phase 1: birth - 2m children instinctively direct attachment to human figures p2: 2-7m attachment become focused on one figure p3: 7-24m specific attachments develop p4: 24 m+ children become aware of others feelings goals and plans attachment the closest emotional bond between caregivers and infants is known as _____. d. Reciprocal socialization. Which is the process by which information gets into memory? When she returned, he appeared to be ambivalent. _____ is to how we interpret the meaning of other people's behavior as _____ is to how our behavior is affected by situational factors and other people. [8] Specifically, he found that these children had slower psychological development when in their homes due to their restricted experiences. Feeding and physical comfort This is an example of a _____ smile. Phase 2: Attachment becomes focused on one figure, usually the primary caregiver, as the baby gradually learns to distinguish familiar from unfamiliar people.Phase 3: Specific attachments develop, and . These personalities were matched by different biological properties. Which of the following statements is NOT true of crying? One of Kagan's most groundbreaking findings is that reserved, shy children often become anxious adults, but their upbringing can alter this predisposition. Though the authors appreciate that temperamental tendencies can be modified by experience, this compelling workan empirical and conceptual tour-de-forceshows how long the shadow of temperament is cast over psychological development. d. Insecure avoidant. [11] In addition, Kagan argued that research in emotion studies should be free of ambiguous and coded terms. Which of the following BEST exemplifies the difference between how mothers and fathers interact with their children? Summary operating data for Custom Wire & Tubing Company during the year ended April 30, 2019, are as follows: cost of merchandise sold, $6,100,000; administrative expenses,$740,000; interest expense, $25,000; rent revenue,$60,000; sales, $9,332,500; and selling expenses,$1,250,000. The difference between males and females is always newsworthy fodder, and . Insecurity by avoiding the caregiver Insecure avoidant babies show: Extroversion/surgency, negative affectivity, and effortfull control Jerome Kagan's classification of temperament is . Which of the following is an important role played by emotions during infancy? Next week at the mall, Mandy begins screaming and crying to get some candy. Emotions are the first language with which parents and infants communicate Jerome Kagan is a Daniel and Amy Starch Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. Telencephalon | Function, Parts & Structures, Diana Baumrind Parenting Styles | Theory & Overview. resist him/her by fighting against closeness, perhaps by kicking or pushing away. In strange situations, these babies may appear dazed and confused. d. When she meets an aggressive stranger in an unfamiliar place, b. [11] He provided several reasons for this; he argued that the English language does not have enough words to describe all emotional states, the words to explain emotional states do not convey the differences in quality or severity, and attempts to translate words about emotion from one language to another produces variations and inaccuracies. d. Feeding and contact comfort are equally important in the attachment process, c. Contact comfort is the crucial element in the attachment process. Jerome Kagan's classification of temperament focuses on: a. Inhibition to the unfamiliar b. Recent evidence on the effects of infant aerobic classes can indicate what? Researchers call this type of smiling: a. During phase 1 of John Bowlbys conceptualization of attachment, what is MOST likely to occur? Andrew Meltzoff has shown that infants can imitate a facial expression within the first few days after birth and suggests this indicates that infant imitative abilities are: People remember very little about what happened in the early years of their lives, this is called? When put on the floor to play, baby Elaine cries as if she wants to be held. c. Goodness of fit (Piaget). Examples of self-conscious emotions include embarrassment, shame, guilt, and pride. This is called: Most of young infants' conscious memories appear to be _______, although their implicit memroy of perceptual motor actions can be ___________, By the end of the ________, long term memory is more substantial and reliable, Jean Mandler argues that early categorizations are best described as _______________________. Jose has ____ to fit new information into his existing scheme. According to Bowlbys conceptualization of attachment, which phase is Anthony currently in? As Trenton continues to try to solve this puzzle, he will experience considerable movement between states of cognitive _______ and _________ to produce cognitive change. positive or negative mood state. The most frequent expression of an infants fear involves: b. toward the end of the first year of life. Infancy experts Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby stress that _____ is an important ingredient in developing a strong bond between the infant and caregiver. 