get a criminal defence attorney that will fight them predetors. Introduction 1. But take the miracles we have given our own time to ensure they are ok? we waited 6 1/2 mths. dont trust any one hospitals doctors teachers legal aid attorneys make sure you do this. Your first call is to the social worker assigned to your child's case. Every state has variances of CPS. 62 years old never ever been in any trouble no record at all. Fight CPS; Fighting CPS; I was Just a Kic; More Abuse in Foster Care; Parents Rights; stolen Children; The Abuse in Koffman Texas by CPS and Judges; Supervisor Handbook for DFCS for the State of Georgia. Theyve destroyed me, Its entirely unbearable grieving my living children. I am thinking since her and her daughter work together taking care of same client and wife is staying in bosses mothers house just behind were they work and boss has the daughter living with her family and the client her daughter. False Allegstions, 1st 2 UA misread (new) screens to dept. But this was the time when they had taken my kids. My son has no birth certificate. Use proper punctuation and grammar. The corruption is so Deep in Schuylkill County, The crooked child traffickers include but are not limited to: The County Commissioners, [name deleted] (CYS Director)(she also works at the Dollar General in a nearby town?!?) Neil, I desperately need your help!! dont sign a service plan that is when they start going after you in all ways even family members, doc, teachers, dont use legal aid attorney they are with them. I know my rights are being violated and Im in desperate need of legal representation because they are planning to take my newborn when I have him, even though Im in complete compliance with my case plan. say nothing to them even if it hurts and they threaten you. i always asked what it meant and one nite he showed me what it meant and it haunts me to this day and now more so since the same people that neglected me are back in my life and its my grandchildren that I will go to ends of earth to fight these non caring bastards. Money bought CPS and even black and white proof of their corruption did not help me. This letter transmits the Child Protective Services (CPS) Worker Manual and Comprehensive Assessment and Planning Model - Interim Solution (CAPMIS) Field Guides which have been developed for the . She misread it AGAIN! They told us they will put our boys in foster care and they did. PROVE IT.. Cps had me take polygraph through one of their. I feel your grief. Please contact me I have lots to say. My daughter was placed in pathways almost a year ago for truancy. I am about to start defending myself against a cps investigation in California for failure to protect in a domestic violence situation and would like to talk with you. It took 6 months before I accepted and really finally started working my program. But there was no investigation done either! NO one will help me NOW! Name of parents of that child. take care be safe. me too im in new york and im obsessed with fighting these evil freaks of nature, Me and my husband are having the exact same issue but my 16 yr old daughter just had a baby also I do not know who to ask for help or even where to begin I feel so helpless I need an angel a miracle or something. get a criminal defense attorney that will fight them for you and that knows their game. I havent seem my kids since October 2019, and they took them in October 2017. use your miranda rights. Always get the number for their superior!!! (I went to office unannounced on #2 & made her test me to prove my innocence & bring my babies home to me i thought) FALSE REPORTS on childs medical history. Adding additional individual/people to the group. Giving up my parental rights. There are also allegations in the DCS dependency petition against the parents for medical neglect. Help. Now my son and stepdaughter are being indoctrinated by one who cant even take care of herself. The identity of reporting parties are redacted. Please somebody help me. Is there anyone from southern California with knowledge on how to stop these monsters? So conveniently the cop had stopped up aggressively and started harassing us. can you help me i havent seen my kids in a year there was no investigation and they had no evidence four welfare checks and the cop and the investigator were the only witnesses at the adversary hearing and the cop said there was no danger to my children. 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, SECTION 1 Never Ever Trust Anyone from CPS/DCF 2, Their Home and Violating Their 4th and 14th Amendment Rights? get a lawyer. Guilty of onesie but were always weather appropriate and just so cute in the sleepers w feet. Begin signing like this and watch what happens and the questions you will be asked: yourname, without prejudice UCC 1-308 Let this be everyones signature on all things no matter what it is no matter how insignificant you think t may be.Theres so much more that parents do not know and I do wish to tell.Note, never sign an appearance which is what courts and attorneys have and want you to sign. (5) If we dont have what you need, maybe we can find it for you. As I keep on learning about legal procedures, I realize that I had gone through an unlawful search and seizure and no just due process. These social workers get bonuses for each child adopted out. I gave them a drug test yesterday as soon as they asked for one ( Thursday ) I am clean. dont use a legal aid attorney they work together as well as teachers doctors therapist counselors. Thats how they broke the rules I am sure but wife thinks I did it because of the divorce. As far as I can tell once the warrant to pick up is in place, there is nothing you could do. Send me your phone number in an email and I can call you. ( although the parents have court appointed attorneys, those attorneys seem to be doing very little). My son in law has another child from a previous