"d": { }, "d": { "name": "LORD AT WAR", "d": { "name": "NEARCO", WebThe Inbreeding Calculator by Labgenvet is provided to breeders as a simple and rapid tool for calculating the inbreeding coefficient of an animal based on its pedigree. }, "name": "MENOW" "name": "I" "s": { "name": "RAISE YOU", }, Bred to a doe that is 50%, or Myotonic: 100% plus 50%= 150 divided by 2 equals 75%, or equivalent to Myotonic. "name": "IRON REWARD" "d": { }, "name": "Aahmes" "s": { "name": "Berenice I" "name": "HELIOPOLIS", "name": "BLESS PAT", "s": { "s": { Important! "name": "BLACK POLLY" "s": { "name": "NAVARRA" }, The dog mixer is not exhaustive; the choices seem limited to breed combinations for which the developers }, } } Percentage of calories (does not apply to fiber) 3. "name": "MISS DOLPHIN" } "s": { } }, "name": "OUTDONE" }, "d": { }, "s": { "name": "MISS DOGWOOD", "name": "MYRTLEWOOD" "d": { "name": "A" }, }, }, }, } WebAccording to the experts is also recommended that an individuals IC should not exceed 6% counted from the 5 generation pedigree, which is about the same as breeding among cousins, and 9% counted from the 10 generations pedigree. } "d": { "d": { "d": { "s": { "d": { For dogs and cats you may replace the national percentage with the percentage for the state in which the community is located. } Add the two percentages together. "name": "C" "name": "SUN PRINCESS" "s": { "d": { }, "name": "Antiochus III of Syria" "name": "Ptolemy III" Important! "s": { Please Read This Notice! "name": "BLUE BANNER", } }, } "name": "ZETTA JET", "name": "NEARCTIC", "s": { "name": "C" "name": "E" "name": "MENOW" } } } "name": "Anna of Bohemia and Hungary" "name": "F" "d": { "name": "H" "s": { "s": { }, }, }, "s": { Double their weight at 6 months of age. "d": { }, }, "name": "Ptolemy III" "name": "Ptolemy I" }, "d": { Incestuous crosses resulting in offspring with coefficients of inbreeding above 12.5% should not be performed; these include parent-offspring, brother-sister, grandparent-grandchild, half-brother-half-sister matings. "name": "Cleopatra III", "s": { }, }, "name": "CHASE IT DOWN" "d": { "name": "Ptolemy II" "s": { }, } } }, "s": { "name": "DOG BLESSED", "d": { "s": { "d": { "name": "PRINCEQUILLO", "d": { "d": { "d": { "name": "Joanna of Castile" "d": { "s": { }, }, "s": { }, The relative position of an ancestor in common between the paternal and maternal pedigrees is important for the proper functioning of the calculator. } } "d": { "s": { "name": "Ptolemy I" }, } "name": "Ptolemy X", } First, convert the breed percentages of both parents to eighths. }, "name": "NEARCO" }, "s": { In a similar fashion, in Pedigree B, positions 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 and 29 represent male animals while positions 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 represent female animals. "name": "Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor", "name": "E" 4 "name": "ROUGH'N TUMBLE" "s": { }, "name": "Cleopatra III" "s": { "name": "Berenice II" "s": { "s": { "s": { "s": { "d": { "d": { "name": "Maria of Aragon", } "d": { } "d": { "name": "Ferdinand II of Aragon" "s": { "name": "EMPIRE MAKER", "d": { } "name": "Ptolemy V" "d": { "d": { "name": "HONEST PLEASURE", } "s": { "d": { "name": "FLUSHING", "d": { }, "d": { "name": "Joanna of Castile", "name": "Isabella I of Castile" "name": "GREY FLIGHT" "d": { } "name": "Berenice II" "d": { "name": "Ptolemy III" } "s": { WebCalculating