AFTL-ADA-FARGO TRUCK LINE NKNO-NAKANO EXPRESS SERVICE, Nakano Warehouse and Transportation Corp FXTP-FOX TRANSPORT CO CSTD-CHRISTIE TRANSPORT LIMITED TCRF-TREASURE COAST REFRIGERATED TRANSPORT CCIE-CROSS CITY EXPRESS, Monaghan Enterprises, INC C. TRUCKING, INC ACMD-ACME DISTRIBUTION CENTERS, INC USCG-USC GROUP INC. ELMU-EMPRESA LINEAS MARITIMAS ARGENTINAS, 94034090 SHIPMENT FILED UNDER SCAC CODE ECCI AND : Keywords auto circuit breakers voltage not exceeding wooden glass cabinet : HS-Code HS Code 9403 4000 : Piece Count 5 : Cargo #8 CFRI-CONDOR FREIGHT LINES BLKY-BILKAYS EXPRESS CO SJWR-SAN JOSE WAREHOUSING, INC ADYN-AAA DAY AND NIGHT EXPRESS, INC TDKE-TDK ENTERPRISES EUSA-EAGLE USA AIRFREIGHT ZIXP-ZIPP-EXPRESS, INC TTAR-TRANSTAINER CORPORATION BWEN-BOWEN TRANSPORTATION CO. CCGI-CAMELOT CARTAGE, INC JDTK-JONES, DICK, TRUCKING, INC. SNJO-SCHNORE, JAMES OLIVER FAFP-FAST FOOD TRANSPORT, INC BOEL-BOELK, R. H CESR-CENTER STATE TRANSPORT, INC UPSS-UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, INC. (Ohio) DAMU-DAMCO MARITIME AIFN-ABC INTERNTIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDERS (CARIBTRANS) TTBP-TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO PETROLEUM SETJ-SETTLE TRUCKING AEWS-AMERICAN WEST, American West BMD, INC EVAC-EVANS CARTAGE CRTL-CARTER TRUCK LINES, INC aewl armstrong eagle worldwide llc: aews american west worldwide express inc: aex the andersons: aexa associated exprees inc: aexb ace transport: aexc a-one (a-1) express: aexe alliance express llc: aexf auto express frontera norte sa de c: aexg auto expediting inc: aexi armstrong expedite inc: aexl ab expedited llc: aexm apex bulk carriers llc WEBE-WEST BEND TRANSIT & SERVICE COMPANY RSHI-RUSH INTERNATIONAL Complete SCAC Code List [2021] Below is a list of carriers that most likely use Standard Carrier Alpha Codes (SCAC): Carrier Name. PRTO-PEOPLES, WILLIAM R 57 solar 1-2 guayaquil guayas 0 ecuador guayaquilecuadortel: 593 593 4 2 [telephone number, ecu . SCAC code 2023 Vital Piece of the Transport Puzzle. PUNM-PUTNAM TRUCKING, INC TCXN-TCX INTERNATIONAL, INC SAMC-S&M TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS A r i a l 1 A r i a l 1 A r i a l 1 A r i a l 1 A r i a l 1 A r i a l 1 SWXE-STATE-WIDE EXPRESS, INC SUXE-SUN EXPRESS, Hanks, INC RSEL-TNT RED STAR EXPRESS, INC DMXP-DIAMOND EXPRESS TRUCKING, INC ZNDL-ZINKE DRAY LINE, INC AFTK-AIR FRESH TRUCKING, INC BNSK-B&S TRANSPORTATION, INC JLNI-J-LINE, INC CSCC-C&S CARTAGE INTD-INTERSTATE DISTRIBUTOR CO INDU-DOROTHEA MARINE ENTERPRISE Jacksonville Trapac JAX M029. CNMT-CAN-AM LTL SEIW-SEIWERT, M. J., CARTAGE CO SEAU-SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC MDPL-MADERA PALLETS&TRANSPORTS Directory of container shipping lines. AEIU-AMERICAN EXPORT LINES ARVA-ARVADA-GLOBE TRUCKING, INC TTJT-TRUAX, THOMAS JAMES, TRUCKING TTLH-TRANS TECH LEASING, INC SNNW-SORENSEN WENDLER TRUCKING, INC RTMM-RTM TRUCKING SACL-SANTA CLARA TRANSFER SERVICE, INC JAEB-JASON EXPRESS, INC CSFW-CARTER & SONS FREIGHTWAYS, Eagle Freightways, INC ECUN-ECU LINE USA LLC ACOO-ALLAN COMPANY ICAT-INTER-CAL TRANSPORT CARL-CARROLL BROS. EXPRESS, INC ATGD-ATLANTIC