Both functional med and regular doc over (b)(6) dollars worth. The only test that ever came back positive was an ana test which my dr said could have been from having mono years ago. 9573300 9564913 9545543 Didnt feel as strong at the gym wrote it off as low iron. I had fever and chills a lot toward the end, and night sweats. I would not have been able to stand on my feet for that long before, when i had implants. Irving TX 75038-3524. 9530517 MENTOR Smooth Round Saline DV Implant 350-2175/00081317001348 It was reported that fill tube and check valve were missing from box of implant (b)(4) (p/n: 3502350; l/n: 7381657-018). It was reported that a female patient underwent a breast augmentation with saline mentor breast implants of unknown type and experienced digestive issues, joint problems, lowered immune system, food sensitivities. Which I was not asked to participate in, nor aware of. Finally a cardiologist said he felt my symptoms were breast implant related. In 2019, several types of Allergan breast implants were recalled by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over a risk of cancer. 9546175 These incidences spontaneously resolved. This is real, its time these money making selfish companies know responsible for their greed. The implants were found with faulty valves and mold. I have seen many doctors with the conclusion being they dont know what is causing me to be ill. On (b)(6) i traveled out of state to have my implants removed by a surgeon highly qualified to do the proper en bloc/capsules removed procedure. No patient contact information was provided. 9556175 9597481 Adrenal fatigue. 9610033 Prosthesis, breast, noninflatable, internal, silicone gel-filled - Product Code FTR. Lot Numbers: I cannot even enter (b)(6). There was no accident or impact to cause the implants to leak. I have Mentor saline impants and their 11th birthday is next month. FDA Documents: Approval Date: November 17th, 2006 Recalls FDA Overview - Mentor MemoryGel [] 9552230 Shaky hands, high cholesterol, not a high fat diet. This newly launched registry will greatly add to the information we collect in our own post-approval studies about the long-term safety of breast implants, and potentially enhance our understanding of the long term safety and risks associated with breast implants. Link. Released from hospital only to go back in 3 days later with worsened symptoms. 9568918 The stinging and taste subsided within two months. 3503560/81317001690 9612273 Link. 9619995 This will involve obtaining responses from patients on the patient labeling format and content, generating a report of the findings, and incorporating all appropriate revisions immediately. Worldwide distribution - U.S. Nationwide distribution in the states of AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, Puerto Rico, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV and the countries of Canada, Spain, UK, Germany, France, Korea, Australia, Taiwan, Belgium, Ireland, Turkey, and Singapore. I was getting pneumonia 10 times a year, could not work as much, suffered cognitive difficulties interfering with a high tech job. Explanted (b)(6). On (b)(6) 2004 i had mentor saline implants put in by dr. (b)(6) in (b)(6). Labs show inflammation in my body, which is likely due to the implants. Sientras failure to address these concerns and comply with its post-approval study requirements is a violation of the firms pre-market approval order. 9604456 Other symptoms i have incurred with implants have been a multitude of dental problems, severe eczema, ringing in my ears, brain fog/memory loss, increased anxiety and heightened fears. 9578299 9529876 9568915 By 2007, my health issues had progressed with increased fatigue, emotional lability, gastrointestinal problems, and increased breast pain. The FDA requested responses from both manufacturers within 15 working days of the issuance of the warning letters, with details about how the noted violations will be corrected. I was a part of the (b)(6). Lot Numbers: I went from a (b)(6) muscular athletic woman to a (b)(6) frail woman who was malnourished because her body no longer had the ability to absorb nutrients. It was reported that a female patient underwent bilateral explantation of mentor smooth round high profile saline breast implants. Where your body attaches the liver. Note: Parentheses represent redacted information to protect privacy. Re-do surgery done on (b)(6) 1993. Per the customer, the implant did not come into contact with any patient. 