breed percentages in offspring is really very simple. }, "s": { "d": { "name": "Francis I, Duke of Lorraine" }, "s": { "name": "MR. TROUBLE", }, "name": "Berenice II" }, }, }, "s": { "name": "STIMULUS" "name": "MIYAKO" "name": "DRIFT" "name": "ATYS" "s": { "name": "Ptolemy VII", }, "name": "PRINCE ROSE" "d": { "name": "Cleopatra I", "name": "Joanna of Castile" "d": { "name": "Antiochus III of Syria" "d": { "d": { WebFounded in 1884, the not-for-profit AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for all dogs. "s": { 1549)" According to your tastes, characteristics and lifestyle, the free Dog Breed Calcultor will help you to find your ideal canine companion. } "s": { "name": "DISCOVERY" }, "name": "MY BABU", In general, the lower the percentage, the lower the degree of inbreeding. "name": "Cleopatra I" }, }, "name": "Joanna of Castile" "name": "Ptolemy I" "d": { "s": { "name": "LADY GLORY", "d": { }, "name": "Sequenera III" In fact, those petite puppies finish growing at around half the age of their larger counterparts, according to Dr. Klein. "name": "BLACK POLLY" "name": "Joanna of Castile", "name": "B" }, "s": { "name": "QUEENS HUSSAR", } Percentage of dry matter 2. "d": { "name": "Berenice II" }, "name": "Isabella of Portugal", "d": { "name": "Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor", "name": "LADY GLORY", "name": "Joanna of Castile" "d": { To prevent data loss, sign-up for a Pro membership before you enter any data. }, "name": "William V, Duke of Bavaria", }, "s": { "name": "STORM CAT", "d": { "name": "Christina of Denmark", "s": { }, { }, "name": "G", }, "name": "PRINCE CHEVALIER" "name": "Ptolemy IV" } "name": "CASE ACE" }, } } }, "d": { "name": "Anna of Bohemia and Hungary" "name": "COSQUILLA" "d": { "d": { "name": "NOT AFRAID", "), Why inbreeding really isn't as bad as you think it is, Coefficients of Inbreeding and Relationship, Genetic and Quantitative Aspects of Genealogy, Pair of 2G-grandparents = 3G-grandparents, Self-fertilization, clones, or identical twins*. "name": "Joanna of Castile" "d": { "name": "GEISHA" }, "s": { "d": { "d": { "name": "Isabella I of Castile" }, }, "name": "GEISHA" "name": "RAISE YOU", "name": "G", "s": { }, "name": "ANGUAR", "s": { "name": "MUMTAZ BEGUM" "d": { } "name": "Berenice I" "name": "Albert V, Duke of Bavaria" "name": "HER NATIVE", }, "name": "A" } }, }, }, "name": "B" "s": { }, "d": { "s": { "name": "TURN-TO", "name": "NASRULLAH", }, "name": "TROJAN LASS" "d": { }, "s": { "s": { "d": { "name": "NATALMA", "s": { "s": { "name": "BOLD RULER", "name": "MY RECIPE" } }, "d": { "name": "O", }, "s": { "name": "L", WebTo estimate the number of pet-owning households in your community, multiply the total number of households in your community by the percentage of households that owned pets. "name": "Isabella I of Castile" "name": "ALMAHMOUD", "d": { "name": "Berenice I" "d": { "d": { "name": "Ptolemy II" "d": { "name": "NATIVE DANCER", "d": { "name": "AMERICAN PHAROAH", }, "name": "Ptolemy I" "d": { "name": "J", }, }, "d": { "name": "Ferdinand II of Aragon" } "name": "BELIEVE ME", "name": "Ptolemy III" The calculation method for giant breeds is the same as for large breeds: Divide their weight at 20 weeks by their current age in weeks and multiply by 52. "d": { "name": "Ptolemy V" "name": "Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor" "s": { "d": { }, } "name": "NEARCO" "s": { }, "name": "Arsinoe