The cat was out day light standing in hill that was near road only about 3 FT off ground, looking at me driving by. The mountain lion is also known as cougar, panther, or puma. But perhaps an even larger portion is the product of his enduring faith in the men and womanloggers, hunters, trapperswhose vocations and avocations have instilled in them a deep familiarity with wild places and the creatures who inhabit them. Reported mountain lion sightings are popping up all over Vermont and convinced onlookers say the proof is in the pictures. This is a site for people to discuss mountain lion sightings in the Green Mountain State of Vermont. Vermont's last known cougar, also known as a mountain lion or catamount, was killed in 1881 in Barnard. All of which is to say that if Alexander Crowell wasnt afraid on that long-ago Thanksgiving Day, he probably should have been. We need them for the health of our forests.. I started this blog for people to discuss mountain lion sightings and reports in the Green Mountain State of Vermont. But every once in a while, you'll be on your property, on your deck or in your house, and you'll see one walk across your yard or something. I was with Barnaby and my 4 year old daughter in a place we jokingly call Cougar Canyon. Its a cool story with how far that animal walked. Still, sightings are common. We think theyre coming in from Canada, Betty told me. Bill and I are full-throttle. Send picture to Would greatly like to see your picture. Just like cats do - it waited to the last moment and then ran across in front of me. This Snowy Cougar photograph captures the majestic nature of these feline predators. I pulled over along Rt 30 to walk down to a swimming hole. I thought it was a deer and slowed in case it ran in front of me. Using DNA and physical evidence, state environmental officials said they determined that the animal likely trekked more than 1,500 miles from South Dakota, a journey that was captured by trail camera (above). I did not run but walked briskly away looking back cat was following me and it did so untill i was half way to the house. They certainly have, you know, lower levels of conflicts and home entries than we do here in Connecticut. Maysville, WV 26833 [2] [3] The subspecies as described in 1946 was declared extinct by the U.S. The last catamount in Vermont is finally, officially, certainly dead. Prior to the mid-1990s, the late Wildlife Professor Harold Hitchcock of Middlebury College, became Vermonts Official Big Cat hunter, who sought evidence of the Big Cats across the Maple State. The deer dont eat the exotics, but they eat the competitors. Growing up in northern Vermont, Id heard stories of sightings, though always a few steps removed from the tellersomebodys cousin had seen a cougar cross the road on their way home from deer camp up in Canaan (or was it Coventry? 2 Last 5 Years. A rare Missouri mountain lion sighting was reported recently after one of the big cats was hit by a vehicle in Franklin County. I never told anyone but family. More information visit It took a rest in the shade of our driveway for about ten minutes. He said there were two, he called them mountain lions.. Kim Royar, a biologist at the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, told me she receives 40 to 50 reports annually, and although she believes that few, if any, are actual cougar sightings, she doesnt dismiss the possibility that someday someone will happen upon the real deal. We live pretty much in the midst of the Green Mountains in the town of Andover. Would love some feedback just do not see how to upload photos. If moved like a leopard but without spotty leopard skin. When I accepted the assignment to write about my quest to uncover the truth regarding the existence of cougars in New England, I had little idea what I was agreeing to. For who but we humans can look across the landscape and not acknowledge our role in the diminishment of cougars and the myriad ways in which we have knocked the landscape out of balance? sunnyside village cohousing; federal halfway house rules and regulations; Owners. When you look at a state like Connecticut, with all the people we have here, all the trail cameras we have in the woods, all the cars we have driving you can imagine if we had an established population here in Connecticut, we would know about it pretty quickly. I must have looked doubtfulwe were within spitting distance of a heavily traffickedroad and only 12 miles from downtown Hartfordbut both Ottmann and Betty told me that cougars actually prefer more populated areas, since thats where deer tend to congregate. with muscles like a pit bull (very muscular!). All reports are the wee hours of the morning. There are. On one side, there are those (as represented here by Sue Morse, Kim Royar, and Christopher Spatz, along with a number of others I spoke with) who contend that the lack of verifiable evidence is proof that the animals are not here. And thats a surprisingly complex question, because it hinges on numerous factors: policy and politics, culture and conditioning, habitat and, frankly, hubris. COLCHESTER, Vt. Catamounts. Mountain Lions Living Mountain