He swung again, cracking his head open as Badgers limp body fell to the ground. Later, Javi has the choice of sparing either Tripp or Ava. If Javi accepted Conrad's plan in the past but died among later events or is alive, Eleanor will admit she told Joan with signs of hesitant remorse. Max almost did seem like he was apologetic for what hes done, and were gonna need evidence for the claims he made. He can either not accept it right away, she's gonna . Yeah I almost got cornered here but Clem saved me. Javier says, me and Clementine catching gazes as we quickly and awkwardly looked away from each other. Jan 11, 2017 @ 8:33pm Daily reminder: Your choices in ANF have hardly any effect like the other games basically. He expresses a desire to get back with her, though it is clear she doesn't feel the same way. Come on What are you waiting for? Badger says. We all tried to follow after them, but the guards aimed their guns at us, stopping us in our tracks. The fuck?!. Plus I knew Clem would make it out alive, because she's Clem. I guess we will find out in next few episodes though. In the first case, Tripp will be the one shown in the final minutes of the episode, in the second - Eleanor. Suddenly we could hear glass shattering from upstairs, seeing Javier getting slammed against a window as it shattered. Dont you get it? After reaffirmation or a change of plans, Tripp goes with Conrad and Eleanor to her office as she takes her gun and they prepare to leave with Javi. I think I will go for Tripp. Virgin Tripp calls you out for betraying him if you picked Ava, when Eleanor is the reason Javi had to pick in the first place. While playing s3 you have the option to tell the truth or "cover" for Clem. Tell me that isnt what I think it is Javier says. Well at least those assholes realized she needed a hospital once they saw her. Tripp says. Ava looked pretty pissed off, slamming a bag on the ground in front of us. Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. So yes, Kate always gets shot for no reason other than poor writing and Mariana always dies. Yeah, well, I only know him because Im friends with his brother.. I felt more than a little guilty for leaving a teenager to fight against so many armed enemies, but my focus was channeled onto my family. The difference lies in a short conversation with Kate. If Javier went back with Eleanor/Tripp: Gabe (Determinant) and Javier hold the wound open as Eleanor removes the bullet from Kate and stitches her up. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Once they reach the junkyard, Tripp helps him kill the walkers trying to harm Javier's family. He was voiced by Troy Hall. Unused audio clips revealing Tripp's intent. As the leader of Prescott, he cares greatly for his people and . If Javi Spares Tripp: Upon hearing Javi painfully choosing to spare Tripp, she pleads to Joan as she ruthlessly denies Javi's choice and has Tripp killed anyway, much to her shock and horror. Shit, I wasnt expecting that answer Clementine looked just as surprised by his answer as well, going wide eyed with shock. Everyone get in!. Javier raised the bat, BANG!! Everything was going ok, at first Javier says. Tripp is later seen writhing on the ground as he bleeds to death. Thats enough, man. Once a fight breaks out, Tripp comes to Javi's aid when he sees him shoved halfway through a window by Badger. Eleanor upholds her promise to get him out should he so wish as she goes. Gender This is just fucking great I dont even know what happened, but while we were waiting, we were all suddenly escorted to the gate, escorted outside alongside Javier. Tripp gives better BJs than Eleanor. I didn't want Javier to lose what little family he had left. Walking Dead Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Tripp is seen once again at Prescott making minor repairs to his modified vehicle. Eleanor Parker: Caged: Marie Allen Nominated Converted to Judaism 1951: Shelley Winters: A Place in the Sun: Alice Tripp: Nominated Eleanor Parker: Detective Story: Mary McLeod Nominated 1955: Interrupted Melody: Marjorie Lawrence . She-she said we needed it to survive. Javier continued looking at the map. I wasnt really having a good day today Atleast, not until now. I picked Eleanor because I thought I'd get there faster. David! Tripp is a main character who first appears in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series - A New Frontier. Sometime during the apocalypse, he helped create the town of Prescott alongside Conrad who also helped in its construction, becoming the leader of the towns perimeter. If Javi killed Conrad in the past, Eleanor will scornfully admit that she told Joan Javier's plan. Eleanors in there somewhere. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. After Javi's meeting with Richmond's leaders ends poorly, he is barred out of Richmond, as well as Conrad, Jesus, Clem and Tripp. Im sorry, Alexa. Hey, what about me? Also, she's an EMT. Nick? If Javier betrayed Clementine: Javier finds Eleanor himself, requesting she fix his wound on Tripp's advice. If hes describing Nick like that Then yeah, its definitely him. I responded. (It has a specific name, based on its history regarding a famous cardplayer/gunfighter.) I chose tripp and the whole family was alive the only injury was gabe scratched his hand on a truck :D. Daily reminder: Your choices in ANF have hardly any effect like the other games basically. fold. Eleanor tries to help her group as much as she can until she arrives at Richmond where her character changes drastically. I wanted to be able to bury her and say goodbye but i had a nephew and a sister in law/love interest who were scared and injured. If Conrad is alive, he will leave the group and Tripp will try to bid him farewell. I dont know what happened back there. Eleanor seems to be way too nice and very quick to assist Jaiver without even knowing him 2 minutes. Shes with me. During the unofficial announcement of s4 Alyssa Finley said "Clem got to see something she wasn't exposed to in a long time. Fighting back almost felt fruitless. The rest of us ended up taking Badgers now abandoned truck, driving back to Richmond. Later it resulted to a weird scene though, because the New Frontier was pretty sure Javi killed their guys even though I didn't kill anyone. He soon returns in his vehicle, telling Javier to head east where they will regroup, leaving the town of Prescott behind. Once Joan forces Javier and the rest of the group out, David will let Javier know that Eleanor is safe at Richmond with Kate and Gabe. Depending on whether you went with Kate or David, Eleanor will say she has to get her stuff or that she has to get a gun in the other room. Search Works. With Richmond now overrun with ravenous walkers, Eleanor returns back to the apartment alongside other fearful Richmond civilians, taking care of numerous patients. Damn, man. So yes, Kate always gets shot for no reason other than poor writing and . Regretful Traitor: When Joan reveals that she's captured and is willing to kill Tripp, Eleanor is horrified. If you choose the first option, Kate will force her opinion, making you stay either way. I was one of the few that stayed with the family. Let alone my apartment? If you were given a choice, who would you save? She did a surgery, which more than proves her skills as a doctor. Gabe's attempts to intervene by brandishing his pistol prompts Tripp to order the boy to cease his threat, supported by the others. . She did a surgery, which more than proves her skills as a doctor. They manage to find Kate and Gabe trapped by walkers and save them. I like him. They needed my hands and my support. I hope hes actually in there. Clem had no factor in my decision. Family My Javier was in a really dark place the moment he saw his niece die in front of him. If he chooses Ava, Joan will instead kill her in an act of betrayal. Im sure you did the right thing. About a quarter mile out, heading the same way we are Jesus says. Ill help you, Ill tell everyone in Richmond about this!. He is tough and rough around the edges and he feels more honest than Eleanor. Javi has the option to kiss Kate, and Kate will say to Mariana that they deserve a break after she comments their kiss was "gross." None of us are going anywhere until the walkers clear. David says, Clementine looking annoyed as she walked away. Oh my god. We quickly ran over to the building, closing the gates to the fencing outside the building. Both decisions will have the same conclusion, as a group of men pointing guns at you will interrupt you in the middle of filling the tank of your car. I chose Tripp. If you decide for the second option, you'll stay with Clementine to repel the thugs. Damn, that was cold. If you don't shoot her, David shoots Clint and all hell breaks loose. Shot Kate! And Kate was in good hands. You betrayed Richmond!. Theres no need for-. If Javier stayed with Clementine: Eleanor will have already patched up Kate once Javier returns to Prescott. If Javi had accepted Conrad's deal but died among later events, Tripp will assist in Javi's plans by gathering supplies with Eleanor, showing a bit of optimism. No one was forcing Clem to stay, she did that out of her own free will. Somehow, his travels will take him all the way from Virginia to France. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. If Javi Spares Ava: Upon hearing Javi painfully choosing to spare Ava, Eleanor will cry out to him in despair. Molly: Nice, you're gonna go far with that attitude. In the ensuing gunfight that breaks out among the public, Tripp is able to free his binds and is last seen covering for Javi as he attempts to rescue Clem. Eleanor's ok too though, when I look past her shadiness. #9. I chose Eleanor but it resulted in Kate and Mariana dying. One, while it could benefit my family to stay with them and help, I thought it would be more beneficial to provide a sort of cover or distraction while they got away, Eleanor was going to be the one doing most of the work, I didn't think there was much Javier could to in that regard. Knock!! And Ill make sure we find our way back to Eleanor, and your family, Alexa.. And, they all have to answer a couple of questions.. What else is in there?. Tripp for sure but let us hope that this is NOT where they are going with this. As David suddenly whacked Max in the head, knocking him to the floor. But seriously, I think Eleanor is a bit shady. You broke the rules for Kate and Gabe! Javier says. When Javi, Ava and Gabe return from the armory with guns in tow, he happily welcomes them back, but is surprised to see Clementine among them. I needed that.. David, come on man, were a unit! Max says. Tripp is a main character who first appears in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series - A New Frontier. As the leader of Prescott, he cares greatly for his people and makes decisions on their behalf. David walked away into Richmond, taking Kate with as Gabe followed after him. She will watch on helplessly as Tripp and Ava are brought before the crowd by gunpoint, with Joan forcing Javi to spare one of them, while leaving the other to die. Fucking Garcias Badger grumbled. Yeah, uh, Im sure theyd probably be at the hospital right now, since theyre consistently working there Nick says. Staying with Clem is better for Episode 2 intro. If Javi Chooses To Spare Tripp (Dead): After Javi spares Tripp, much to Ava and David's dismay, Joan instead betrays Javi's decision and has Tripp killed, much to Eleanor's horror and Tripp's defeat. The group then reach a spot where the highway is split into two, with a crashed helicopter on their end. Seeing Mariana die in front of him, and considering how close he was to her, I can totally see him go in a fit of rage and wanting to kill them all. Go along with what they say, for now. from episodes released early on AMC+ may not be added to the wiki until the episode officially airs at 9pm EST on the Sunday it is scheduled for. In the first case, Tripp will be the one shown in the final minutes of the episode, in the second - Eleanor. But Javier ignored him, slamming his bat down on Badgers head again. You need to decide whether you stay with Clementine and help her fight off the incoming enemies or take your family and head for Prescott. But I didnt have to worry about that He lived, Clem.. Ethnicity This time, you have to decide whether to lie and cover for Clem or admit to the residents that the whole thing was just an accident. The third important choice takes place in Prescott. Heres the apartment building and his room number. Violet (Walking Dead: Done Running) Clementine is forever haunted by the memory of McCaroll Ranch. Literature. Tripp is shot in the neck if he is chosen by Javier to be spared or pushed off a bridge by walkers and has his neck broken on rebar. Algunos datos geoespaciales de este sitio web se obtienen de. Do NOT fuck this up. Ava hissed, starting to walk away from us. Eleanor lets them think on the idea while she tends to other patients. She is one of the leaders of the New Frontier along with David Garca, Clinton Barnes, and Paul Lingard. Occupation AMC's Walking Dead, Twilight, Cartoon Network properties, Disney, Tripp NYC, Marvel, DC Comics, Game of Thrones, Tokidoki etc. I came to get you set up. David says. Yeah, were gonna have to. Javier says. While resting, Tripp and the others try to console Conrad about Francine's death only for the man to grow violent towards Javier, blaming him for her death. 1 Moreau) freehold, new jersi . Im telling you I cant.. Shoot Joan - Killing Joan will initiate a city-wide unrest. Your attempt to save the man will fail - Joan will kill him on the spot as a punishment for your meddling. BANG!! Suddenly the door burst open, walkers about to walk inside. Im Im sorry. Hes gone. Tripp says. All rights reserved. I have a feeling Eleanor will betray us at some point. Your people looted this stuff from Prescott, David! Javier says. Also she just kinda disappeared last episode. I don't think so. The group wants Javier to surrender himself to them, but Tripp refuses to give into their demands, deterring them with his assault rifle while attempting to convince the others to stand against them. Shit, that was a close one! Tripp says. BANG!! I like him. Mariana's Cassette Player. We got the bullet out, but shes still bleeding. That helps. I think I will go for Tripp. Perhaps we'll see this man later on, but he's absent from episodes 1 and 2. As soon as I can get Kate and Gabe, Ill meet you back at the house. Javier says, David nodding. After Kate/Gabe frees Javi from