23 chapters | What is the name of the fatty substance that speeds up transmission of impulses and surrounds the axon of a neuron: The interpretation of sensory information is called? Which of the following is an important role played by emotions during infancy? There are a few designated characteristics found in babies that Kagan connected with adult temperament. The development of ________ helps infants interpret ambiguous situations more accurately, as when they encounter a stranger. [3] He did extensive work on temperament and gave insight on emotion. d. Inflexible. The Gesell test, used to test normal and abnormal infants, consists of the following categories of behavior: Language, adaptive, personal, social, and motor. [15] Inhibited refers to a shy, timid, and fearful profile of a child, whereas uninhibited refers to the appearance of bold, sociable, and outgoing behaviours. a. Infants show ___________ when they are in familiar settings. Children need a small amount of shame and doubt to go along with their sense of self. He also lifts his arms up to her when he wants to be picked up. Kagan published many books related to developmental psychology and temperament, and he won several awards throughout his lifetime. C)effortful control. Provide examples of how a baby with each type might respond to meeting a new person in a new situation. a. In which sensorimotor stage does an infant develop the ability to use primitive symbols? Eventually the baby takes the rattle holds it for a few seconds, and then holds it out to their mother and smiles. He now accurately categorizes all moving vehicles into trucks, car, motorcycles, and buses. Gross motor is to ______ as to fine motor is to ________. Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! Although he doesnt cry, he dislikes dealing with novel situations. A. inhibition to the unfamiliar . Want ice cream, fall down, up drink, are all examples of: Actions of representation that organize knowledge. John Bowlby argued that infants develop a(n)_____ model of attachment. Baby Pilar is crying. Jerome Kagan is remembered as one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century for his contributions to developmental psychology. Jerome Kagan's classification of temperament focuses on what? d. Slow child. This example stresses the importance of both genetic and environmental factors. Natalie is a teacher and holds an MA in English Education and is in progress on her PhD in psychology. 17 The recent focus on ________ emphasizes that individuals can engage in a more. Create your account. Mario brings his mother his favorite teddy bear to comfort her when she has had a bad day at work. A temperament dimension, according to Mary Rothbart and John Bates, which includes positive anticipation, impulsivity, activity level, and sensation seeking. Which of the following would Erik Erikson be MOST likely to recommend about soothing a crying infant? c. Insecure resistant Researchers have found that infant fear is linked to all of the following at 6 to 7 years of age EXCEPT: In which of the following situations will 9-month-old Lucy show the LEAST stranger anxiety? a. Meanwhile, disinhibition is a state described as more outgoing and confident. Two-month-old Trey is crying loudly. Physical comfort and sensitive care Which of the following would Erik Erikson be MOST likely to recommend about soothing a crying infant? Integrating evidence and ideas from biology, philosophy, and psychology, Jerome Kagan examines the implications of the idea of temperament for aggressive behavior, conscience, psychopathology, and the degree to which each of us can be expected to control our deepest emotions. Work with our consultant to learn what to alter. C) effortful control. succeed. This finding has been discovered using a method called the: Which of the following observations about social orientation of infants is FALSE? b. Emotion d. Fear. b. Distinguish between reflexive and social smiles. It is most likely that Joey will develop a(n) _____ with his mother. Sandra Bem: Gender Schema Theory & Androgyny Test. Dissuade the infant from engaging reciprocal socialization [9] Kagan also examined the effects of infant daycare in response to a congressional proposal to fund federal day care centers for working mothers. Dependence In a masterly summary of their wide-ranging exploration, Kagan and Snidman conclude that these two temperaments are the result of inherited biologies probably rooted in the differential excitability of particular brain structures. c. It is initially displayed by infants at approximately 10 to 12 months. Diego is in the Strange Situation with his caregiver; he explores the room and examines the toys that have been placed in it. However, her mother is overprotective and forbids. d. Jeremy is more likely than Jason to have high self-confidence. temperament refers to stable behavioral and emotional reactions that appear early and are influenced in part by genetic constitution. b. Born in Newark, New Jersey, to Myrtle and Joseph Kagan, Jerome Kagan grew up in Rahway, New Jersey. b. Mary Ainsworth would most likely classify Jermaine as: According to critics, the Strange Situation might not be able to capture important differences among infants because: d. as a measure of attachment, it may be culturally biased. This is an example of? \text { Indirect material per hour } & \$ 1.00 & \text { Supervisory salaries } & \$ 17,000 \\ b. the structural immaturity of the infant brain. Infants can ___ language before they can _____ it. List three situations where mothers are advised not to breastfeed their infants, Aids and Infections, active TB, or taking drugs that are unsafe for the baby. Which of the following statements about child care and socioeconomic status is TRUE? Quimby, age 15 months, looks to her mother to see if she should be afraid of the stranger who has come to her home. usually when the infant is asleep. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. On several occasions, she has slapped his hand when he reaches for her cell phone. a. Overprotectiveness and criticism d. Results completely from environmental factors such as parenting styles, a. We have seen these childrenthe shy and the sociable, the cautious and the daringand wondered what makes one avoid new experience and another avidly pursue it. One study of 2- and 3-year-old children revealed that an increase in the number of child-care arrangements the children experienced is linked to an: What is the main difference between most child-care policies available in the United States and in Sweden? b. separations, and reunions with the caregiver and an adult stranger in the prescribed order. Appropriate use of language in the appropriate context. Self-conscious or other-conscious emotions require self-awareness that involves consciousness and a sense of "me." Answer: Babies have at least three types of cries: Basic cry, Pain cry, Anger cry. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 Which of the following characterizes phase 1 of Bowlbys model of attachment? a. Reactivity and inhibition characteristics make up the bulk of one's temperament. d. Indifference to the whereabouts of the caregiver. b. He also inspired other developmental psychologists of his time and those that followed him. Inhibition is a state of being, meaning shy, reserved, or constrained. Briefly describe the four phases of attachment as identified by John Bowlby. d. Lack of reciprocity of emotional expressions, b. Mandy is showing what? Temperament is defined as biologically rooted, early appearing dispositions that shape long-term patterns of socioemotional development. Kagan argued that temperamental factors were present early on in human development. Insecure resistant Although he doesnt cry, he dislikes dealing with novel situations. This gene-environment interaction only occurred when: b. mothers showed a low level of responsiveness toward their infants. Easy child On the opposite end, he found that highly reactive babies more often grew into more inhibited, or shy and anxious, adults. c. Reflexive smiling Easy, Difficult, and slow to warm up are different types of? d. (Hyper) activity level. Identify this type of cry. \end{array} This is an example of: b. scaffolding. Answer: According to Bowlby, attachment does not emerge suddenly but rather develops in a series of. IndirectmaterialperhourIndirectlaborperhourMaintenanceperhourUtilitiesperhour$$17,0005,0006,0003,500. [5] Kagan's research found that there were major changes in psychological functioning between nineteen and twenty-four months, and that one-year-old children were sensitive to events that deviated from their normal experiences. Jerome Kagan is a developmental psychologist whose research focus was on temperament which is defined as being a pattern of personality traits and emotions that is generally stable over time. 0 Ratings 6 Want to read; 0 Currently reading; 0 Have read; Galen's prophecy . Three-month-old Zoey looks up at her mother and smiles. [5] He earned a B.S. Tara holds her 2-month-old daughter, Sonia, close to her, makes eye contact, and smiles and sings softly to her. a. An infant's color vision approximates that of an adult when they are how old? Amanda has taught middle and high school social studies subjects for several years. [16] In Kagan's first published work on behaviourally inhibited children, he established the connection between his work on behavioural inhibition to the works of neuroscientists such as Joseph LeDoux and Michael Davis. A smile that does not occur in response to external stimuli. Independence A ______ is an internal sensory image or word that represents an event. According to J. Belsky's description of family interaction, this situation is an example of: Indirect influence of marital relationship on the child. [5] During that study, Kagan discovered that biological factors play a huge role in development and an even larger role in child development. (Piaget) 2 years An average American Newborn, how long how much? These researchers are studying the concept of: Jermane says, "ball fall" his father replies, "yes, the ball fell down the stairs." He also displays extreme fearfulness around the caregiver. Low reactivity is exemplified through calm, mild reactions to varied stimuli, while high reactivity manifests as a strong or intense reaction to stimuli. _________ refers to the match between a childs temperament and the environmental demands the child must cope with. 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Goodness of fit occurs when a child's temperament matches? b. In regards to the physiological basis of temperament, Jerome Kagan argues that children inherit a physiology that predisposes them to develop a particular type of temperament. Interact with their baby in different ways regardless of who the primary caregiver is. Jerome Kagan's classification of temperament focuses on what? Answer: Reciprocal socialization is socialization that is bidirectional. Mothers smile more at their children Javie is using what? b. In 2010, Kagan was involved in a similar study that focused on specific parts of the brain involved in behavioral inhibition in infants. : according to Bowlbys conceptualization of attachment as identified by John Bowlby to ;. Vehicles into trucks, car, motorcycles, and smiles and sings softly to her, makes eye,... Most likely that Joey will develop a ( n ) _____ model of attachment, Myrtle. 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