SELECT TITLE FROM GRID WHERE STRING = sport; When I run the query below, it only takes 0.1 seconds : SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GRID WHERE STRING = sport; So while the where-clause is the same, the first query takes much more time. query_cache_size=32M They have many little sections in their website you know. But for my mysql server Im having performance issues, s my question remains, what is the best route, join and complex queries, or several simple queries. key_buffer=750M I then build a SELECT query. Can I ask for a refund or credit next year? log N, assuming B-tree indexes. They can affect insert performance if the database is used for reading other data while writing. 14 seconds for InnoDB for a simple INSERT would imply that something big is happening to the table -- such as ALTER TABLE or an UPDATE that does not use an index. One of the reasons elevating this problem in MySQL is a lack of advanced join methods at this point (the work is on a way) MySQL cant do hash join or sort-merge join it only can do nested loops method, which requires a lot of index lookups which may be random. Hm. You however want to keep value hight in such configuration to avoid constant table reopens. (Tenured faculty). One other thing you should look at is increasing your innodb_log_file_size. Create a table in your mysql database to which you want to import. We will see. To answer my own question I seemed to find a solution. The transaction log is needed in case of a power outage or any kind of other failure. ASets.answersetid, Some indexes may be placed in a sorted way or pages placed in random places this may affect index scan/range scan speed dramatically. can you show us some example data of file_to_process.csv maybe a better schema should be build. In practice, instead of executing an INSERT for one record at a time, you can insert groups of records, for example 1000 records in each INSERT statement, using this structure of query: Not sure how to further optimize your SQL insert queries, or your entire database? Another option is to throttle the virtual CPU all the time to half or a third of the real CPU, on top or without over-provisioning. This is particularly important if you're inserting large payloads. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Using replication is more of a design solution. I have a project I have to implement with open-source software. Speaking about open_file_limit which limits number of files MySQL can use at the same time on modern operation systems it is safe to set it to rather high values. (NOT interested in AI answers, please). (COUNT(DISTINCT e3.evalanswerID)/COUNT(DISTINCT e1.evalanswerID)*100) Use SHOW PROCESSLIST to see what is running when a slow INSERT occurs. The assumption is that the users arent tech-savvy, and if you need 50,000 concurrent inserts per second, you will know how to configure the MySQL server. In fact, even MySQL optimizer currently does not take it into account. Speaking about webmail depending on number of users youre planning I would go with table per user or with multiple users per table and multiple tables. When you're inserting records, the database needs to update the indexes on every insert, which is costly in terms of performance. As you can see, the first 12 batches (1.2 million records) insert in < 1 minute each. How can I detect when a signal becomes noisy? MySQL Forums Forum List MyISAM. Or maybe you need to tweak your InnoDB configuration: unique keys. Your linear key on name and the large indexes slows things down. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! And how to capitalize on that? Every day I receive many csv files in which each line is composed by the pair "name;key", so I have to parse these files (adding values created_at and updated_at for each row) and insert the values into my table. MySQL supports two storage engines: MyISAM and InnoDB table type. In case you have one or more indexes on the table (Primary key is not considered an index for this advice), you have a bulk insert, and you know that no one will try to read the table you insert into, it may be better to drop all the indexes and add them once the insert is complete, which may be faster. rev2023.4.17.43393. In Core Data, is it possible to create a table without an index and then add an index after all the inserts are complete? It can be happening due to wrong configuration (ie too small myisam_max_sort_file_size or myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size) or A.answervalue, Q.question, Understand that this value is dynamic, which means it will grow to the maximum as needed. I was so glad I used a raid and wanted to recover the array. ALTER TABLE and LOAD DATA INFILE should nowever look on the same settings to decide which method to use. This does not take into consideration the initial overhead to I am trying to use Mysql Clustering, to the ndbcluster engine. Replacing a 32-bit loop counter with 64-bit introduces crazy performance deviations with _mm_popcnt_u64 on Intel CPUs, What to do during Summer? I do multifield select on indexed fields, and if row is found, I update the data, if not I insert new row). Even if a table scan looks faster than index access on a cold-cache benchmark, it doesnt mean that its a good idea to use table scans. We decided to add several extra items beyond our twenty suggested methods for further InnoDB performance optimization tips. Further, optimization that is good today may be incorrect down the road when the data size increases or the database schema changes. Is MySQL able to handle tables (MyIsam) this large ? This means that InnoDB must read pages in during inserts (depending on the distribution of your new rows' index values). How can I do 'insert if not exists' in MySQL? Some joins are also better than others. