As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Keyleth, Scanlan, and Vex asked the Raven Queen for more time. Skirmishes occur often, and while the Raven Queen lacks the strength to banish him from her realm, she is always on the hunt for his followers. The Raven Queen, Matron of Death, also commonly known as the Matron of Ravens and the Duskmaven, is the goddess of death, fate, and winter; she's also considered the goddess of twilight, inevitability and the passage of time, presiding over the transition between life and death. In those days, she was rumored to be a powerful human sorceress and necromancer who swore revenge against the god of death, eventually usurping him and after a tangled web of alliances, betrayals, and power grabs went wrong ending up exiled in the Shadowfell, reinvented as the Raven Queen. Shadowfell[4] The Raven Queens, sensing an opportunity to curry favor with the other gods, lent her sorrowsworn troops to Corellon's defense. Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Stream Matron of DeathMatron of RavensEbon Queen of Ravens[2]Duskmaven (particularly in Marquet)[3] As payment for her services, Corellon allowed her to take up Lolth's former mantle, goddess of fate. For a moment Vax saw her as the woman she was before she was a god and she removed her mask. [12], Although a complete account of the Raven Queen's motivations and origins was not generally known, it was believed that she was originally a much beloved elf queen from the Feywild who witnessed the conflict between Corellon and Lolth. Now, they serve their mistress, stripped of all independence and emotion, like a race of worker bees. She took this newfound power and began an attack against Nerull, wanting to destroy him and take his place. Symbols of the Raven Queen. She/her/hers You gain advantage on death saving throws, immunity to the frightened condition, and resistance to necrotic damage. When she began this special ritual, things started fairly well for her as she became a semi-divine being of power. #12 Jul 29, 2017 PowerScoreRPG The Shadar-Kai are a mysterious subrace of elves sworn to serve the Raven Queen, goddess of death and ruler of the Shadowfell. [16] Despite her reservations, in Exandria's hour of need, her faithful servant Vax'ildan persuaded her to overcome her anxiety and sacrifice a measure of her power to contribute the bead of divinity. The mysterious figure known as the Raven Queen is a subject as enigmatic as the goddess of death herself. She encouraged him to enjoy the time he had, as soon she would call upon his purpose. Warlock: The Raven Queen Your patron is the Raven Queen, a mysterious being who rules the Shadowfell from a palace of ice deep within that dread realm. You have resistance to necrotic damage. While the raven is perched on your shoulder, you gain darkvision with a range of 30 feet and a bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) score and to Wisdom (Perception) checks. Corellon and Lolth are still part of the origin story of the Raven Queen, but they take a much more involved role now. Were also going to need to talk about Lolth, demon goddess of Spiders, and her being responsible for the fracturing of elvenkind far back in the mists of prehistory. Also, the Raven Queen has a lot of potential as a patron for an adventuring party even if you dont have a Hexblade Warlock, a Shadar-Kai, or a Death Domain Cleric making up the biggest bunch of edgelords this side of the Underdark. Masculine Shadar-Kai Names: Baelo, Carishal, Hone, Innel, Oriel, Mothel, Nadarian, Videos, Zoron, Feminine Shadar-Kai Names: Cigna, Hashkadrin, Irneli, Lervathra, Thenndann, Velis, Yildi, Yilve. The Raven Queen is a mysterious entity, worshiped as a goddess of death by the Shadar-Kai and other acolytes of darkness throughout the multiverse. To gain godhood, she needed her followers to pledge their souls to her so that she could create a link between the Feywild and Arvandor, which is a big ask in our opinion. Worship [1] Many sages speculated that she was in fact insane, believing her methods and behavior little more than aimless curiosity or a desperate attempt to prevent her fragile existence from fading into oblivion. Because the force behind such weapons comes from the Shadowfell, the Raven Queen is the most common patron of Hexblade Warlocks. She identified him as "fate-touched," and told him he could be anything. Mordenkainens Tome of Foes notes that the most likely way your players characters will ever meet the Raven Queen is in the twilight moments between death saving throws when they might find themselves suddenly standing before a vast, black throne as the air fills with the cawing of innumerable black birds. Attempts at conquering the Fortress of Memories were constant, but were always thwarted by her more fanatical shadar-kai defenders. Whenever an enemy creature starts its turn in the area, the creature takes 10 cold damage and their movement speed is reduced by 10 feet. Others believe the powerful emotions people experience while they go mad confronting their darkest, innermost demons actually sustain the Raven Queen, allowing her to maintain her form and even grow in power. And