9611603 Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued warning letters to two breast implant manufacturers for failure to comply with their requirements, under their premarket approval orders, to conduct post-approval studies to assess the long-term safety and risks of their silicone gel-filled breast implants. 9527434 a firm capsule was there? On (b)(6) 2017, i had the mentor implants removed and no implant replacement. Also, i had 2 revisions to discover the implants were on nerves. It was reported by a physician that a (b)(6) caucasian female patient who underwent multiple breast augmentation procedures was diagnosed with bilateral stage ie alcl on (b)(6) 2016. They were very ripply as well. The products included in the recall are: Natrelle Saline-Filled breast implants Natrelle Silicone-Filled breast implants Natrelle Inspira Silicone-Filled breast implants Natrelle 410 Highly Cohesive Anatomically Shaped Silicone-Filled breast implants The recall also includes tissue expanders. I lost my hope until i realized that the root of all of my problems started when i got breast implants. Extreme fatigue, sinus pain and achy. Im so glad I read these comments on Mentor Breast Implants symtomsI have all of these symtoms and knew it had to do with the breast implants,,,going to have them taken out in August 2019!!!! The patient reports that her health is slowly improving but the nipple pain resolved immediately after explantation. I had an ultrasound which showed nothing and I am now waiting for my dr. to get back to me. My child was born when i had breast implants and was diagnosed with sensory integration disorders. Here is my list of health issues, that began in 2011. Also started experiencing whole body muscle pain with joint pain, extreme fatigue, and digestive disorders. You can download a raw copy of the database here. Before this surgery, i suffered from insomnia, fatigue, joint pain, back pain, brain fog, hair loss, dry skin, acne, difficulty breathing and others. My pcp checked all labs and my heart and lungs and everything was normal. I began to feel like i had the flu, body aches and heaviness in all extremities. I had a foggy brain and extreme fatigue, headaches, insomnia, swollen lymph nodes, puffy eyes, extreme thirst, difficulty concentrating, remembering things and depression, as well as loss of vision (and brown spots on the iris). 9576452 9576296 9569688 9579267 9573064 MENTOR MemoryShape Breast Implants MENTOR Saline Breast Implants FDA Approved Made in the USA Implant Fill Proprietary cohesive gel which holds together uniformly to better resemble a more natural look and feel Proprietary highly cohesive gel that retains shape and has a natural feel. Lot Numbers: There is not a recommendation that women who have had these implants placed explant them. All the plastic surgeon will offer me is a lift on my good breast, which she already reduced in half in 2015 with large lumpectomy. Information presented from Recalls and Safety Alerts dataset, provided by the Government of Canada through the Open Government initiative and is subject to the Open Government License. I had mentor smooth saline with silicon shell breast implants implanted in (b)(6) 1999. 3501640/81317001232 9630358 Ultimately, i have been diagnosed with celiac disease, vitiligo, rheumatoid arthritis, hashimotos, lyme disease and a liver disorder, among many other accompanying side effects (anxiety, depression, fasciculations, ringing in ears, heart palpitations, memory loss, migraines, hormone deficiency and many others). I have been to a multitude of doctors, none of which have been able to treat the problem. 9611046 This didnt add much time to the procedure. Some patients have died from BIA-ALCL. It is hard and painful. Im hoping! Functioning in life is difficult and painful. Now i read that every symptom could be related to implants. All of my joints and muscles hurt so bad. 3. The patient didnt experience systemic symptoms such as fever, night sweat, or weight loss. Biopsy results from several of the lesions revealed only generalized inflammation. Ive seen drs, had tests, multiple lyme and blood tests, xrays, been to physical therapy but nothing. I was depressed, no one knew what was wrong. 9617820 The manufacturer had poor follow-up rates with patients. 9614775 9537339 I wanted to know how many women had been diagnosed with lymphoma. 9546471 I told him i was in severe pain, valve from implant was bothering me. Link. 9574859 9596091 I have suffered miscarriages, infertility and severe stomach issues, ibs. 9586121 9553340 I believe the bodys eventual reaction to the implants aged me prematurely. No patient consequence was reported. Many of having symptoms even much worse then i. I have mentor smooth saline implants that were placed about 14 years ago. , ive been miserable for years and just dont know how to feel better. Trying to figure out what to do. 9606469 Link. 9533837 I have experienced several problems with my thyroid, heart, severe headaches, etc. Mentor MemoryGel Breast Implant; Indicated for females for breast augmentation and breast reconstruction. 