relationship and the child had bruises on him that was yellowish green since his father had him for an over night visit n he had to go to the hospital they removed all the children from both home since they cant determine where the bruises came from but the baby is 15 month n learning to walk any advice of what to do. But I havent given up and am not. Enough people use this law it will make them stop and think should I be doing this can I be sued. i will not can not take them and Im at the point of acting on it. HOW TO SUE CPS; 15 STEPS ( WITH PICTURES) I'm so sorry for what you and your family are going through. Please contact me, It sounds like the same thing my daughter n son in law is going though right now. Texas Title IV-E Finance Handbook for County Contracts You can read my lawsuit if youd like. I have been a paralegal for more than 30 years, although the bulk of my experience is in the area of estate planning. I have a 17 year old daughter who was also with us. Can you please help me Im in San Bernardino California, Can you help me I have court October 29th and no lawyer cps took my kids over my son getting a skull fracture at school and since the school said it didnt happen there cps believes them over my son and daughter whom seen him fall and they think me and dad and grandma and my kids are lying. Im not sure how to start it off and how to piece the information I wanna say in order. I am to this day still clean. I am the maternal grandmother of a child who is the subject of a DCS dependency matter. Now were being told that we cant see them at all!! Make Your Court-Appointed Attorney Work For YOU The parents have been accused of domestic violence and medical neglect. use your Miranda rights. Of 02 Boys Not 01, we are going through our third cps case. She made me sign after my husband repeatedly asked if we had to and it was necessary that they remove our kids.. PLEASE!! com. I live here now in Florida but am originally from Maryland. Long story short my oldest son took him and in turn CPS tuned on me and my daughter. The birth Mom is now out and came and spent 2 wks. Idk what to do .. Hello my mane is Maria I lost my boys to lies and no help from my lawyer I only time I got any papers from them was on the very first court date and I didnt get anything until over a year later because I had been asking but no one wanted to give them to me because they were trying to keep all the lies under wraps if I had a chance to read the reports I would still have my boys because I would have fight every report given to the judge cause they were nothing but lies you can reach me at thanks for your time, I also would like to know how you can help? no bonding with my kids at all. They are sworn to represent their client. They put our two boys in foster care and they are devastated they put them with there sister for a month . Not sure how much more of this I can handle Ive been living inside law books for 9 months now! These poor children and what they have to go thru is I know I could only imagine is harder. Thirdly, attorneys loyalties are to the court and not the person paying them nor whom they are representing.These are legal facts.Everyone here can obtain their child by doing a few things however, the question is would you believe it and exercise it to get your little one back? Id like to post it for folks to be able to read and see if they catch on to what I did. Every day that passes means more families and children are subject to being held hostage and their lives destroyed. Raised 6 kids 4 are grown. admitting guilt. And have only had a few phone calls. The children were well taken care of, the fridge was full of food, the only thing is that I and my husband used drugs at the time. His father whom also suffered this addiction also went through the system right along with me. I dont know why it hasnt gone further with them tearing apart so many families. Representing Yourself 4th my boyfriend was sex offender. Please help me. june 5th they try to take my son to a shelter which I wasnt going, we are in a world pandemic and my health and age im high risk! (3) These are just sample documents and links to information. go to google and search how to fight cps and dcfs very helpful also petition your courts for all documents against you in your county. Last updated 1/14/19. Everything they say is lies! CPS has violated its own codes and told me they were seeking to remove my parental rights. completely different circumstances, but I'm sure }, { what a bizarre concept eh? County Government- Write a letter to each and every member of your county board of supervisors (sometimes called county commissioners) detailing actions that show illegal activities or injustice on the part of local caseworkers. Lied to the judge about being in contact with her and would not talk to me at all even though my daughter had written a letter allowing me to stand in for her. It is sick what they do to families. )Trainee knew she had royally screwed up for sure now. I have two of my kids under 24 hour surveillance by a monitor but not the youngest one bc his dads mother (works for okdhs) said she was worried about cigarette smoke residue on my monitors clothes and him getting rsv, which is not true at all (asked his doctor) and she still has him. To absolutely no help I am not the only family that has been going through this CPS corruption in Jefferson county, they have went to the extreme to give parents ultimatums and threats as to which children they can keep and which are going to be adopted, I definitely dont wanna be next as for they already are trying to take away my rights, I only see my kids once a week for an hour and a half, all the accusations they make have nothing to do with how I raise my kids nor are any danger to my kids , they say the music I listen to has curses in it, I dont follow rules , I allow my 2 year old toddler to eat off the floor which is Not true etc. There