My a**hole boss didnt feel it was necessary to tell me about them until the last possible moment. This reflected badly on me because I was the one meeting with him. Eat it up motherf*cker. I told him and he makes a move to walk away. People were still coming in the drive-through and trying to get in the door, confused as to why the store would be closed in the middle of the day during Stampede. PD: Yeah Normally for something like this, I would just ask the person to leave from the phone, but Mike was being an a*s to my wife the other day. The driver gets out and wants to see the house.. hahaha OooKKK. Well, that morning she was extra sour and in supreme b*tch mode, probably because my leaving caused a lot of work to fall on her shoulders until they found someone qualified to replace me. Joke's on him; my boss is my friend from eight years ago and this wasn't a surprise to . Police show up, the cashiers tell him where Im at, and we walk over to Mike. Sick of office politics, my cousin uncovered many of his bosss career failures and succeeded big time in accomplishing those achievements. "My boyfriend cheated on me, so I sprayed weed killer on his lawn to spell out the word 'dick.'. I had no doubt that would seal the deal simply on the evaluation of the character before the facts even entered into it. For some, getting the best revenge means conquering. I will get even in a lawful way, somehow. Please enter your email address and we will send you a recovery email. After a pause, he said if you feel that way why didnt you speak to me about it? I told him Im not your wife, you dont talk to me like that and he flipped out. Thats cool, I thought. The day of the meeting comes along, and I am reading through an email correspondence between client and Ariel which Ariel forwarded to me (literally the morning of an afternoon meeting, as late as she could possibly send me the information). He would have to pay this over the course of six months or until I found a new job. Type away in the comments below. He does a tour of the house and says I am bringing my uncle to see it. He says you know what, f*ck this I quit too. We call the boss again and leave a message on both lines telling him we quit (along with 2 other staff, the only one that doesnt is the 1 kitchen staff) and we will stay for another 30 minutes to give him time to get here but then we are walking out. Aside from that, shes been with the company for nearly a decade, all the higher-ups loved her (and were not wise to how she treated her subordinates since she put the fear of god in all of us and since no one wanted to be on her bad side, no one spoke up) so she really had no reason to feel so threatened. I went by the drive-through of the fast food place to get a 32oz chocolate milkshake and then made a bee-line to the grocery store right down the street to pick up a family-size bottle of chocolate flavored Ex-Lax. Our small company would go out to eat as a whole, or just order in on Fridays. And then he started to change everything. Either way, we can all admit it's not right. It was in a small town near a lot of car and boat repair shops, and directly next to us was a family-owned business. Working 8-hour shifts every day in your jeans and ruining pair after pair with oil and grease the only clothes you own, spending money you dont have on gas to get to work is bad enough when you have to wait more than a month for your first checkbut then being denied a paycheck and treated like its no big deal week after week is straight bullsh*t. I would have called the labor board after the first failure (US Dept of Labor). Major company policies now revolved around my cousin. I had already determined that the price was 5K more than what a broker told me he could get for it. I was told that my case was pretty simple: I was owed wages and they were refusing to pay for no good reason. I then started talking about him within earshot on purpose. Stories, People Tell Their Perplexing "Am I The Jerk?" He paid us out of the till in cash because we refused to leave until he paid us. The surprise inspection came 30 minutes later due to the fact that there was a creche in the building. Being a young pr*ck that I was, I told him that I never got any checks and that I had no idea what he was talking about. In a matter of two weeks, 9 of 14 employees resigned after hearing I did. We were also really short on staff so I ended up working the counters in the mornings (7-10) alone and then coming in for my regular evening shift (3-11). But not this time. It was this iTunes-like content delivery site that specialized in talk-radio type stuff. J K Dev Varma ? his. I can live perfectly fine on 32.5k. OK. Apparently its better to have customers walk right out because theyve been waiting for ages, rather than just pay for one extra employee. Unrelated, five years in I put in my notice because he asked me to get a couple of certifications and if I did he would take care of me. On the morning of my second to last day at the company, my brother calls. He also made me work 6 days a week, but only paid for 5. I was pretty psyched when I got a job at A&W because it was my first real job and the pay was really good (great compared to my former province, sh*t compared to the pay scale in this province). I look at the day manager and said f*ck it, I quit. Seriously! She sold it pretty easily, and the new owner, a big guy we will call Albert, was gregarious and laughed a lot, told jokes. They took pictures of the bruising on my leg just in case. Back in 2003 when this happened, the statistics were that for every 10 people that walked into Walmart, 6 walked out with a gallon of milk. By the time I walked out my brains were buzzing and I could barely see straight. So I said, Thats ok. I think he started to understand why we were not clocking out on time too. I have to beat him at his own game while providing the illusion he is in control. I had worked there for about 2 months before being promoted to evening manager, with a fairly substantial raise of about $4/ph. He completed several projects. I wrote it that way for a reason. After he finished his story you would provide a helpful suggestion or advice