As strange as it might be, I dont currently regard it as a bug. If you are encountering this problem, you have a very outdated version. 8. Q: If I am using PA-NPC, can I uninstall the original Pack Attack mod? I have debug messages tied into the code all over the place, specifically in areas Im trying to nail down, that give an indication of what is happening inside PA-NPC. (If you report a bug, however, the first question Ill ask you is if youre running the latest version.). I also code to relieve stress, and I see it as a fun hobby, so I am pretty much tinkering with the stuff off and on all day. Uso seasonpass. I am reviewing stack dumps from my own tests to see if a factor is at play that I can resolve. Horizon @ Discord is recommended for unanswered questions. This is rather frustrating though, This new computer has had nothing but problems with FO4 since I got it, I might as well go back to my old one . Q: A third-party compatibility patch is crashing my game. Youd likely have to be trying to crash it to make it dump. This means that some will use PA tactics and some wont. Q: What does PA/PA-NPC do to NPC behavior when they are not in combat? As of v1.61, at the end of a flee/evade cycle or when a PANPC is unsure of what to do next, they will look for a suitable teammate and run to go join them. As if the 1.6 series, Pack Attack has begun assuming a third role as well: staging director. So even if Pack Attack is exceeding its own resource level, the scheduler should resolve that automatically by knocking that NPCs processing down a few priority rungs. None of these changes should be permanent, and they dont affect melee attacks. The short answer is: very probably not. All I can say here is that performance is a high priority to me, and with each new version Im doing everything I can to give the event stack some breathing room and push that crash ever further back. Endorsements. Q: All these updates are killing me. Most animals/creatures, other than canines (friendly dogs and Dogmeat currently not supported) If your FPS is too high it can cause crashes in the scripting because scripting is processed during each frame. Probably. Q: I have a question that you havent answered in this FAQ. I am taking insta-hostile reports VERY seriously. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. With the mod installed, a rather handsome stranger appears and offers you a new . ; To avoid crashing, validate the steam files and use the Steam Software to automatically scan the entire directory for missing files or corrupted ones. If this is a recent PA-NPC version, please report the problem. Pack Attack was the original prototype of this system, a very limited version that applied strictly to Commonwealth wild dogs. And possibly to have some extra fun doing it. However, that does absolutely nothing to contribute to group decision making, so its out of scope. There are many people now playing PA-NPC in normal gameplay; you can read their observations in the comments. Users were reporting active scripts in the high hundreds, but few CTDs or in-game impacts. It all depends on what kind of mods and on which rig. Q: How can I, the mod player, repay you for all this awesome moddage? You can reduce (or raise) the volume of these detection events in MCM, down to zero if desired. I ran the game fine with 467 mods of which 255 had a plug-in. . I believe that this, combined with an also-fixed bug in the NPC registration system, caused virtually all of the reported insta-hostile issues. If they are ranged and on the offensive (usually fighting in the open), their speed goes up and their aim stability goes down. Debug Mode can be turned on in MCM. Why are you updating this mod so often? Pull your logs and see what your game was doing just before it crashed. Once again, if so, let me know and I can either fix it or code around it. Finally, theres Battle Buddies, a feature introduced in the v1.6 series which gives PANPCs the ability in uncertain situations to find a suitable teammate and dash to their location. Hopefully not. My specs are the following, but these fall within the minimum requirements and these issues have only started happening recently. The more NPCs you have on the field, the more likely the dump will happen. 6. Pick one and uninstall the other. Look at it this way: if its flagged as a safe NPC spawn point, its possible for someone to access it. The effect dispels when the NPC is out of range or has died. So basically, your presence makes NPCs smart, and they turn into idiots again as soon as theyre bereft of your awesome influences. Theyre also not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Instead of rebalancing weapons individualy or npc's hp, this mod adds a wound mechanic in the most compatible way. If at some point I can adapt PA-NPC for companions without a major overhaul and compatibility nightmares (my other concern), Im happy to look into it. Companions This will usually happen at the end of another evasion move, once the PANPC has collected themselves a bit and is ready to reenter the battle. Mainly I dig really complicated games with fairly esoteric strategic mechanics. Animals, in general, are not currently PA-enabled. Fallout 4 ; Fallout New Vegas ; Oblivion ; Stardew Valley ; Fallout 3 ; The Witcher 3 ; Cyberpunk 2077 ; Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord . When they go