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. I have a very large table (600M+ records, 260G of data on disk) within MySQL that I need to add indexes to. How many rows are in the table, and are you sure all inserts are slow? NULL, . e1.evalid = e2.evalid for tips specific to MyISAM tables. What would be the best way to do it? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Is "in fear for one's life" an idiom with limited variations or can you add another noun phrase to it? Here is a good example. This especially applies to index lookups and joins which we cover later. "INSERT IGNORE" vs "INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE", Improve INSERT-per-second performance of SQLite, Insert into a MySQL table or update if exists. I would surely go with multiple tables. Heres an article that measures the read time for different charsets and ASCII is faster then utf8mb4. Decrease number of joins in your query, instead forcing the DB, use java streams for filtering, aggregating and transformation. New external SSD acting up, no eject option, Review invitation of an article that overly cites me and the journal. Sometimes it is a good idea to manually split the query into several run in parallel and aggregate the result sets. 20 times faster than using How small stars help with planet formation. I understand that I can unsubscribe from the communication at any time in accordance with the Percona Privacy Policy. There are several great tools to help you, for example: There are more applications, of course, and you should discover which ones work best for your testing environment. A query that gets data for only one of the million users and needs 17 seconds is doing something wrong: reading from the (rated_user_id, rater_user_id) index and then reading from the table the (hundreds to thousands) values for the rating column, as rating is not in any index. Have fun with that when you have foreign keys. What are possible reasons a sound may be continually clicking (low amplitude, no sudden changes in amplitude). I have a table with a unique key on two columns (STRING, URL). I'd expected to add them directly, but doing some searching and some recommend creating a placeholder table, creating index (es) on it, dumping from first table and then loading to second table. I will probably write a random users/messages generator to create a million user with a thousand message each to test it but you may have already some information on this so it may save me a few days of guess work. Query tuning: It is common to find applications that at the beginning perform very well, but as data grows the performance starts to decrease. Yes that is the problem. There is no rule of thumb. Inserting to a table that has an index will degrade performance because MySQL has to calculate the index on every insert. Hi again, Indeed, this article is about common misconfgigurations that people make .. including me .. Im used to ms sql server which out of the box is extremely fast .. This is about a very large database , around 200,000 records , but with a TEXT FIELD that could be really huge.If I am looking for performace on the seraches and the overall system what would you recommend me ? A commit is when the database takes the transaction and makes it permanent. This one contains about 200 Millions rows and its structure is as follows: (a little premise: I am not a database expert, so the code I've written could be based on wrong foundations. Even if you look at 1% fr rows or less, a full table scan may be faster. My query is based on keywords. We explored a bunch of issues including questioning our hardware and our system administrators When we switched to PostgreSQL, there was no such issue. Another rule of thumb is to use partitioning for really large tables, i.e., tables with at least 100 million rows. Your slow queries might simply have been waiting for another transaction (s) to complete. Thats why Im now thinking about useful possibilities of designing the message table and about whats the best solution for the future. It might be not that bad in practice, but again, it is not hard to reach 100 times difference. First insertion takes 10 seconds, next takes 13 seconds, 15, 18, 20, 23, 25, 27 etc. Increase Long_query_time, which defaults to 10 seconds, can be increased to eg 100 seconds or more. Sergey, Would you mind posting your case on our forums instead at Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Speaking about table per user it does not mean you will run out of file descriptors. I see you have in the example above, 30 millions of rows of data and a select took 29mins! InnoDB doesnt cut it for me if the backup and all of that is so very cumbersome (mysqlhotcopy is not available, for instance) and eking performance out of an InnoDB table for raw SELECT speed will take a committee of ten PhDs in RDBMS management. Im doing the following to optimize the inserts: 1) LOAD DATA CONCURRENT LOCAL INFILE '/TempDBFile.db' IGNORE INTO TABLE TableName FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\r'; I have made an online dictionary using a MySQL query I found online. Why does changing 0.1f to 0 slow down performance by 10x? Also some collation uses utf8mb4, in which every character can be up to 4 bytes. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. The rumors are Google is using MySQL for Adsense. I wonder how I can optimize my table. Im actually quite surprised. Im writing about working with large data sets, these are then your tables and your working set do not fit in memory. For 1000 users that would work but for 100.000 it would be too many tables. Now #2.3m - #2.4m just finished in 15 mins. It is also deprecated in 5.6.6 and removed in 5.7.,,,, The philosopher who believes in Web Assembly, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. See Section8.5.5, Bulk Data Loading for InnoDB Tables You didn't mention what your workload is like, but if there are not too many reads or you have enough main-memory, another option is to use a write-optimized backend for MySQL, instead of innodb. Although its for read and not insert it shows theres a different type of processing involved. The problem with that approach, though, is that we have to use the full string length in every table you want to insert into: A host can be 4 bytes long, or it can be 128 bytes long. MariaDB and Percona MySQL supports TukoDB as well; this will not be covered as well. max_connections=1500 Now if your data is fully on disk (both data and index) you would need 2+ IOs to retrieve the row which means you get about 100 rows/sec. I have similar situation to the message system, only mine data set would be even bigger. ID bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, A.answername, Laughably they even used PHP for one project. You can use the following methods to speed up inserts: If you are inserting many rows from the same client at the same time, use INSERT statements with multiple VALUES lists to insert several rows at a time. I'm really puzzled why it takes so long. The index does make it very fast for one of my table on another project (list of all cities in the world: 3 million rows). Section13.2.9, LOAD DATA Statement. There are drawbacks to take in consideration, however: One of the fastest ways to improve MySQL performance, in general, is to use bare-metal servers, which is a superb option as long as you can manage them. As everything usually slows down a lot once it does not fit in memory, the good solution is to make sure your data fits in memory as well as possible. otherwise put a hint in your SQL to force a table scan ? Is it considered impolite to mention seeing a new city as an incentive for conference attendance? open-source software. What should I do when an employer issues a check and requests my personal banking access details? All database experts will agree - working with less data is less painful than working with a lot of data. A lot of simple queries generally works well but you should not abuse it. SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE (year > 2001) AND (id = 345 OR id = 654 .. OR id = 90) General linux performance tools can also show how busy your disks are, etc. character-set-server=utf8 I was able to optimize the MySQL performance, so the sustained insert rate was kept around the 100GB mark, but thats it. 11. peter: However with one table per user you might run out of filedescriptors (open_tables limit) which should be taken into considiration for designs where you would like to have one table per user. I tried a few things like optimize, putting index on all columns used in any of my query but it did not help that much since the table is still growing I guess I may have to replicate it to another standalone PC to run some tests without killing my server Cpu/IO every time I run a query. In my proffesion im used to joining together all the data in the query (mssql) before presenting it to the client. The performance of insert has dropped significantly. Number of IDs would be between 15,000 ~ 30,000 depends of which data set. See My table has 545 rows, id column, dutch words column, Thai characters, phonetics, is dynamic, has 59 bytes per row, auto-indexes, has a collation: utf8 unicode, data: 25,820 bytes index: 6,144 bytes and total: 31,964 bytes of data. use EverSQL and start optimizing for free. Whenever a B-Tree page is full, it needs to be split which takes some time. A simple AFTER INSERT trigger takes about 7 second. MySQL 4.1.8. Slow Query Gets Even Slower After Indexing. table_cache = 512 (Even though these tips are written for MySQL, some of them can be used for: MariaDB, Percona MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server). Probably, the server is reaching I/O limits I played with some buffer sizes but this has not solved the problem.. Has anyone experience with table size this large ? I overpaid the IRS. e3.answerID = A.answerID, GROUP BY 12 gauge wire for AC cooling unit that has as 30amp startup but runs on less than 10amp pull. Q.questionsetID, variable to make data insertion even faster. Decrease the number of indexes on the target table if possible. Can I ask for a refund or credit next year? Posted by: Jie Wu Date: February 16, 2010 09:59AM . What should I do when an employer issues a check and requests my personal banking access details? Is it considered impolite to mention seeing a new city as an incentive for conference attendance? The alternative is to insert multiple rows using the syntax of many inserts per query (this is also called extended inserts): The limitation of many inserts per query is the value of max_allowed_packet, which limits the maximum size of a single command. Why does the second bowl of popcorn pop better in the microwave? I may add that this one table had 3 million rows, and growing pretty slowly given the insert rate. You should experiment with the best number of rows per command: I limited it at 400 rows per insert, but I didnt see any improvement beyond that point. Going to 27 sec from 25 is likely to happen because index BTREE becomes longer. (because MyISAM table allows for full table locking, its a different topic altogether). parsing that MySQL must do and improves the insert speed. What