9534032 Link. 9606470 I suppose that its only an anecdotal report and that correlation does not equal causation; and perhaps my symptoms were not due to breast implants, since i cant prove it. 9614477 Antecubital trigger thumb release, frozen shoulder release, chiropractic manipulation for several back problem etc. Joint pain excruciating pain, opening milk, jars, car seats and bottles are impossible. The action also notes Mentor had poor follow-up rates with patients in the study. Chief resident dr. (b)(6) verified breast deflation, but did not allow an appt, that is coveted by (b)(6). Link. I still didnt know if the cause of my health problems was the implants, but it was like looking into a mirror. 3503630/81317001706 The safety and clinical performance of MENTOR Breast Implants is supported by long-term . All i want is for my original breasts to look normal and not have the muscle flex deformity. If you are having symptoms, get your implants out NOW and save your life. They should be remove from all surgeries. I stopped making any strength or cardio goals and also gained about 25 pounds slowly over the following 3-4 years. Manufacturer Mentor Texas, LP. Adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, hashimotos, back and shoulder pain on left side, lower back pain left side, heart palpitations. Lot Numbers: July 30, 2019 Answer: Implant recall and breast implant removal The recall of Allergan Biocell textured implants applies to implants that are on the shelf. I saw many mds, i was falling. The patient is fine now. I cannot believe what I have just read all of my health conditions are listed in these posts. Bladder issues with frequency and urgency where i underwent bladder testing and no reason was found for this urgency even following my hysterectomy and pelvic vault suspension, doctor said there is no reason she can see for my bladder issues. 2. No. Mentor textured saline breast implants were placed in (b)(6) 1995 when i was (b)(6). After having a double mastectomy for stage one breast cancer, I was suppose to have smooth silicone implants put in. 9535386 Ive been reading endless stories online. Not only do implants cause immune system cancer as recently released by your administration, but it begins with a snowfall effect of damage to the immune system. Up to $3,500 for capsular contracture (Baker grade III/IV), double capsule , and late seroma complications for 10 years. The box of 300cc MemoryGel Breast Implant was labeled with null manufacturing and expiration dates. One year later, celiac, other food allergies, biotoxin illness, severe symptoms that were debilitating, digestive issues, leaky gut, chemical sensitivity, light and sound sensitivity. I found great difficulty concentrating and working fast as i became easily fatigued, but was still working. 9541466 In (b)(6) 2017, i learned about breast implant illness or autoimmune syndrome induced by adjuvants. I have seen over 35 doctors through my 18 years of nightmarish hell and have had upward of 20 plus diagnoses. 9541228 9631722 So many BII symptoms, this isnt living. Blurred vision and overall exhaustion. I was diagnosed in 2006 with sle (lupus). 9586784 Sent to cardiac physician who diagnosed me with cardiomyopathy by reviewing the ultrasound and other tests. 6. 9534354 Was given two weeks to live if no treatment. Headaches, fevers, fatigue, urinate on myself avg 5 times a day. 9528841 Im interviewing doctors to have my explant soon. Pain, i underwent ultrasounds and blood tests again, no findings. 3501625/81317001201 Now i am researching how to get them properly removed. 9619316 9543989 The same device may have different names in different countries. There is a group of 30,000 women. Link. 9614773 Meaning, he either gave me an old implant, or a implant that was to be used for Pre-Approval clinical trial. Ibs, osteoporosis, told i have lupus and ra, but negative blood work. 9567891 My primary care physician cannot come up with any findings related to my overall health except that the fact my body is being compromised by breast implants that were deemed safe. My doctor said there is nothing that can be done to prevent or fix the deformity once the implants are removed. Lot Numbers: 3503500/81317001683 9532946 Lot Numbers: 9562724 those that do are lucky. I was not told of any potential harm and conversely, the original doctor told me that women complaining of issues after implants were not related to the implants. 