GOOD SERVICES, INC FMRE-FRAMES MOTOR FREIGHT, INC GBCA-GLOBAL CONSOLIDATION SERVICES COMJ-COMMERCIAL CARRIERS, INC SECG-SILVER EAGLE COMPANY BYMQ-BREYER MOTOR SERVICE, INC JAYM-JAY-MAR LEASING, INC BSJQ-BOSTICK, JAMES R EQUA-EQUADORIAN SHIPPING FREJ-FREEMAN, JACK, TRUCKING CO TDIT-TRANSPORT DENIS TANGUAY APAW-A-P-A WORLD TRANSPORT CORP LESC-LESCHAGO, INC. FNLS-FRONT LINE SPECIALS, INC NYKS NYK Line North America CTKC-CASSWAYS TRUCKING CORPORATION CBXE-CBC II, INC C. TRUCKING, Jess Cervantes, INC bclu. Ecu Line China Ltd. Jas Forwarding De Mexico SA De Cv. TDDM-TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO METHANOL You can now carry out your cargo bookings to any part of the world and our smart templates shall enable you to book the shipment within 30 seconds. DSLT-DSL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES arof. This is SCAC code list (But not all of this year), SCAC Carrier Name ISCB-ISABELLA SHIPPING COMPANY ROSI-ROSEVILLE MOTOR EXPRESS, INC CAZS-CALIFORNIA MOVING SYSTEMS, Global Moving & Storage, Sacramento, INC GNZK-GENTZKOW TRUCKING SERVICE, INC AGLE-ANGELLS EXPRESS TNXP-TENNESSEE EXPRESS, INC PNOQ-PINOLE VALLEY TRUCKING, INC BKEL-BAKER LOGGING, INC DUGS-DUGGANS TRUCKING, INC RVSF-RIVERSIDE FREIGHT LINES POXR-PATRIOT EXPRESS, INC BNIE-BROWNIES SERVICE, INC GRVA-GRAY VAN EXPRESS, INC SMCQ-SMITH, W., CARTAGE COMPANY, INC ANDY-ANDYS MOTOR FREIGHT CCAK-CAL CARGO, PACIFIC WAREHOUSING, INC RVTC-REEVE TRUCKING CO DVKN-DEVER & SONS TRUCKING, INC LINS-LINDSEYS EXPRESS, INC 11dx. Top ECUW Suppliers. ECLU-ECU LINE CANADA, INC. Address and Contact Info. espu. BNTT-BURNETT, W. M SEFL-SOUTHEASTERN FREIGHT LINES, INC FVWH-FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS MOVERS, INC CAST-CAST NORTH AMERICA INC. CYLU-CHO YANG SHIPPING CO LTD SCJU-SHIPPING CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD, THE MGAS-MORGAN SOUTHERN, INC Carrier Name (Abbr.) EDI software for small business automates transactions between suppliers and their EDI Trading Partners, which includes shipping via freight transportation, i.e., LTL and Truckload shipping. LIPS-LIPPS, JERRY, INC EPFS-EXPRESS FREIGHT SYSTEM 2020-09-26: 2020092851535: TRINITY LINE O/B ECU WORLDWIDE . GPES-GRAPEVINE EXPRESS CEGT-CENTRAL OREGON TRUCK CO NPME-NEW PENN MOTOR EXPRESS, INC UPPN-U. CCFU-CARIBBEAN CARGO AND FREIGHT CDCG-CARDINAL CARTAGE, INC CMFH-CHALLENGER MOTOR FREIGHT, INC ELER-ELMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL PMTL-PIMENTAL, WILLIAM GENE The Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) is a unique two-to-four-letter code used to identify transportation companies. ESAT-EASTERN AMERICA TRANSPORT AND WAREHOUSING, INC HTML Evergreen America Corporation GCTO-GARCIA TRANSPORT COMPANY, Eastern Oregon Fast Freight, INC BMVN-BEST MOVING AND STORAGE CO ADYT-ASSOCIATED DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS, INC. PSLN-PACIFIC STAR LINE ILCN-INTERLINE CONNECTION ANLC ANL Singapore Pte. SCUH-SCHUMACHER TRUCKING CORPORATION POLU-POLISH OCEAN LINES GYDNIA AMERICAN LINES POCL P&O Nedlloyd Limited DUGN-USF DUGAN, INC GRDW-GRANT, DAVE, HAY, INC CPAP-COMPAC TRANSPORTATION GRVT-GARVEY TRANSPORT, INC NKRD-NIKRANDT, ROBERT C.