Sorry,Diane Ill make an audio, downloadable version so you could listen to it on the go! Later, said not to sin anymore or worse things could happen, Healed, up and walking, going to the temple and apparently reformed, Born blind, financially destitute (beggar), Jesus put mud made with his saliva on patients eyes, told him to go and wash in the pool of Siloam, Physically healed (able to see); believed, witnessed to family and others in community, Jesus initiated encounter; no faith indicated. We are determined to stick together as one big 5+6 ministry. We will remember things even in our good old age. Here is a List Of Encounters With Jesus In The Bible: it is no secret to anyone that Christianity is a faith-filled belief. This act of friendship, this act of love should not be overlooked. 22You worship what you do not know;we worship what we know, forsalvation isfrom the Jews. the first meeting of a sinner with Christ, doctrines of him are not taught and preached. They believed her based on her testimony about Him, but then they encountered Him and believed even more. But the opposite is true. 41And many more believedbecause of His word.42They said to the woman, It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves,and we know that this is indeedthe Saviorof the world.. So whats your story? If you have a Jesus story, image, or song that you would like to share, you can contact David at Asked Peter and John for alms, Peter looked at man, told him to look at them, stand up and walk in the name of Jesus. Encounters with Jesus: Unexpected Answers to Life's Biggest Questions (Audible Audio Edition): Timothy Keller, Lloyd James, . Died. A true encounter with Jesus sends us out to tell others about .. Jesus encountered several people in his passion. Who initiated contact? 35Do you not say, There are yet four months, then comes the harvest? Apostles held in high esteem by people, but persecuted by Jewish authorities, Seeking signs and wonders, but healings resulted in faith, Large numbers of sick people-paralyzed, lame, demon possessed, Philip proclaimed the Messiah to them and performed signs (healing), Sauls blindness/ Ananias Acts 9:17-19, 22:12-13, Saul struck blind during a vision of Jesus, Saul prayed. You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on List Of Encounters With Jesus In The Bible. Hi Kremy, Samaritans also had their own version of the Pentateuch and their own temple on Mount Gerizim, which will become important later in this story. But it also appears to be one of his most frequent. 27Just thenHis disciples came back. He seldom pressed for closure or a decision. They include more than 40 meetings between Jesus and various individuals. Jesus' disciples witnessed His life and miracles up close, yet still allowed human logic to trump spiritual wisdom again and again. A true encounter with Jesus sends us out to tell others about Him. In what ways are you not believing that the gospel applies to this person? Hes not worried about being made unclean by her. How have you encountered Jesus? Crowd filled with wonder and amazement, Assorted sick and demon-possessed people brought by friends and relatives, People carried people out into the street so Peters shadow would fall on them, All cured. How many people have we let down who needed us when it mattered the most? Soldiers and Civilians Who Mock Jesus: The soldiers and civilians who mock Jesus represent a mob mentality of which we have almost all surely participated in. Unbind him. While shes gone, Jesus takes the opportunity to remind His disciples that there are a lot of people out there ready to be harvested for salvation. Mary: Now I am not a mother. Your encounter with Christ is not about you coming in contact with his presence. When Peter heard what had happened from the servant girl and others who were with them, he ran back to the garden where Jesus had been praying for him. Do we follow the goodness of our heart regardless of the surroundings about us? Soon after, I was ecstatic because the Lord Jesus brought back his name to mind. Ananias instructed in a vision to go to Saul. It includes modern day encounters with Jesus via dreams, visions, visitations, near-death experiences, and other spiritually transformative experiences, as well as historical encounters. Leroy A. Daley is an author, blogger, YouTuber, and Bible teacher. Douglas Connelly (M.Div. Do we find empathy for people when it is most difficult to do so? 1. See, Jesus goes on to say this as a result of Nicodemus approaching him. Shes now the one asking for a drink. Be vigilant for opportunities to engage others in conversation. As Hes heading to Galilee, He passes through Samaria. Blessings and thanks again! Where do you get that living water? Sinners dont experience the presence of God! Jesus told us that the Comforter will bring back forgotten things to our memory. They will direct death towards you, but fear no evil for the Lord is always with us. 1Now when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making andbaptizing more disciples than John2(although Jesus himself did not baptize, but only His disciples),3He left Judea and departed again for Galilee. They marveled that He was talking with a woman, but no one said, What do you seek? or, Why are you talking with her?28So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people,29Come, see a manwho told me all that I ever did. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. What happened in the conversation'. How do you need to focus on being more like Me rather than trying to change this other person? Its stuff like that. 31Meanwhile the disciples were urging Him, saying,Rabbi, eat.32But He said to them,I have food to eat that you do not know about.33So the disciples said to one another,Has anyone brought Him something to eat?34Jesus said to them,My food isto do the will of Him who sent Me andto accomplish His work. He has written several books and Bible study guides, including the LifeGuide Bible Studies Angels, Daniel, Elijah, Following Jesus, Forgiveness, Good & Evil, Heaven, I Am, John, The Lord's Prayer, Meeting the Spirit, and Miracles. He does not volunteer this information. Yet has no intention of doing anything fruitful or good with this knowledge. Meeting Jesus is not a physical experience. The question we are investigating is not why Christ suffers but why, Introduction: Popular and contemporary cultures portray Satan as a monster with wings and horns, a long menacing fork, and filled. This initial act of kindness on his part will stimulate a lifetime of friendship between him and Saul. Peter and his brother Andrew had an encounter with Jesus, Matthew 4:18-20. When we believe in Jesus, we receive a new identity as well. In fact, most of them wouldve gone the long way around so they could avoid Samaria completely. 5th families, we miss you guys! Thank you for this Bible Study, An Encounter With Jesus, on your blog. And while we search for the truth of his Word, we will have an inevitable encounter with Jesus Christ that will alter our lives forever. This 30 day series highlights the many different encounters people of the New Testament had with Jesus as recorded in all four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Its no wonder people started calling Jesus God after this miracle (assuming they had doubted before). Tell them of your experiences with the Lord Jesus Christ. Youre living in sin with someone right now. Good Friday is the story that reminds humans that pain and suffering is not unique. encounter with Jesus Intro: over the last few years there have been a lot of people claiming to have seen UFO's or to have had encounters with alien beings. Think about the time in your life before you knew Jesus, or maybe after you knew Jesus but you were wandering or struggling. Find a way to simply ask Jesus to give you such an encounter. | Exploring Doubts About the Exclusivity of Christ, When God Doesnt Give You What You Want | Exploring Doubts About Gods Goodness. Examples: Few were in religious settings. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 3910 E. i-20 Frontage Rd. The Bible is full of accounts of people having an encounter with Jesus. The Cross And Unjust Suffering (1 Peter 2:19-25), 5. But the question I didnt know I needed an answer to turned out to be, What is it in your heart, Kristin, that needs to change in the way you interact with this person? This narrative reveals the compassion of Jesus for an exploited woman who needed forgiveness and grace. And again shes surprised because shes a woman and Hes a man. I must utilize a medium to share the Word of God thats in my heart. If you remain quiet, you will feel like any moment and you are going to explode. The Lord God has no mouth but ours. I might expect Him to take certain sorrows or troubles out of my life, but He instead just tells me to trust Him and wait patiently. So its about noon and Jesus is tired so He takes a rest at Jacobs well. He knows things He couldnt have known by any natural means. And it is easy to fall into a pattern of wanting to know, without necessarily wanting to do. The Cross And Christs Suffering For Sins (1 Peter 3:18-22), 6. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. To me, Pilate has always represented a certain kind of coward in society. 6:14-15) and this must include forgiving the sins of the past as well as of the present. 6Jacobs well was there; so Jesus,wearied as He was from His journey, was sitting beside the well. However, Zacchaeus promised to give half his belongings to the poor and pay back four times as much to anyone he had . She tells them that He knew everything about her, Hes a prophet, and her enthusiasm for Him makes them want to meet Him themselves. During those times, did Jesus ever reveal something to you that you didnt even know you needed? It is unfortunate how easily we get swept away in the emotions of a crowd and become people we cannot recognize, victimizing an individual who even when not innocent, his crime may not match our responses. It is the single most powerful, and revolutionary meeting you will ever have. He tells her to bring her husband to the well, and she sees an opportunity to admit whats been going on with her. Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see thatthe fields are white for harvest. However, no one had been able to be healed because an angel never came down from heaven to stir up the waters until Jesus arrived at this site. After opening eyes, she sat up He took hand, helped up, Peter showed her friends that she was alive Many believed in the Lord, None indicated, except all grieving believers, Could not use feet, never walked, crippled from birth, Paul looked at him intently, saw he had faith and loudly told him, Stand upright on your feet., Man sprang up, began to walk. Related Topics: Messages, Women's Articles, Susie Hawkins is a Bible study teacher and ministry wife in Dallas, Texas. Luke 7:36-50, 5. There have been plenty of times when Ive come to Him wanting Him to help me maybe deal with someone whos being annoying or frustrating to me. And in front of many witnesses too! But I love that as soon as He explains it to her, shes all ineven though it seems she doesnt completely understand what Hes talking about. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. 