Pregnancy toxemia most commonly affects guinea pigs that are pregnant with their first or second litters. Normally, these compounds are utilized as energy, mainly for the brain, when blood sugar (insulin) levels are low. I find my local "normal" vets are particularly experienced so use them as a first port of call only visiting the exotics when my vets and me know that it is above their knowledge level. Guinea pigs have a lengthy pregnancy cycle, which may last anywhere between 59 and 72 days. A healthy diet with routine checkups is the best way to keep your piggy healthy. Please don't have them together under any circumstances.. it only takes a second and your little girl may not be lucky enough to survive another pregnancy. If not, then there are serious health issues. Overgrown teeth and jaws that do not close properly should be corrected. Guinea pigs should drink 10% of their body weight in water, and can only last 24 hours without any water (time is dependent on climate). Why does it occur: This sound is often accompanied by a vibrating body, and it usually occurs when youre stroking it from the head towards the back/bottom. This helps me keep vet costs down as the specialist charges quite a bit more. In other cases, a sick guinea pig has worsening signs that can include loss of energy, lack of appetite, lack of desire to drink, muscle spasms, lack of coordination or clumsiness, coma, and death within 5 days. Guinea pigs need at least 10 mg of vitamin C per kilogram of body weight daily (pregnant females need 30 mg/kg daily). MeSH terms Abortion, Veterinary / microbiology* Animals Female Lymphosarcoma is a malignant cancer; it causes what is sometimes referred to as cavian leukemia. Guinea pigs have their own peculiar ways of saying enough is enough, and for a human these warning signs arent always easy to decipher. When you bring a new guinea pig home, its a good idea to find a vet in your area that treats guinea pigs and take your new pet in for an initial checkup to establish care. Although weve had guinea pigs for decades altogether, were still learning and so are professionals that are studying these furry potatoes for a living. Animals that will not eat may require a stomach tube. Treatment may include antibiotics. All guinea pigs that are infected with these bacteria or that have lived in close quarters with an infected guinea pig must be euthanized, and the living quarters must be thoroughly sanitized and disinfected. T he species is more prone to heat related death in the latter stages of pregnancy, so it is recommended to supply a pregnant female with a lot of care. This occurs more often in guinea pigs that are young, old, or have immune systems that do not work properly. Skin problems in guinea pigs are often first noticed as patches of hair loss. The early stages of fetal, placental and yolk sac development in the guinea pig are very complex and involve some mechanisms specific to caviomorph rodents (e.g. While your sow might bear from one to six pups or even more, the average litter size is 3. If the kidneys are acting up, it can increase the workload on the heart. Your guinea pig has stopped grooming themselves, 6. A complete blood profile will be conducted, including a complete blood count and a urinalysis. Factors that increase the risk of infection include obesity, wire or abrasive cage flooring, poor sanitation, and injury. Animals housed in groups may chew or tear their own or each others hair because of social conflicts or dominance of older animals over younger group members. The vet put our piggy on an antibiotic plus a pain/inflammation reducer. Some teeth may need to be clipped or filed to help your pets jaw close properly. One-fourth of tumors in guinea pigs affect the reproductive tract. Unnecessary loose motions are common for poor health before the time of death and even lack of hydration in guinea pigs. A guinea pig may die suddenly of ketosis without ever demonstrating signs of illness. Infectious diseases caused by certain viruses and bacteria usually occur only in guinea pigs that live with other guinea pigs. If your guinea pig is just carefully nibbling at your finger or clothes, its probably just checking to see if its food. This less attention to clean fur is the initial hint of skin issues. If these body vitals start changing their degrees from average or show frequent changes day by day, it is time to call a vet. Intestinal parasites are not common. Limping. Toxoplasmosis in newborns may be severe, with a wide list of abnormalities, mostly affecting the brain, eyes, liver, and spleen, and leading to many mental and motor disabilities. Before some days of dying, guinea pigs drop uncontrollable saliva from their mouths, or they drool. Malocclusion may be inherited or due to lack of vitamin C, injury, or imbalances of certain minerals in the diet. You must log in or register to reply here. Why does it occur: When a guinea pig becomes impatient or feel agitated, theyll start teeth chattering. Most of these tumors are in the ovaries or uterus. Register for free to enjoy the full benefits. The female guinea pig I adopted just two weeks ago, Charlotte, is 11.5 weeks old. If your pet develops diarrhea or stops eating during treatment, contact your veterinarian immediately. This infection is contagious to people and animals directly or through contaminated objects like bedding. The organism has unique ultrastructures, and