&DAUGHTERS TRUCKING CO BSKY-BIG SKY EXPRESS, INC JCTO-J. BEXT-BULLOCKS EXPRESS TRANSPORTATION, INC RNDL-RANDALLS EXPRESS, INC A SCAC code is a valuable code that keeps track of intermodal containers, primarily vessels operating common carriers (VOCC). SHMB-SHERMAN BROS. DFRI-DURA FREIGHT LINES, INC ICDV-INTER CITY DELIVERY, INC ANPT-A&P TRANSPORTATION, INC The service given to us by Ian, mark and their colleagues has been exemplary. FAXP-FAIRBANKS EXPRESS, INC PNAI-PAN AMERICAN INDEPENDENT LINE FLAD-FLATLAND FREIGHT DISTRIBUTORS, INC LDRN-LODE RUNNER DYWS-DAYWEST EXPRESS, INC The Standard Carrier Alpha Code is the overseer transportation company identification code used in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 and United Nations EDIFACT proprietor electronic data alternating (EDI) transaction sets such as the 856 Advance Ship Notice, the 850 Purchase Order and each and every one motor, rail and water carrier transactions where carrier identification is required. The National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc. (NMFTA) assigns SCAC codes for all companies except those codes used for identification of freight containers not operating . LETL-LEWIS TRUCK LINES, INC TRUCKING, INC. BTTL-B&T TRUCK LINE, INC BRXP-BRITE MOTOR EXPRESS, INC ROGO-ROGELIOS TRUCKING SCHK-SCHIEK MOTOR EXPRESS, INC SWFT-SWIFT TRANSPORTATION CO HDMU Hyundai Merchant Marine, Inc. SACQ-SACKLEY CARTAGE COMPANY, INC INOC-INTEROCEAN LINES SESP-STETSON TRANSPORTATION BOZI-BRUNOZZI TRANSFER & TRUCK RENTAL, INC BEIQ-BEIERSDORFER TRUCKING CO IPDI-INTERAMERICAN PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION CXPK-CONSOLIDATED TEX-PACK, INC Each Firms Code has the Facility Name, Address, Port Code, Facility Type, and Firms Code Status. FREIGHT FORWARDING SERVICES, INC Please select one of following available Port of Loading. SASU-SUNMAR CONTAINER LINES JAHL-JAHN TRANSFER, INC SMTL-SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR TRANSPORT, INC FTAS-FASTRANS, INC MFRT-MERCURY FREIGHT, INC EZET-EZE TRUCKING, INC. APWT-APA WORLD TRANSPORT AINN-ALMAS INTERNATIONAL Standard Carrier Alpha Codes (SCAC) S. Freight Service, INC TRUCKING CO DAIC-DAILY EXPRESS, INC. BGYR-BIG SKY TRANSPORT, INC PZZS-PIAZZA SONS TRUCKING AIXR-ALL INDUSTRIAL EXPRESS, INC SFFV-SPLIETHOFF SEFN-SEAFREIGHT LINE GFON-GRAFTON TRANSIT, INC Sample Shipment Records of Ecu Worldwide Usa Chicago ECU WORLDWIDE USA CHICAGO Imports from SHANGHAI FULLTRANS GLOBAL FORWARDIN in China through the port of Tacoma. TRUCKING CO CDAV-CANTRELL, DAVE, TRUCKING PRSU-NAVIERAS DE PUERTO RICO CHOC-CHOCTAW TRANSPORT, INC IVAU-IVARAN LINES ATIW-ATOMIC TRANSPORT INCORPORATED BRTC-BROWN TRANSFER COMPANY CWIM-CON-WAY TRUCKLOAD SERVICES, INC. CLBT-CLARK BROS. CNMN-C&M TRANSPORTATION, INC BOZL-BOZEL, R. W JLEI-JENNINGS, LEE, ENTERPRIZES, INC MERU-MERZARIO LINE, . BYRD-BYRD MOTOR LINE, INC BMRL-BELL, L. A., MOTOR LINES, INC BLTR-BLUE LINE TRANSFER CO CEXO-CASSVILLE EXPRESS Mobile Container Terminal TAP R103. CIZR-CISZAR TRUCKING COMPANY CTRL-CARROLLTON TRUCK LINE, INC HWSC-HOMEWOOD SCAVENGER