Between those who are fully committed to Him and those who prefer a comfortable, cultural Christianity.There is the True Church of faithful Believers and then there are 'pseudobelievers' - those who were loosely connected to the vine but which never bore any fruit because there was no spiritual life in them.They were around the Bride but never had a genuine love for the Bridegroom.Hundreds, if not thousands, of churches will close and never reopen. How was He at work in our lives? What steps can you take to move forward to the next stage, place, and people God has waiting for you? Last night I was reading my Dream Journal from a couple of years ago. Thus, they were able to prosper, advance, increase, and experience Gods blessing in an unusual way. As you draw near to Me I draw near to you, and we are one. Lion Bites - Daily Prophetic Words Every day our team publish a daily (Monday-Friday) personal prophetic word which encourages tens of thousands of believers all over the world. They are not necessarily all for the same person. You may even feel spiritually numb and emotionally disconnected. Hell has already been defeated. How can I be part of the rising, radical remnant in the new wineskin that is emerging? We have never been this way before. Youre not sure exactly where you fit any longer. Welcome to the Daily Prophetic Word. That process has now become 'SPIRIT SPEAK: 100 DAYS OF DAILY PROPHETIC'.This book is 100 daily prophetic words of encouragement, inspiration, insight, warning, and motivation. And while it was painful, you knew it was right. In 2022, the Lord wants you to step into the fullness of the good plans that He has prepared for you. Every day, Monday-Friday, our team send out these personal prophetic words around the world. Then, in Mark 12, we are told that the next day he again entered the temple and overturned the tables. DAILY RHEMA "VICTORY WREATH" A PROPHETIC WORD. Why do some people seem to experience greater favor than others? Please read them all carefully and prayerfully. But dont allow false loyalty to keep you in an old wineskin. !, Craig, I cannot begin to tell you how much these Spirit Speak emails bless me each and every day. You and both books have been heaven sent! By the end of this 30 day journey, you will be amazed at how much you begin to recognize and understand God speaking to you in very ordinary as well as supernatural ways. Nothing takes him by surprise. Know who it is you believe. Unlike a daily horoscope, a prophetic word is an encouraging or confirming word inspired by the Holy Spirit. Much of 2022 will be spent trying to pull nations back from the brink of devastating conflicts. Lion Bites - Daily Prophetic Words Every day our team publish a daily (Monday-Friday) personal prophetic word which encourages tens of thousands of believers all over the world. An INNER STIRRING that something is changing? All I can say right now isThank you!Thank you so much!!! A demarcation is being drawn between the righteous and the wicked - between the corrupt and those who stand for truth. Gender identity issues. But you aren't sure what the 'new thing' is or how you can get there? Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted . The Lord is cleaning His house. Christian Prophecy, Prayers & Bible Sharing Updated Daily His Kingdom Prophecy is a Christian Prophetic Website and Resource Center with daily Prophetic Words, Teachings, Testimony and Prayers. Connects you to what God is doing on a daily basis. These will spread. So much so, that I dont even need to describe in detail all thats taken place in just two years. What happens in the invisible, spiritual realm is often mirrored in the physical visible realm. Copyright 2021 Doug Addison. I believe it is a sign that the Lord is coming with a great surge of power. What is the changing of the guard we are seeing in leadership? How to interpret pictures, dreams and visions. Each chapter has been birthed in prayer and prophetic discernment, offering direction, encouragement, and empowerment for the unfamiliar path that we are all on right now. Thank you for helping me., I have no words to express how inspiring your emails are to me right now. We live in incredibly unusual and uncertain times. The enemy is seeking to rob Gods people of our uniqueness, our calling, our ministry, even our reputation. Be thankful that I ended those relationships that were contaminated by unbelief and jealousy. What is God doing in His church in this time of upheaval, exposure of immoral leadership, and dismantling of old ways? That will happen as we spend time on our knees and on our faces before Him in prayer. Release the emotional entanglements of the past and move on. For many years I stumbled about in the dark trying so desperately to hear God speak to me. During the first 100 days of 2022, the Lord is searching to and fro throughout the earth for those whose hearts are fully devoted to him. (2 Chronicles 16: 9) When he finds them, He will promote them. There is a great battle for attention - for minds and eyes - in the mainstream media but especially on social media. Prophetess Joann Hicks. How can I increase the level of anointing and spiritual authority upon my life? We are with you every step of the way. There will be certain spots across the world where his power is particularly evident and manifest. I will only share the highlights of a few of them: The LORD is coming to anoint His Bride. They will bring fresh revelation, untarnished by political ideologies or position or the love of money. The difference between personal prophecy and speaking Gods word into a wider situation. How will I recognize them? These 129 pages include teaching on abundance and financial provision, healing, favor, risk-taking, expectation and much more. After a great testing, a new generation of Christian leaders are emerging from the sidelines. Thanks so much for this word., Craig this is so in tune to what my life feels like.THANK YOU Craig - you explain things in such a way that, we feel the emotions and the chaos but aren't always, sure how to explain our thoughts. As the infrastructures crumble in the nations, Gods people will bring Kingdom solutions and supernatural wisdom to the problems the world cannot solve. I AM the Word of truth I AM the way I AM the life - Keep the Word hidden in your heart and comfort yourself in My Word. Stand firm in truth and grace.Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His Word.Craig. Things that normally happen, wont happen. Irelands Destiny Hub: Warring for the Destiny of This Land! Do [], The Father says today that the Baal spirit is being broken in your midst. They have actually blown some of our appliances. His powerful messages stay with his audiences long after hearing him. I see a clear distinction between the Righteous and unrighteous in this year, 2022. Today's Prophetic Word Something Isn't Working Refresh the page to try again. What does Kingdom leadership look like in this new era? Gods people will emerge victorious. Prophetic Word Of Inspiration: Unprecedented! Here is just a sample of the FEEDBACK I have received so far from those who are reading SPIRIT SPEAK: Your Spirit Speak words have certainly helped both my husband and myself make sense of a seemingly senseless situation!, Every word speaks of my current situation., I was wondering why I was feeling the way you have described here. That God is taking you into SOMETHING NEW, even perhaps a new physical location? Secret documents and recordings will surface and a level of exposure will come that will shock all political factions. We need more of Him. ), If you would like to order the book, all you have to do is CLICK THE LINK BELOW. You're feeling STUCK and FRUSTRATED because nothing is happening. It is a tipping point year - a year when everything that has been happening since the year 2000 culminates and climaxes. I see hot spots all over the globe. I will make you forget the former things in light of My glory to come. "I am preparing a table before you in the presence of your enemies and those who have persecuted you," says . Wells without water. (NOTE: This does not include THE BLUEPRINT: I wanted to share with you because your very words have caused a release in our situation as well. Break free from containment and confinement. Revive Me Daily - Prophetic Word. I was really trying to trust God and cling to what He had spoken to me, but I was feeling unsure, insecure and anxious about the future. National leaders will be disgraced and will be removed before their term is finished. Breakthrough Prophetic Word for 2022 A Word by Russ Walden Shift and Change are Bringing You Favor and Benefit Beyond Your Expectations The Father says in 2022, THAT will be ENOUGH of THAT! Like your body replaces itself with a new set of cells, your old life will replace itself with a new life, reflecting the glory of the Lord. Places that are usually warm will be uncommonly cold. (1 Corinthians 14:3). Simply fill out your details to receive Daily Prophetic and get the free chapters by email. Now is your breakthrough moment from everything that was holding you back. Or when they do hear Him speak, they dont know how to interpret what He is saying so they can take the appropriate action and move forward into the good future He has for them. Major companies and corporations - even banks and other financial institutions - will be bankrupted. I know God had called me, but how do I find my unique voice? Daily time in the word and prayer have never been so important. His Kingdom Prophecy is a Christian Prophetic Website and Resource Center with daily Prophetic Words, Teachings, Testimony and Prayers. He looked around at everything, but since it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the Twelve.. How do I stay aligned with God's purposes in this hour? He wants to heal us. We overcome in your name. While in the natural I believe President Trump will be re-elected, in my spirit I strongly sense that there will be a concerted attempt by the enemy to remove him illegitimately, even as the current impeachment process fails.There will be a major sifting within the church. But if one of them is for you, I pray the Holy Spirit would minister that word directly into your spirit and use it to lift you up. A season which lasted almost 3 years. In it I take you on a journey through our transition, and in 30 chapters I explore some of the lessons I learned during this prolonged and often difficult season. You are the beginning and the end, and you are our beginning and our end, and everything between. There will be a desperate attempt to continue to cover-up corruption, lies, injustice, fraud, greed, and other evils. Inflation, debt, supply issues, and overpriced stocks have brought us into a massive bubble. What about Himself did He long to reveal? At times, it may seem as if the world is on the brink of a nuclear war. Jesus is with His believers now. Gods people must pray. 1,362 talking about this. DAILY PROPHETIC WORDS BOOK. Patiently wait for Me to direct your path. Apostles Craig and Colette Toach and our international Next Gen Prophets Team deliver prophesies to your inbox. There will be many false flags throughout this year. - Proverbs 8:34 NIV. The nations and systems of the earth continue to be shaken. You're UNSETTLED and UNSURE what the future holds. "Your book is so freakishly appropriate for where I am today.You even recently called out a breakthrough that brought me out of a grieving season and into fresh light, literally the same day.This book is so on time!"I can't start to explain how timely your book is and how much God is confirming my season. We must see the big picture from Gods Word and the big picture of history - our God is sovereign and all of history and humanity are moving irreversibly towards the feet of Jesus. But because the Lord was "drip feeding" me a prophetic sense of what is to come. The others will be swept away in the cultural tide of conformity.The economy worldwide will take a major sudden dip. You'll automatically receive these when you purchase 'The Tension of Transition.' . I Am looking lovingly and intently upon you. It could have been written at a different time, and even for someone else, but, in that moment, the Holy Spirit applied it directly to your situation. Our nearest neighbors havent experienced them. God is Healing Your Trauma! We overcome because you are the One WHO stands alongside to help us. He is purifying his bride. Daily Prophetic Word. You see, our God is not silent. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries. Economic instability. My land will be cleansed, and I will renew the hopes of the prisoners and lift up the heads of those who [], The Father says today come up higher. . The Kingdom will advance like never before. The more you gain knowledge of who you believe the more strengthened your faith becomes. Its the same with the volatility in the world around us. Seek Heavens wisdom and you will prosper. or sacrificed more. What does the new wineskin look like? Through Christ, we gain access to doors of hidden treasures and riches stored in secret places. I would that you enter into joy this day and enter into peace. The Gathering is happening. before me. It may even appear as if the world is coming to an endbut that time has not yet come. Especially if they are close friends or even family members? He was attempting to hem us in and keep us contained. The problem was - we had nowhere or nothing to go to. In many cases, it will be swift and unexpected. Lift up your head and see My face. I couldnt understand. Break off passivity and assert your God-given authority. "Let me clearly state to all of you and to all the people of Israel that he was healed by the powerful name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the man you crucified but whom God raised from the dead.". They will speak with truth and power into government, world affairs, business, technology, medicine, entertainment, and education. It will be a tight squeeze - but not catastrophic. and the wisdom of others you will learn: How God has been speaking to you, but you havent realized it. This may mean exiting from significant relationships, changing church or a network, resigning from your denomination, even moving house or relocating to a different region. A remnant will recognize them as speaking with the true, prophetic revelation of God. Have you ever read or heard a prophetic word - perhaps online or in a book - and you knew it was just for you? We are fighting for future generations. But its also a kairos moment of unique opportunity that will shape your future. Crisis after crisis is coming as the shaking, shifting, and sifting continue (and even intensify) for the foreseeable future. We are experiencing the first season of a whole new era. Start each day with a word from God, along with carefully selected Scriptures and personal reflections and insights. Click on the link below to find out more: Those who continue to oppose his will may well find themselves removed from the position of authority in one way or another. I know God has more for me - but I feel so stuck. I recently started investing a little in bitcoin and crypto. Teachings & Articles. That's exactly where I found myself just a few years ago. Believers will begin to recognize our true identity and authority in Christ. Fix your focus. Thank you Thank you Thank you!, I have no words to express how inspiring your emails are to me right now. This matters because the cycle should then be expected to run until September 2022. So much change is happening. Laugh, says the Father. A RETURN TO HOLINESS, REPENTANCE, AND A FEAR OF THE LORD. Or you're praying and longing to see His PROMISES or PROPHETIC WORDS fulfilled in your life? They will be of all ages and from all backgrounds. You will have clarity around your calling. Laugh the laugh of faith. This year, I believe that sifting will become a purging of impurity. Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. To have any doubt is to not have faith. Among many other things, this was part of what the Lord spoke to me: The key word that I keep getting over and over again for 2020 is "PIVOTAL". I believe that baptism by full immersion will become incredibly powerful and significant this year. Conviction, confession, and disciplined living are central to our ability to prevail. How to speak Gods Word over your life to reshape your future. In Mark 11, we are told that Jesus visited the temple and looked around. We are being called to seek His face and pursue His presence above all else. There has been too much performance in His church. Eyes will be opened as people start to long for freedom of speech and thought.There will be the greatest separation of believers in the last 200 years between those who appease and surrender to the secular culture and those who stand for righteousness, holiness and the Word of the Lord. Some look at you and think you are a joke, but the answer of [], The Father says today; I am sitting over the land as a refiners fire and fullers soap. But ultimately, he is coming to judge the wicked and reward the righteous. Read - Get Doug's blog posts and prophetic words. Others that were at the forefront of power will see their importance significantly decline. I became very intense about it and even believed that it was because of my lack of devotion or even sin that God was staying quiet. We want to be the Prophets in your life! Enjoy a bite-sized boost of prophetic encouragement from Doug Addison every day! How can I birth Gods promises for my future through prophetic decrees? Personal reflections and insights ages and from daily prophetic word backgrounds from a couple of years.. You 're UNSETTLED and UNSURE what the daily prophetic word thing ' is or how you can get there gain of... 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