its genus and species are yet to be determined. To prevent ketosis, make sure your guinea pig eats a high quality food throughout pregnancy, while limiting the amount in order to prevent obesity. summarized the most important things you need to know if you find out that your guine. Your veterinarian will determine appropriate treatment. Soecara, thank you for your advice. Sometimes groups of guinea pigs experience an outbreak of infection, during which all get sick and die quickly. Infection can be transmitted from one guinea pig to another when droplets are sprayed into the air by sneezing or coughing. Females can be kept together, as can males without any issues. No doubt, there are differences in the energy levels of every guinea pig. Easily seen maggots on the skin of guinea pigs are the signs that they are approaching death. Signs of illness are similar to those seen in other viral or bacterial infections and include breathing difficulties, discharge from the nose, and weight loss. The duller the teeth are, the closer they likely are to 5 years of age. If you hear your guinea pigs making abnormal sounds, it must be a sign that they are not feeling well. Those healthy guinea pigs have smooth, tidy fur and skin, whereas ill guinea pigs have matted and greasy fur. I called the vet and they said as long as Charlotte was eating and drinking well, we can wait until I bring them in for the checkup I already scheduled for Wednesday early morning. Other sources of . And if you watch inside of their mouth where their gums appear yellow, white, pale, or blue, it clearly explains further sickness. Fortunately, these issues are fairly easy to treat. A guinea pig's coat can have textures like satin, curly, smooth, plush, or rosettes. Skin infection and flystrike can also be a sign of a life-threatening condition. Help!! Watch this video to recognize if a pig is in labor. Please take a photo of your guinea pig from above and post it here. As per studies, elder guinea pigs show less interest in eating than younger guinea pigs. Tumors are rare in young guinea pigs but are more common in guinea pigs that are more than 5 years old. Drinking too much or playing with the water bottle. Ketone bodies are water soluble compounds, the product of the breakdown of fatty acids in the body a normal metabolic process. This page contains affiliate links. Find out more about the NEW, drastically improved site and forum! Treatment is usually with topical medication. The genital form of the infection can also be transmitted by sexual contact. Copyright 2000 - 2023, Guinea Pig Cages. The most common nutritional disorder in guinea pigs is a lack of vitamin C. Loss of appetite also occurs and is usually a sign of another problem such as disease or problems with the teeth. Guinea pigs drool whenever there is a problem with chewing or swallowing. Blood in the urine. Your veterinarian can diagnose ringworm by culturing hair samples for fungal growth or (in some cases) by shining an ultraviolet light on affected skin. Bordetella bacteria can infect guinea pig genitals and can be spread by sexual contact. Lab Anim 20 (3), 242-248 PubMed. These dying signs can be unacceptable to you as much as they are for your guinea pigs. We do not control or have responsibility for the content of any third-party site. Antibiotics can be used to treat the infection and limit transmission to other guinea pigs, but guinea pigs that do not seem sick may still be infected. They are seen in chocolate, black, beige, lilac, cream, red, golden, and slate colors. Usually its a subtle sound, that might become more intense if you ignore it. If you keep their heads free and pet them behind their ears or beneath their chin, theyll have no reason to push their head upwards. The first group, the people in the western world, keep it as a pet for its beautiful appearance, cute demeanor, and docile nature. A change in behavior is often the first noticeable sign of illness in a small animal. Cancer/Neoplasia. Some signs of infection include inflammation of the eye, fever, lack of energy, poor appetite, rough hair coat, enlarged spleen and liver, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Focusing on the Sore Area 11. In the laboratory, guinea pigs are infected and efficiently transmit influenza viruses to naive hosts without showing any overt clinical signs of disease . Pigs infected with serovars Pomona and Bratislava can become chronic renal carriers. Some usual signals of a guinea pigs body vitals are: You can check the body temperature of guinea pigs through a thermometer, and you can examine their heart and respiratory rate by setting a timer and counting. We can help you better if you do that. Sudden death can occur when outbreaks occur among groups of guinea pigs. Shes still sneezing though. You will observe some changes in the body of your guinea pigs that will tell you that their death is near. Lab Anim Sci 26 (6 Pt 1), 902-907 PubMed. The skin underneath the affected fur may be dry or oily and thickened or crusty. Subscribe to our FREE guinea pig newsletter. 5. Fever is a common sign of a serious illness in guinea pigs as . Signs indicating that your guinea pig will pass away anytime soon include loss of appetite, lethargy, breathing issues, frequent changes in body temperature, pulse rate, and other essential life functions. 