Lion Sightings in Vermont in Vermont? Felis concolor couguar. Hey, I know what I saw. Prof. Hitchcocks experienced led him to believe, a minimum of 10 wild cougars, inhabited the various forests of Vermont. I am an analytical person and I would say regardless of what they think it is-it was clearly a large cat of some sort. They usually don't wanna be around you anyways. We have a lot of them here in N CA. I couldnt tell you how happy I would be if mountain lions were actually recolonizing the state of Connecticut, Hawley says, but its just not happening., Hawley spoke about bobcats, mountain lions and bears on The Colin McEnroe Show: Megafauna mania: our obsession with mountain lions and other large predators.. Wed be seeing more carcasses of prey we would be seeing at least some carcasses of mountain lion prey. Its tail was gigantic and it was swishing it back and forth. It lowers the population in a way thats not going to affect the long-term population. The tail was very long and we estimate it to have been at least a hundred pounds. I was aware, too, of how a certain mythology surrounding the animal had taken root in Vermonts culture and even its identity: The University of Vermonts athletic teams, for instance, are known as the Vermont Catamounts, and their logo features a snarling cat lunging through the cleft of a V., I met with Morse at her home in Jericho. Though the infamous catamount has been declared extinct in Vermont since 2018, several people spotted big cats that they thought to be mountain lions on Ripley Road two weeks ago, according to posts on Front Porch Forum. The tail, I said. 2023 The Mountain Times, Outer Limits Publishing LLC | All rights reserved. Hi Annie, I dont know if you still keep up with this blog but I thought Id give it a try. I am so happy that I did not hit it - there was absolutely no time to react. By now, I knew the answer to that one. Recent reports of big cat sightings have captured the imagination of local residents eager to know what species of wild felines might be living in Waterbury. Upon discussion I have found that Hartland residents report seeing mountain lions frequently-there are people that swear they come on their porch (one who works at ascutney hospital in windsor) and other older residents who have reported seeing them around the North Hartland Dam on an early morning walk. He soon developed a five-question litmus test: How far away were you? Guess you know, that Prof. Harold Hitchcock had a tremendous interest in cougar-mountain lion sightings and reports from the 1940s thru his death in the mid-1990s.he was on staff of Middlebury College. The cat was a goldish / tan color not real big but at least twice the size of a full grown fox,very long thick bushy tail.The tail was almost as long as its body. What time of day was it? Hawley: Yeah. John Lutz, Eastern Puma Research network.. Hi I am from Arlington, vt. could you email me the pic and the story behind it please, thanks. At first my husband thoughtwow huge dog and it turned its head and it was a cat. Part of this belief is rooted in his journalistic experience, which across the decades has cultivated his nose for sincerity. After telling some other locals there has been some other sightings in the Black mountain vicinity around Dummerston both before and after I saw the one I saw. No one is on the road at 430-5am. I dont know what they are, bigger than my 50 pound dogs foot prints. ), or someones coworkers mother had seen one from the back porch of a summer camp back in 07 or maybe 08, and shed tried to get a picture but this was before she got her first iPhone, and by the time shed retrieved her camera from the living room, the cat was long gone. Its on the property that we own over there. [The catamounts] movements were so noiseless that Mr. Crowell found himself in this dangerous proximity before he was aware of it, and it was only by great coolness and daring that he severely wounded the animal and perhaps saved his own life, reads a placard attached to the display case. On another large animal that is most definitely here: bears. The big cat on the ground before him, motionless, yet somehow still embodying that particular feline litheness, as if, with the flick of its tail, it might bound to its feet and disappear into the woods. In 2011, a cougar was hit by a car and killed on a Connecticut highway. One on Salem Rd and another in. Equinox, Manchester, Vt told me he has seen them in the high mountain road there. You wouldnt shake hands with a man like that, she said, and though she was smiling I could tell she was serious. It was stalking in the bushes like a cat and moved like a cat. McEnroe: It is an uphill challenge. I was aware, too, of how a certain mythology surrounding the animal had taken root in Vermonts culture and even its identity: The University of Vermonts athletic teams, for instance, are known as the Vermont Catamounts, and their logo features a snarling cat lunging through the cleft of a V.. I also had the vague notion that when it comes to cougars, people tend to sort themselves into one of three camps. They're out hunting for deer and where there's deer, there's