I" Click a button to load a sample pedigree. "name": "COSQUILLA" "name": "SECRETARIAT", }, "name": "MUMTAZ BEGUM" "name": "Maria Anna of Spain", "d": { "d": { In this version of the calculator, the inbreeding coefficient is calculated based on common ancestors found between the two parental pedigrees but does not consider common ancestors within parental pedigrees. }, }, }, }, "d": { "s": { "name": "WILDWOOK", "name": "RIDE THE TRAILS" "d": { }, }, "name": "MUMTAZ BEGUM" "d": { "name": "KHALED" REVIEWS. "name": "NOBLE LASSIE", "d": { "name": "Ptolemy III" "s": { For the second parental pedigree (Pedigree B, with ancestors numbered 16 to 30), the numbers can be changed to match common ancestors found in the first parental pedigree. "d": { }, }, "d": { "s": { "s": { "name": "ALMAHMOUD", "d": { } "name": "A" "name": "STORM BIRD", The dog breed mixer is on the quirky website of U.K. insurance company Co-op, and its a fun place to click around. "name": "B" "name": "MINNETONKA", "d": { }, "name": "HELIOPOLIS" } "d": { "name": "Joanna of Castile", "d": { "name": "PHAROS" }, }, "d": { }, } "s": { "name": "MERRY DEVON" "d": { }, "d": { "s": { } }, "d": { Here are some examples: 1. }, "d": { "s": { "d": { }, "d": { "s": { "d": { "name": "TOM FOOL", "name": "REASON TO EARN", "name": "Joanna of Castile", With four generations, the least count is 1/16 (6.25%), and we can produce the required 56-44 proportion by doing a 9-7 split in generation 0. "d": { }, }, }, "name": "MUMTAZ BEGUM" "name": "MAGIC", "s": { "s": { }, }, }, "name": "ALIBHAI" "d": { } "d": { }, }, }, }, 1551)" "name": "Berenice I" "name": "Ptolemy III" Bred to a doe that is 25%, or Myotonic: 100% plus 25%=125 divided by 2 equals 62.5%, or equivalent to 5/8 Myotonic. "s": { Please Read This Notice! "d": { "name": "B" }, } }, "d": { "name": "Philip I of Castile" } Keep in mind that this is not an exact calculation, but will give you a range of due dates. }, }, "name": "Maria Anna of Bavaria (b. }, "d": { "s": { "d": { Calculating breed percentages in offspring is really very simple. "s": { }, "name": "Berenice I" "name": "NEARCTIC", "s": { "name": "BOLD RULER", "s": { } }, "d": { "d": { "s": { }, "name": "GAGA" } "s": { "name": "MY DEAR GIRL", }, "name": "Berenice II" "name": "PHAROS" "name": "MIYAKO" "name": "Philip I of Castile" "d": { }, "s": { "name": "Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor" "name": "MISS DISCO" "name": "Ptolemy IV" "d": { Thus, you can produce individuals with 0%, 12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, 50%, 62.5%, 75%, 87.5% or 100% of either breed. "s": { } }, "s": { }, "name": "NASRULLAH", "name": "Philip III of Spain" "name": "COSQUILLA" "name": "Aahotep I" "name": "NATALMA", }, "d": { } "s": { "name": "B" }, "name": "Arsinoe I" }, "d": { }, "d": { "s": { "d": { }, } "name": "B" } "name": "GOLDEN APPLE", }, "name": "E", The dog mixer is not exhaustive; the choices seem limited to breed combinations for which the developers }, "name": "Berenice II" "name": "EIGHT THIRTY" "s": { "name": "Isabella of Portugal", } "s": { } }, }, "name": "CARO" "d": { } "s": { } }, } "s": { } }, } "name": "J" }, } WebThe Dog Breed Calculator can help you to find out which Dog Breed is best suited to you. Then divide each of these percentages in half to get: The next step is to add the percentages together to achieve an offspring which is: 1/2 (4/8) TENNESSEE MEAT GOAT (TMG) 1/2 (4/8) Boer The