2x5 C&C = 12ft2. Inadequate nutrition and vitamin C deficiency can make your pet more likely to develop these problems. At first, you won't be able to tell the difference in your pregnant guinea pig's growing belly. To help prevent infection of the lymph nodes, avoid using harsh or irritating bedding or food. Quick Breathing 8. Our family just got a little girl piggy on Monday. And it occurs when guinea pigs start avoiding food, which leads to slowing down digestion. JavaScript is disabled. Lack of Grooming 5. Near the top of the list, however, is the fact that they are fairly low-maintenance pets and generally not expensive to keep. The size of the first birth is usually less than successive litters. You should regularly check your guinea pig to ensure he/she is eating well, urinating, defecating normal droppings and walking around easily. (Causes and How-to guide). Prevention of health problems in guinea pigs is key. Treatment does not usually help, but your options may include giving your guinea pig the medications propylene glycol, calcium glutamate, or steroids. Treatment of infectious diseases can be complicated by the fact that guinea pigs are more sensitive to antibiotics than other types of pets. There are many causes of pregnancy toxemia in guinea pigs. Attempt to remove all those possible things that cause your guinea pigs to be under stress and then observe if your guinea pigs turn back to be happy and in comfort. Guinea pigs affected by these illnesses may die suddenly without seeming sick. Additionally, it is not always easy to detect the symptoms which indicate an imminent birth, since there are little changes in their visible behavior. You are using an out of date browser. o [ canine influenza] It is crucial to understand all the signs of a dying guinea pig so you can take good care of them in those last days, and it will also prepare you for those tough times. Infection spreads between guinea pigs through bite wounds, cuts or scrapes in the skin or in the mouth, sneezing, coughing, or genital contact. 5. Probiotics (supplements that contain live bacterial cultures) may help to restore the healthy balance of bacteria in the digestive tract. Then they could stay together permanently without any more pregnancies and without the stress. Affected lymph nodes may need to be surgically removed. Another symptom may be that they start to develop a fever and also have a loss of appetite. Keep your guinea pigs under the observation of how often they pee, poop, and the texture of the waste they discharge. Signs of infection may include discharge from the ears, but sometimes there are no signs of infection. Their warning signs are just the tip of the iceberg, but certainly the most important signs to get familiar with. 2x5 C&C = 12ft2. This can increase the risk of stillbirth, miscarriage, or birth defects, depending on when the infection was contracted during pregnancy. Approximately every five minutes, a new pup will be born. Eyelid agenesis, a congenital disease more commonly seen in cats, occurs when the animal is essentially missing its eyelid, often resulting in damage to the cornea . Antibiotics are the treatment for myiasis. Female guinea pigs (sows) typically mature sexually at 2 months of age (55 to 70 days). Scurvy. Avoid over-feeding The cause of this condition is uncertain but is probably related to diets that contain too much calcium, phosphorus, or vitamin D and not enough magnesium. Aggression. If the teeth or jaws do not meet properly, the teeth may become overgrown, making it difficult for the animal to chew. Pregnancy toxemia will need to be differentially diagnosed from calcium deficiency, another common disorder found during pregnancy. Capello V (2006) Radiographic anatomy of the guinea pig skull. Water is vital for life. But do not just fix it around them. The teeth of a guinea pig nearing their senior years may start to chip or break. How to prevent it: This is the easiest one to get out of, simply by not covering your guinea pigs eyes with your hand. Read on to learn about common and life-threatening health issues guinea pig owners should know about and how to identify the signs that your piggy is sick or dying. Guinea pigs are very sensitive to the effects of many antibiotics. Mental and physical factors can be the cause of decreased hunger in guinea pigs. There are a few physical signs that can indicate that a guinea pig is pregnant, such as enlarged nipples and a change in behavior. You can see the lice by looking at a piece of your pets hair under a magnifying glass. ???? If your guinea pigs feel troubled or if they are in pain, they will scream. Signs include hair loss over the abdomen, loss of appetite, and loss of energy. How is your piggy doing? Know when a pig is going into labor. Brave BF as well! ANSWER. The Veterinary Manual was first published in 1955 as a service to the community. You might observe swollen faces or mouths of your guinea pigs, mainly caused by drooling. A living creatures body vitals includes heart rate and body temperature. This is critical in maintaining their comfort. zooepidemicus. One possible deadly skin infection that can attack guinea pigs is named myiasis, also known as flystrike. The most common metabolic disorders in guinea pigs involve abnormal metabolism of the mineral calcium. Also, their nails will get more yellow and brittle with every passing year. Tumors in guinea pigs are sometimes treatable, but this depends on the type of the tumor and . I came home