this is where it all started to go wrong. In response to this, a great elven sorceress, whose name has been wiped from all records, attempted to ascend to godhood and reunite the two warring factions because what everyone needed was for the elves to be split into three groups instead of just two. The Raven Queen first appeared in D&D in 4th edition as a minor goddess of death, winter, and fate. Grieve the fallen, but do not pity them. Her alignment is Lawful Neutral and is associated with the Death and Life cleric domains. Domains: Life, Death Her followers became the Shadar-kai. [10], One of the Raven Queen's greatest enemies was the demon lord Orcus, who constantly sought control of the Shadowfell. Aurom was simply jealous of Nerulls discovery, at least that is what Nerull thought to himself as he fumed and planned. Warlock: The Raven Queen - D&D 5e - Trust in the Matron of Death & Memories. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Associated domains Mid-ritual, at the very gates of Arvandor itself, the elven queen realized what was going on and as all new gods should get used to doing smote the everliving crap out of the wizards. Undeath is an atrocity. The Duskmeadow District of Vasselheim is devoted to worshiping her and is also where her temple, Raven's Crest, is located. Life, Death He realized he was being held by her in the endless plane. At the end of a short or long rest, you can call the raven back to youno matter where it is or whether it diedand it reappears within 5 feet of you. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. Apparently seeing this to be favorable, the Raven Queen manifested in some physical way,[30] allowing Vax to be brought back to life and calling Vox Machina "to meet [her] behind the Divine Gate". It was insinuated to be sent by the Goddess. She is the lawful neutral ruler of Shadowfell, dwelling in a decayed, dark reflection of the world. Shadowfell She hates intelligent undead and expects her followers to strike them down, whereas mindless undead such as skeletons and zombies are little more than stumbling automatons in her eyes. While Vax'ildan and Keyleth discussed the Raven Queen, a raven appeared at Keyleth's window, cawed at the two, then disappeared. Type: Deity The Raven Queen knew of his hatred and fear of her, but she dismissed it as most hate her due to lack of understanding. The Raven Queen is typically categorized with the Prime Deities. Title While perched on your shoulder, the raven cant be targeted by any attack or other harmful effect; only you can cast spells on it; it cant take damage; and it is incapacitated. To that end, she dispatched shadar-kai to the far confines of the multiverse to wait for such an event to unfold, as scouted by her ravens. Gender Fortress of Memories Pre-Apotheosis Whether youre interested in making your next character one of her shadow elf worshipers, in search of a deity for your next cleric to draw their power from, looking for a BBEG to form the climax of your next campaign, or just interested in the rich lore of the D&D multiverse, welcome to our crash course on everything to do with the Queen of Ravens. Fan art of the Raven Queen and Vax'ildan, by Mikael. While the raven is perched on your shoulder, you gain darkvision with a range of 30 feet and a bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) score and to Wisdom (Perception) checks. Shadar-kai 5e Traits. The Shadar-Kai are a mysterious subrace of elves sworn to serve the Raven Queen, goddess of death and ruler of the Shadowfell. She struck a bargain with the Raven Queen to cast her soul into the future, hoping that time would allow the former Sun Prince to heal, only for him to grow bitter and sorrowful, eventually turning into the Prince of Frost. Vecna, while in some editions is a god, and in others just a really powerful dude, thinks that death should be his domain. She set him down and they were suddenly in the room where Vax left. The Raven Queen is obsessed with memories, essences, and souls whether they are from long-dead gods, mighty mortal adventurers, or great beasts like dragons. This material is posted under the fair use clause of copyright law. See pages that link to and include this page. EGtW Why massive egos and awesome spells! Introducing Champions of Azeroth: new races, classes, feats, spells, and more to allow you to tell adventures in Azeroth using 5E rules.. Warcraft is one of the most successful and popular fantasy video game franchises of all time. Darkvision: Darkvision is always great, but its advantage can be ruined if your party members do not also have it. Vox Machina returned to the Platinum Sanctuary in Vasselheim after defeating Vecna and sealing him away beyond the Divine Gate. Of all her enemies, the followers of Orcus are the most hated. Death provides the knowledge that Vecna so desperately craves, so he would love to get his skeletal hands on the souls of the dead and use them any way he sees fit. While perched on your shoulder, the raven can't be targeted by any attack or other harmful effect; only you can cast spells on it; it can't take damage; and it is incapacitated. Deity information Care should be taken in editing this page. [12], As a mortal, the Raven Queen developed the Ritual of Seeding and wrested a position in the pantheon from the previous god of death.