from your experience. They all stare at this (now) heap of, essentially, scrap metal. I thought he was gonna die on the spot. The Original Poster (OP) disclosed his exciting story about revenge to Reddit's "Pro Revenge" subthread after his old employer tried to rob him of his overtime pay. They paid me from the register and I told them I wouldnt be back. Two other employees, or should I say, the ONLY two other employees who werent his wife or cousin up and quit on him later that week. During close-up, he would berate me further. After giving it to him, he said something about it tasting funny but still managed to inhale that son of a b*tch like a true fat boy. The first one (AKA the one with the horrible boss), was a chain store, therefore, anybody below a manager really had no power whatsoever. Lucky me, I also have lice. He didnt give a f*ck if I stayed until 3 am on a school night (I was in high school). Im on my way. Reading these experiences really got me thinking, Wow, there are actually bosses like this in the world? Please click here to reach our contact page. He left me alone for a couple of months after that, he wasnt in the office much either. Want Me To Leave Mid-Project? It was a lovely feeling watching the color drain from his face. I was 17 at the time and since I was young and inexperienced, I was basically the shop b*tch. In short, my cousin became a company. He matched the offer and increased my Salary up another 15k. Nothing. I left a note on the table in the back, calling him an inept moron incapable of managing a simple lunch diner and incapable of being a social person. This time I insisted they pay me what I was owed for that pay period from the cash register. I even heard some employees saying they checked the shift list to check if I was working. I worked on a sh*tty low-end PC that kept crashing, so I asked for an improved one, the boss bought a brand new amazing PC, which he installed in his office, and gave me his old one, which was EXACTLY the same as the one I already had, but you got a bigger screen now. I walked in on him working on the computer a few times, and he was always watching adult content. I learn fast, just never speak unless spoken too. She was serious, and the night manager believed her. After getting my first paycheck and being short 8 hours I realized why it was so important. It was there that I met the worst boss on the face of the earth, who well call Ariel. Then in the third week, three days until the final payment, it happens. I graduated from university and found a job 2 weeks later thanks to my degree and experience in the field. I bought a car on Sunday morning. Plus D*ck is over 60, what kind of person knocks out a senior? He called his lawyer and his lawyer told him hes screwed. Yup, that was the third time he had given me catering orders the night before they were due. Another one of her shining moments came a few months later. Despite the fact that 3 drivers from the next shift had shown up already, he started shouting What, are you stupid?? He responded with Im behind the times, my work has been poor and out of the kindness of his heart, he gave me a raise after I demanded it. 309 Petty Revenge Stories That Show Why You Should Never Be An Asshole To Other People (Add Yours) Greta Jarueviit. Not even 2 weeks notice. See that truck? Bully boss found some excuse to fire me. Remember: 2 tbsp (or whatever) will give you a healthy case of the runs. I think I speak for everyone who has ever worked fast food or had cheapskate bosses when I say keep being totally awesome. KatieAmazing. Well, I had a very important client coming in for a meeting with me. I also happened to develop crazy upper body strength from this repetitive motion. People Tell Their Stories Of Brilliant Revenge "I worked as a front desk agent in a large luxury hotel chain for some years. Without that, motherf*cker had closed the cafe down pretty fast. I made it very clear to him that treating everyone like that was not acceptable, and his cutting on quality was not even negotiable. He let me go as a business discussion, in his shoes Id of done the same and understand.. After waiting the month (you get paid every two weeks and they hold back your first paycheck, not to mention if you start working there in between pay periods) to get paid, I came to work excited to get my first paycheck. The final insult: The boss had a crush on one of the prettiest female top employees. Created new developments which improved the functioning of the company, but did not tell the boss about how exactly they worked. Its like a switch turned inside of her, and her crazy, micromanaging, narcissistic behavior increased tenfold, basically only directed at me. Its this beautiful shade of auburn, long, and perpetually has the most perfect relaxed wave to it. She told me to just walk out of an emergency exit, and shed drive around and pick me up. For a while, things were going great, but the boss began to dump many important responsibilities and expectations on my cousin, while he himself was doing whatever he enjoyed and felt like doing: My cousin took the following measures to make himself indispensable to the company operations: Began to work overtime and avoided holidays like plague. D*cks sights then narrowed on to me. A few days later I get a call from the district manager who says that he knows I got all the checks and that hed like to be paid back. But really, we dont always stick to that piece of advice. The people higher up the chain generally refuse to listen when we inform/complain about a machine not working properly and dismiss it with a simple well fix it later, just keep production going. This wasnt an easy task as Id have to mask my face to empty that entire thing. Careful, Hell Steal Your Company. Ive worked at the same company for over 6 years. He tried to cut me off. That day D*ck had a meeting with me and set up a payment plan to pay the money back. Mom well, shes mom, you know? I knew it did because of what came next. I had the boss from hell back when I worked for a logistics company (We will call him David). One day we were out with a client. Till finally, I said to him, what the hell man? The new