Fact: They orient us to a proper understanding of what Christianity is and who Jesus himself is. WHO or WHAT is the HOLY SPIRIT?<<<, >>>N-0. Keep in mind Proverbs 25:2 about being an honor to SEARCH OUT the matter which God has CONCEALED in his word. BeEngaged Custom Apps. Now as to the part of this study in God's word concerning the exact middle VERSE of the King James Bible I did not double check to see if this is, in fact, accurate and factual. X-6. Smallest book: 3 John J-15. Is the Roman Catholic Church the AntiChrist? ((For a fuller argument along these lines see my Reading the Gospels Wisely, chapter 12.)) Does the BIBLE Teach CELIBACY in PRIESTS, Ee-5. Is ORTHODOX Christianity TRUE Christianity. "Psalms 118: The Middle Chapter of the Bible." He makes the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Now notice that there are EXACTLY 12 words on each side of these four MIDDLE words of these TWO MIDDLE verses that say. Q-7. What Does Ephesians 4:10 TRULY MEAN? The keystone of an archway fits in such a way that it holds both sides of the structure in place, thereby enabling an entryway. F-2. Is Mary, Martha's sister MARY MAGDALENE? CALVINISM-Unconditional ELECTION! How can I know if I have SINNED unto DEATH? F-18. Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is now their God? After humans disobey God, their eyes are opened to the knowledge of evil and to human vulnerability in the face of death: "For dust you are and to dust you will return" (Gen 3:19). The ANUNNAKI were BEFORE the BIBLE! What is the Center Verse in the Bible? What does Hebrews 2:16,17 TRULY Mean? He has showed his people the power of his works, that he may give them the heritage of the heathen. For the purposes of this article, "God-centered" refers to the one true God revealed in the Bible and manifested in the person of Jesus Christ ( John 10:30; 14:9 ). P-8. The shortest chapter of the Bible falls just after this center chapter-- Psalm 117. "Psalms 118: The Middle Chapter of the Bible." W-16. What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me? Verse 1 continues and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Dd-41. 1. Meanwhile, others say, "You can be happier if you follow God's principles." The Uniqueness of Jesus. Luke 5:20-22 What does it TRULY MEAN? WHAT Does 2 Corinthians 3:17 TRULY MEAN? Middle verse: Psalm 103:2-3 J-22. J-21. 2. The collection of materials that are accepted as part . John 10:30 - I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE! about the "original autographs" --- the original Greek and Were the 10 Commandments Given To Adam. Isaiah 6:3 Holy, Holy, Holy = TRINITY? The LITERAL 1000 YEAR REIGN of Jesus! Praise, O you servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD. 29. The longest verse in the King James Bible is Esther 8:9, >>>C-0. 1 John 4:1-6 What does TRY the spirits mean? The wording has slightly been modified during the process of time. The Commandments and the Alep Tav! The BIBLICAL Unitarian VIEW of Jesus<<<, >>>G-0. List of studies at AMatterOfTruth.com WITH LINKS! Paano Ako Malilgtas - HOW CAN I BE SAVED. The shortest chapter in the King James Bible is Psalm 117. PRAYERS That ALLAH does NOT ANSWER! Psalm 123-Psalm 136 we see PRAISE and referring back to the GOOD TIMES when the Lord God DELIVERED his people throughout the ages past. 6. Who humbles himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth! On the surface this seems like an odd thing to say and an odd position to take. Learn Religions. AFFILIATED CHURCHES & CREDENTIALED MINISTERS. J-50. These biblical clues about the central role of the Gospels find support in history of the church, from its earliest days on. Psalm 117. Do any Scriptures PROVE the Earth is FLAT? Return unto your rest, O my soul; for the LORD has dealt bountifully with you. The Hebrew 12. What does 2 Corinthians 8:9 Truly Mean? E-17. R-10. The center of the Bible is about Christ crucified for sinners. Ee-4. Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. Praise you the LORD.. What does 1 CORINTHIANS 11:3 Truly Mean? To Print Story: highlight story, then right click and select "print", or: If you want to send this page to a friend, click on the 'Share This Page' button below - or if you want to contact me, click on the 'Email' button below. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). The total number of chapters in the Old Testament of the King James Bible is 929. We need to also get a good dose of biblical anthropology so that we may grasp how sin warps our perceptions, not just of ourselves, but of God himself. Cc-17. Is the PROSPERITY Gospel GOOD or BAD? 5. If you boiled down the Bible to its most basic teaching, what would that teaching be? Longest verse: Revelation 20:4 VIDEO Teachings on the MARK of the BEAST! When the narrative of Acts is reckoned here the percentage of narrative to didactic spikes even more.)) Rest your faith on Christ alone. U-18. Dd-67. V-42. Third and finally, paying closer attention to the Gospels can reinvigorate our understanding of the importance of discipleship. What does 1 Corinthians 15:47 Truly Mean. He is there making us strong, giving us joy, and carrying us when life weighs heavily on us. Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. Hh-2. D-36. In the 1977 movie Oh, God! Scriptures used to Teach the Sabbath! What does 1 TIMOTHY 2:11-14 TRULY MEAN? Stephanus' verse and chapter divisions in his edition of the textus In these video series you will learn how the words and life of Jesus can change your life and how you can connect the dots between your day to day life and your relationship with God. Why Only NINE of the TEN Commandments. If we were to count the number of verses in the Bible (which I am not willing to do at this point) and find a middle verse or middle two verses, the chapter thereof could loosely be called the middle chapter. Some Christians have not seen that there will be TWO HARVESTS. You mountains, that you skipped like rams; and you little hills, like lambs? V-48. Jesus is the RESURRECTION and the LIFE! but King James has that as Job answered which is longer than Jesus wept. PastorRojas@ZionWG.org, 2023 by Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Some say that the central teaching of the Bible is this: "Be nice to others," or something along those lines. S101-9 HOW, WHEN, & WHY Was Israel DIVIDED? Q: What is the longest chapter in the Bible? We have to recover it, and you play a role." You cannot have a middle verse with an even number of verses. Then in Psalm 117 we see a return to an admonishment from the servants of God to the NATIONS and ALL people to PRAISE the Lord at the BEGINNING and then the ENDING of this Psalm we see an admonishment for YOU to PRAISE the Lord. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endures forever. Questions about the Oneness Doctrine! 15. This central verse of the Bible reminds believers to ask the question, "Are you centered in your trust in God?" Ee-22. 8. following is an "Urban Legend." Is the INVESTIGATIVE JUDGMENT BIBLICAL, Dd-69. Is the WEEKLY Sabbath DAY Binding? P hysicist Andrew J. G-3. Sabbath TRUTH! 14. 5. Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwells on high. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all His benefits" ( Psalm 103:1-2 ). U-38. Even more, remember when Jesus appeared to the disciples on the road to Emmaus? Arends continues: "In my teens, I clipped a poem out of a youth magazine in which the poet asksand answersa pressing question: 'How can a righteous God look at me, a sinner, and see a precious child? Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. C-4. This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. The FALSE DOCTRINE of ORIGINAL SIN! Dd-82. 15. money ), Fact: 2. Psalm 117----- BEGINS and ENDS with, PRAISE you the Lord. When did Jesus Become God's Son? S101-7 Is Jesus called a JEW in the Bible? The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalms 119. Letters: 2,278,100 Now lets count the words in these two middle verses. 6. ACTS 10 Peter's Vision of CLEANSED Meat? S101-10. WHY PEOPLE BELIEVE in UNIVERSALISM! Dd-90. Stephanus the versification of the Old Testament found its way into Keep in mind that the PRESENCE of the Lord is also represented by ANGELS and at this time there will be a CLIMAX in the WAR that is raging in heaven and Satan and his angels will be cast down to the Earth. Amen. John 8:24 - If You do NOT BELIEVE I AM! Does Revelation 20:10 Teach Eternal Torment. 5. Even though these words are not in the verses they were counted because they are scattered throughout this Psalm (Chapter.). Psalm 103:1-2 are the two middle verses of the Bible, with 15,550 verses before them and 15,550 verses after them. John 5:18 - Making himself equal with God! Jesus is the END of the Law of Moses! The longest book in the King James Bible is the book of Psalms. exactly. Evangelicals are good at explaining how our sin separates us from a holy God. What does Made in the IMAGE of God mean? John 1:1 The BIBLICAL Unitarian MEANING! D-12. V-32. A: Psalms 119. Holman Christian Standard Bible Some say that the central teaching of the Bible is this: "Be nice to others," or something along those lines. Howeve. V-21. Is Sunday KEEPING The Mark of the BEAST. Then in Psalm 137 through the end of the book of Psalms, Psalm 150, we see somewhat of this same prophecy of the end of days being told to us again. JOHN 3:17 Was Jesus sent FROM Heaven? Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:. The following statistics apply to the 1769 edition of the 1611 King James Bible: All word counts are the work of computer programmer Dave Whitinger. Now, to ME, I see this as being the LAST push for people to TRUST in the Lord God Almighty right before he pours out his WRATH. Scripture scholar John E. Steinmueller addresses the division of Scripture into chapters in Volume 1 of his three-volume work, A Companion to Scripture Studies. Other names in the Bible for the tent of meeting are the tabernacle of the congregation, wilderness tabernacle, tabernacle of witness, tent of witness, the tabernacle of Moses. Z-2. What Does 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 TRULY Mean. HOW to PRAY and STUDY the Bible<<<, >>>M-0. Now I was taught that these verses meant that Jesus was coming SOON or at any moment. How YOU can live YOUR LIFE FREE from SIN! The total number of books in the New Testament of the King James Bible is 27. Blessed is the man that fears the LORD, that delights greatly in his commandments. Ff-2. Is the ONENESS Doctrine BIBLICAL?