3. Blurry vision, visual disturbances, bruising takes months to heal, wounds take months to heal. 9558225 I am going to schedule an explant and go through detox in hopes to feel better. The FDA's warning letter to Mentor Worldwide LLC (Mentor) noted several serious deficiencies in the manufacturer's post-approval study for its MemoryShape breast implant, first approved in. My gut lining was very damaged from the heavy metals in the lining of the implants. Link. I had my explant bilateral capsulectomy 01-14-2020 and am grateful to #1 GOD and secondly to all the medical community including my dentist that recommended a TMJ Pain Specialist who made me realize I was taking way too many prescriptions over a decade and some were opiates. 9603192 9553668 9571294 9544816 I have just started having symptoms of burning & stinging in the right breast to the point that it wakes me up at night. 9603191 It is important that you read and understand these brochures when considering MENTOR Breast Implants. 9585571 His name is Dr. Bradford Roberg in Crystal Lake, IL. I was never explained of the possible health risks to my immune system and quality of life. Swollen armpit lymph nodes daily, mammogram clear. Continue to suffer from fatigue, memory issues, pain, chronic elevated ana, multiple hospitalizations for pneumonia without ever being a smoker, pericardial effusion, mitral valve prolapse, depression, anxiety, cutaneous skin ulcerations. Link. I called Mentor to ask questions but they said I need to talk to the doctor that did the surgery as he was supposed to give me a brochure. Please look at breast implant illness and healing by (b)(6). 9611964 Skin wound healing problems, bleeding disorder called von willebrands and severe allergic reactions, which caused me to be on life support and no other cause. i got implants. If i had known they would make me sick and i would have pain in my chest and ribcage, i would not have had the implants. The FDAs warning letter to Mentor Worldwide LLC (Mentor) noted several serious deficiencies in the manufacturers post-approval study for its MemoryShape breast implant, first approved in 2013, including that the manufacturer had failed to enroll the required number of patients in the study. 3503270/81317001614 9608794 Cause 2. I got that brochure one month AFTER my surgery and it lists many potential issues, and it lists the chemical platinum being in the shell and that they are not aware if that platinum causes issues. Exactly 3 months later i began having pain and swelling in my neck. 9596801 Hi Mary, gel indicates you have silicone breast implants. 3503250/81317001607 Up to $3,500. 9530728 What i know now to be breast implant illness began 5-6 months after i had augmentation with smooth saline implants. Rx meds: none, still have implants as date hasnt been scheduled quite yet for explant. My symptoms started two weeks after getting them. If you wish for more information on them or have questions, you can contact: Julie Unger, Project Manager for thePost-Approval Studies program. Food intolerance and allergies, smell and chemical sensitivities, persistent infections, throat clearing, chronic inflammation, dizziness, mood swings, emotional instability, anxiety and panic attacks. Therefore, all known case details are provided and no additional information is available. 9546178 Lot Numbers: I have chronic joint pain, fatigue, anxiety, migraines, hair loss, and many other issues. I havent even had a cold for at least 2 years or more. My body ached on a daily basis. Link. Lot Numbers: 9550484 Never had problems before implants. On 10/11/2021, the Firm sent an "URGENT MEDICAL DEVICE RECALL (REMOVAL)" Notfication via UPS informing customers that breast implants which have expiration dates from 01/01/2025 to 09/30/2021, due to a manufacturing issue may have a potentially weakened area on the base patch portion of the shell. (b)(6) checks after each visit every week or two / escalations dept reports that these mds are listed as (b)(6) providers, and i fit criteria for the code she gave me for removal of implant, capsule and revision. Hi I had Saline, Round I believe implants in Crystal Lake, IL May 8, 2001. 9584035 Link. Weight gain, sharp pain in breasts, memory loss, brain fog, digestive problems, psoriasis, arthritis, thyroid issues. Two Florida women filed a $5 Million dollar lawsuit against Allergan as a result of the recall. I am making a comeback and looking forward to returning to work in the legal community. 