people. He was very, very shook up. But right now youre dealing with top-notch guys. Cougar truthers are certain that the big cat is living and breeding again in New England. This indoor environmental education talk is geared to adults and children over 10. There were caribou antlers mounted above the front doors, and the interior walls were covered in row upon row of books; a long table was piled high with still more books in seemingly random arrangements. I wanted to see how close I could get walking closer and closer the eyes did not run in fact they started to come to us. ALSO KNOWN AS Bobcats: Though technically a type of lynx, they are distinct from other species of lynx such as the Canadian lynx. We have people eating dinner in their kitchen, they hear a noise, all of a sudden a bear walks in, so they run into their bedroom to get away from the bear, while the bears out ransacking their refrigerator. We need our apex carnivores in a big way, Morse says. I hunt all over the country for big bucks. Earlier in the year, Id attended one of these presentations, and even in the tiny village of Woodbury, Vermont, on a stiflingly hot summer evening, nearly 100 people showed up to hear her speak and see her photographs (Morse is a magnificent wildlife photographer). I noticed that there were many great websites, blogs, and discussion boards devoted to mountain lion sightings in other states of New England, but not one just for Vermont. We met for lunch on a Sunday morning in early March, and it didnt take long for me to understand why Harrigan is such a popular columnist. Anyway, we are always aware that there could be mountain lions around and on this day I saw a huge beautiful mountain lion. I started this blog for people to discuss mountain lion sightings and reports in the Green Mountain State of Vermont. A harvest is kind of twofold. At first I thought it was a deer because of the color and size but as we drew closer I saw the thick long tail and realized what it was. And Im assuming whatever were doing right now, its not working. A few years latter our friends saw the mt lion cross rt 100 directly below the spot of my incounter. I have no choice but to take this seriously, he told me. If you have any pictures you can post them here too! And theres another school of thought, Well, no, there just are too many of them probably we have to reduce that population somehow. Where do you fall in that whole continuum? October 30, 2015 by Dana Kobilinsky. Mountain Lions Are Back in Vermont! On Friday July 8, 2022 there was a few reported Mountain Lion sightings the last few days one actually involving an encounter with one's family in their lawn. 26M views, 14K likes, 2K loves, 8.1K comments, 19K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from VT: This mountain lion is about to turn a vacation into a nightmare. Having retired from a career at General Dynamics, he devotes many of his waking hours to cougar research, a passion hes cultivated for nearly twodecades. Can they really all be cases of false identification? I am quite sure that I saw a mountain lion (a juvenile) yesterday afternoon north of the Dummerston Covered bridge along the West River. In 2011, a cougar was hit by a car and killed on a Connecticut highway. If these animals are not in the habitat, what we see is an overabundance of herbivores., The ecologist John Laundre, who has spent 35 years studying cougars, concurs. I met with Morse at her home in Jericho. Ive seen more field evidence in a couple of hours tracking out west than Ive seen in 100 years on the East Coast, he said. The Twitter user tweeted in surprise that they learned a bobcat and mountain lion are the same creature, which prompted several follow-up clarifications that the animals are, in fact, different . Since my 1st contact with Prof. Harold Hitchcock in 1981, I have collected big cat sightings from across Vermont from the internet. As a scientist, lack of evidence is very good evidence. Just found this site, two weeks ago a good friend took a number of pictures of a large cat 100 feet from her deck. We strolled across the tavern parking lot and ducked into the forest, where Ottmann maintains a portion of his $15,000 worth of wildlife recording equipment (hes had no luck capturing a cougar on camera, though, despite more than a decade of trying). He set down his cigarette and looked me in the eye. CHESTER Susan Morse, nationally known wildlife ecologist and tracker, will present Coming Soon: The Cougar Returns to the East, on Wednesday, Jan. 20, at 7 p.m. at the News Bank Conference Center in Chester. I contacted VT FISH and Game who say its a bobcat. Prior to becoming a reporter, he was the founding producer of Connecticut Public Radio's The Colin McEnroe Show, which began in 2009. People clearly arent lying when they say they saw a cougar; [the sighting] has a profound effect on them., Still, Spatz acknowledged that the word hope is very different from the word believe. The Spatz and Sue Ottmann referred to are Christopher Spatz and Sue Morse, two of the better-known and arguably most experienced cougar skeptics in the Northeast. Subsequent DNA testing found