13th is more liberal propaganda to further enslave blacks to the idea they are systemically oppressed and need the help of big government to get out of the city. Something is clearly wrong there and data shows it.Next is this:"As in, black males in the United States are seven times likelier than white males to be arrested for homicide"Not sure if I understand this but the fact the black males are seven times likely to get arrested alone than white males should tell you there is a problem. Ill repeat myself: Racial disparities have been and remain enormous. 13th, which, especially in its final minutes, is unabashedly designed to motivate left-wing voters to get them to the polls, is purposefully vague during a strange tangent about Black Panthers and other Woodstock-era radicals. Trump supporters shouting racial pejoratives, the "knock the crap out of them" line stems from an incident in Iowa in which protestors, the "good old days" line was actually followed by Trump, decreased by 20 percent over the last 15 years, empirical evidence from the B.J.S. This documentary emphasizes that the current crisis of mass incarceration is directly tied to our country's legacy and history of slavery. By 1998 just a few years after the crime bill there were fewer arrests than in 1994 when it was signed, and arrests have dropped further over time. Zimmerman had injuries that backed up his story. Some things I took note of are the following:"Out of 991 shootings in which police officers killed suspects in 2015, 495 "victims" were white, 258 were black and 172 were Hispanic. DuVernay criticizes both political parties in this documentary. Duvernay presents The Birth of a Nation as a parallel to modern political systems and social biases. What does your music taste say about you? This isn't about racism, it's about behavior. So in short, 13th is nothing more than yet another identity politics propaganda piece, in which statistics are misconstrued and recent events are reduced into horribly condensed three-second slivers that completely avoid anything even remotely resembling context. The experience of African-Americans under mass incarceration is certainly a valid subject for a documentary, but 13th keeps talking about the whole prison population. If this were so controversial, why has no one thought to be outraged about it before? Thats how we introduced them. She contends they disenfranchised most black people across the South at the turn of the 20th century, excluding them from the political system (including juries), at the same time that lynching of black people by white mobs reached a peak. 13TH (Trailer) More Details. Last week, our team tackled topics from 10 summer bucket list items to must-haves to keep in your car for a good time on the road. Well, more than a quadruple amount of people saw 13th, about the prison-industrial complex. This is a very strange mistake; the turn from ever-increasing prisons has been widely discussed. The site's critical consensus reads, "13th strikes at the heart of America's tangled racial history, offering observations as incendiary as they are calmly controlled. The documentary makes a very valid point that African-Americans can be over-represented in the media as criminals, but it falls into the same trap itself: African-Americans are about 36% of the incarcerated population but just about 100% of its representation and discussion of incarceration; non-Hispanic whites are about 38% of the incarcerated population but just about 0% of its discussion. In the land of the free, its ironic that we have the highest incarceration rates in the world. Equating Donald Trump supporters with Deep South lynch mobs isnt even its most outlandish tactic. The film explores the demonization of minority poor through these decades to serve political ends, contributing to fears of minorities by whites and to problems of police brutality against minority communities. It might mention that New Yorks state prison incarceration rate peaked nearly twenty years ago a decline driven in part by enormous reductions in New York City drug admissions or that Miami-Dade county has 13% of Floridas population but committed just 8% of its state inmates in FY 20142015. Learn more I understand and wish to proceed. ", "How Will the Movies (As We Know Them) Survive the Next 10 Years? Normalizing and even sentimentalizing left-wing 1960s extremists has become the new normal, however. "The author makes no mistake about using rates and not just raw numbers. It was strange because I knew the feeling I had wasn't empathy, as I had never experienced a fraction of the discrimination expended on some of the people interviewed, yet it made me feel incredibly sad regardless. The U.S. prison population in 1970 was just above 327,000. Ava DuVernay's 13th has acquired numerous awards since screening, including Best Documentary from the Critics' Choice Documentary Awards, Best Documentary at the Satellite Awards, and Best. Just title it im racist and go. [3] Full disclosure: I have not read The New Jim Crow, but I have read James Forman Jr.s rebuttal Racial Critiques Of Mass Incarceration: Beyond The New Jim Crow, which I think makes some similar points as I make here, especially in my last few paragraphs. To keep repeating that Black men are 40.2% of the prison population, year after year, is to miss one of the biggest demographic trends in incarceration: It is getting less Black and more White and/or more Hispanic (depending on how you account for changing demographics in the total population), more rural and less urban, even as racial disparities remain enormous: As for the racial trends: The White male state/federal prison incarceration rate per 100,000 rose from 449 in 2000 to 465 in 2014 as the White female rate rose from 34 to 53; the Black male state/federal prison incarceration rate dropped from 3457 to 2724 as the Black female rate dropped from 205 to 109. Martin died because Zimmerman exercised self-defense after Martin jumped on Zimmerman, punched him in the nose and pounded his head into the pavement. The reality that it is written in the charter which is used to govern every single man or woman in the united states makes it an honest source. I found the 13th documentary by Ava DuVernay extremely compelling but also a bit hard to watch. 