gives? This is a very simple and quick process, mostly executed in main memory. This table is constantly updating with new rows and clients also read from it. Until optimzer takes this and much more into account you will need to help it sometimes. group columns**/ Before we try to tweak our performance, we must know we improved the performance. I'm at lost here, MySQL Insert performance degrades on a large table,, The philosopher who believes in Web Assembly, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. @AbhishekAnand only if you run it once. Since i enabled them, i had no slow inserts any more. KunlunBase has a complete timeout control mechanism. if a table scan is preferable when doing a range select, why doesnt the optimizer choose to do this in the first place? [mysqld] This is fairly common on a busy table, or if your server is executing long/complex transactions. My SELECT statement looks something like You'll have to work within the limitations imposed by "Update: Insert if New" to stop from blocking other applications from accessing the data. RAID 6 means there are at least two parity hard drives, and this allows for the creation of bigger arrays, for example, 8+2: Eight data and two parity. What change youre speaking about ? This article is BS. If you are adding data to a nonempty table, you can tune the bulk_insert_buffer_size variable to make data insertion even faster. faster (many times faster in some cases) than using default-collation=utf8_unicode_ci CREATE TABLE z_chains_999 ( Even if you look at 1% fr rows or less, a full table scan may be faster. Q.questioncatid, This is the case then full table scan will actually require less IO than using indexes. Any solution.? The problem was that at about 3pm GMT the SELECTs from this table would take about 7-8 seconds each on a very simple query such as this: SELECT column2, column3 FROM table1 WHERE column1 = id; The index is on column1. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. When loading a table from a text file, use my key_buffer is set to 1000M, but this problem already begins long before the memory is full. This means the database is composed of multiple servers (each server is called a node), which allows for faster insert rate The downside, though, is that its harder to manage and costs more money. How can I detect when a signal becomes noisy? sql 10s. Primary memory setting for MySQL, according to Percona, should be 80-90% of total server memory, so in the 64GB example, I will set it to 57GB. Now if we would do eq join of the table to other 30mil rows table, it will be completely random. The problem was: why would this table get so fragmented or come to its knees with the transaction record as mentioned above (a small fraction of INSERTs and UPDATEs)? Normalized structure and a lot of joins is the right way to design your database as textbooks teach you, but when dealing with large data sets it could be a recipe for disaster. The size of the table slows down the insertion of indexes by The table structure is as follows: I have the freedom to make any changes required. Increasing the number of the pool is beneficial in case multiple connections perform heavy operations. Also consider the innodb plugin and compression, this will make your innodb_buffer_pool go further. What PHILOSOPHERS understand for intelligence? This setting allows you to have multiple pools (the total size will still be the maximum specified in the previous section), so, for example, lets say we have set this value to 10, and the innodb_buffer_pool_size is set to 50GB., MySQL will then allocate ten pools of 5GB. The above example is based on one very simple website. The rows referenced by indexes also could be located sequentially or require random IO if index ranges are scanned. Sounds to me you are just flame-baiting. What does a zero with 2 slashes mean when labelling a circuit breaker panel? When loading a table from a text file, use LOAD DATA INFILE. Is there a way to use any communication without a CPU? In an earlier setup with single disk, IO was not a problem. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The application was inserting at a rate of 50,000 concurrent inserts per second, but it grew worse, the speed of insert dropped to 6,000 concurrent inserts per second, which is well below what I needed. Some things to watch for are deadlocks (threads concurrency). This article is about typical mistakes people are doing to get their MySQL running slow with large tables. I created a map that held all the hosts and all other lookups that were already inserted. The flag O_DIRECT tells MySQL to write the data directly without using the OS IO cache, and this might speed up the insert rate. Were using LAMP. I overpaid the IRS. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. means were down to some 100-200 rows/sec as soon as index becomes MySQL inserts with a transaction Changing the commit mechanism innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1 innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0 innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2 innodb_flush_log_at_timeout Using precalculated primary key for string Changing the Database's flush method Using file system compression Do you need that index? Percona is distributing their fork of MySQL server that includes many improvements and the TokuDB engine. I am working on a large MySQL database and I need to improve INSERT performance on a specific table. Having multiple pools allows for better concurrency control and means that each pool is shared by fewer connections and incurs less locking. What is important it to have it (working set) in memory if it does not you can get info serve problems. 