How can this be!? Once the Ascian departed to "prepare a hunting ground", Zenos had the Garleans rebuild the palace into a tower and planned to recreate the feeling of his fight with the Warrior of Light at the Royal Menagerie when they would reunite. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Do not disappoint me, girl. To Bahamut, though she makes it clear that Project: Meteor had been her idea and her idea alone. Considering the scandal that would entail having people be aware that the crown prince of Garlemald was personally responsible for a primal summoning, it's pretty clear that having anyone involved in Asahi's mission survive would present real problems for the Emperor. I Zenos during the last showdown against the Warrior of Light. and it is implied that this is due to their Ascian heritage via Solus/Emet-Selch. In the final battle against him in Doma Castle, he makes no attempt to stop Hien's party from running right past him, as he is focused solely on the Warrior of Light. difference. Used Solus DNA for his scientists to perfect the Allagan cloning technology, which gave his grandfather an inexhaustable supply of bodies ready to possess. By Im8You ( 1.3K ) From $2.14. Jullus then swears himself to helping the Scions cause in protecting the people and stopping the Final Days. A commander of the XIVth Imperial Legion. This also allowed "Nael" to, The art team always intended Nael to be a woman, and in the Japanese version, it was easy to leave it ambiguous as the Seventh Umbral patches didn't have voice acting due to the limited budget of the time, alongside the Japanese language's general lack of gendered pronouns. Learning the truth of his grandfather, combined with the contempt Solus gave him for always unknowingly reminding him of his dead son, shattered any respect he had. But he keeps deluding himself into believing that Garlemald will be restored like a miracle any day now. It's implied he arranged the attack in the first place to curry some good favor by saving them. Those kids in his room? Jul 21, 2017 1:05 am. His plan to defeat the Ascians involves causing Calamities and initiating Rejoinings, the very things that the Ascians are trying to do. Hes killed at the end of his fourth battle with you. Explore. Gaius and Estinien entered the throne room in time to witness Zenos murdering his father. A furious Jullus Norbanus confronted Zenos over how much Garlemald and its people had suffered as a direct result of his actions, demanding to know what it was all for. Whether the Warrior accepts or denies this claim, Zenos and the Warrior engaged in a final duel to the death. Other. He met Yotsuyu goe Brutus who would become his Doman viceroy. Gaius is a proud and powerful soldier who holds absolute belief in the ideals of the Garlean Empire. This time around, Regula van Hydrus was the data stored within the Synthetic Auracite. Though Varis has been depicted in the Imperial Throne Room numerous times, he has never sat on the throne. Unukalhai (and Krile) are the only ones standing between him and his objective. As seen in the ''A Realm Reborn'' trailer, everything only deserves to live as long as it's useful to him, Even the otherwise stoic senior engineer is disturbed, in exchange for the empire freeing his family. The covers have hidden zipper closures, are printed front and back, and are. this is played straight. Recognizing the Warrior of Light's talent; Gaius immediately offers to let the WoL rule over Eorzea on behalf of Garlemald as Regent. Upon seeing Jullus's rage, Zenos mockingly asked if Jullus would detest him less if he had a good reason for his atrocities, claiming that morality and honor were little more than tools of convenience to be used for individuals seeking their own ends, and that the meaning behind his existence could only be determined by himself alone. 7 71. Zenos Yae Galvus. Fandaniel released the remaining Lunar primals in Eorzea following Lunar Bahamut's destruction, but later reported he was prevented from acquiring the aether from the Carteneau Flats for their plan. Even though he knows Fandaniel is using him to restart the Final Days, Zenos is only concerned about battling the Warrior of Light, remaining either bored with everything around him, or excited that his rematch draws near. Luke Allen-Gale. Treat yourself! Core Membership is 50% off through April 18. Alisaie scolded him, explaining that even though Zenos's path had led him to great strength, if he continued to indulge himself in his single-minded pursuit of a battle with the Warrior of Light at the expense of all else, he would always be alone, doomed to never get the rematch he was so desperate for. Garlean but TL;DR: Zenos is the source's shard of Hythlodeus and will join with this figure/Venat to be the surprise boss in 5.3 2020.06.27 88 notes #ffxiv #shadowbringers #theory #zenos yae galvus #venat #final fantasy xiv #ffxiv theory #peepo's theories #hythlodaeus #ff14 #shb spoilers #ffxiv 5.3 However, he is most often known as the man who spearheaded the original attempt at the Meteor project, and became associated with the situation that lead to his death, the Bozja Incident. khunmalii. Even though Regula blocks the attack, his gunblade can't handle the strain and shatters, allowing Zurvan's halberd to tear through his side. Megaflare also. He is a keen sportsman, nature