Von besonderer Bedeutung war Geheimrat Frst Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg, der aufgrund seiner Fhigkeiten als Diplomat und enger Berater fungierte. [81] Maximilian III and Albert VII who preferred Ferdinand to Philip III renounced their claims in favor of him in August 1614, but Klesl made several efforts to delay the decision. [141] Dietrichstein and the Jesuits urged Ferdinand to intervene, and he dissolved the consortium in early 1623. Ferdinand (given name) Knights of the Golden Fleece 17th-century men Archdukes of Austria Counts of Tyrol Dukes of Brabant Dukes of Burgundy Dukes of Carinthia Dukes of Carniola Dukes of Luxembourg Dukes of Silesia Dukes of Styria Dukes of Teck (Holy Roman Empire) Holy Roman Emperors House of Habsburg Knights of the Golden Fleece (16th century) Februar 1622 in Innsbruck die Prinzessin Eleonore von Mantua (1598-1655), Tochter des Herzog Vinzenz I. von Mantua und dessen zweiter Gattin Prinzessin Eleonora de' Medici. [83] The Catholic Bohemian nobleman, Albrecht von Wallenstein, recruited 260 soldiers at his own expense. [144] Ferdinand had convoked the Diet of Hungary to Sopron to assure the Hungarian Estates that he would respect their privileges. (1608-1657), rmisch-deutscher Kaiser 1. [120] After his new confessor, the Jesuit Martin Becanus, assured him that he could grant concessions to the Protestants to secure their loyalty, Ferdinand confirmed the Lutherans' right to practise their religion in Lower Austria, save the towns on 8 July 1620. [16] Before leaving for his homeland, Ferdinand solemnly promised to support the university and the Jesuits. [22] Johannes Kepler, who had been staying in the town, noted that the Protestant burghers watched Ferdinand's return with some apprehension. This blatantly pro-Catholic policy has been widely credited with bringing the Protestant King of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus, into the war against Ferdinand. [14], Ferdinand completed his studies on 21 December 1594; Rudolph II permitted him to return to Graz only two months later. [65] With her death, as historian Robert Bireley noted, Ferdinand "lost the most important person in his life, the one who more than any other had formed his character and his outlook. In 1600, Ferdinand married Maria Anna of Bavaria (1574-1616), daughter of Duke William V of Bavaria. Ferdinand was born on April 19, 1793, in Vienna, Austria, Holy Roman Empire, to Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, and his second wife, Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily. [167] Bethlen promised to launch a new military campaign against Royal Hungary and Richelieu agreed to send a subsidy to him. Free shipping for many products! [38] The commissioners also burnt prohibited books. [96] He appointed the Catholic magnate, Zsigmond Forgch, as the new palatine. Born: July 9, 1578 Birthplace: Graz, Duchy of Styria, Austria, Holy Roman Empire Star Sign: Cancer Died: February 15, 1637 (aged 58) Historical Events 1619-08-08 Duke Maximilian I & Emperor Ferdinand II signs Treaty of Munchen 1619-08-28 Ferdinand II elected Holy Roman Emperor (rules till 1637) Ferdinand II. In order to muster an imperial army to continue the war, he applied to Albrecht von Wallenstein, one of the richest men in Bohemia: the latter accepted on condition that he could keep total control over the direction of the war, as well as over the booties taken during the operations. [157] Valerianus Magnus, the head of the Capuchins in Bohemia, and the Holy See supported Harrach, but Ferdinand did not relent. Ferdinand replied by firing the Bohemian general in 1630. [92] He was crowned king in the St. Vitus Cathedral on 29 June. He was also the last governor of the Spanish Netherlands and Duke of Luxembourg. Ferdinand Erzherzog von sterreich-Tirol II Landesfrstvon Tirol. (In der Schlacht von Ltzen, die unentschieden endete, starb der Schwedenknig.). III. [89] Ignoring Klesl's advice, he convoked the Diet of Bohemia to secure Ferdinand's succession. On his accession to the Austrian throne in 1527 Ferdinand i con-firmed the customary Jewish privileges. [130][154], Becanus who died in late 1623 was succeeded by Lamormaini as Ferdinand's confessor. [66], Cooperating with Rudolph II's principal advisor, Melchior Klesl, Bishop of Vienna, Ferdinand persuaded the Emperor to seek a reconciliation with Matthias. [154] The Ottomans denied support to Bethlen and he was forced to sign a new peace treaty in Vienna in May 1624. April 1600 in Graz die Prinzessin Maria Anna von Bayern (1574-1616), Tochter des Herzog Wilhelm V. und dessen Gattin Prinzessin Renata von Lothringen. [97] The Protestants argued that it allowed them to build churches on Catholic prelates' lands, but the Catholics did not accept their interpretation. [130] By that time, Ferdinand had banned all Protestant pastors from Prague, ignoring John George I of Saxony's protests. 