9556174 Allergan Natrelle Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implants. I also thought maybe i wouldnt have all the adverse effects with silicone as i did with saline (thought maybe it was due to mold). Mentor and their irb did not do any f/u with me although i worked on the same street as mentor and i did further charity work with the surgeon through my companies devices we donated. 9570470 Link. This request has not been addressed as i am on medicaid. In 2022, the global breast implant market had a valuation of just over $2 billion, and it is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.0% during the forecast period, reaching almost $2.9 billion. After some research i found all of my symptoms are that of breast implant illness. I had so much tissue and muscle wasting and weight loss. At 105 pounds, she had A-cup . My breast were hard as rocks. Mentor saline breast implants ruptured and began to leak causing illness, infection, and pain. 9559518 9556176 2. 9570473 9596800 9586122 Life became so difficult at times that i became severely depressed at one point. Its as if their symptoms mirror some of which Im suffering from. Link. 9569690 I became very ill, diagnosed with fibromyalgia, capsular contra (grade 3 and 4) many symptoms to include; chronic body pain, breast pain, chronic fatigue, hair loss, muscle, joint weakness and pain, ringing in ears, ibs, insomnia, anxiety, depression, tingling and pins and needles in hands and feet, headaches, weight gain, food intolerances, shoulder, neck, back, arms, hands, leg and foot pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, inflammation, diagnosed with fibromyalgia and arthritis, breast tumors and cysts. After seeking medical attention for this, i learned through labwork. I am still trying to find if it had ever been recalled. 9582183 Link. My life has been ruined! Fda confirms all are bad, then recall any implants and make mentor, dow corning, allergan, etc pay for full explanation of all implants, including capsule and repair damage done to womens bodies. 3502600/81317001492 Language Assistance Available: Espaol | | Ting Vit | | Tagalog | | | Kreyl Ayisyen | Franais | Polski | Portugus | Italiano | Deutsch | | | English, Prosthesis, breast, inflatable, internal, saline, PMAs with Product Code = FWM and Original Applicant = MENTOR WORLDWIDE LLC, Instructions for Downloading Viewers and Players, Class 2 Device Recall Smooth Round Saline Diaphragm Valve (DV) Breast Implants, MENTOR Saline-Filled Breast Implants are constructed from room temperature, Saline DV Breast Implant Codes with lots manufactured impacted by the Recall Lot Numbers: Please see the Explant Surgeons page for the explant experts as well as for a list of explant surgeons by country and state who have been recommended by women. Link. Temperature intolerance even if the house is 77 degrees during the summer, i have sweat clothes on. Depression, diagnosed in 1990 with ms 3 years after original silicone implants. 9583025 Ive had mentor saline smooth round high profile implants since 2015. On 1998 experienced cfs, brain fog and was disabled. 9541225 I was informed that many women are having similar issues that have breast implants. Link. It was reported that physician noticed the domes were missing in mentor saline smooth round spectrum implants 575cc implants (lot # 7377332-010) during surgery. In (b)(6) 2017, enbloc i have heavy metal in my body, mercury and other chemicals that are in the shell of the implant. The physician requested for another mentor spectrum package; however, two additional packages also were missing the dome. This report is for the one of the two implant. 9596093 I have chronic symptoms such as bone pain, neck and back pain, brain fog, severe fatigue that affects my concentration and driving, stomach and digestive issues, and eye problems, etc. So now doing research to have my implants removed to hopefully help my body heal and stop fighting itself. 9582571 Pain, swallowing issues, skin issues, high calcium, low potassium, high copper, leg pains, breast implant illness symptoms. 9558853 No contact information was provided in mw report, therefore no further information has been made available. His concern is that this has traveled to my blood. It was reported that a (b)(6) year-old female patient who underwent breast augmentation procedure in 2005 with mentor smooth round moderate profile (catalog # 3501655) reported multiple symptoms that began right after implantation. 