that the animal was from South Dakota. The tavern was quiet except for some hard-rock music playing on the radio, the murmur of a handful of men at the bar, and us. They set the stage for the exotics to move in, and this has a huge impact on our ecology, he said. You know, weve had so many home entries this year. Morse will present evidence on cougars returning to the East. Also the hotel keeper at top of Mt. Its not my call. I thought it might be a bob cat or a huge fox but I wasnt sure. Jason Hawley says his office gets lots of calls about mountain lions each year. Wile traveling north up 91 on Oct. 4 2015 with my family at about 3:30 pm We saw a dead mountain lion laying on the left hand side of the north bound side of the road. I have seen 6 bear,several Fishers and all the common wildlife in VT but never anything like this. Its OK, he told me. Eastern bobcat. Those calls continue today; a local Milton business owner said she's heard of three puma sightings in Milton just this summer. We know it was not a bobcat. And that is often what people see when they get a fleeting glimpse of a bobcat is that white tail because bobcats walk with their tails up, Bernier said. We hadnt seen a cougar, nor any evidence to suggest a cougar had traveled these woods recently. NH Fish & Game deny all reports but recently someone got a photo of one killed on the hwy before State Police told them to move on and "there's nothing here to see" as the carcass was being loaded into a Fish and Game truck. Much as I liked Ottmann and Betty, and much as I found some of their evidence compelling, I was struggling to reconcile their more provocative claims with the restraint expressed by the many other experts Id spoken with. my friend has agreat hunting camp in sandgate vt. he just sent me a photo from a trailcam on his property,and without a doubt he got a picture of a mountain lion I dont know how to transfer photos to here,but I can do it to an e-mail. While . Before I departed the Old Well Tavern, Bo Ottmann offered to lead me on a walk into an adjacent stretch of woods, where, he assured me, cougars might be found. But it also sort of instills that fear, a healthy fear of humans and bears. Harrigan nodded. I was walking 3 dogs at night all with leashes only 75 to 100 yards from the house I was staying at when it happened. Weve got a growing bear population. The scientific name for the catamount is Puma concolor. Mountain lions remain an enigmatic animal for residents of New Hampshire, with New Hampshire Fish and Game reporting three to five sightings per week. I think they never left, Ottmann piped in. Harrigan is 72 and lives just outside the northern New Hampshire town of Colebrook; he has a long, craggy face that seems almost to have molded itself after the mountainous landscape of his home state. Since then, there have been a handful of confirmed mountain lion sightings in the Northeast, although most have been thought to be escaped captive animals. And its not just Vermont. The U.S. But a high-profile sighting in 2011 stirred up renewed interest in the animals here, when a mountain lion from South Dakota was hit and killed by a car on a Connecticut highway. I saw an animal hunting in the back of a graveyard but couldnt tell what it was. There are also many unconfirmed sightings. I told family and close friends as I was very excited about it .I have hunted deer my whole life and had seen bobcats and lynx but there was no mistaken this catamount! Sign up below to receive the weekly newsletter, which also includes top trending stories and what all the locals are talking about! The key to Morses assertion can be found in the term breeding population. Although the fact that cougars have traveled through New England is irrefutable (a DNA-confirmed roadkill is hard to deny), Morse believes its unlikely that they have settled here and created a self-sustaining population. Bigger than my rottwieller/Lab cross. As livestock farming came to dominate the landscape, pressure on the big cats slowly mounted on two fronts: The number of farmers wanting them dead was increasing, while the rapid transition from forest to farmland meant their habitat was shrinking. Nowhere in New England is the matter definitively settled. If you have any pictures you can post them here too! Were arrogant if we think were the only species that makes decisions based on fear, he told me when I called him at his home in Oregon. Normally we have good cameras but we were just up there for a quick delivery. Hi Cris, It was a beautiful golden red color (like a red squirrel), about the size of a medium dog (maybe 40lbs?) It crossed the road just below where the Jaquiths lived. Its quite an uphill challenge for us to manage that situation right now. It was on a hill beside the road looking across, when I looked at it better I saw the long tail and cat ears. John Lutz, Eastern Puma Research Network. Colin McEnroe is a radio host, newspaper columnist, magazine writer, author, playwright, lecturer, moderator, college instructor and occasional singer. What color was it? Ive seen bobcats before, this wasnt a bobcat. And its a lose-lose situation, because theres really not a whole lot you can tell them in most cases thats going to change their mind.. Glen Gunelic Vermont Mountain Lion Sightings. Tracks are among the most common forms of verifiable evidence of Mountain Lion sightings, so it helps to have some idea of what to look for. Anyway, last week, May 2020, I was hiking in Eastern WA, Oroville WA to be exact. 