1619-ben a frankfurti birodalmi gylsen, ellenjellt hinyban, t tettk meg nmet-rmai csszrnak. von Polen und dessen Gattin Erzherzogin Anna von sterreich-Steiermark * Leopold Wilhelm (1614-1662), Statthalter der spanischen Niederlande In zweiter Ehe heiratete er am 2. On November 8, 1620, Catholic forces engaged those supporting the Protestant Frederick, who had taken the Bohemian kingship, at the Battle of White Mountain. der Kirche und ihren Dienern mit Fanatismus ergeben war und der Sieg der katholischen Religion ber die Ketzer sein hchstes Ziel gewesen ist. [161] Christian IV raised new troops and stationed them in his Duchy of Holstein (in the Lower Saxon Circle of the Holy Roman Empire) and persuaded the other Lower Saxon rulers to make him the commander of their united armies in early 1625. [50] This victory restored Rudolph's self-confidence, and he decided to introduce severe Counter-Reformation measures in Silesia and Hungary, outraging his Protestant subjects. Anna von sterreich. Aufl., Frankfurt a. M. 1971. [22] Rudolph II gave Ferdinand responsibility for the defense of Croatia, Slavonia and the southeastern parts of Hungary proper against the Ottomans. Philip III of Spain, who was the childless Matthias' nephew, acknowledged Ferdinand's right to succeed Matthias in Bohemia and Hungary in exchange for territorial concessions in 1617. News of his deposition arrived in Frankfurt on the 28th but Ferdinand didn't leave town until he had been crowned. Despite the loss of Wallenstein, Imperial forces took Regensburg and won a victory at the Battle of Nrdlingen. The war left the Holy Roman Empire devastated and its population did not recover until 1710. [84] Klesl who regarded Ferdinand as the Jesuits' puppet continued to oppose his appointment as Matthias's successor. Born in Vienna, Maximilian was a son of his predecessor, Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, and Anna of Bohemia and Hungary (1503-1547).Anne was a daughter of King Ladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary and his wife Anne de Foix. [96] After the Hungarian delegates achieved the appointment of a new palatine (or royal lieutenant) and the confirmation of the Estates' privileges, they proclaimed Ferdinand king on 16 May 1618. [116], Ferdinand concluded a treaty with Maxilimian I in Munich on 8 October 1619. [64] Both brothers were forced to confirm the privileges of the Estates in their realms, including religious freedom. He was his parents' second child and first son. Graz 1998. Therefore, although a treaty was signed, peace did not come. . Mrz 1629 das Restitutionsedikt, sondern verlieh auch zahlreiche Bistmer an sterreichische Erzherzge. [84] In early 1616, Ferdinand pledged that he would not interfere in state administration in Matthias's realms. [109] After Ferdinand's general, Count Bucquoy, defeated the Bohemian rebels in the Battle of Sablat, Thurn lifted the siege on 12 June. -15 1637 , , . He also secured support from the Spanish Habsburgs for his claim to succeed the childless Emperor Matthias on the throne, granting them future rule over Alsace and Imperial fiefs in Italy. * Jrg-Peter Findeisen: Der Dreiigjhrige Krieg. Tanulmnyait nyolcves korban kezdte a grazi jezsuitknl, majd 1590-tl az ingolstadti jezsuita egyetem hallgatjaknt tanult. [160] French troops were garrisoned along the French frontiers and Richelieu sent envoys to the wealthy and ambitious Christian IV of Denmark and other Protestant rulers to convince them to form a new league. A 17. szzad legnagyobb hadi konfliktusai Prgban kezddtek meg 1618-ban. (HRR) im Lexikon des Niedersterreichischen Landesmuseums (Fr ausfhrlichere Informationen Registrierung notwendig) Vorgnger Amt Nachfolger, Friedrich von der Pfalz Knig von Bhmen, Normdaten: PND: 118532510 weitere Informationen | LCCN: n80145217 | VIAF: 74644234. [109] Thurn and his 15,000 troops laid siege to Vienna on 5 June. [154] The Diet of Hungary confirmed the right of his son, Ferdinand III, to succeed him in October 1625. [94], Ferdinand and Matthias met with the Lutheran John George I, Elector of Saxony in Dresden who promised to support Ferdinand at the imperial elections. At the electoral convention of Regensburg in 1636, he secured the election of his son, Ferdinand III, as king of the Romans, which prepared the way for his succession as Holy Roman emperor. [29] A former Jesuit student, Lorenz Sonnabenter, whom Ferdinand had sent to a parish in Graz, made a formal complaint against the local Lutheran pastors on 22 August, accusing them of unlawfully interfering in his office. & R.H. Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria; Cecilia Renata of Austria and 1 other; and Leopold Wilhelm von sterreich-Habsburg, Erzherzog, landvoogden van de Nederlanden less [154] Ferdinand also achieved the election of a Catholic magnate, Count Mikls Esterhzy, as the new palatine with the support of the Archbishop of Esztergom, Cardinal Pter Pzmny. Februar 1637 in Wien. [7] His separate household was set up three years later. After annihilating the rebel army in 1620, he greatly reduced the Diets power. Additionally, Ferdinand was an absolutist and infringed upon what nobles regarded as secular rights. [135] The new tribunals sentenced most leaders of the rebellion to death, and 27 of them were executed in the Old Town Square in Prage on 21 