Ka taitaia te waka (NM 1928:94). This makes each step easier to remember. 4) You shouldn´t listen to music at high volumes. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day should be an essential part of your day, just as it is crucial for you to eat. A proxy brush, also called an interdental brush, has a plastic handle and a small head of bristles held together by a wire that is designed to fit between the teeth. Floss definition is - soft thread of silk or mercerized cotton for embroidery. Finish eating your breakfast. 33- brush your teeth and give your mouth a good clean . Daily Routine Words Guessing Game. 1) You should brush your teeth after every meal. Spamster 1 322368 Brush your teeth Compatible with. Also, listen to this, ‘…I put my blue ink on my hairbrush. Grit your teeth and smile. To prevent tooth decay and gum disease and to remove the buildup of plaque on exposed surfaces of the teeth. Insider's takeaway. You must brush your teeth. Please brush your teeth is this declerative or imperative sentence 2 See answers proboy52 proboy52 Answer: maybe imperative bro... pls follow me.....pls. During editing, show students possibilities for including the targeted structure. Use a toothbrush with a small- to medium-sized head. Because bacteria is the source of disease, we emphasize cleaning your teeth and gums daily at home. If a tie is like kissing your sister, losing is like kissing you grandmother with her teeth out. Floss once a day. Ka taitaia te waka (NM 1928:94). Imagine you were giving a report on Dr. Seuss, ''Dr. (The danger: If you don’t, may have teeth problems.) For example you would never say "Me duele mi cabeza," instead you would say, "Me duele la cabeza." Use a toothbrush with soft to medium, multi-tufted, round-ended nylon bristles. Drink plenty of water. Brush your teeth for two minutes, last thing at night and at least one other time during the day, using fluoride toothpaste. CK 1 263601 I have to brush my teeth. added by an unknown member, date unknown. Try brushing your teeth in the morning and at night every day regularly. #128096. linked by an unknown member, date unknown. izzietheninja. Complex Sentences-one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses (in the examples below, any dependent clauses are underlined) Examples of complex sentences: When it stops raining, we will play baseball. Continue working in a clockwise direction, finishing up with the lower … 2. (3) Cavities can be very painful and must be treated by a dentist. She brushed her upper teeth and spit out some toothpaste. Brush your teeth before you go to bed. This sentence uses the dative reflexive dir because die Zähne (the teeth) are the accusative direct object leaving 'yourself' to be the dative indirect object. papabear 1 1341297 Brush your teeth after eating. Begin brushing your teeth by starting at the bottom and moving the toothbrush in … hairbrush and began to brush my teeth.’ Question from scenario: ‘What’s silly about this sentence? She squeezed some toothpaste onto her toothbrush. First off, using mouthwash after brushing your teeth is going to create tooth decay. el lavaplatos. Say a sentence while brushing your teeth. A standard toothbrush and regular floss do a great job keeping your teeth clean and healthy, but there are other products on the market that some people prefer. Amastan 1 2038272 I brushmy teeth every day. Eldad 1 1936516 I'd like to brushmy teeth. CK 1 887147 She gave him the brushoff. CK 1 911243 I'm going to brushmy teeth. papabear 1 1341297 Brushyour teeth after eating. CK 1 1660877 Tom is brushing his teeth. Me cepillo los dientes con un cepillo de dientes. She brushed her lower teeth and spit out some more toothpaste. The ability to create word lists is available full members. Note: when you use the zero conditional, the correct tense to use in both clauses is the present indefinite tense. Because she is nice, Mrs. Thomas let us read books that we A reflexive verb is a verb where the action of a subject falls upon the subject itself. … (paint) Used with verbs: " They applied paint with a brush. Overall, the best way to whiten teeth naturally and prevent stains is brushing and flossing regularly to ensure visible plaque doesn't form. This pack includes 4 pages containing 3 leveled worksheets and an answer page. If you’re going to be late, please let me know. You also can use other tools to keep your mouth and teeth clean. Age: 9-17. Start brushing by placing your toothbrush on your front teeth at a 45-degree angle. It is important to note that the formation of … (toilet, scrubbing) " He needs a paint brush. Default Video Quality. How to use floss in a sentence. Firstly, put some toothpaste on your toothbrush and wet it underneath cold water. 