His son, Ahaziah inherited the throne, but died in an accident where he fell from a balcony. This is a type of evil spirit in Satans kingdom. And with this kind of evil spirit being much more cunning, intelligent, and evil than some of the other lower-ranking demons will be, it will cause a lot more trouble and destruction if it is not quickly dealt with and cast out. According to the biblical accounts of Queen Jezebel and King Ahab, there is a very good explanation for why this may be happening. This evil spirit has been responsible for not only tearing down churches, pastors, and different Christian ministries, but it has also been responsible for breaking up I wish I could just be married to my wife, without Jezebel being there too, because my wife, when shes herself, is absolutely wonderful. If you experienced breakthrough when this prophetic word was released earlier this year, please share your testimonies in the comments. Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel,who calls herself a prophet. She outlined the warning signs of people operating under the influence of a Jezebel spirit. Your comment about the spirit hiding, and the lying at the counseling sessions rang a bell with me. The Jezebel spirit draws you in with false flattery and deceit. We went to counseling he lies we come out me looking like I have Jezebel cause he lies N spirit hides. I have considered separating for some time now (not divorce). I am a survivor. She berated him and attacked him almost daily. You're experiencing resistance because you're right where you need to be: taking new ground, advancing the kingdom and shining light in dark places. They had two children together and joined a local church before he was saved. WebThe name Jezebel is spelt in Hebrew as LYZEBEL and it means Baal exalts, un-husbanded one, without cohabitation and unchaste . It is better than being manipulated and staying in a state seperated from God). February 27, 2020 by Curt Landry Ministries. Most pastors can not spiritually isolate and see this spirit. Queen Jezebel worshiped Baal who was the chief male pagan god when the Israelites first came into the promised land. i thought this was my story alone, I knew it couldnt been Dan i will pray for you and your wife. She wanted no part of Gods Kingdom to prosper. Queen Jezebel was also the daughter of the king of Sidon, a nation who You are welcome to do with this what you desire. It will depend on how resilient you are and how long you can wait on Him to intercede. Then the jezebel spirit took over. Thus, he is rendered powerless, after she saves him time after time, and she is firmly in control. In my situation, I found that God chose not to loose those in my life who carried the sprit. Did everything possible to ruin my life with rumors But now the second half od my life is better than the first (read the book of Job). You have to wonder when and how she/he managed to make themself up so nicely. How can you tell? They will convince you that your destiny is tied to theirs and without them you will be a failure. Listen to the Audio Women have reported creating ungodly soul-ties. 4) The Promised Death of Jezebel. May I remind you that your battle is not simply to establish your faith, but it is also to demonstrate light on the earth. Change). Cheer up. Feminism. now that I know, I have a ahab spirit and the girlfriend I am planning to get married too has a Jezebel spirit. Best wishes! Ive continued to heal tremendously since this was posted. Christian Counselors, Deliverance Ministry and Spiritual Warfare. Those with a Jezebel spirit long to be praised and adored like a god. Jezebel is looking to win and destroy a potentially good future marriage. It will thus be capable of playing more than one type of game with you. Meditating on it day and night prospers His plans in your life. Can Using Crystal Meth be Considered Witchcraft? A spirit of murder will try and get someone to commit cold-blooded murder. WebI loose the hounds of heaven against Jezebel (1 Kings 21:23). So why do we war in the Spirit? These kind of people are definitely not Christians if you truly see what accepting Christ means. Jezebel hates men and women in authority who are over her position. Just like you cannot forget your own mother. The Jezebel spirits lusts for power and control. My wedding anniversary is a few days hence and I feel no joy absolutely but to fill a social obligation. Apostle Paul did great works for God to the point where peoples admiration of him was slowly turning into an obsession and worship but he discouraged this in this account written in. what a legacy Remember, the Jezebel is fuelled by power. As a result, it is actually easy to spot after a certain length of time. Heartfelt repentance, just as Jesus said in Revelation 2:21, is the key to cutting off this spiritual force. 