[13]. Then, at third level, the fact you get resistance to all damage for a turn after you teleport just serves to crank the usefulness of the effect up to 11. 58). The Raven Queens true name remains unknown (a piece of information the demon god of death, Orcus, would dearly love to get his hands on). The Raven Queen appeared to him and asked what he had seen, revealing that Vecna had blocked her sight. Her ability to reach into the world is limited. Major temples Alignment: Lawful Neutral Nerull wanted to create an army of the undead to help the gods win against the primordials and thought he had found salvation for the armies of gods. You can cast finger of death. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Strangely enough, it worked for a while. [31] Seeming to have disappeared to the rest of Vox Machina, the Raven Queen was still seen by Vax as she gave him an ominous message about future activities of his employment[32] before actually leaving. Khala wanted dark and cold winters all the time, and so she, along with her allies, attacked the gods. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. Raven's head, in profile, facing left The Raven Queen was also said to claim a domain in the Shadowfell known as Letherna, a fortress of black ice within a frozen forest through which the souls of the deceased had to pass before reaching the afterlife, according to some versions of the World Axis cosmology. Channel divinity The Raven Queen, Lolth, and the Birth of the Shadar-Kai, Shadar-Kai Abilities and Traits: Creating a Shadar-Kai Character, Shadar-Kai Appearance: What They Look Like, in the hands of the dice when you roll up your character, Mousefolk Playable Race in DnD 5e: Homebrew Lineage Guide, Feinting Attack - DnD 5e Battle Master Maneuver Guide, How To Make Custom & Homebrew Character Backgrounds for DnD 5e, The Kalashtar in 5e: Born of Two Worlds, Lore, Stats, Traits & More, Monsters of Multiverse 5E: What We Know So Far of This Release. However, certain sects in Marquet (in which she is worshiped as Duskmaven) depict her as a keen-eyed vulture with plumage varying from the shades of a sunset to the black of midnight; in this representation the goddess also covers her face, in this case with a golden funerary mask. [8] In order to avoid disappearing entirely, she drew memories of her existence from the Shadowfell itself in order to sustain her identity. This was especially important to Nerull because the Dawn War, a massive war between the gods and primordials, was starting to go against the gods. Many great wizards have attempted to understand her motives, but like a raven she has always remained cryptic, keeping her cache of secrets just out of their reach. Your Constitution score increases by 1. [1], The ritual involved the offering of the queen's followers' souls and magic to add to her own power, enabling her to reach Arvandor. [22] Her rise to godhood is variously described as either involving her challenging her predecessor and overtaking him[22] or as having instantly destroyed him upon her ascension. The Raven Queen is trapped by her fascination with the past. On her part, however, the Raven Queen desired him as an exarch or even a consort. Realm The raven doesnt require sleep. She explained that her gift is to safeguard the passage between life and death - a charge that Vax' now shared. The shadar-kai are the most intense of the Raven Queen followers. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. Nerull liked power and sought to become the king of the gods, collecting more and more souls, strengthening his power and position. In the earliest editions ofDungeons & Dragons, Nerull was always a god, but in 4th edition, secret history is revealed where he was actually a human wizard who was taught magic by Corellon Larethian, a greater deity of elves and magic. When she isnt holding court or commanding her loyal servants to do some dark deed, she can be found musing on the secrets of life and death, wondering what the next steps are to secure her power more completely. Age. The new god of death and undeath, Nerull, begin snatching up those souls and trapped them in one of theOuter Planes known as Carceri. Yes, Pluton was that bad. Alignment The echoes of raw emotion within these fragments cause ghosts pale echoes and memories to appear from time to time, wandering the vast stone halls, playing out especially painful or otherwise powerfully emotional moments from their lives. I played my first tabletop RPG (Pathfinder 1e, specifically) in college. TCS She sits in her fortress, amidst all the memories of the world, looking at the ones that please her most as though they were glittering jewels. Worshipers First, Lolth, the Spider Queen, tempted the elves with power and a home on the material plane. At that point, Vax unwittingly became her new champion. In a bid to provide the elven people with a better way, the unnamed elven queen began gathering followers, promising an end to the war and a way back to Arvandor (elf heaven, if were being