37For here the saying holds true,One sows and another reaps.38I sent you to reapthat for which you did not labor. They believed her based on her testimony about Him, but then they encountered Him and believed even more. Your encounters with Jesus will highlight three things: you will see Jesus; he will speak to you; you will preach and teach in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus knows exactly what this womans biggest struggle is. Its important to Him. One of the most concise and popular verses when it comes to the gospel, John 3:16, John 3:16 comes from Nicodemus's encounter with Jesus. Where do you get that living water? Access them from the listing below, or from your favorite streaming service, or try asking your smart speaker to play the Christ Chapel Renovate Podcast.. I know in my own life when I come to Jesus, I usually have a lot of my own expectations. Approach anyone, even strangers. 12Are you greater than our father Jacob? I might expect Him to teach me one thing, but He teaches me another instead. Meeting Jesus is also meeting the Word of God. Manage Settings There are probably a lot of people in town who look down on her. Related Topics: Forgiveness, Character Study, Women's Articles. Your life will be routine until your first encounter with Jesus Christ. Novena Prayer To Velankanni Mother In Konkani, Prayer For A Friend Whose Mother Passed Away, Powerful Prayer For Healing Of The Teeth And Gums, Bible Quiz Questions And Answers From The Book Of Luke Pdf, Spiritual Meaning Of Eating Sugar Cane In The Dream, Thank You Letter To A Church For Financial Support, Spiritual Meaning of Someone Dying on Your Birthday, Spiritual Meaning Of Hearing Someone Call Your Name, Sample Introduction of A Pastor As Guest Speaker, Prayer For My Mother In Heaven On Her Birthday, Characteristics Of A Good Husband According To The Bible. You will become the object of sharp words. So this, I think, is the most important thing we need to remember about a true encounter with Jesus. Therefore, all encounters with Jesus involve conversations. The Two Thieves Who Are Crucified Alongside Him: The two thieves represent two types of people one who knows he has done wrong and wants to be absolved from the consequences, and another who knows he has done wrong, and seeks forgiveness. The person who sees evil and can change it, and does not. The Holy Ghost is our keeper. He came back to life! That our acts of bravery and incredible kindness where we suffer for another, need not be acclaimed loudly. In fact, there are no descriptions at all of what He looked like herejust that He appeared as just another person on their journey together toward Jerusalem! Instead, He understood that time is required for ideas to simmer and for people to own them before they act on them. The woman at the well personal encounter with Jesus, John 4:17-26. Its no surprise that Jesus first miracle of calming the storm is one of the most well-known. He gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did his sons and his livestock.13Jesus said to her,Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again,14butwhoever drinks of the water that I will give himwill never be thirsty again. What He reveals to her is that the heart of this worship matter isnt necessarily the past and the traditions of these two people groups. Lazarus came out, still wrapped in strips of cloth. John: Known as the disciple Jesus loved dearly, John seems like he is the quiet friend that though he may not be able to stop the evil that is being done to you, he is never far from you till the very end. Jesus said to her,Give me a drink.8(For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. Strangers and friends will desire to eliminate you because now you are calling on the name of Jesus Christ. And what does that mean to us? 12Are you greater than our father Jacob? But Jesus introduces her to this question. Jesus changed Simons name to Peter (Peter means rock). Your encounter with Jesus is your initial, personal experience or meeting with him. 6Jacobs well was there; so Jesus,wearied as He was from His journey, was sitting beside the well. And he was with them coming in and going out at Jerusalem, (Acts 9:28). Like most of us, the answers handed down to them didn't seem to work in the real world. This week I had the opportunity to teach a lesson on a woman in the Bible who loved God. The Apostles in Jerusalem had every right not to trust Saul for he had no personal encounters with Jesus; the Lord hadnt spoken to him, and he had not spoken in the name of Jesus Christ yet! I would so much like to take a copy with me for further readings. There is no encounter with Jesus Christ where the doctrines of him are not taught and preached. This is similar to Gods first response to the first sinners in history, when He asked four questions of Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:9, 11, 13). And he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, and disputed against the Grecians: but they went about to slay him, (Acts 9:29). Its easy for us to get distracted by secondary issues and skip the truly important issues. So, I said, Holy Ghost, what is the name of that young man, who lived in Port Maria that I had Bible Studies with some twenty-five years ago?. It means cooperating with whatever Gods Spirit may be doing with them and leaving the results to Him. 9. What a change! Jesus asked questions in more than half of the conversations He had. Saul on route to Damascus had an encounter with Jesus which changed his life from that point onwards. Jesus left room in his schedule for interruptions by friends and others enlisting his help. Thus having a personal meeting with Jesus Christ will equip you. John 4:1-30, Based on what Jesus says to Nicodemus in verses 5-8, how would you define the phrase "born again" to someone who had never heard it or who had a misconception about it? 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