relative position of an ancestor in common between the paternal and maternal pedigrees is important for the proper functioning of the calculator. "s": { Blank fields will be ignored. "name": "UNBREAKABLE" }, All the calculations are based on The American Kennel Clubs database of adult dog weights and heights. }, "name": "Ptolemy V" }, "s": { "s": { "name": "G", }, Breeders are responsible for having an adequate understanding of inbreeding coefficients and for a judicious use of the calculator. "d": { "s": { "name": "William V, Duke of Bavaria" "name": "Aahmes" "name": "BRAVURA" "name": "DISCOVERY" "d": { "d": { }, "name": "NATIVE DANCER", "s": { } }, }, "name": "POLYNESIAN" } "name": "Philip I of Castile" "name": "Ptolemy I" }, }, }, }, "name": "NASRULLAH", }, }, }, "name": "PRINCE ROSE" "d": { "s": { "s": { "name": "NASRULLAH", }, } } "name": "Berenice II" "s": { "d": { "name": "NEARCTIC", } "s": { "name": "Arsinoe I" "d": { "name": "KANUMERA", "name": "Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor" }, "s": { "name": "NATIVE DANCER", "name": "GLAMOUR", }, } Correct spelling is critical, as this program uses the names to identify duplicate ancestors. }, } "name": "GAGA" "name": "GAGA" } Web1. }, "s": { "name": "Anna of Bohemia and Hungary" "s": { "s": { "name": "DISCOVERY" "name": "H", }, }, } }, "name": "Isabella I of Castile" "name": "KILLALOE", "name": "VIA MEDIA" "s": { "name": "B" } "s": { } "name": "D" "s": { "s": { } }, "name": "Ptolemy XII", Why all the fuss about inbreeding? } "name": "BAD SEED", "d": { "name": "CORRELATION" "s": { 2. "name": "LUCKY SOPH" }, "s": { "s": { }, } "d": { "name": "Ptolemy III" "d": { }, "d": { "name": "POLYNESIAN" "s": { "s": { "name": "ROYAL CHARGER", } "name": "Manuel I of Portugal" "name": "Mariana of Austria", "d": { "d": { "d": { }, "d": { } } } "s": { } }, "name": "BUCKPASSER", "name": "NOGARA" "s": { "name": "RAISE A NATIVE" "name": "MISS DISCO", Small and medium puppy breeds grow up pretty quickly. "s": { }, }, "d": { "name": "Senseneb" "s": { WebFounded in 1884, the not-for-profit AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for all dogs. "name": "Christian II of Denmark" }, "name": "Berenice I" "name": "TRI JET", "d": { } "s": { }, "name": "PRINCE ROSE" }, 1528)" }, "name": "Ptolemy II" "name": "Ptolemy V" "s": { "d": { "s": { } "name": "NUMBERED ACCOUNT" "name": "Manuel I of Portugal" "name": "CEQUILLO" "d": { "name": "Isabella I of Castile" "name": "L", }, }, "s": { "s": { "name": "MUMTAZ BEGUM" }, "name": "POCAHONTAS", "name": "Berenice I" }, "d": { "d": { "s": { "d": { "name": "BUSINESSLIKE" "name": "Isabella I of Castile" "s": { "name": "D" "name": "JET ACTION" "s": { "name": "LADY ANGELA" }, "name": "Philip I of Castile" "d": { "s": { }, }, "name": "Joanna of Castile", } "name": "PRINCEQUILLO", "name": "Ptolemy V" }, "s": { "name": "DOG BLESSED" The Inbreeding Calculator by Labgenvet is provided to breeders as a simple and rapid tool for calculating the inbreeding coefficient of an animal based on its pedigree. "name": "A" }, "name": "GEISHA" }, "d": { } "s": { "name": "SHERRY JEN" "s": { "name": "TOM FOOL", "name": "TURN-TO", "name": "BOLDNESIAN", }, "name": "Berenice I" "name": "PROCNE", "name": "Joanna of Castile" "s": { "s": { }, "s": { "name": "TEDDY" "name": "Ptolemy I" }, { } To put your result into perspective: 0% = a dog with two apparently unrelated parents (based on all available pedigree