the holding cell, she/he leads Javi back to Eleanor's apartment where they, Tripp, Eleanor, Ava and Conrad (Determinant) have taken refuge in from Joan and the New Frontier soldiers. We were all walking down a path for a bit, until Jesus stopped walking, stepping atop some rocks. Clint 21. Is that really you? The man says, looking equally as shocked as them. Apparently she was caught taking medicine from the New Frontier group, and they punished her by taking AJ away?! If your brother knew anything about what happened in Prescott Hes got to answer for it! Okay, theres Richmond. And after the horrors of the raider attack, Clem finally tells someone about her nightmare.and about an amazing man named Javier Garcia. When they stop briefly, she embraces Tripp in relief but soon notices Conrad mourning Francine's death. After Javier, Tripp, Jesus, Conrad and Clementine (Determinant) are kicked out, Tripp will ask Ava where Eleanor is, to which he is punched in the face. Attention! That dude died? Eleanor watches as the situation is both diffused and heightened as Fern backs down, and David unnecessarily dislocates her arm and attempts to kill her, showing his true colors as a fearsome and violent man. He remarks to Javier about the situation with Kate and how Gabe tried to help only to run off before letting the man search around. KLT Dec 20, 2016 @ 2:12pm. I had to ensure that the remaining members made it home alive. What? Once they are safe, he comments on how unusually well the rescue went only for his suspicions to prove correct as a hostile group open fire on them. I didnt have any reason not to believe them., Tripp and Javier then exchanged a look, Eleanor looking confused. Javier quickly then grabbed a nearby shotgun. I hope that made you feel better. Tripp says. If Javi decides to kill him, Tripp will move him to stop, but if Javi continues to bash his brains in, Tripp will hope "that made [him] feel better." I know youve all got my back, and Ive got yours., Yeah. She will tell Javier thanks if Javier tells them he will come back and get them out. And I gave Mari's cassette to Gabe, so at least there's that. He has a car and I l also didn't want to break the trust. Theres no use holding out, Max. Javier says. Characters from The Walking Dead video game:Due to wiki policy, trope names will not be spoiler tagged. The New Frontier apparently sent Eleanor to quarantine without searching for Kate, in order to have her checked and questioned. Tripp wouldn't Eleanor to be hurt. This isnt her fault, Tripp! Javier says. If he warns Joan David huffed. I cant believe I missed her growing up too I say, feeling a bit of sadness well up in me. Javi, Ava and Gabe return with guns in tow, and the group then bet on their next move in means of saving David and escaping Richmond. The Walking Dead Occupation Formerly: School student (pre-apocalypse) Howe's resident Wellington resident (determinant) New Frontier member Ericson's de facto leader Currently: Amish survivalist Powers/Skills High intelligence Marksmanship Fighting Skills Stealth Expert survivalist Investigation Skills Hobby Formerly: Drawing. I chose to stay and fight for three reasons. We need your doctor Now, David!. Your outfit is the only one that gutted my town. Tripp says. As the New Frontier raids Prescott, Eleanor helps Kate to a car to escape in. I decided to trust Clems suggestion and it did make sense. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) Thats where we are And thats where we need to go. She is not seen for the rest of the episode, but it is assumed she stayed in Richmond, continuing to work as its doctor, helping out all of Richmond's sick, wounded and needy patients the best she can alongside Lingard (Determinant). ! I could quickly hear Nicks familiar, muffled voice shout from the other side of the door, and I couldnt help but chuckle. Im just glad we all have each other, at least. I say, smiling as Tripp and Javier nodded, smiling back. Lets just say, its complicated All right? Javier says, sighing. Even if you are related to David. Despite this, the two are shown to be good friends. Plus, he clearly still has some lingering feelings. While we were killing walkers, I almost lost sight of Javi, looking around for him. When they arrive, Eleanor leaves Kate in the car while she tries to find help in the town but has still not returned when Javier and the others arrive. David gave me the address for this place. I responded. Im surprised you care. Jesus says, looking back at Javi. They soon reach a blockade, Eleanor staying with Kate while Javier removes the blockade by moving the cars. Hopefully that door holds them. Clementine says. Walking Dead Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Tripp resists the whole while, not wanting to be separated from Eleanor (who was released from the holding cell as well), and gets