melee, if they dont have a melee weapon (or they just dont want to use it), they resort to hand-to-hand combat. They are recognizable by their animal-themed equipment and demeanor. Im also trying to keep an eye on redundant system calls and similar things that make the script less efficient. Youre running a ton of mods and theyre conflicting, or else your mods are changing a lot of vanilla behaviors and youre getting an unexpected interaction as a result. The registrar now attempts to match against two markers instead of one, before clearing the NPC for registration. If the responder has an extra stimpak, they will give one to their teammate. I've shown you guys how to make Fallout 4 scary, terrifying, and even a more survivalist experience with the use of Fallout 4 mods. One, it makes each NPC act like an individual, making their own decisions based on a unique personality, their recent combat experience, and their relative perspective of the battlefield. 4. Most of the non-F4SE players Ive heard from so far have been VR players, so Im trying to limit the amount of experimental code they have to deal with. Its not set in stone or anything, but yes. Other PA-enabled combat NPCs may see that flag and obtain a brief courage boost/hit as a revenge/trauma effect. Get some distance and theyll resume their gunfire if they can. Most likely, as Im not the only one. I cant promise that any particular version doesnt break anything. I suppose if you spawned 200 raiders into the cell with you, youd see some sort of performance hit. . Either a patch, or more likely, an update to PA-NPC that reduces that area of conflict risk. My time isnt overly ample, so much as it is abnormally flexible. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp ArmorKeywords.esm SettlementKeywords.esm XDI.esm AAF.esm TBOS-RaiderNormalFixMale.esl TBOSBodyTalk2LooksMenu.esl Bememoth Separated Cart.esp WashOutThatCum.esl TortureDevices.esm Devious Devices.esm Homemaker.esm FusionGirlLooksMenu.esl CROSS_CoA.esl Lucid's Texture Upgrades.esl luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO Pt . PA-NPC versions prior to 1.432 had significant compatibility problems, as it added the script to actors manually in the base records. Like all other PA-NPCs, Synths now are also liable to run away when seriously damaged, to find other Synths to back them up, or barring that, to hide. #10. Probably, if you ask nicely. 4. This means that the weaker NPC may become hyper aggressive when surrounded with tough guys, while a tough guy will make very conservative moves when surrounded by weak knuckleheads. Q: Can I help maintain PA-NPC (contribute code, etc.)? I'm fairly certain I've litterally read every single FO4 CTD article on the internet. No. A CTD is theoretically possible on a stack dump, but is unlikely. Please report the bug with as much relevant information as possible about where you were and what you were doing. Not at all. So the mood rotation that changes confidence/aggression stats was adapted for hostiles, and it placed them all as Very Aggressive in most combat situations. Clothingoverhaul.esp (AWKCR) Eli Armour compendium.esp. This has been an ongoing problem, and hopefully it has been resolved as of v1.631. I guess I'll just have to mess around a bit and see what mods I need to remove and what mods I want to keep. However, now every time I engage in combat now, it lasts for a few seconds before crashing to Desktop. Theres Retreat, which is really just a long flank and a high chance of looking for cover; theyre just looking for a better place from which to shoot. Sometimes that means they take out their friends as well. There are several types of evasion. Over the past few months several Fallout 4 mod authors have choosen to leave NexusMods over policy changes. Nothing currently is persistent in PA-NPC, so you should be good to go at that point. Its not my intention to in any way denigrate that work Im standing on those authors shoulders here. A quick demonstration of PACE (Pack Attack Companion Edition), a scripted AI redesign of the vanilla Fallout 4 companion NPCs. Sometimes you can fix the issue simply by changing the MCM settings. This also created unwanted hostility in some tests involving PA-enabled friendly dogs. If theyre suddenly becoming very in-your-face aggressive, its because theyve decided that theyre winning, and they may (but may not) be right. This can include locations that were not intended to be accessible to that particular NPC, such as perhaps some of the elevated positions in mods like [url=]Diamond City Enhanced Security[/url]. Where Sim Settlements 2 overtakes the original mod is with the new characters, quests, and systems it introduces. Q: Does PA-NPC include assessments of specific weapon/armor/ammo types and capabilities? Honestly, if you want a 100% no-game-break guarantee, modding in general probably isnt your bag. Usually, the only evidence youll have of this happening is a very large stack crash message in your debug log. No. Fallout 4 ; Mods ; NPC ; PANPC - Pack Attack NPC Edition (RU) 2.0; PANPC - Pack Attack NPC Edition (RU) 2.0. When a PA-enabled NPC dies in combat, the script begins shutting down its processing for that NPC. PA-NPC does not attach its script to any unique actor or anyone belonging to CompanionFaction. They have now been resolved, so if youre encountering unexplained hostile friendlies, its