enthusiast, and . Details File Size: 7281KB Duration: 6.100 sec Dimensions: 498x280 Created: 3/24/2021, 4:47:22 AM Zenos Yae Galvus, Bane of the subaqueous - YouTube 0:00 / 0:52 Zenos Yae Galvus, Bane of the subaqueous BadMotherHuberd 401 subscribers Subscribe 34 views 1 month ago Actually threw my. The swordsman actually sought the life of Zenos's father, as his family was being held hostage to ensure he would train Zenos. English voice actor Zenos yae Galvus Art . After being welcomed to Ala Mhigo Castle with the Garlean anthem played in his honor, Zenos learned of Grynewaht pyr Arvina's failure, which had led to losing a new series of Magitek automatons in an ambush orchestrated by Raubahn Aldynn and the Ala Mhigan Resistance. Despite being in the position to do so and with Elidibus wanting to crush Ala Mhigo, Varis ignored him and essentially allowed both Ala Mhigo and Doma to fortify their positions. He believes in earning rank and honor through one's own skills. During the Gunnhildr's Blades quest, you unlock Cid's repressed memories and confirm that Midas' attempts to commune with Dalamud left him tempered by Bahamut, and that Bozja was not an accident, but a sabotage under the dreadwyrm's auspices. As of 6.1, she is the only still loyal Legate alive. He is a Legatus of the XIIth Imperial Legion and the son of emperor Varis zos Galvus. Upon learning he very likely became a Terminus monster, she is very saddened by the idea, and requests he be killed to put him out of his misery. Reason will rule the land. And we can't see his face under that weird helmet, but it's implied to not be particularly good Hypertuned Grynewahts gunsaw is a very literal example of this trope. Never have I understood those around me. It's the second type fought and acts as the boss of the 5.3 Sorrow of Werlyt storyline. Zenos on his throne in the Imperial headquarter in Ala Mhigo. He arranged the Kojin ambush on some Doman citizens so that he could dispatch them and appear "legitimate" to everyone about his noble goals. Luke Allen-Gale. Releases. is killed by his sister, something he planned on using to his advantage until the Emperor's men try to assassinate him. When fought in "A Requiem for Heroes", the first phase of his fight is accompanied by "Triumph", while the second phase is accompanied by "Thunderer", which is normally the theme used for Ascians. However, believing that Eorzea is beyond saving, Nael plots to use the power of "Project Meteor" to bring Dalamud down upon the continent, wiping out everyone and everything upon it. This can't be! Equipment: Dark Divinity Herklaedi Undyed glamours using this piece Peacock Gloves Jet Black glamours using this piece Peacock Skirt Ruby Red glamours using this piece Augmented Rathalos Greaves [F] Star of the Nezha Lady Undyed. He spent little time with his father, Varis zos Galvus, and his mother Carosa sickened and died shortly after he was born. As part of the deal, Zenos absorbed the remaining aether of the Mothercrystal, allowing him to regain his form as Shinryu and travel to Ultima Thule. During a later mission in Garlemald during, The Ultima Weapon's core is an ancient relic called the Heart of Sabik, and is capable of casting the spell Ultima. even makes it clear that he opposes the Ascians and their plans since he believes mortals like himself will not belong in whatever end they bring. Get daily updates for video game art galleries packed with loads of concept art, character artwork, and promotional pictures. It fails because the legions they were hoping to get for reinforcements are basically gone. Physical description When merged with his avatar, his left arm glows red and becomes clawed, his hair flares out and darkens with glowing crimson streaks, and his eyes glow red, distinct from his Resonant eyes. Many years later, these same orphans now grown men and women are the chosen pilots for the new Weapon Project. Equipment. When he rushed home to find his family before, Zero, as he sees her confusion at the notion of altruism as similar to his own early mistrust of the Ilsabard Contingent's offer of help. Intentionally causing a summoning to frame another nation and justify Garlean incursion? Zenos instead spared her when she admitted she desired to grow stronger, and had Aulus turn her into a Resonant, a Garlean supersoldier imbued with an artificial version of the Echo. An incomplete prototype anti-Eikon warmachina reverse-engineered from the Ultima Weapon. He had no way of knowing at the time, but doing so almost certainly saved the world from an early Umbral Calamity. FFXIV AU: Actors. Description: Zenos Yae Galvus for both Genders. Even as the Telophoroi ravage his homeland, Zenos shows no remorse, dismissing that the destruction was "for nothing" when it failed to bring him his desired rematch. The revolver has been compared in appearance to a golf bag and even has a kickstand for when not in use. Garlemald's own reverence for their Emperor ends up summoning the "Eikon of Eikons" Anima. He fully understands the depraved and monstrous roles that Yotsuyu's parents had in ruining her life, and directly uses them to trigger the resurgence of her memories and then praises his sister for. Zenos yae Galvus is the main antagonist of the expansion Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. would've likely gotten everyone killed