. Explanation--- RECOVER the Firelock and cock as before directed for the centre rank. Explanation--- Bvlng the firelock brifkly down to the prefent, by extending the left Arm to the full Length, wrth a ftrong Motion, at the fame Time fpring up the butt by the Cock with the right Hand, and raife up the Butt fo high upon the rieht Shoulder, that you may not be obliged to ftoop too much with the Head, the right Cheek to be clofe to the Butt, and the left Eye (hut, and look along the Barrel with the right Eye from the Breech Pin to the Muzzle -, keep the left Elbow down in an eafy Pofition, and ftand as fteady as poflible, the Thumb of the right Hand to remain in the Pofition as defcribed in the third explanation of the Manual. And form a Grand-Divifion in Front commander should say Ulangi which means: as you.... The left platoon of Grenadiers marches to the left platoon of Grenadiers to! Day, flag raising ceremony, etc at the Regimental Parade foot drill or marching.! Ranks, at fix paces in the Front rank of the Battalion faces, Supernumerary Officers, & c. former... 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