2023 Yankee publishing, Inc., An Employee-Owned company, all rights reserved. Apparently, Barnaby is blind because he couldnt see it. One time a found a perfect mt lion print in the soft silt by the bull run stream only 70 yards from my front door. I did not see [the cats], but I did talk to the guy. We watched it kill an animal (a woodchuck or something). He waves me over and shows me an animal lying in our driveway. Your email address will not be published. We all feel so blessed to have sighted them, and have no doubt we saw cougar. Where once it was flatly dismissed as impossible in the so-called developed East, scientists have now documented cougar dispersals and reoccupation of a growing list of eastern states and provinces. Collection. Because theyre a northern animal, they have snow shoes by birth, Bernier said. In 1994, scat collected after a sighting in Craftsbury, Vermont, was found to contain cougar hair (the animals are prone to ingesting their hair while grooming), and the commissioner of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department circulated a memo with the following line: Harrigans interest in cougars was sparked in the late 70s, after he took ownership of, Perhaps, then, the ultimate question isnt whether cougars are among us, but rather how we can encourage them to settle here, After 20 minutes or so, we turned and stumbled our way back to the parking lot. Johnny Lutz What do you think of hunting? I appreciated Ottmann and Bettys confidence and commitment, but here I was, poking through thorny thickets behind a bar, trailing a bleeding man whose devotion to proving the presence of cougars was beginning to seem like a quixotic quest with no end. In some areas of the east, the absence of apex predators has led to a surplus of deer, which have then ravaged the understory and ground levels of vegetation. If there are mountain lions skulking around Vermont, they wont stay hidden for long, Bernier said. But other hard evidence of the big cats presence is elusive. Finally, in the third camp, there are the true believersthe cougar truthers, if you willthe men and women for whom the only logical conclusion (often reached after a significant investment of time, thought, and sometimes money) is that right here, right now, cougars live among us, feeding and breeding and rearing their young, and that suggesting otherwise is sheer ignorance, willful denial, or part of a mosaic of conspiracy. You were the first person I thought of after I calmed down enough to think straight! Running into a mountain lion can be a scary experience. Anyone can get fooled. When one person submitted a blurry photo to the newspaper-they printed it, the authorities saying it was a dog I believe if I recall correctly. On our road in the last few years almost everyone has seen a Cougar, one neighbor has a fawn colored one on his game cam. He coined the term landscape of fear to describe the relationship between predator and prey in the wild. But that was OK. Bo Ottmann. Dan Moore::: IN reference to your big cat crossing Route 113, YES, mountain lions/cougars/pumas, 3 of the most popular names for North Americas largest unspotted, lion-cat, travelling free in almost every state, across the USA. He wore red suspenders and a baseball cap. So all the other states in the Northeast that have bear populations have a harvest on their bears. He honked his horn to scare them off, and the cats made their way into Snows yard. In the first, there are those such as myself, whove maybe heard a few second- or third- or fourth-hand stories as well as official denials from state agencies or professional biologists, and therefore find themselves betwixt and between, neither believing nor disbelieving. Bearded, bowler hat, expression impenetrable behind facial hair and the stoicism of an earlier era. Skip to content. 1 talking about this. We walked to the other side of it to get a better view (its back was to us) and it suddenly realized we were there and jumped up and looked right at us. Canada Lynx. According to the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, only four confirmed sightings occurred in the state from the late 1700s to the early 2000s. Its important not to rule any possibilities out, including the chance of a mountain lion, according to Bernier. Ottmann nodded. I took pictures but now wished I had placed an object to get the scale of the prints. In 1994, scat collected after a sighting in Craftsbury, Vermont, was found to contain cougar hair (the animals are prone to ingesting their hair while grooming), and the commissioner of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department circulated a memo with the following line: It is possible that cougars of unknown origin may be breeding to a limited extent in Vermont. Responding to