information) "s": { "d": { "d": { "d": { "name": "A" }, } "name": "POLYNESIAN", } }, "d": { "name": "NOGARA" } "name": "C" } "d": { According to your tastes, characteristics and lifestyle, the free Dog Breed Calcultor will help you to find your ideal canine companion. }, Add the two percentages together. "name": "Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor" } } "s": { "name": "Arsinoe I" "s": { "name": "F" }, "s": { "s": { 1551)", "s": { } "s": { } "s": { "name": "SALAMINIA" }, }, }, "name": "J", However, we make no guarantees that your data will be saved. "d": { "name": "Philip I of Castile" "d": { }, "d": { "name": "AMERICAN FLAG" "d": { "d": { "d": { "name": "PRINCEQUILLO", "d": { "d": { "s": { "name": "B" "s": { "name": "MY RECIPE" "name": "SOWN", "s": { } Blank fields will be ignored. }, "s": { "name": "ILTIS" "name": "NATALMA", "s": { "d": { "d": { "d": { "name": "CALIFORNIA CHROME" "s": { "d": { } "name": "ROMANELLA" "s": { "s": { } "s": { }, "s": { } }, } "name": "REIGH COUNT" "name": "ECLIPTICAL", "name": "Antiochus III of Syria" "s": { "d": { }, "name": "Joanna of Castile", }, } "d": { }, "name": "EXCLUSIVE NATIVE", "name": "Ptolemy IX" "name": "Ptolemy I" "name": "BLUE CASTLE", } "name": "Antiochus III of Syria" "name": "HELIOPOLIS" }, }, "d": { "s": { Small and medium puppy breeds grow up pretty quickly. 1549)" "name": "NOGARA" "name": "Arsinoe III" "name": "LADY ANGELA", "name": "LADY OF THE SNOWS" "name": "Cleopatra I" }, "name": "Charles II, Archduke of Austria", "name": "LIFE HILL", "name": "PETRONELLA", }, "name": "BLESSED AGAIN" WebCALCULATING BREED PERCENTAGES IN OFFSPRING. "name": "Ptolemy II" "d": { "d": { "name": "TUDOR MINSTREL" "d": { "d": { "name": "BUCKPASSER", "name": "NOGARA" "s": { "d": { "name": "IMPERATRICE" "d": { } }, } "name": "A" }, "d": { }, "name": "LASSIE DEAR", }, "d": { "name": "PAPILA" "s": { }, First, convert the breed percentages of both parents to eighths. }, "s": { "s": { "name": "OLYMPIA", "d": { On the other hand, an elevated inbreeding coefficient will increase the chances that desirable traits associated with the breed in question will be fixed. "d": { "name": "Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor" "s": { You will simply enter the first date of your dog mating which will then give you an idea when to expect delivery of your new puppies. }, "name": "BUSANDA", "name": "Ptolemy I" "name": "GEISHA", "s": { "name": "GAGA" } "name": "NASRULLAH", }, "name": "QUICKLY" }, }, "name": "Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor" "d": { "name": "PRINCE BLESSED", }, "name": "FLEET NASRULLAH", "d": { "name": "AMERICAN FLAG" The next step is to add the percentages together to achieve an offspring which is: It's really very easy! "s": { "s": { "d": { The calculator was built by a data scientist to ensure the results will be as accurate as possible, and approved by our team of veterinarians. "s": { Divide by two. } "s": { "s": { "s": { }, }, "name": "NEARCO" "s": { "name": "PHILOMELA", "name": "AUREOLE" "name": "Maria Anna of Bavaria (b. "name": "MOTTO" "d": { For dogs and cats you may replace the national percentage with the percentage for the state in which the community is located. "name": "Berenice I" "d": { "name": "WAR ADMIRAL" "name": "BELOVED" }, "name": "Ptolemy V", } "name": "H" }, } "s": { "name": "Berenice II" "name": "ACROTERION", "name": "POLYNESIAN",

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