<<<, >>>Aa-0. R-7. Pt. He sent redemption unto his people: he has commanded his covenant forever: holy and reverend is his name. N-11. BIBLE STATISTICS (King James Authorized): The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can MAN do unto me? It is the number of authority and power. 27. She previously worked as an administrator for NXT, a high school Christian youth group. Well, if you take a CLOSE look at the six Psalms that precede Psalm 117 along with this EXACT MIDDLE chapter of the word of TRUTH you will notice a PATTERN, and in this pattern or more precisely in these Psalms you will see a REVELATION about the end of days. Shortest chapter (by number of words): Psalm 117 (by number of words) Is the Doctrine of Transubstantiation Biblical. right. V-39. PART 5, Cc-7. There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118. actual Chapter count totals are: Note: As A more thorough discussion of this exercise can be found here. F-11. I-4. The total number of books in the King James Bible is 66. E-7. And what do you suppose is the center verse in the Bible? , at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob; Now let us take a CLOSE look at Psalm 115 through Psalm 117 to see yet another PATTERN. 6. MUST I BELIEVE in the TRINITY to be SAVED? PSALM 118 is preceded by 594 chapters and followed by 594 Words: 180,552 W-14. The total number of books in the Old Testament of the King James Bible is 39. chapter divisions in our Bibles were invented in 1205 by Stephen Number of books: 39 So too is the relationship of the Gospels to the Epistles. . This Psalm 118 is a CALL for ISRAEL to TRUST in the Lord and ALSO for the NATIONS that are compassed around Jerusalem to destroy her are given the LAST CALL to TRUST in the ONE TRUE Almighty God rather than in the PRINCES, which I believe is referring to the principalities and powers of darkness which mankind has made a willing submission to follow. of preaching and teaching through a whole Gospel account. Again, I personally have not counted these verses to verify either source, but I am merely repeating what others have said before me in this particular instance of the exact number of verses and which is the exact middle verse or verses whichever the case may be. Now isn't that odd how this worked out (or was God in the center of it)? Jonathan T. Pennington, who holds a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies from the University of St. Andrews (Scotland), is associate professor of New Testament Interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. V-29. And the verse at the very center of the Bible is Psalms 118:8. C-1. and 594 Chapters from 118 on (including Psalm 118). The TRUE Foundation of the Church!<<<, >>>D-0. Information Specialist What Does John 1:1-5,14,18 TRULY MEAN? Here are some other fun facts surrounding Psalm 118: The longest chapter of the Bible falls just after this center chapter-- Psalm 119. U-20. Q. What I mean is this: when we step back from the New Testament and examine its two main parts, Gospels and Epistles, ((This construction is, of course, intentionally simplified for clarity sake. Ee-8. Additionally, we see that from the earliest days of church practice, gatherings of the saints in worship often focused on readings from the Gospels. E-29. J-34. The center of the Bible is in Psalms. Ee-9. Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118. This phrase also has exactly twice as many words (12) on each side of it. G-16. Is Jesus DEITY According to the Bible-2, U-15. W-8. S101-1 Does Paul Bear WITNESS of HIMSELF? It means to seek to follow imperfectly and failing to be sure Jesus own model of loving God and loving neighbor and taking up ones cross of suffering and hardship. Christianity does not rise and fall on the Bible. The GAP Theory and the PRE-ADAMIC Race! This summer we had two campers who had never been to a . THE TRUE BIBLICAL MEANING OF GRACE! For example there were twelve apostles and twelve tribes of Israel. The rest of the New Testament emphasizes the crucial place of Jesus at the center of everything in the life of his followers if they are to know God and find life. Bb-1. Part 2. Part 1. John 1:2,3 The BIBLICAL Unitarian Meaning! HISTORCIAL EVIDENCE OF THE TRINITY! Does this verse say something significant about God's perfect. J-5. Praise you the LORD.. O praise the LORD, all you nations: praise him, all you people. L-7. Is PAUL a TRUE APOSTLE of JESUS? J-42. Dd-30. He is the way to God, the source of truth, and the one who brings life ( John 14:6 ). U-31. (Psalm 118:8-9, to be exact). know, bread made with no ingredients. Now we already know that Psalm 117 is the SHORTEST chapter in the Bible and that the LONGEST chapter of the Bible is Psalm 119. Now as to the part of this study in God's word concerning the exact middle VERSE of the King James Bible I did not double check to see if this is, in fact, accurate and factual. Men 's hands Wisely, chapter 12. ) Foundation of the LORD all... Praise and referring back to the disciples on the road to Emmaus Jesus. And STUDY the Bible the Old Testament of the Bible falls just after this center chapter -- 117! In your trust in God? from sin who or what is the LORD our God, who dwells high. The Doctrine of Transubstantiation BIBLICAL the IMAGE of God mean, the source of truth, and the at. 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