indiscriminately. He finally began to understand what drove the Warrior of Light and set sail for Old Sharlayan, realizing what he must do to face his "friend" once again. Zenos yae Galvus has arrived in Yanxia to fulfill his duties as viceroy, including a tour of the region. In 5.4, he ups the physical abuse to torture and he forces his wards to administer it. The founder of the Garlean Empire. His newly forged motivation to face the Warrior of Light drives him to remove all obstacles and distractions, his birthright of the throne being among them. Much like Nael van Darnus later who attempted the same course with greater success, this incident tainted the memory of Midas as a genocidal lunatic who was toying with powers far beyond his understanding. Naturally, it's all an act. In 5.3, it's shown that Zenos has absolutely no idea who Asahi is, thus Asahi's admiration for Zenos was truly one-sided. This shows another side of Zenos, one that is lonely and possibly fatalistic. He was impressed with her bitterness in spite of traditions, which limited her options to express it. To the point that Amon using his body to betray Zenos enrages him enough to personally send the Ascian to oblivion after his final defeat. At some point after taking up the scythe, Zenos learned the ways of the Garlean Reapers and forged a pact with Zero, a voidsent avatar from the Thirteenth. His portrayal when he reappears at the end of Stormblood is generally too noble for one to imagine him doing so, especially since it's stated he basically raised her from childhood. That's a. The Legate of the VIth Imperial Legion, the primary imperial force encountered throughout Heavensward. The character who hated Primals/Eikons above any other, and valued the Garlean Empire above all else, ultimately became an 'Eikon of Eikons' and ended up destroying his own Empire. How he's killed in the middle of 4.3's story. In Stormblood, Zenos is fought on five occasions. Too bad Zenos. overwrite Ricon's mind after fusing him with the weapon's core. Final Fantasy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Zenos arrived after the Scions had departed for Ultima Thule, and made a bargain with Krile: in exchange for helping the Scions in their battle with Meteion, he would get his chance to duel the Warrior of Light at the edge of the universe. He's fought as a Reaper, using the job's skillset but more powerful than the player's, while also possessing abilities inherited from Shinryu. Long ago, Gaius van Baelsar adopted five auri orphans, who joined the Imperial army to follow in their surrogate father's example. About Contact Core Membership DeviantArt Protect. Zenos learned of the Echo from Gaius's reports, and recruited Aulus mal Asina due to being intrigued by his theories of a means for Garleans to use magick like the other races. Not only is it a BFG held like a chainsaw, it. Not that you could ever understand. When Fandaniel and Zenos had all of Garlemald tempered, Jullus escaped due to being huddled around a radio made from the same ore that the alchemists of the Great Work used to make their Warding Scales. Free shipping for many products! In truth, Solus was possessed by the Paragon known as Emet-Selch to turn Garlemald into a tool for the Ascians to continue the Rejoinings. The gamble of Quintus, Jullus, and the remaining non-tempered Garleans is to try an ambush on the Eorzean Alliance to force them to leave. My spies tell me the Domans call it "Shinryu," and that it proved a match for Omega. When that fails, he uses the last bit of ceruleum, which is vital for heating, as fuel for Magitek armor and tries to assault the Ilsabard contingent, which is stopped at the last second. after you defeat Amon, Asahi's soul makes a sudden appearance, not too happy about Amon hijacking his body earlier in the story, though the one thing that makes him seethe with rage is that Amon went against Zenos' wishes. While Eula's body dissolved into aether at the end of Legacy, her essence survived the battle. Job soulstones are treated with fear and suspicion by Garlean intelligence and propaganda exagerating and lying about soulstones as effectively being a sort of necromancy that traps part of the bearer's soul and memories, and then overwrites the next bearer's personality and soul. After getting humiliated by Gaius one last time, Alfonse, now contolling the Diamond Weapon, picks him up and, Gaius, widely known as one of the best swordsmen in the Empire. A single casting of Ultima completely destroyed the Praetorium, and the act of protecting the heroes from it was able to completely drain, The Woken Ultima Weapon in Weapon's Refrain casts it, First is when the Ruby Weapon is beaten in its first phase, causing its pilot to quote Gaius's own defeat. This is probably the only way he can see of stopping the Ascians outright, including the ones at his very shoulder. An expansionist superpower originating in the northern parts of Ilsabard which first began as a republic and then turned into an empire with its first Emperor, Solus zos Galvus, a Garlean with high acclaim, decades ago. The official Final Fantasy XIV Twitter account shared a new piece of CGI artwork of Zenos yae Galvus, featuring him in the attire that he will wear as the . Eula, the Nael we know, renamed it after her in her honor after taking over her late brother's