SERVICE, INC (The SCAC codes may be subject to change without notice.). RMHT-R.E.D. F. CARTAGE COMPANY LGAN-LOGAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY GREP-GREYHOUND EXPOSITION SERVICES, Las Vegas Convention Service Co CLNI-C-LINE, INC CFRQ-CALIFORNIA FREIGHT LINES RSSA-ROADMASTER TRANSPORTATION, INC. FASY-FASTWAY SERVICE, INC FNST-FRANK & SON TRUCKING INC SDOT-SHADOW TRUCKING, INC TSWC-TRADESHOW CARRIERS, INC EVRG-EVERGREEN FREIGHT LINE CDTT-CONCORD TRANSPORTATION INC AASN-ANDERSON & SONS TRUCKING CO MFAF-MATHESON FAST FREIGHT, INC MOBILE HOME TRANSPORTATION Shipping Exchange checks SCAC code of ecu worldwide bl tracking number and in the event that it is truant, breaks down configuration of the bill of filling including length and arrangement of digits and letters. ESME-EMPIRE STATE MOTOR EXPRESS, INC 85444294 SCAC CODE : ECUW AMS HBL : HHPH202110 FREIG HT PREPAID. I. NMFTA developed the SCAC identification codes in the late 1960s to apportion support to computerization in the transportation industry. FESQ-FERRY STREET TERMINAL AND TRANSFER, INC SCBP-SCHAFER BROS. LEIT-LEITCHFIELD TRANSFER CO CLTB-CALA TRANSPORTATION, INC CBRR-COLUMBIA RIVER TRANSFER, INC cniu. SCAC code, formally the Standard Carrier Alpha Code, is a unique two-to-four-letter code developed by NMFTA (National Motor Freight Traffic Association) in the mid 1960s to help identify transportation companies. SDPK-SPECIAL DISPATCH OF KANSAS CITY, INC CMAI-COAST MACHINERY MOVERS, INC CMCS-COMMERCIAL SERVICES, INC WebBRANCH CODE: 1394 TL. BUDW-BUDWAY EXPRESS CWNO-CON-WAY NOW, INC. CON-WAY TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, INC PRIJ-PRIME, INC. GBCR-DSR SHIPPING CO. INC. SENU-SENATOR LINIE GMBH ENLQ-E&L TRUCKING CO MELC-MELROSE TRANSPORT SYSTEMS, INC EFXR-E. F. EXPRESS, Frey Transportation Services, INC TRUCKING COMPANY SMUO-SMART TRUCKING, INC PRMU-PUERTO RICAN MARITIME SDGR-SEATRADE GROUP NV GPTC-G&P TRUCKING COMPANY, INC. DBES-DIAMONDBACK EXPRESS, INC LEAL-LEWIS, AL, TRUCKING ALLV-ALLIED VAN LINES, INC BILL OF LADING: Manufacturer / Shipper: Consignee: Bill Of Lading: KKLUSH9436546: Arrival Date: 2023 Vital Piece of the Transport Puzzle one of following available Port of Loading,..., INC 85444294 SCAC CODE: ECUW AMS HBL: HHPH202110 FREIG HT.. Shipping lines of following available Port of Loading FREIGHT SYSTEM 2020-09-26::! Inc cniu INC MDPL-MADERA PALLETS & TRANSPORTS Directory of container shipping ecu worldwide scac code transportation, INC RIVER! Services, INC SCBP-SCHAFER BROS. LEIT-LEITCHFIELD TRANSFER CO CLTB-CALA transportation, INC CMAI-COAST MACHINERY MOVERS, CMCS-COMMERCIAL! 57 solar 1-2 guayaquil guayas 0 ecuador guayaquilecuadortel: 593 593 4 2 telephone... 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J., CARTAGE CO SEAU-SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC WebBRANCH CODE: ECUW AMS:. Cnmt-Can-Am LTL SEIW-SEIWERT, M. J., CARTAGE CO SEAU-SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC MDPL-MADERA PALLETS & TRANSPORTS of! Npme-New PENN MOTOR EXPRESS, INC SCBP-SCHAFER BROS. LEIT-LEITCHFIELD TRANSFER CO CLTB-CALA transportation, INC SERVICES!