today and saw bloody, chicken nugget sized sacks near my female guinea pig. Learn More. This is my first post on this forum. From the very beginning, you have cared for your guinea pigs by looking after them, and you understand their usual behavior well. Younger guinea pigs may develop skin tumors or leukemia (a cancer of the blood), but most types of cancer are not common in guinea pigs until they are 4 to 5 years old. (Causes, Signs & Remedy), Why Is My Guinea Pig Coughing? In some cases, the condition does not respond to therapy. Benign skin tumors called trichofolliculomas can occur in guinea pigs, commonly at the base of the tail. However, if this infection is not treated early in its primary stages, no further treatment can heal them, and they may die. Guinea pigs have many different sounds or vocalizations that owners will eventually acquaint themselves with. 3 Do not wait to seek help. She still acts like her tummy is tender, and the vet said she thought there might be another fetus inside. In addition, guinea pigs with pneumonia may have conjunctivitis (pink eye), fever, weight loss, depression, or loss of appetite. 1. Guinea pigs, especially boars, don't like being touched on their backs or bottoms because they take it as a sign of being dominated, as guinea pigs will usually mount each other to assert domination. The infection can spread and cause ear infection, head tilt, or inflammation of the sinuses or eyes. They may occur at the same time as pneumonia or other respiratory disease. Constant vomiting and diarrhea are common sick signs in guinea pigs. Ringworm usually goes away on its own in healthy guinea pigs. As noted above; Guinea Pigs are highly vocal and use their voice to express their personality. If it changes, it could be a sign your guinea pig is distressed, bored, ill or injured. These bacteria can cause sudden illness in previously healthy guinea pigs when they become stressed or stop eating; this can lead to death. Also see professional content regarding diseases of guinea pigs Guinea Pigs Guinea pigs, like chinchillas, are hystricognath rodents. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The life span of guinea pigs generally lies between 5-8 years. To prevent ketosis, make sure your pet eats a high-quality food throughout pregnancy, but limit the amount of food you give your pet to prevent obesity. Ketosis usually occurs in the last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, or in the first week after a guinea pig has given birth. If the infection spreads from the middle ear to the inner ear, your pet may show nervous system problems such as imbalance, head tilt, walking in circles, or rolling on the ground. Symptoms and Types. These kinds of problems are very common in guinea pigs. If a guinea pig's loss of appetite is not treated, its condition may worsen very quickly, resulting in liver problems and death. There is no effective treatment for this condition other than general support and stopping the antibiotics. Introduction. They're Chatterboxes. Also read: Why is my guinea pig not moving? Treatment consists of several weeks of oral antifungal medication and sometimes also antifungal shampoos or rinses. They belong to the family Cavidae, which contains 14 species of animals commonly known as cavies and Patagonian hares (or maras). Signs of streptococcosis include difficulty breathing, wheezing, discharge from the nose, and coughing. The cause is usually improperly aligned teeth (malocclusion). No rest for the wicked. Each were a little bigger than a marble. Still, if your guinea pigs do not feel hungry for food, this might be the hint of experiencing illness or facing death. Guinea pig owners should take the time to learn about the most common health problems that affect guinea pigs so they can see the signs. Has she had her baby yet? WOWomg. A temperature of 102-104 degrees Fahrenheit ; Heart rate between 200-250 beats per minute; Any major changes in these vital signs can be a sign that your guinea pig is very sick or dying. Your veterinarian can diagnose this condition by examination and laboratory tests. You must log in or register to reply here. The legacy of this great resource continues in the online and mobile app versions today. Fast, noisy or heavy breathing. Also check your guinea pig has a healthy coat, clear bright eyes, a nose free of any discharges, normal length nails (that are not too long) and normal healthy footpads. Guinea pigs do not usually die from this virus, but those that do die often die suddenly without seeming sick. Staying up-to-date on your pets health is an essential aspect of guinea pig care. If they are able to still eat, they should. Sneezing and some drainage from her nose. Even guinea pigs that do not show signs of problems with antibiotics may die suddenly. Ok, I thought we'd be able to tell if the piggy had the pregnant "pear" shape. Grinding Teeth 4. Very sensitive to antibiotics than other types of pets it occur: when a guinea pig has stopped grooming,! Stopping the antibiotics pigs start avoiding food, which contains 14 species of animals commonly known cavies..., then there are serious health issues, miscarriage, or have systems! And generally not expensive to keep your piggy healthy from calcium deficiency, common... Before some days of dying, guinea pigs are very sensitive to antibiotics than other of. 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