June. [105][106] Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy hired Ernst von Mansfeld to assist the Bohemians. The Protestants of Upper and Lower Austria were subjected to compulsory conversion. [10], Charles II died unexpectedly on 10 July 1590,[7] having named his wife, his brother Archduke Ferdinand II, their nephew Emperor Rudolph II, and his brother-in-law Duke William V the guardians of Ferdinand. Supported by the Catholic League and the Kings of Spain and the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth, Ferdinand decided to reclaim his possession in Bohemia and to quash the rebels. Ferdinand III (1608-1657) reigned as Holy Roman emperor from 1637 to 1657. [77][80] Matthias and Ferdinand discussed the issue with Ziga in Linz in June and July 1613, but they did not reach an agreement. Roman Catholic historiography of the 19th century assigned him too high a place, while liberal historians were likely to underestimate his importance. By promoting the Counter-Reformation, Ferdinand II set the course of Austrian Habsburg policy for the next century. The now-deposed Frederick fled to the Netherlands and Duke Maximilian I of Bavaria, the leader of the Catholic League, moved to confiscate his lands in the Palatinate. Despite Wallenstein's fall, the imperial forces recaptured Regensburg and were victorious in the Battle of Nrdlingen (1634). Former Director, Upper Austrian Provincial Archives, Linz. Gonzaga und dessen Gattin Prinzessin Maria Gonzaga. 414423. Brother of Anne of Austria, Queen of Poland; Maria Christina Habsburg, Erzherzogin von sterreich-Steiermark; Kateina Renata von sterreich, Habsburg, Erzherzogin; Elisabeth von Habsburg-sterreich, Archduchess; Karl von sterreich Habsburg and 8 others; Georgiane Maximiliane Archduchess of Austria av Steyer Habsburg; Eleonore Archduchess Of av Steyer Habsburg; Maximilian Ernst Habsburg (sterreichische Linie); Margaret of Austria; Leopold V, Erzherzog von sterreich-Tirol; Archduchess Constance of Austria; Maria Magdalena von Habsburg and Charles of Austria, Bishop of Wroclaw less. A year after he was recognized by the Bohemian Diet as king, they deposed him and elected Frederick V, an event that effectively marked the beginning of the Thirty Years War. In 1600, Ferdinand married Maria Anna of Bavaria (15741616), daughter of Duke William V of Bavaria. Lnder und Untertanen des Hauses Habsburg im konfessionellen Zeitalter. About Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor Ausztria csszra, Magyarorszg kirlya (1618-1637) , Csehorszg (1617-1637) kirlya, nmet-rmai csszr (1619-1637), Neveltetst nagyban meghatrozta a katolikus hagyomnyok tvtele s a szigor udvari protokoll kell elsajttsa. Grandson of Ferdinand I, son of Archduke Charles of Styria, Ferdinand was educated by the Jesuits and supported the Counter Reformation. , (Styria) , . [106][113] They deposed Ferdinand on 22 August, and four days later, they offered the crown to Frederick V of the Palatinate. Although he kept a frugal court, he was a bad financier who too generously gave away the greatest part of confiscated estates to his faithful followers. Band 18, Herzberg 2001, ISBN 3-88309-086-7, Sp. He was also the Archduke of Styria (Inner Austria) from 15901637, King of Bohemia from 1617-1619 and again from 1620-1637, as well as King of Hungary from 1618-1625. [24] Ferdinand did not force the Lutheran noblemen to convert to Catholicism, but forbade them to employ Protestant priests. Bohemia offered their crown (King of Bohemia) to the Calvinist Frederick V of the Palatinate on 26 August 1619. [109], Johann Schweikhard von Kronberg, Archbishop of Mainz, convoked the electors' meeting to Frankfurt. This defeat led to the dissolution of the League of Evangelical Union and the loss of Frederick V's holdings. The French were highly dissatisfied with the terms of the Peace of Prague concluded in 1635, the last important act of Ferdinand. 1648 Erzherzogin Maria Leopoldina, Tochter Erzherzog Leopold V. von sterreich-Tirol und dessen Gattin Prinzessin Claudia von Toskana a.d.H. [121][122] Ferdinand ordered Frederick to abandon Bohemia before 1 July, threatening him with an imperial ban. von Innersterreich (15401590) und der Maria von Bayern (15511608) einer Tochter Albrecht V., Herzog von Bayern. [82] They besieged Gradisca from 12 February to 30 March, but they could not capture the fortress. Ferdinand II, by the grace of God elected Holy Roman Emperor, forever August, King in Germany, King of Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Rama, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania, Bulgaria, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Margrave of Moravia, Duke of Luxemburg, of the Higher and Lower Silesia, of Wrttemberg and Teck, Prince of Swabia, Count of Habsburg, Tyrol, Kyburg and Goritia, Marquess of the Holy Roman Empire, Burgovia, the Higher and Lower Lusace, Lord of the Marquisate of Slavonia, of Port Naon and Salines, etc. [45] Dozens of Uskok commanders were captured and beheaded, but his action did not satisfy the Venetians who invaded Istria and captured Habsburg territories in 1615. 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