was never any complaints of abuse or neglect, the kids had all the shots, even the cps examiner/evaluator had stated in the report the children are happy and healthy but the mothers failure to protect by being walking outside of her home and leaving the children unattended. I want to help too. Most of the reason I am fighting CPS is my own fault! To all mothers dealing with CPS. Here Are 7 Ways to Fight CPS, Make Your Court-Appointed Attorney Work For YOU,, Terms of Use, Compensation Disclosure, Privacy Policy, Request to Have Something Removed From the Site. I have a past history w Cps from 8 yrs ago (drug abuse) and voluntarily signed custody to ex mom in law. HI MY NAME IS NICOLE AN IM ASKING FOR HELP ME FIGHT CPS IM RAISING MONEY FOR A ATTORNEY MY GO FUND ME PAGE IS A LINK ON TOP PLZ PASS ON THANK U. Hi, im curious to know if youve had any luck with your fund raiser? I am hyper may be on drugs. And go above their head always! Please please let me know how I can get in contact with you! Last Updated on August 3, 2022 Im in Wisconsin, and currently in the process of filing lawsuit. Chevy was taken from me. I understand that this is happening all over the world from doing my research these past 3 years but I mostly hear it in NYC and something being done in NYC, well something Needs to be done in watertown ny as well so many parents are suffering out here because of the racism and being poor and its not fair , public defenders are not doing their job out here and its ridiculous, these people need to be exposed like everyone else that think they can get away with it and this has been going on for years, how long are they gonna keep getting away with this corruption? Another myth is that CPS can conduct an investigation in your home without your consent and, speak to your child without your consent. I need help. the birth mother had him while in prison and we picked him up from hospital when he was 2 days old Im the mgr where I work and accusations came from employee who I had to take disciplinary action on same day call went in to Cps. Name of plaintiff or petitioner (depends on the action) 2. I am trying to find a free attorney to help me fight back and SUE the false accuser to put that person in jail and sue a big lawsuit against the CPS for failed investigation. I was under impression they werent sue-able TBH, which in itself is ridiculous (for the million reasons that we all know). Do not trust them. I had suffered from a meth addiction for many years. Ive had a CPS case from 2009-2012 and my children were given to my brother. Neil please contact me! Worked 45 years paid a lot of taxes. Nocpos(thier mother) has been beside herself for a year. I had difficulty getting doctors appointments and making appoints due to the HIPA laws, which i didnot recieve till a month and a half after i obtained partial custady of her Social workers respond was MY BAD and mailed me a letter but at the end of August they took custody away and placed her in a foster home. Plz feel free to contact me if you have any questions? The court appointed lawyer and the judge presiding over the case were at one time partners in a law firm. Cps has been coming to the house saying about a sexually abused. collectively known as "CPS" for the purposes of this handbook. I did nothing wrong. Im doing the same and have been going through this close to two years. But gave full custody of my oldest back to me 3mnths early. I have all the evidence, hired a lawyer, and when this is done I am going after the county for what they did to my kids for almost a month. I've thought about trying to contact a lawyer in a different }, { I also hired Vince Davis. I take care of her. Fight CPS; Fighting CPS; I was Just a Kic; More Abuse in Foster Care; Parents Rights; stolen Children; The Abuse in Koffman Texas by CPS and Judges; Supervisor Handbook for DFCS for the State of Georgia. So ended up taking another polygraph this time at the Montesano police Department. Fortunately, you can invoke your Fourth Amendment right to prevent the investigator from getting inside your home. say nothing. First accusations was that baby seemed to be hungry all time cause way he sucked on pacifier, 2nd was that he was always in onesie (weather appropriate winter sleeper). Our son a straight A student was taken out of our house and the investigator made up the worst allegations and I was pushed through the system He was taken june 3rd the 4th i had court and was ordered to leave to go to a shelter? Hes been gone for over 30 days! Each commissioner meeting she requests more and more money and she always gets it. But cps came and removed the granddaughter a couple weeks ago and wife thinks I did it. The material in this handbook should be supplemented by your own careful study of the 4th and 14th Amendments and other Constitutional protections that are guaranteed even in the context of dealing with CPS. say nothing even if they threaten you. Something needs to be done. We are advocates for families dealing with CPS. No luck not only all accusations presented as findings to judge they tried to put me on child abuse registry said for neglect cause 1 paper not filed correctly for temp guardianship. They caught me in court and made me give them up. go to google search how to fight cps and dcfs this is very powerful and will help you.also use your Miranda rights 5th amidment . My son and stepdaughter were taken by CPS after 3 Children drowned. My wife listening to cps said she could only get granddaughter if she left me. Make Your Court-Appointed Attorney Work For YOU In Pro Per Complaint Against CPS dont sign a service plan without. That will fight them for you the parents have court appointed attorneys, those attorneys seem be. Is ridiculous ( for the million reasons that we cant see them all. Handle Ive been living inside law books for 9 months now, which in itself is (. 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