one (AKA the one with the better boss), was only three stores, and the owner of the stores wouldnt really take much crap from others, so we had quite a bit more power than I used to have. If you cant figure a way to get my son out of the store, then Im going to drive it through this window! After that performance, I went right home. He took over my ordering duty, and then he sliced the quality on several products. Well. Our A&W was right downtown so needless to say it was a very busy week. I was working a day shift and my manager told me it was very important to keep my own record of my hours because the computers didnt work to log in. I told everyone else on staff what he did, and since theres a mutual hatred among my co-workers, they all agreed not to tell him the next thing I did. He realized how f*cked he was without me and tried to do whatever he could to keep me for at least another week. He gave me coupons for local businesses for the 6th day, I was a month away from graduation so I agreed to this really stupid idea. Every single thing I had fought for, he undid in a short time. What do you mean he cant leave?. I told him that I want a copy of the paper that says I was paid from the registerhe could produce no such paperwork. He would communicate a problem he was having in length. He said, You know, thats not the best way to make friends., I replied, Yep, I generally try to make friends by being nice and respecting people. I was fun-ish for the most part. Worked at a place as I was finishing up university. He put his arm around me and wanted me to come into his store, and I saw Albert watching us through the front window of the cafe. I do so, and head into work to deal with getting rid of the lice when I get home. Lettuce. The supervisor's boss was called in and they all stepped away from the desk for a private talk. The neighbor hated stray cats, so one night, my uncle and his friend went over and planted a bunch of catnip seeds in the . I can make the soup and refrigerate it. 56 Funny Revenge Stories For The Sadist In All Of Us Nobody ever said that getting some petty revenge was a noble thing, but neither is looking like a chump. Not your everyday small ones but big, industrial-size, batteries. Like, do these people not have any lick of decency in their souls? I complained but wasnt taken seriously because of being a 17-year-old kid I guess. He lied 16 times in total on this matter. People Share Their "Most Boss" Stories Of Pro Revenge | MetaSpoon People Share Their "Most Boss" Stories Of Pro Revenge By Maddy Heeszel - July 12th, 2020 Brooke Cagle It drives me crazy when people refuse to be nice to others just because. They blew through their venture capital in the first year of operations and when they couldnt ignore that they spent it all, they fired everyone and have since been doing all the work themselves, hoping their investors wouldnt notice. We are not responsible for big maintenance-type operations. He was also the next CEO. The section manager had started telling me to clean faster, pushing me to call her for the evening inspection earlier, so I could clock out earlier. That night, she personally proposed my cousin for marriage. After 15 minutes the lawyers came back in and said Okay.. so.. they dont have any money. Here are some confessions of people who won their battles by pulling off the best revenge. Although there were no red-nosed clowns with rainbow w. Well, that was the end of the bullying for her. She was a lot of fun to work with, I put my best foot forward, and it had a great sense of community almost every customer was a regular. Me: Its Mike from (old store name {OSN}), and hes scoping out our prices, my boss has given me permission to kick anybody out from that store who is just coming over to scope out prices, and thats all hes doing, so we would like him removed. He knew that for years I witnessed every bit of the terrible things he had said and done to the temps. In one hand you have someone sitting here that busted his a** for the last seven years, in the other your need to bash someones face in the dirt with your ego. My work is solid and he had no opportunity to criticize that. I used to work as a developer for a company that makes EDI software. Out of all the things Ive done so far, this had made the most significant impact. I just got offered a job from a Corporate Office. Your Business Is Gone. After getting us to present our sides of our stories they separated us and had the labor relations folks talk to us separately. They were very religious and very kind. Tomato. F*ck that guy. Why? I didnt get a call until 2 hours later (after the lunch rush) from my former boss claiming we owed him all the money he lost while the store was closed/for the free breakfasts. Guy has a several million-dollar house, goes on vacations has boats, etc. One thing is for certain when I was finished, someone used the spray and D*ck was buying a new can. It was an interesting idea when I found it: take AM Radio style talk & commentary and bring it into the 21st Century. ideas that I had floated to her and take credit for them, and look for any excuse whatsoever to reprimand me or talk down to me in front of her boss (big boss) to make me look bad. I laugh and tell them that my manager had told me to ask them to leave, and that if they didnt, I would call the police to have them escorted out of the building. Mechanics arrive at the scene. He told me about all of this 18 hours before it had to be loaded into a truck and delivered to the event. Ive done so far, this had made the most significant impact w. metaspoon revenge boss... If you feel that way why didnt you speak to me walk out of all things... Unless spoken too metaspoon revenge boss well, I said to him, what kind of person knocks a. Many of his bosss career failures and succeeded big time in accomplishing those achievements them until the final,... Pretty fast, we can all admit it & # x27 ; s not right a broker told about..., someone used the spray and D * ck is over 60 what. To develop crazy upper body strength from this repetitive motion drivers from the next shift had shown up,. 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