The way of the ungodly shall perish: The way of the ungodly leads to destruction. John 15:16 with verse 27). The righteous man is also discerning enough to know the counsel of the ungodly can come from ones own self. First, he told him, Until I come, give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and teaching (1 Tim. (b) By indifference. 1. Certainly, it is the way of the righteous, not the way of the ungodly. The ungodly are not so: Everything true about the righteous man stable as a tree, continual life and nourishment, fruitful, alive, and prosperous is not so regarding the ungodly. It refers to a restless, unquiet condition which, in its agitation and unquieted passions, runs from one thing to another seeking happiness and peace, often at the hurt of others. By-in-large, people of the Word will gain the capacity to be wise and stable in areas such as their business or the office which could mean promotions or higher profits. The Hebrew word for blessing is a^shr?. b. Luke 11:27-28; 16:17). Ultimately this means the lake of fire for the unbeliever. The choice is ours. Compare Psalm 37:6 and note the kind of prosperity God primarily has in mind (spiritual prosperity, discernment, and godly character). As the wicked are driven about in life because they do not have the Lord and His righteousness, so they will be driven away from Him in the day of judgment because they lack His gift of righteousness through Jesus Christ. 25:1-30). In the seat. Seat is the Hebrew word mosh`B. He/she is a person of the Scriptures. i. David was the perfect example of God's king. For many of them the answer is yes, but their time in church did nothing to build them in the Scripture. It states the purpose and sets the direction of the paragraph or passage. 1:17; 2:11; Matt. 3:3), and though he is saved, he will experience serious consequences as we shall see in the material below. It is also true in the present, because sinners sense they do not belong in the congregation of the righteous if they insist on remaining sinners. It was an archery term and meant to fall short, miss the mark. The mark is the will and plan of God as revealed in Scripture. If this continues, it will mean severe discipline in this life followed by forfeiture of rewards in heaven, like chaff which the wind drives away (1 Cor. Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. This does not mean there is never adversity or failure. An equal number had a difficult time accepting the concept of absolute truth. It is the principle of living life independently of the details of life for ones happiness (Phil. What makes you happy? Well, it certainly does not look like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in its season. 12:3f), including exhortation, giving, showing mercy, helping; and (c) witnessing and leading people to Christ (cf. It could also mean the capacity to be healthier in general, since a joyful heart is good medicine and since godliness may produce the discipline needed to eat wisely and exercise regularly. You can also change some of your preferences. But please note that scoffing can occur by declaration of words or by declaration of a way of life that scorns the moral absolutes of Scripture and its way of life. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. Blessed is the man who. Who is a function word which introduces us to the person who is so blessed, one who has the qualities of life which lead to blessedness. They have completely different sources for living, different purposes, different character, and very different results both temporally and eternally. It is not only reading that does us good; but the soul inwardly feeding on it, and digesting it. (1) A tree has deep roots and is usually very sturdy, especially when compared to a tumble weed. and more. This must not be understood in the sense of legalistic obedience to a set of rules and principles, like a prescription or a formula, but in the sense of an obedience of faith that such a life brings to the one who believes the concepts of this passage. Wicked is a Hebrew word (r`sh`u) which has as its root idea, to be loose, unstable. This word carries two ideas. Psalm 13-3. iii. From thinking like the world we begin to act like the world. But the primary focus of this text is on the future judgment. In the progress of revelation, the Old Testament does not give us the details of the last judgments as does the New Testament. 1, Moody Press, Chicago, 1980, p. 311. Like chaff. Chaff is the Hebrew word mox. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. The man of blessedness is one who has determined to walk by the whole counsel of the Word, not by his emotions, experience, tradition, by popular opinion or by what is politically correct. Are like the chaff which the wind drives away: Chaff is the light shell around a kernel of grain, which must be stripped away before the kernel of grain can be ground into flour. Psalm 1 says Israel's obedience to the law would result in blessing, while the wicked would end in destruction. Very likely not. Blessed is the man: The Hebrew word esher is here translated blessed, which has the idea of happiness or contentment. We think we have better things to do with our time. (2) It also pictures the concept of growth and time. 17:6). d. And whatever he does shall prosper: It isnt that the righteous man has a Midas Touch, and everything he does makes him rich and comfortable. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. No matter what, God is always with us, comforts us, and brings us back to him when we wander. This is a beatitude. That brings forth its fruit in its season: The righteous man bears fruit, such as the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Verse 4 uses loa, the negative particle of absolute negation. 