reductive) in exchange for their souls to use as a kind of cosmic battery. All Shadar-Kai still in service to the Raven Queen are effectively immortal. She could accept the mantle of the goddess of death and be anointed as a fully-fledged deity, or they would use their collective might and pummel her into non-existence. She fell deeper and deeper into a divine madness as she contemplated the loss of her kingdom and the failure of her plan. Vax accepted, and he was raised from the dead as a revenant. The main two enemies of the Raven Queen are Vecna and Orcus. [8], Other wizards and necromancers craved the Raven Queen's knowledge and domain over souls. Starting at 14th level, you can channel the Raven Queens power to slay a creature. She said that his deeds would determine whether he could be fixed. Vax said goodbye to each member of Vox Machina, promising that he would see them again. Over time, the subjective remains of the queen and the loose darkened memories gave rise to the entity that became known as the Raven Queen. Blending in with the natural environment of the Shadowfell, the shadar-kai excel at sneak attacks and ambushing their potential victims. Vax'ildan communed with the Raven Queen in the Raven's Crest temple in Vasselheim, informing her of Vecna's ascension. She told him that the path they walked to the sphinx gave them what they needed, and told him to stay alive. Exult in the time that they were granted. He offered up those other domains to the other gods who greedily picked over Auroms corpse and took those domains for themselves. This is the home of the Raven Queen and is a shadowy reflection of the Material Plane, for more general information on the Shadowfell,check out our series on the Planes. Only kindness. [17], Official art of the Raven Queen's ascension to godhood, byJessica Nguyen from "Exandria: An Intimate History" (Sx61) at 3:24. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They know that the Raven Queen will capture their soul and return it to life in the Shadowfell, thus death is only a temporary condition and not something to be feared. It was a long-fought conflict, with many gods almost losing against Khala, but eventually, Khala was defeated and the gods were forced to call on the Raven Queen to bring Khala into death. The spirit assumes the form and game statistics of a raven, and it always obeys your commands, which you can give telepathically while it is within 100 feet of you. As she felt herself slipping away into nothingness, the queen drew together all the dead memories and discarded souls from the Shadowfell, weaving them into a cloak around her. At 10th level, the Raven Queen grants you a protective blessing. During this time, Nerull came upon a fearsome and powerful sorcerer queen, whose name is lost to time. This ties into the old tradition of crows, ravens, and the like acting as pyschopomps, escorting the soul from the death of the body to the next destination. If it is slain by a creature, you gain advantage on all attack rolls against the killer for the next 24 hours. The Raven Queen was a mysterious entity from the Shadowfell who was revered as a deity by the shadar-kai. Since achieving divinity, the Raven Queen has filled her realm with shadows and memories, obsessively collecting such essences from remnants of dead gods and mortals that were strewn throughout the Shadowfell. After some time, she was able to master the same process that Nerull used when capturing the spirits and using it to foster his power. Being the god of the dead meant you could trap souls of those who died, what Nerull was doing by capturing souls and locking them away for a rainy day when he planned to take over the entire multiverse. [14] The Raven Queen noted that giving of her essence in this way would expose her already-precarious position in the pantheon to even greater risk: For the Prime Deities, she portends the possibility of another Calamity, which Vecna's apotheosis realizes to an extent. [35] As the group started their casino heist and came closer to the target vault, the songbird got louder,[36] culminating inside where it became frantic cawing. A few folk even suggest that she is fulfilling a more noble purpose, and that by putting souls through the wringer, she allows them to resolve the issues that prevent them from moving on to explore higher levels of reality. Not willing to wait around for old age to claim the souls he needed, Nerull sent plagues, famine, and disease to the mortal realm to speed up the whole dying process. Fan art of the Raven Queen without her mask, by. She continues to study the magical powers of souls and how she can destroy those who thwarted her rise to power. Holy day Whatever she looks like (and it would appear that she can change her appearance either at will or just manifest as the deepest, most gothic fears of the individual who claps their unlucky eyes upon her), the Raven Queen is a terrifying embodiment of death. Also have it her of Vecna 's ascension god and she removed her mask, by.... She was a god and she removed her mask, by over Auroms corpse and took those domains themselves... 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