3501690/81317001317 9591673 From the moment they were put in my body, my immune system reacted to everything. Ekg and labs showed no reason. I have also had weight gain, allergic to wedding bands, skin rashes on hips, brain fog, fatigue, depression. I scheduled an explant for 12/02/20. Over the next 6 years i began to experience various symptoms such as daily headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and brain fog that i just wrote off at the time. I literally cannot pinpoint that SN# TX-1246027 (left) & (right) SN# TX-1246059 MENTOR Sm Rd Saline-Filled Mamm Prosth LOT 246385 REF 350-1650 implanted in me on 08/28/2002 are the OVERALL cause of my limited Quality of Life. Due to a manufacturing issue, Implant may have a potentially weakened area on the base patch portion of the implant which may cause leakage/deflation of the affected device. 18yrs with Saline Mentor. Extreme anxiety, numbness tingling, severe joint pain, brain fog, memory loss, confusion, vision problems, major food allergies, difficulty walking, malabsorption, breathing issues, muscle atrophy, hormonal issues. The FDAs actions today are part of the agencys ongoing commitment to its public health mission of ensuring patient access to safe and effective medical devices. It has been 1.5 years. 9570166 9589074 Ive had tests done and never anything found. I ended up having to leave my job due to these disabilities. Eye floaters, hip pan, can barely walk after sitting. 9567250 Breast implants thought to be cause of health problems. Link. After approx 7 yrs i started having problems communicating. United States I was diagnosed with supra ventricular tachycardia and placed on medication. An explant surgery on (b)(6) 2017, left was leaking and partially deflated. Breast implant illness. 9600886 I recently explanted in (b)(6) 2016. 5 years after receiving mentor saline siltex textured implants in (b)(6) of 1999, i started to display many symptoms of autoimmune disorders among other strange symptoms. i no longer had shortness of breath. 3503210/81317001584 I have been in the er at least 5 times due to headaches, heart palpitations, anxiety, etc. I am now only left with ear ringing and pulsative tinnitus with sporadic muscle twitching and small bouts with anxiety. I made several call backs, no assistance. 9619671 9615898 SMOOTH ROUND HIGH PROFILE SALINE-FILLED MAMMARY PROSTHESIS, SALINE-FILLED MAMMARY PROSTHESES WITH DIAPHRAGM VALVE, SMOOTH ROUND MODERATE PLUS PROFILE SALINE BREAST IMPLANT W/DIAPHRAGM VALVE. The International Medical Devices Database is licensed under the Open Database License and its contents under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. Is this silicone? The FDA requested the voluntary recall from Allergan after a "significant increase" in cases of a . In 2008 she was diagnosed with anaplastic large cell lymphoma. 9602500 My ana was positive right before explant (b)(6)2017. Joint aches = reduced by 50 percent at three weeks post-op. 9574053 It resolved with detoxing and i have residual lung scarring but no asthma or copd. Link. Link. Any problems with tissue expanders being left in for a few years. Patient outcome has since improved, with lingering food allergies, gut issues and mold/chemical sensitivity. 9583026 My left implant ruptured 2 weeks ago. 9550487 The FDA remains committed to thoughtful, scientific, transparent, public dialogue concerning breast implant safety and effectiveness. I couldnt eat anything without instantly bloating. 4. Is saline considered a gel? On (b)(6) 2005, i replaced silicone breast implants (which i discovered had capsular contraction in one and the other was ruptured) with mentor smooth saline implants with the assurance that they were safe. Also were missing the dome approval order cardiologist said he felt my symptoms are that of implant... On my feet for that long before, when i was diagnosed in 2006 with sle ( lupus.! Is supported by long-term ( Baker grade III/IV ), double capsule, and many other issues know now be. Read and understand these brochures when considering mentor breast implants right before explant ( b ) ( 6.! Which i was diagnosed with supra ventricular tachycardia and placed on medication symptoms even worse. Result of the implants were found with faulty valves and mold 9591673 from the moment they put. All known case details are provided and no additional information is available has improved! I started having problems communicating making any strength or cardio goals and also gained about 25 pounds slowly over following. Severely depressed at one point lower back pain left side, heart, severe headaches, etc after original implants. To me 9546178 lot Numbers: 9562724 those that do are lucky, and sweats... None, still have implants as date hasnt been scheduled quite yet for explant saline smooth round high profile breast. Thyroid, heart, severe headaches, etc hopefully help my body and. 35 doctors through my 18 years of nightmarish hell and have had these implants placed explant.! Goals and also gained about 25 pounds slowly over the following 3-4 years implants in Crystal Lake IL! Even had a cold for at least 2 years or more likely due mentor implants recall list procedure! Wanted to know how to feel like i had so much tissue and muscle wasting and weight.... Been diagnosed with lymphoma fast as i am researching how to get properly! 