7. So you may have experienced resistance in the form of anxiety, depression, nightmares and even suicidal thoughts because you have taken new land to change the world and to love the evil out of the earth. God Bless you all out there If a man loves God, and loves his wife as Christ loves the church, then he is taking the spiritual lead. The Jezebel spirit many refer to is based upon the characteristics of King Ahabs wife. This often A Jezebel promises to fulfil all your forbidden desires and will do so by unjustly ways. Accusing by spreading rumours and slander through her blindly obedient followers of her. However, if a man establishes no spiritual leadership in the home, then the woman naturally assumes leadership duties, and can sometimes make a mess of things (no offense ladiesI am certainly not above reproach here either). The Jezebel spirit left unopposed will destroy ministries, churches, marriages and business. Im goin thru same thing except my husband has Jezebel spirit The Institute of Love writes, Guys, who are mamas boys, are not able to be godly boyfriends or husbands, because they will need to share their attention and love with their moms. In essence, a mamas boy has been coddled and enabled by his mother all of his life, which causes him to become very dependent on her. Jezebel wants your inheritance. Done! Also, a woman with Ahab tendencies is sincere and wants strength, but she often will end up following a man who seems sensitive but turns out to be a manipulator. Ephesians 6 walks you through the armor of God designed to protect you from the evil principalities of this world and the Jezebel spirit is one of them. Conviction must be present. I believe God is there to help me either to see her delivered or find me another woman. Through it all he wants nothing bad to happen to her he has no desire to be with her. It hides a womans insecurities and fears. Such a person is capable of killing you or destroying your life. But we will be judged by our works, which if we choose to stay in the sin and dysfunction we will remain sperated from God. It's always waiting for me. Could you post a list of all of your public sites like your twitter feed, Facebook And as you take new ground, there's resistance pushing back against you. (LogOut/ i at the cross and letting the blood come down and take care of me. The Jezebel spirit is not just one spirit like Satan is. This is always refused. Suddenly, he came under the influence of a spirit of Jezebel when she said she was going to kill him. He/she is after what belongs to you, hence, he/she will implement ways to choke out and starve your faith in God from His promises and prophesies. I am in the process of getting a divorce from my husband who has the Jezebel spirit. However, for some individuals, the best choice may be to seek out a new church or work environment. The One New Man Network acts as a voice to the Nations, walking out the instructions of Mark 16:15, Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature. With the vision to preach and to publish openly the good news, The One New Man Network brings a message of salvation that can be heard throughout the Nations of the World! The Jezebel Spirit Found an Entrance: Jezebels marriage. Dan, I just want to encourage you. Man just reading this I pray for all of you , in these last days jezbel and witch craft is tearing down marriages if you dont go through something then you will never understand how to help the next person I am married to a jezbel wife for 27 years I have gained so much knowledge about the jezbel and witchcraft spirit now I can help someone else, put Gods divine order back in your marriage get back in you position their will be war but dont let it change you stand your ground take what ever comes your way God is standing with you if it dont kill you it will make you stronger and dont be lazy and dont go to sleep jezbel is watching and listening to everything you do or say so it can use it against you because it need a reason to attact you and tear you down so it can get back in headship become a dead man nothing will get next to you and you will never be pulled out of character , your submission is to Jesus Christ stand your ground do the word he will protect you cover you provide for give your total life to him every area because you cant fix it but he can . Wives ought to know that their submission adds to the purity of their marriage bed (in the same way godly headship from the husband adds to the purity of the marriage bed with his wife). I propose you didn't "miss it" when you stepped into new ground with courage. For example, a spirit of anger will only try to make you mad and angry, but a Jezebel spirit will play a number of different games with you as I will show you below when I start to describe the way it will operate and the different kinds of games it will use to try and bring you down. She was the victim and he was the vile cheating woman beater. Over the years, I have developed quite a bit of information on this type of evil spirit and how it operates, and I now want to share it with all of you so you will be able to spot one if it ever moves into your circle of influence whether it be in your marriage, in your church, at your place of employment, or in between any of your personal friendships, as this evil spirit loves to break up good and godly relationships. 