3:1-4). It is not Blessed is the king, blessed is the scholar, blessed is the rich, but, Blessed is the man. This blessedness is as attainable by the poor, the forgotten and the obscure, as by those whose names figure in history, and are trumpeted by fame. (Spurgeon). It shows that the Christian ideal way of life may not be the . 1 Lawrence O. Richards, The Teacher's Commentary, electronic media. Fruit bearing is the result of deep roots' finding an abundant supply of nourishment from underground streams of water. The psalms express the emotion of the individual poet to God or about God. The issue is simply that spiritual deliverance and real happiness must always escape the wicked because of their negative volition to God and His precious Word. It specifically applies this to work and to our desire for success. But are like the chaff which the wind drives away. The wicked are not in any way like the righteous or the man of blessedness of verses 1-3 in the quality, character, or constitution of their lives. I will sing to Jehovah, for he has done me much good. Note that in Ephesians 4:14 the apostle is writing to believers regarding the need to grow in Christ lest they become unstable, tossed about by the waves of mans ideas about life. Prayer Penitential Of david. It means, Oh, the blessedness. It stresses this as a fact to those who fulfill the conditions or proposition of the passage. 18 being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; 19 and they, having become callous, have given themselves over to sensuality, for the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness. Since this is true, should we not pursue the way of blessedness both for now (Gods glory and spiritual stability in this life) and eternity (Gods glory and eternal rewards)? 14:10-11; 1 Cor. This is a picture of vitality, of being green, healthy plants in spite of conditions. King David is attributed with this powerful writing which contains the . 4:19). It is an examination for rewards or loss of rewards in heaven, i.e., forfeiture of privileges of service (Rom. While praise and prayer characterize the Psalms as a whole, they may be categorized as: Praise (33, 103, 139), Historical (68, 78, 105, 106), Relational (8, 16, 20, 23, 55), Imprecatory (35, 69, 109, 137), Penitential (6, 32, 51, 102, 130, 143), and Messianic (2, 8, 16, 22, 40, 45, 69, 72, 89, 102, 109-110). 4 R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., Bruce K. Waltke, Theological Word Book of the Old Testament, Vol. Unbelievers are separated from believers and the believers go into the Millennium. In other words, as Peter teaches us in 2 Peter 1:3, it contains all that man needs for life and godliness, or about truth and righteousness. Please note, this is a promise from God and a well established fact of life. 7 R. Kent Hughes, The Coming Evangelical Crisis, John H. Armstrong, General Editor, Moody Press, Chicago, 1996, p. 94-95. The poem is written as a monologue from a young man's heart to a Psalmist, wondering what the best way to live out one's life is. The Psalms have a wonderful capacity to capture the reality of our human experience. God has a path, and it is a good road to take. When the main idea of a paragraph is stated, it is most often found in the first 37:3-5). We all miss the mark, and none of us are perfect nor will we ever be perfect in this life. Compare Lot in Genesis 13:10f. It is accurate, reliable and actively powerful (Ps. A beatitude pronounces blessing upon a certain group of people. 25:31-46). Note how these three verses in Ephesians parallel Psalm 1:1: 17 This I say therefore, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind. But it could also mean persecution as one takes a stand for righteousness or refuses to compromise or do the things employees are sometimes asked to do that go against the righteous principles of Scripture. READING - Main Ideas Rev. This is dangerous, because an empty mind may present an open invitation to deception or a demonic spirit. The righteous man finds his delightin the law of the LORD. But in Christian meditation, the goal is to fill your mind with the word of God. Lets look at each of these three negative statements in their three-fold breakdown: Does not walk. Walk is the Hebrew h`l^K which metaphorically means, to go along with, follow a course of action, or to live, follow a way of life. It has the idea of go along with, use, follow. The tense is decisive, he is one who has chosen not to follow this path. 4:14; Jer. Hebrew poetry repeats and rearranges thoughts rather than sounds. If not filled with the best things, it will be filled with the unworthy and disappointing. (Spurgeon). A preacher once told me that he had read the Bible through twenty times on his knees and had never found the doctrine of election there. Then there is a~l, which expresses subjective or relative negation with an appeal to the will. That brings forth its fruit in its season, 4:11-13). 20:11-15; 21:6-8). Im afraid this is the state of the majorityeven of the majority of the church. But since Christians too can live like mere men, like the wicked to some degree, Scripture exhorts us to live as sojourners, as aliens who seek to lay up treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys (1 Pet. The righteous man only has Gods word on his mind two times a day: day and night. The wicked. This is a key word in the Psalms. and more. (2) The way of the godly is set forth by way of a contrast: negatively, what the godly do not do (1:1), and positively, what the godly do (1:2). What did Paul tell his young coworker in the faith? Will not stand. The verb here is qWm, rise, arise, stand. It looks at standing as the result of rising up. They need to wait until they bring forth fruit in its season. The church in Corinth is an illustration of this. These cover a wide range of topics from joy to depression, from peace to persecution, from contemplation to confession, from praise to prophecy, from creation to coronation, and from anxiety to adoration. By the sound of the words, the Hebrew has a play on these words which drive this home. Gods word is always the best counselor, and godly counselors will always bring the truth of Gods word to help someone who wants counseling. Their way (even when religious) is the way of man, the flesh, and cannot stand before the righteousness of God. Fruit is a proof of the root, i.e., where one is dwelling (in truth or error) (cf. The verb is h`G> or H`G`H which literally means to moan, growl, utter, speak, muse, think, and plan (cf. The unrighteous are ultimately worthless to God and generally worthless to society since they corrupt and feed on others. 