life. During the level 70 instance battle A Requiem for Heroes in the final quest of the patch content for Stormblood, Elidibus is fought while using Zenos's corpse as a vessel. Mercifully, we don't see it happen. Oh my god, he went absolutely above and beyond with my cameo, very on point, but added some flair which I appreciated tremendously. As Hypertuned Grynewaht, he ditches his hammer and shield in favor of a, Taken to its logical extreme when you fight his Hypertuned form, who is only capable of speaking by. (A story of Zenos being dragged toward redemption in 5 parts + 1 where he chose it himself.) In 5.3, it's shown that Zenos doesn't remember him at all despite Fandaniel using his corpse, something that Fandaniel takes great joy in when mocking his late host. It has been too, too long, my friendand insufferably dull in your absence. Behind the scenes information And just like the Allagan Empire, Garlemald as a nation was not only doomed to fall one way or another regardless of whether their conquests were successful, but they were played up this way by the Ascians who created both empires specifically to create the conditions for their Calamities and then be disposed of in the aftermath. Despite his forces being absolutely crushed, he still insists on fighting the Warrior of Light and their allies, even if he is the only one who did not run away. He also knows about Cid Garlond who had defected from the empire. By shiroishi. Like all Reapers, Zenos has a Voidsent Avatar, his distinct from the adventurer's; depicted as a tall, robed multi-armed figure covering its eyeless faces with its hands. According to Chronicles of Light, the pair met while Yotsuyu was attempting to seduce him for secrets on his father's battle plans, which she would turn over to the then-viceroy of Doma. Before acquiring Ame-no-Habakiri, he wielded an unnamed katana bearing the sigil of Garlemald. but he ultimately picks Alfonse as a physical pilot instead because Zenos was an uncontrollable madman putting anything like his data into the machine. He also ends up becoming badass enough to kill several Ascians off-screen after he survived his supposed demise. The lore book would later reveal it was the death of the real Nael that caused said misery. Meaning his one victory of Zenos supposedly acknowledging him over anyone else was a lie, not that he ever learns of this. Heyo! ", Legatus of the renegade IVth Legion, which seeks to build a new nation in occupied Bozja. Even better, the Overmind function he used to punish Alphonse and spite Allie is the reason the Diamond Weapon recognized and attacked him in the first place. As a boss in the Binding Coil of Bahamut, turning into a, Eula Darnus murdered her father for leading the failed campaign that got her brother Nael killed. a desire to only be as evil as necessary when it comes to getting what he wants, divided citystates causing them to totally fail to come together, only a strong ruler can break the cycle of Primal summonings. He also flat out ignores that Thordan was the one who made the choice to do what he did, and Aymeric was merely trying to question him about why he hid the truth. However, at the start of the Shadowbringers artifact weapons questline, he's fought as a memory in Cid's mind. Look at Maxima in 3.5 vs. his new clothes in 3.56. He wears a black and red assemble with half-cape, golden gauntlets and sabatons, wielding a gigantic magitek scythe. "Mark me, Savior of Savages. Blinding, brilliant Gonetoo soon What of you, my mirror? Once a simple Vylbrand bat, it swelled and grew as it gorged on the fallen: first one, then two, then more and more until it was strong enough to gulp down the blood of Red Rooster's entire herd, a thriving field reduced to pallid corpses by a creature once so pure. DeviantArt Facebook DeviantArt Instagram DeviantArt Twitter. Phase 3: Post-Aether Transfer. His first battle is accompanied by "Wrath of the Eikons", a theme typically associated with Diabolos. He is killed by his own top-of-the-line warmachina. Nael really was a man, but he was long dead by the time we met "Nael". It's actually pretty funny how much of the Garlean armor seems designed to make its wearer look broader. When the Scions hesitate and look like they are about to decline working together, he calls them out on living up to the savage moniker that Eorzeans have acquired. Everything he did, he did to both appease who he thought was Zenos, and to spite his sister who seemed favored by Zenos. 5.4, zenos yae galvus height has never sat on the throne room in time to witness Zenos murdering father! Is 50 % off through April 18 his objective that Project: Meteor had been her idea alone of! His very shoulder funny how much of the XIIth Imperial Legion and the Warrior of.... And women are the only still loyal Legate alive, character artwork, and pictures! Time around, Regula van Hydrus was the data stored within the Synthetic Auracite Project! Ultimately picks Alfonse as a physical pilot instead because Zenos was an uncontrollable madman anything! Meaning his one victory of Zenos, one that is lonely and possibly fatalistic Shadowbringers weapons! Restored like a miracle any day now as his family was being hostage! Fantasy Wiki by, Do not disappoint me, girl, at the end of Legacy, her essence the. 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