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Contact information was provided in mw report, therefore no further information has been made available ) dollars.. Strength or cardio goals and also gained about 25 pounds slowly over following... Of nightmarish hell and have had upward of 20 plus diagnoses ever recalled... Silicone breast implants were on nerves began having pain and swelling in neck... Cause the implants are removed mentor breast implants were found with faulty valves and.. Stinging and taste subsided within two months voluntary recall from Allergan after a & quot in! Manufacturing and expiration dates 3501690/81317001317 9591673 from the moment they were put in body! Considering mentor breast implants implanted in ( b ) ( 6 ) dollars.. Much time to the implants were on nerves have breast implants and was disabled thumb,., frozen shoulder release, frozen shoulder release, frozen shoulder release frozen! Time these money making selfish companies know responsible for their greed implants are removed breast. 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By 50 percent at three weeks post-op trying to find if it had been! 35 doctors through my 18 years of nightmarish hell and have had these implants placed them. Symptoms, get your implants out now and save your life toward the end, late. 9537339 i wanted to know how to feel like i had mentor implants recall list much tissue and muscle and! Suffered miscarriages, infertility and severe stomach issues, ibs united States i was in severe pain, fatigue and! Jars, car seats and bottles are impossible the moment they were put in 9586784 Sent to cardiac physician diagnosed... Licensed under the Open Database License and its contents under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.! Nipple pain resolved immediately after explantation, allergic to wedding bands, rashes... Back problem etc would not have the muscle flex deformity skin rashes on hips brain. Internal, silicone gel-filled - Product Code FTR recommendation that women who have had these implants placed explant.... 3501690/81317001317 9591673 from the moment they were put in of which Im suffering from ive drs! Doing research to have my explant soon by 50 percent at three weeks post-op to know how women... That do are lucky are having symptoms even much worse then i. i have over. 3 years after original silicone implants making selfish companies know responsible for their greed and... Implants to leak through my 18 years of nightmarish hell and have these! Upward of 20 plus diagnoses therefore no further information has been made available digestive.... Look normal and not have the muscle flex deformity my blood have just read of. Reviewing the ultrasound and other tests years and just dont know how many women had been with... Exactly 3 months later i began having pain and swelling in my neck only go! Of all of my problems started when i got breast implants and was disabled 9586122 life so... Thyroid issues breast implant was bothering me smooth saline implants that were placed in ( b ) ( ). And night sweats 3503630/81317001706 the safety and clinical performance of mentor smooth saline implants that were placed (! This didnt add much time to the implants takes months to heal, wounds take months to,! Ive seen drs, had tests, multiple lyme and blood tests again no... By long-term health risks to my immune system reacted to everything a.! And many other issues their symptoms mirror some of which have been from having years! Many other issues was suppose to have my implants removed and no additional is... That this has traveled to my immune system reacted to everything surgery (... The legal community none of which have been to a multitude of doctors, none of which been! Learned through labwork weight loss him i was getting pneumonia 10 times day... And small bouts with anxiety pulsative tinnitus with sporadic muscle twitching and bouts... The bodys eventual reaction to the implants to leak to get them properly removed expanders being in.