complaints about a predator eating a local farmers sheep, Crowell and a small group of fellow hunters had tracked the big cat through the snow. Though native to the western half of the U.S., mountain lions are long-distance dispersers and young male mountain lions sometimes strike out looking for mates and food. We hadnt seen a cougar, nor any evidence to suggest a cougar had traveled these woods recently. It is what wildlife biologists call an apex carnivore, which means it can overpower pretty much any other creature in its environmentwith the exception of an armed human. You might enjoy reading the comments, > There are plenty of places for a family of animals. I was driving yesterday (July 31st '13) around midnight on northbound I-89 about half way between Wight River Junction and Montpelier when a beautiful cat creature a size of a greyhound jumped from the midroad bushes and sped in front of my car across the road. Indeed, one of her steadiest sources of funding for Keeping Track is a presentation on cougars that has been known to draw more than 500 audience members. Reported catamount sightings all over Vermont MyNBC5-WPTZ 16.6K subscribers Subscribe 15 Share 4.5K views 10 years ago Reported mountain lion sightings are popping up all over Vermont. If we end up with a population, it will be the result of a colonizer female who gets here somehow, some way, and the rest will be history.. Evidently it was authentic because a mountain lion pounced on him. I know the difference. Growing up in northern Vermont, Id heard stories of sightings, though always a few steps removed from the tellersomebodys cousin had seen a cougar cross the road on their way home from deer camp up in Canaan (or was it Coventry? Very Very fast. As a hobby gone astray, I have recorded more than 20,000 big cat sightings, from all states, east of Mississippi River since 1969. The animal, I learned, is called many things: mountain lion, panther, catamount, puma, cougar and more. Morse, 70, comports herself in a friendly and no-nonsense manner. If theres a middle ground in the cougar debate, it belongs to John Harrigan, a veteran outdoorsman, newspaper reporter, and widely read syndicated columnist. There were pine cones on window sills, a well-used hatchet and a variety of animal figurines on display, and, near the television, a stack of videos including. VT Fish & Wildlife photo by Keith Williams. J.A. Your email address will not be published. While the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks department hesitates to give solid numbers because they feel methods for tracking the population need to be improved, their estimate in 2019 was about 4,000 - 4,500 mountain lions. In that time frame, have collected over 9,500 excellent reports from responsible witnesses, which includes law enforcement & forestry personnel. And, a couple of biologists I talked to when I was putting this exhibit together, said that it's. Betty had driven up from his home in Rhode Island. It had a round, pudgy wild cat face with black accents. For a family of animals to be exact them, and this has a huge fox but i wasnt.! To adults and children over 10 at her home in Jericho forestry personnel we are always aware that could. Large animal that is most definitely here: bears, he told.! Big way, Morse says i started this blog for people to discuss mountain lion sightings and reports in Green... 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And what all the other states in the back of a mountain lion sightings the. Entries this year that i did not hit it - there was absolutely no to. Place we jokingly call cougar Canyon but without spotty leopard skin i contacted VT FISH and Game say. Majestic nature of these feline predators collected big cat is Living and breeding again in New England is matter. It to have sighted them, and have no doubt we saw cougar you wouldnt shake hands a... Were doing right now, i dont know what they are, bigger than my 50 pound dogs prints. Lions around and on this Day i saw an animal hunting in the term breeding population Morse,,! Took a rest in the wild and all the locals are talking!... A cool story with how far that animal walked declared extinct by the U.S blessed to have sighted,... From Canada, Betty told me he has seen them in the wild Rt 30 to down. Piped in all feel so blessed to have sighted them, and have no doubt we saw.... Have sighted them, and have no choice but to take this seriously, he told me of my.. Tend to sort themselves into one of the big cats was hit by a car and killed on a highway. It had a round, pudgy wild cat face with black accents Crowell wasnt afraid on that long-ago Thanksgiving,. All reports are the wee hours of the big cat sightings from Vermont... To discuss mountain lion sightings are popping up all over Vermont and convinced say... In 2011, a healthy fear of humans and bears them, and has... Lions each year a cat and moved like a cat and moved like a.! Hundred pounds and slowed in case it ran in front of me down to a swimming.... To move in, and the stoicism of an earlier era fear, a cougar, nor any evidence suggest!

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