13th documentary fact check by api.3m.com . , depicting them as the heroes in society. RELATED: 15 Documentaries To Watch On Netflix Right Now (That Aren't True Crime) I would love to hear and read more of your work. By clicking Sign Up, you agree to our The origins of the crisis It's almost summer, and our response writers are making sure you're prepared! Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Documentary or Nonfiction Special, the Republican Party's appeal to southern white conservatives, the rate of crime in the United States has continued to decline since the late 20th century, Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics, African-American Film Critics Association Awards, Alliance of Women Film Journalists' EDA Awards, Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for a Motion Picture Documentary, DallasFort Worth Film Critics Association Awards, Outstanding Documentary or Nonfiction Special, Outstanding Directing for Nonfiction Programming, Outstanding Writing for Nonfiction Programming, Outstanding Cinematography for a Nonfiction Program, Outstanding Picture Editing for a Nonfiction Program, Outstanding Sound Editing for Nonfiction Programming (Single or Multi-Camera), Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Nonfiction Program (Single or Multi-Camera), Washington D.C. Area Film Critics Association, Manohla Dargis, "Review: '13TH,' the Journey From Shackles to Prison Bars", "O.J. Ava Duvernay's 13th #Docuhistory with Walter D. Greason, Kevin Gannon, and William Dobbie. If I'm telling these stories to reach a mass audience, then really, nothing else matters. As late as the 2016 presidential election, the eventual winner Donald Trump worked to generate fear of crime, claiming high rates in New York City, for instance, which was not true according to the documentary. "[3] Peter Travers of Rolling Stone awarded the film four stars and named it one of the best films of 2016. So why not use it here? 13TH. Downloads only available on ad-free plans. "Factoring in a pseudo-barbarian youth culture that produces and champions such horrific displays of child abuse as "this" as heroic"What was the YouTube video you were linking to here? A new wave of minority suppression began, reaching African Americans and others in the northern, mid-western and western cities where many had migrated in earlier decades. This kept CCA prisons overflowing with immigrant detainees. PO Box 309 Produced and filmed in secrecy, 13th was revealed only after it was announced as the opening film for the 2016 New York Film Festival, the first documentary ever to open the festival. Want to write for us? If you want to know why consider this: 26 out of 27 of the deadliest shooters in history were without fathers. Take the number of people who saw Selma, a Christmas release with an Oscar campaign about Dr. Martin Luther King. Following the Civil War, African-Americans were arrested and imprisoned in mass for extremely minor crimes. Today, as the Black Lives Matter movement continues to unfold and national politics have veered towards a criminal justice system that yet again relies heavily on mass incarceration, 13th continues to provide useful context for conversations about race and criminal justice. This practice, however, was an idea that came from the film, according to the documentary. nd to conclude this long, drawn out condemnation of the film's, , I'd like to go back to the film's core thesis - that today's, is indeed the last remaining vestiges of that old economic institution we used to call, Now, as to the notion that incarceration represents some kind of, In that, why should the U.S. be ashamed of prosecuting and imprisoning 2.3 million people a year - the vast majority of them, In an absolutely brilliant critique of the film (which somehow concludes with the extolling of The Geto Boys' underappreciated 1995 album, claims about that dreaded, dastardly "institutional racism" manifesting itself in ", is a gravely racist film itself, denying black Americans to take responsibility for their own actions and instead blaming the fact that African Americans commit violent crimes at, the rate of white people - with the majority of the victims of said crimes, not on a grimly nihilistic inner city culture that celebrates drug running, pimping and drive-by shootings as, , but by golly, the fact that white people in the 1920s were just, mean. Here's another interesting statistic tied into this: If African Americans and Hispanics were arrested at the same rate as whites, the prison population would decrease by nearly 40%. Never mind the fact that - despite deeper poverty and, racism in the law - crime rates for black Americans were considerably, And never mind the fact that - despite whatever historical or contemporary grievances you may have with "the system" -, . You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. 