1219 Millennium Parkway, #106 Show more. And rather than making healthy and assertive choices such as insisting on counseling, she eventually may lose all her self-esteem and shut down.. I was shown that my wife to be had this thing in her. Kris Vallotton is the senior associate leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and cofounder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM). When he became a Pastor, she also became a Pastor out of desire and not calling. It has been rollercoaster ride. I encourage you to read the full story of this playing out in 1 Kings 18 and 19. A mother, relative, and friend, she's an avid writer with a passion for video, photography and social media marketing. Simply put, a Jezebel spirit is one of Satans higher-ranking, more intelligent demons if not the smartest kind of demon he has in his kingdom. A spirit of anger will try to get a person to act out in fits of rage and anger. She just saps all joy and freedom from me. Therefore, for some people you will have to tell them Excuse me, please take off your shoes before you come in that is to mean; keep your opinions, judgements, tales and advices; they are not coming in our relationship. He believes he is a powerful intercessor, bible believer, righteous ,forgiven man, who sends rebuke and scripture to us all , for our sins are many., over the years Even though, I am stronger and regained my self confidence (in my faith in Christ), I do not know what to do. 2023 Curt Landry Ministries Inc. All rights reserved | Designed by Viral Solutions. If so, what did they do?, what was their breakthrough?, what actually happened.? For the longest time Satan has denied me and taken away so much from, this because I allowed him to do so. Your wife wants out of the spirit of Jezebel, the Power of God can help you free her! They initiate witchcraft prayers based on selfish motivation. He/she will make you think they are more spiritual than most people. She however stood on her childhood salvation and even though backsliden, did not feel she had to reconcile with Christ. The Jezebel spirit operates out of an attention-seeking agenda. Steve Sampson, author of two very well written books (Confronting JezebelandDiscerning and Defeating the Spirit of Ahab) puts it all in plain English. Speak your confession over your life and your children and stand on what you are confessing. It is impossible to be in agreement with this spirit and walk in the fullness of life that God has for you. Do you know that Jezebel can fast against your plans and ideas? One of the speakers was Jennifer LeClaire. I cover my family and my marriage with regular prayer and am desperate for God to be revealed in our home as in earlier times. the girls have choses to stay with him for he has convinced them that I Am mentally ill.His emotional abuse so convincing that everything was my fault, I was so confused about my walk with God. Well, maybe not as brief as I had hoped. It is without question, one of the most evil and vile things I have ever come across in my life. Rovert, I can say that the Jezebel spirit is one of the most vicious ever. Ill get you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite (power-move = I do this for you and now I OWN you). So, she wrote letters in her husbands name and ordered Naboth to be stoned to death! . You see, there was a vineyard in Jezreel located near the palace of Ahab which belonged to Naboth the Jezreelite. After the emotions are loosed, he will appear sorrowful, but never admitting guilt. We want to encourage you in your spiritual journey. An Ahab-passive wife often is afraid to stand up to or disagree with her husband, so she blames herself for the way things are, telling herself that everything is her fault. She has done nothing but destroy me sence.. She will come in that church to pollute it and quench the flow of the Holy Spirit. A Jezebel will volunteer for anything and everything in the church. We adhere to biblically based moral and ethical principles, and maintain these principles both in public and in private. It's light that is stalking the darkness. The Jezebel spirit attacks family leaders. Dont give up, thats what the enemy wants you to do. Remember, the enemy is cunning and calculated. In exchange, I will give you a better vineyard or, if you prefer, I will pay you whatever it is worth. Naboth replied, The Lord forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my ancestors. This is where the web was woven. We dont have any kids and after about the 30th time of her telling me if I dont like it why dont I leave I am thinking if I stay I am enabling this pattern to continue. The only choices are to get along or get going? This weapon is usually used by female Jezebels towards women who are in ministry (Jezebel will message the husband) or men who are in ministry (Jezebel will seek guidance from the man in ministry). Unlike any of you i swear until God tells me to quit I am determined to fight for my family even though I am the one this controlling too. Sounds like a real asset right? Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. After the wedding for Jezebel and Ahabs arranged marriage, it soon became apparent that Jezebel wasnt planning on changing her worship of Baal just because she was in a new kingdom. It has a need to dominate and will use coercion and manipulation to do so. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc Used by permission. The Jezebel spirit can mimic honesty, integrity, and other virtues, but soon the truth is revealed, and anger erupts. God told me it was okay to let go. If my spouse refuses to allow the power of God to have control over our situation how can there be reconciliation. Backsliden, did not feel she had to reconcile with Christ have this against you you. Get someone to commit cold-blooded murder upon the characteristics of King Ahabs.. Propose you did n't `` miss it '' when you stepped into new ground with courage and I! By spreading rumours and slander through her blindly obedient followers of her he has no desire to be had thing! 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