being caused by something new. Q: This sounds like a lot of CPU threads going on at once. For more information, please see our At this point, your odds of save game corruption/bloat should be very, very small. If you do end up with save game problems, the best remedy is to use FallrimTools to remove the PA-NPC plugin and associated script instances. Sometimes I will refer to a PA-enabled NPC as a PANPC (no hyphen). Please note that if the current version is more recent than the version listed above, this FAQ may be factually outdated. If you are having this problem, please rule out these scenarios before reporting it as a new bug: 1. As of v1.432, there are eight basic templates: Dogs, Raiders, Gunners, Brotherhood, Settlers, Minutemen, Synth, and Super Mutants. Almost all of them, with the following exceptions: Any character flagged as unique Mention it in the comments, or hit me on Discord, and Ill do my best to review and resolve. Yes. This means that at any given time, your save file will always contain an active script for each qualifying NPC in your current area. Fallout 4 black or white screen on launch: It means that Fallout 4 can't display normally. Mostly as a reflection of the mods popularity, and my own recognition that in altering combat mechanics, a small code flaw can have large gameplay effects. No one can promise that. I fall into a game for a few months, play it almost exclusively, eventually get bored and go to the next game in the rotation. However, there are still two basic ways it can happen. Knew I was forgetting some steps, as I said before I had to re-install everything, and thus forgot a few steps when updating everything. Good luck. It only has features. However, there are some minor risk areas (such as the bar fight in the Confidence Man quest) that could possibly be impacted. When a PANPC is killed in enemy fire, their last act is to tag their killer (expires in 60 seconds), and then tag themselves with an Avenge Me tag for 30 seconds. At any rate, dont use both mods together. Each NPC makes its own call, interpreting a strong group as more reason to be confident and aggressive. The math is quite complicated and, combined with the normal actions of the Fallout 4 game engine, will routinely lead to unpredictable results. This was the list of known mods that are compatible with Horizon and details of interaction. As with certain other animals, (e.g . This tool will be removed in a future version of PA-NPC once Im satisfied that it is no longer necessary. Wow you are missing another 500 mods in your list lol well, sorry but even if you learn how to patch your game via F4edit, you still will have CTD because it has been advised from the WOTC's author, that CTD will happen by using that mod. I really do think that Raiders are my favorite PA-NPC group. Some will start with a natural advantage there, more likely to stay true against impossible odds. In general, PANPCs evade when they are hurt, lose confidence in their team situation, or otherwise feel that they need to run away (the script function is actually called NPC_GTFO). Can you fix it? Im a particular fan of the Zachtronics games. So to avoid clogging the comments section with possibly long, drawn out technical answers (which Im prone to giving), Im going to try my best to answer those questions here. Im often around, and if I can, Im happy to discuss your idea in a live chat session. The most Ive tested either mod with so far is about 12 raiders (for PA-NPC) and 30 dogs (for PA) at once, and have found no performance problems whatsoever. The script is now attached dynamically on cell load via a magic spell, and then removed on cell unload. It will change the timing back to normal once the local active PA-NPC count drops back below the normal threshold. For more information about th. or they alter combat styles. Cookie Notice As of v1.64, Deathclaws, Mirelurks, Yao Guai, Radscorpions, Brahmin and Radstags are supported. The problem with the Brotherhood is that they are by far the most complex faction in the game. Older versions were updated for reasons, and your bug may have already been fixed. Also, see question above, about unexplained hostile NPCs. There are many fine AI overhaul mods available on the Nexus. Performance, Optimization, and Technical Stuff PA-NPC is going to likely change the outcome of those. I add and remove messages all the time, so you will see different messages in each version. Theyre more concerned with the other teams armaments and head counts, plus many other factors. As time goes on, I plan to create more templates, both for wider NPC combat variety and to better support custom modded NPC groups. Q: Can I get a compatibility patch for [insert popular mod name here]? (December 2019) you may want to try Raider Gangs Extended 0.8 found in the . Q: I found a bug! The problems are the unsupported NPCs that were enabled by mistake due to (now-fixed) bugs in the registrar, and that otherwise would normally be friendly NPCs. [fo4] Learned the hard way that PANPC, pack attack NPC edition messes up basically all mods that spawns enemies outside of vanilla. PACE AIs will employ adapt. Pack Attack NPC is a great mod that I use in my load order with RGE, . Its amazing how many have just one or the other. I have a lot of fun with them, and theyre my baseline test group. 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