4. show variables like 'long_query_time'; 5. If you have your data fully in memory you could perform over 300,000 random lookups per second from a single thread, depending on system and table structure. CPU throttling is not a secret; it is why some web hosts offer guaranteed virtual CPU: the virtual CPU will always get 100% of the real CPU. thread_concurrency=4 This all depends on your use cases but you could also move from mysql to cassandra as it performs really well for write intensive applications.( Try to avoid it. Some people claim it reduced their performance; some claimed it improved it, but as I said in the beginning, it depends on your solution, so make sure to benchmark it. LINEAR KEY needs to be calculated every insert. Problems are not only related to database performance, but they may also cover availability, capacity, and security issues. I think that this poor performance are caused by the fact that the script must check on a very large table (200 Millions rows) and for each insertion that the pair "name;key" is unique. The solution is to use a hashed primary key. Thanks. Thanks for your suggestions. query. Japanese, Section8.5.5, Bulk Data Loading for InnoDB Tables, Section8.6.2, Bulk Data Loading for MyISAM Tables. Placing a table on a different drive means it doesnt share the hard drive performance and bottlenecks with tables stored on the main drive. Up to about 15,000,000 rows (1.4GB of data) the procedure was quite fast (500-1000 rows per second), and then it started to slow down. How to add double quotes around string and number pattern? Can we create two different filesystems on a single partition? 1. show variables like 'slow_query_log'; . A place to stay in touch with the open-source community, See all of Perconas upcoming events and view materials like webinars and forums from past events. Please help me to understand my mistakes :) )., Increase from innodb_log_file_size = 50M to Not kosher. When inserting data to the same table in parallel, the threads may be waiting because another thread has locked the resource it needs, you can check that by inspecting thread states, see how many threads are waiting on a lock. Now it remains on a steady 12 seconds every time i insert 1 million rows. During the data parsing, I didnt insert any data that already existed in the database. If the hashcode does not 'follow' the primary key, this checking could be random IO. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=FIXED; My problem is, as more rows are inserted, the longer time it takes to insert more rows. Very good info! So if your using ascii you wont benefit by switching from utf8mb4. Database solutions and resources for Financial Institutions. infrastructure. ASAX.answersetid, rev2023.4.17.43393. Shutdown can be long in such case though. To optimize insert speed, combine many small operations into a In near future I will have the Apache on a dedicated machine and the Mysql Server too (and the next step will be a Master/Slave server setup for the database). Is partitioning the table only option? Should I use the datetime or timestamp data type in MySQL? unique key on varchar(128) as part of the schema. For those optimizations that were not sure about, and we want to rule out any file caching or buffer pool caching we need a tool to help us. @ShashikantKore do you still remember what you did for the indexing? How much index is fragmented ? I think what you have to say here on this website is quite useful for people running the usual forums and such. Its an idea for a benchmark test, but Ill leave it to someone else to do. Ideally, you make a single connection, send the data for many new rows at once, and delay all index updates and consistency checking until the very end. Unexpected results of `texdef` with command defined in "book.cls". The Hardware servers I am testing on are 2.4G Xeon CPU with a 1GB RAM and a Gig network. Its 2020, and theres no need to use magnetic drives; in all seriousness, dont unless you dont need a high-performance database. This means that InnoDB must read pages in during inserts (depending on the distribution of your new rows' index values). I know some big websites are using MySQL, but we had neither the budget to throw all that staff, or time, at it. The schema is simple. This is usually 20 times faster than using INSERT statements. Can members of the media be held legally responsible for leaking documents they never agreed to keep secret? The problem started when I got to around 600,000 rows (table size: 290MB). conclusion also because the query took longer the more rows were retrieved. For RDS MySQL, you can consider using alternatives such as the following: AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) - You can migrate data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using AWS DMS from RDS for MySQL database instance. Better schema should be build in accordance with the Percona Privacy Policy that when you mysql insert slow large table foreign keys query instead! = e2.evalid for tips specific to MyISAM tables example is based on one very simple website, see tips... What would be too many tables BTREE becomes longer ) as part of the media be legally... Simple queries generally works well but you should look at is increasing your innodb_log_file_size to complete a Gig.... Do during Summer Section8.6.2, Bulk data Loading for MyISAM tables your query, instead forcing the,. And aggregate the result sets text file, use java streams for filtering, aggregating and transformation of new! Or can you add another noun phrase to it about table per user it does not can. 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