40% of those inmates are black people, and no, that doesn't mean that white people make up the other 60%. [15] Unfortunately, despite a lot of compelling primary source videos and some more original topics after the usual litany, I noticed a few statistics that are misleading, unclear, or incorrect. This documentary educated, inspired, challenged, and exposed me to the legacies of the thirteenth amendment in hopes that the white American society will begin to humanize itself sooner, rather than later. Click here to subscribe! [5], It experienced a surge in viewership by 4,665 percent in June 2020 during the George Floyd protests. I mention Walmart and guns because ALEC is the organization which pushed for the Stand Your Ground Law, which is what was used to justify Trayvon Martin's murder in court. Combining archival footage with testimony from activists and scholars, director Ava DuVernay's examination of the U.S. prison system looks at how the country's history of racial inequality drives the high rate of incarceration in America.This piercing, Oscar-nominated film won Best Documentary at the Emmys, the BAFTAs and the NAACP Image Awards.US Rating: TV-MA For mature audiences. (lest we forget, the United States - that white privilege hegemony it is - is home to more than, and the first two black billionaires in modern history. Disappointingly, given the importance of the underlying issues, the film is a morass of distortions, half-truths, calculated omissions, absurd hyperbole and outright falsehoods. If every single person had a trial, the entire system would shut down. Just by the virtue of being black, not even being convicted, you have 7 times more chance than a white person for being simply arrested for murder.Then obviously the writer omits the fact blacks are about 4 times more likely to be stopped by cops than a white person. The United States has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. are roo 26 Errors, Inaccuracies and Flat-Out Lies in the Documentary '13th', I was up there and I looked at all the brothers and it made my heart ache, you know? Blacks commit crime at MUCH higher rate than all other races. JOIN NOW Black Lives Matter Collection Blacks make 12-13% of the population but made up 26% of the suspect that were killed by police officers in 2015. For graphs of UCR numbers limited to violent index crime, property index crime or drug abuse violations, use the tool linked above or see here all three trended down or flat soon after the Crime Bill, although for some reason drug violations had a brief spike from 2002 to 2006.). Ehrlichman allegedly gave this juicy quote to lefty journalist Dan Baum in 1994. Durham, NC 27702 [13], Manohla Dargis of The New York Times praised what she called the power of DuVernay's film and its meticulous marshaling of facts. At Carolina Justice Policy Center, our intern Molly Riesenberger recently watched 13th to share what she learned with our readers: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The 13th amendment was the principle focal point of the documentary and was used to be a form of logos. Some experts and advocates most notably in recent years, in Ava DuVernay's 2016 documentary 13th and research by Michelle Alexander, author of the 2010 book The New Jim Crow have thus . Welcome, one and all! The documentary describes The Birth of a Nation as life imitating art. One example of how this was shown was the traditional practice of the Ku Klux Klan burning the cross. In the documentary, there are many interviews with scholars and . By showing how slavery shifted to convict leasing, to lim Grow segregation, to the war on drugs, 13th argues that "systems of oppression are durable and they often reinvent themselves." As Angela Davis stated in the film. However, Ava Duvernay explores a loophole, which deems a form of slavery acceptable in the legal form of criminal punishment. The 1915 film Birth of a Nation depicted the African-American male as a violent, animalistic, out of control, evil, member of society. The film was directed by Ava DuVernay and released in 2016. Your work will make it almost impossible for future dishonest accademia to use the film as a tool to further such nonesense. The Nixon administration began the cycle of criminalizing African-Americans struggling with drug addictions, rather than increasing availed resources for treatment and rehabilitation. Today, we will not be talking about any of those things T hanksgiving is a time to be Why the undisputed rock and roll gods are among the most overrated acts in music history M usic fans, in a lot of ways, might just Two decades after the Nirvana front mans self-administered demise, we reflect upon the grunge icons hallowed legacy. 1 in 17 white males is expected to go to prison in his lifetime. Many of these examples come from racism as a form of business to fund quotas in private prisons or by passing laws to provide money to a private legislation writing organization, such as the American Legislative Exchange Council. It often comes down to: you can take this plea deal and go to jail for three years, or you can go to trial and go to jail for 30 years if you lose. Thats a rapist, thats a murderer, thats a robber, thats a burglar, thats a gang leader. And through that lens, its easier to accept that theyre guilty and they should all go to prison.. After the Civil War, African Americans were arrested in massive groups, often for minor crimes, in order to fill the hole in the South's economy after slavery was abolished. The answer was in the 13. For more information and educational resources, please visit:https://media.netflix.com/en/company-blog/free-educational-documentariesSUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7About Netflix:Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with over 167 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films across a wide variety of genres and languages. Thats how we introduced them. Her documentary "13th" is a powerful look at how the modern-day prison labor system links to slavery. Id have liked to see 13th acknowledge that. ), when was the last time - if ever - you heard someone talk about the unsung (yet statistically more common) epidemic of, equivalent of secular heresy - to dare fathom that, perhaps, the ghost of "racism", explain away all the unpleasant demographical discrepancies in. A large portion of the movie is basically an engaging walk through a very standard narrative of mass incarceration. (Part Four: #20-#11). 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