2. The objective of brushing is to accomplish two things. In the same way in sentences such as ‘show your teeth’; the word ‘teeth’ is again used in a collective sense and not in the separate sense. Login or sign up now! Did you tell your parents where you’re going? Because bacteria is the source of disease, we emphasize cleaning your teeth and gums daily at home. (toilet, scrubbing) " He needs a paint brush. Angle the bristles next to the outer surface of your teeth toward the gum line. Focus on each quadrant of the mouth and make sure to brush where your teeth meet your gums. what does the word in the quotation marks mean? I brush my teeth twice a day. 32- brush your teeth two times a day with a fluoride toothpaste. Take your time and be gentle when doing this. Ētehi wā hoki tino wareware koe ki te taitai i ō niho (NW 1991:24). 2. Brushing teeth after each meal, or at least in the morning and at night, helps keep teeth healthy and cavity-free. (You brush your teeth). Practice: The teacher will hand four students a the sequence card (1. Dr. Seuss created stories that captivated kids.'' Example sentences: Use a wire brush to clean the metal pipe. Brush your teeth twice a day, as suggested by the American Dental Association. Replace your toothbrush every three to four months, or sooner if the bristles are irregular or splayed. Oh, come on, I'll rinse out the sink when I brush my teeth. (verb) (-a) to brush, scrub. It's the same for other similar sentence, too. You should brush your teeth. This is an imperative sentence: Don't swim in this lake., Please take the trash out., Brush your teeth., Listen to your teacher., This is not an imperative sentence: You should listen to your teacher., He likes to eat pizza., We enjoy speaking English in class., My name is Hamdoon., Utilize online resources. 100. The expression or the word ‘teeth-whitening’ is wrong. More than that, always try to brush three times a day and never less than twice. Reduces the chances of getting a stroke a heart attack. Spend at least 2 or 3 minutes each time you brush. … Fill in the blank with the spanish word that best completes the following sentence. Use a toothbrush with soft to medium, multi-tufted, round-ended nylon bristles. Brushing one’s teeth can help prevent tooth decay that can lead to dental cavities, which is the formation of holes on the teeth, a condition that can result in a tooth loss. 1. It is clear I was never the Pretty Girl. To prevent tooth decay and gum disease and to remove the buildup of plaque on exposed surfaces of the teeth. Every day: Gently brush your teeth on all sides with a soft-bristle brush and fluoride toothpaste. On the other hand, it is also important to note that cleaning with toothpaste … 7 steps for brushing success. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Let the bristles do the work - instead of squashing the brush against your teeth, move slowly and gently across the surface of every tooth. Angle the bristles next to the outer surface of your teeth toward the gum line. "Please brush your teeth every day." Level: elementary. Work in a Clockwise Direction. Complete each sentence with the word your or you’re. Brushing also helps prevent bad breath, which may potentially discourage friends, colleagues, and family members from developing deeper interpersonal relationships with you. Downloads: 302. Brushing has long been established as an effective method of cleaning the teeth. There was no juice left. Brushing your teeth is just the starting point. You can also rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash, especially if there's not a toothbrush handy while you're drinking soda on-the-go. They will need to come up and place them in the correct order that we need to complete to brush our teeth. Need to translate "brush your teeth" to German? Age: 5-14. Example Sentence. If you haven’t already linked up, you still have time. As a teenager he had several brushes with the law. Sign Variations for this Word. Take your time while brushing. "He is brushing his teeth." 28- brush your teeth with tips from a licensed denta . (Open-ended Question) Student: ‘You use toothpaste to brush your teeth.’ Clinician: ‘That’s right. (This is an obligation. Recite the following rhyme and lead children in the movements that go with it. Would we use a Students must try to guess what the daily routine word is … Have your dentist show you the best way to brush to get your teeth clean without damaging your gums. (applied) " He is using a brush. Then, brush each tooth in a circular motion for 3-5 seconds. Simple sentences and charming photos engage young children. First Conditional Sentences Or Open Conditional Floss your teeth, 4. How to use tooth in a sentence. Brushing removes plaque from the large surfaces of the teeth and from just under the gums. Your opponent must guess what you are saying. You should brush your teeth before you go to bed. If I'm brushing your teeth and I say "te cepillo tus dientes" it's the equivalent of saying "I brush your teeth that are yours." OK. Read more comments. Just get your toothbrush wet, then clean your teeth and rinse. lukaszpp October 7, 2010 October 7, 2010 at 4:27:25 PM UTC link Permalink. 2) You have to clean the car. I/me 3. Start cleaning your child’s gums even … Your teeth may also be yellowish or gray due to genetic factors, medications, or injury.
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