3 Francis Brown, S. R. Driver, and Charles A. Briggs, A Hebrew And English Lexicon of the Old Testament, Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. 343. Psalm 91:1-3 God the Deliverer "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. (3) Syntheticthe second line explains or further develops the idea of the first line (1:3; 95:3). The man who experiences great blessing is one who has a love affair with Gods Word. First, it means the righteous man knows how to discern the counsel of the ungodly. Compare Lot in Genesis 13:11. Unlike English poetry, which emphasizes rhyme and meter, Hebrew poetry relies on other characteristics for its impact like parallelism and figures of speech. As to this life, the wicked, those who walk independently of God (believers or unbelievers), are driven about by the false counsel of the world, by satanic and human viewpoint (Eph. When it involves indifference to heavenly treasure as believers, it means loss of rewards and a failure to use this life as partners with Him in His life and enterprise on earth. The theme of Psalm 23 is that God always protects and provides. This is a preface or introduction to the whole book of the psalmist and it describes a Blessed man, also be referred to as "happy man" and the wicked. b. 2:8-9; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; Heb. The man (or woman) of blessedness and spiritual stability is one whose life is built on and bathed in the Scripture. (1) There is the way of the godly and their blessedness in contrast to the way of the ungodly (1:1-6). It refers to those who are guided and controlled by their own desires, emotions, impulses of the mind and flesh rather than by the Word and the Holy Spirit. a. In the previous post, we started having a look at Psalm 1, which carries such a beautiful picture of the relationship between our ethics and our health and wellbeing. 106:1 ), and future hope ( Ps. Of course, but this is not a blank check to be filled in as we want. In their carnality they become unrestrained and impoverished in their spiritual lives. There are several types of parallel arrangement of thoughts, with the first three listed below being the most basic. 3:13-15, verse 15 uses the verb form of our word delight). Matt. See also the margin translation of ASV. 10:3-5; 119:53 with 54 and 119:155 with 165). As one who delights and meditates in the Word, Scripture is consulted and used as a guide for whatever he does (Prov. 6 For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the wicked will perish. The Tribulation begins after the rapture, thus it begins only with unbelievers. It is on his mind and in his heart at all times in every situation and area of life (2 Cor. Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, 2:7-9; Ps. Gesenius, the great lexicographer, says it originally meant to bend, incline toward, so it includes the ideas of desire, pleasure, inclination, satisfaction. It is a term for positive volition. God gives him peace and rest because he can trust Him. a. who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked. Walks notnor standsnor sits: The blessed man does not do certain things. 10:4-5). Later he wrote, preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with great patience and instruction, and then he quickly warned, For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths (2 Tim. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. According to Scripture, everything in the church is to flow from and around this emphasis and activity. 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. But his delight is in This statement is emphatic in two ways: by the fact it is a nominal clause (no finite verb), and by the word order. (b) The wicked are unstable, unfruitful, and will be judged. (2) Tribulation Judgments: Also known as Jacobs trouble and Daniels 70th week. If we are constantly needy, it may be worth examining if we are planted by the rivers of water or not. On one occasion one of them, a man named Thorpe, was mimicking Whitefield to his cronies, delivering his sermon with brilliant accuracy, perfectly imitating his tone and facial expressions, when he himself was so pierced that he sat down and was converted on the spot.7. Above all else, it summarizes all that is to follow in the rest of the Psalms, and, for that matter, in the rest of Scripture. Psalm 2 The Messiah's Reign . But there is more. The righteous can have the confidence of Psalm 16:11: You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it (Matthew 7:13). b. Note, how blessed is the man who The article specifies a certain kind of man, the man who obeys the actions of this passage.. Explains or further develops the idea of a paragraph is stated, means. Woman ) of blessedness and spiritual stability is one who has chosen not to follow this path with. ) which has as its root idea, to be loose, unstable roots & x27... Of absolute truth worthless to God or about God man is also discerning enough to know counsel! 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