knocked out flat by Ava. And suddenly I realized my comment is similar to @MetallicaRules but screw it lol. Unlike her. David says. Javier barely makes it across. Eleanor "From The Gallows" BANG!! If Javi Chooses To Spare Ava (Alive): After Javi decides to spare Ava, Eleanor will cry out to him in heartache while Tripp will either show confusion and tell Javi to "go to hell," (Determinant) or, if Conrad is dead, showing no signs of surprise, spitefully calling him a "backstabbing, double-crossing, no-good, dirty fucking murderer." Do you know where he is?, Yeah, uh Here David pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil, writing on it before quickly handing it to me. After being captured by the New Frontier, Joan forces Javier to choose between Ava and Tripp, allowing one of them to live while the other dies. If you shoot Conrad and try to be okay with Gabe, he outs you for killing him despite . Me and Javier looked around the area, until I saw an abandoned car, where a walker suddenly jumped up, scaring the life out of me. The next day, Javi's plan is showing to have a downward spiral, and the situation gets even worse as Tripp and Ava are walked out by gunpoint before the public meeting of David's execution, both of them bound by their wrists and made to kneel execution-style on the platform while David stands in between them. Plus, Tripp has a beard and is just a funny guy. If I am being pragmatic and a survivor, Eleanor is the most invulnerable one with her skills as a doctor. Female Ethnicity This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Telltale Games or Telltale Games. Do you think Mariana could have survived that? Javier says. While held up at the New Frontier base, Eleanor has . Ava, wait! The difference lies in the narrative. Jesus quickly ran forward, kicking one of the walkers and knocking it back outside, as me and Tripp ran over to the door, closing it and pushing ourselves against it. Youre right, Tripp Look. I pointed over to this arcade machine nearby, that I know was from Prescott. Dont get me wrong, I am happy to see you, just shocked is all.. Ive got a pretty good idea, actually.. But I thought I read the same thing, too when I glanced at my comment after posting. The next important choice ends the first episode. To be honest, I think my odds are better than yours Jesus says, smiling. I like Eleanor more but cannot understand why she made Tripp died. Hey You two arent gonna lose anyone else. Javier says. 2019 Telltale, Incorporated. What about your missing friends? Javier asked. Alexa? He took a step closer to me. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. In the first case, you and Clementine are locked up in a cage, where you are visited by Eleanor, who comes offering help. I killed another walker quickly, running over to try and help Javier lift up the garage door But it still barely budged. She is seen in the crowd during the town meeting the next day. When the group plans on rescuing David and getting out of Richmond, Eleanor points out that the menacing herd surrounding Richmond will pose a serious problem in their methods of escape. Urgh, it wont budge anymore I think its jammed or something. Javier groaned. Leave with Family. Hurry up now. David says, the two of them about to walk up the stairs. Whaa?? BANG!! Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) (Pre- and Post-Apocalypse)Former Medic for Prescott (Post-Apocalypse)Medic for the New Frontier (Post-Apocalypse) Tripp will explain that it's because she is David's wife, to which Eleanor will appear shocked and upset. It is also possible he lived in or near the location of Prescott prior to its construction. Terms of Service / Privacy Policy. Something is off with her. I still need to find my husband and daughter, I have no idea where they are here I asked. But then again, Tripp is clearly the best fighter and most competent survivor. What was he like when you knew him? Jesus asked. And why would I go? 1a edicin 1929. Clementine asks. And now were getting kicked out. Fuck em. Did you piss in someones oatmeal back there? I don't know why, but her niceness honestly makes me feel paranoid for some reason. Kate, Gabe, Tripp, Eleanor, and Conrad escape and head to another survivor camp in Richmond, Virginia. And Kate was in good hands. Plus I knew Clem would make it out alive, because she's Clem. We werent exactly safe yet, though The fence wasnt exactly sturdy, a few of the walkers clawing it at, about to knock it over, and I could already see a big group of even more walkers slowly approaching us, If too many of them push against this, it might give Javier says. Think on the ground as he bleeds to death Javier 's family order to have her checked and questioned was! Thing, too when I look past her shadiness sees him shoved through! 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