But the savage aspects of troll society give them more profound insights into the natural world. Dreadlocks and braids are very common hairstyles, although facial and body hair is uncommon. The Well accelerated the cycles of growth and rebirth on the primordial continent, and soon sentient life forms arose from the wilds. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Speed. They rely on size, strength, and a rapid healing factor to overcome challenges. They come with standard Bite and Claw attacks and a Multiattack that allows them to take one Bite and three Claw actions each turn. Answer: While trolls resemble humans, they are considered to be giants instead of humanoids, mechanically speaking. | GumshoeSRD Size. Giant troll adventurers reach 7 to 8 feet in height. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Advantage on rolls to resist grapples and for climbing, can carry small items in the extra appendage(s) but cant use it to fight with. Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Size: Trolls are between 7 and 8 feet tall and weigh between 300 and 520pounds. Subrace. As a reaction, when you take damage you can expend a Hit Die to reduce the damage by the amount rolled. Regeneration took some time to calibrate, but the base race's version is a weakened version of the Ring of Regeneration. You have large fangs and sharp claws instead of fingernails and toenails. Your size is Medium. Some practiced cannibalism and warfare, others mystic practices and meditation, and others honed their ties to the dark and powerful form of magic known as voodoo. Because they can regenerate after damage, trolls have no reason to fear death or any possible prey that could threaten them. Choose one of them for your character. In the old days of trolls, before the days of troll empires such as the Empire of Zul, the shadow hunters were the leaders of small groups of trolls that over time formed small tribes. The origins of the trolls are very cloudy and filled with uncertainty. Your size is Medium. Speed. Environmental Adaptation. [If you are using post-Tasha's guidelines, assign the +2 and +1 wherever you wish.] Spell: Druid Grove (5e) Guide for 5th Edition D&D. Grove is one of All D&d Spells available in Dungeons And Dragons 5th Edition. Do you really think 4d6+5 base damage dealing, regenerating fighters from 8th level is in any way balanced? Claws. If you wish to reflect this with your troll character, you can add the following traits: You were the runt of your troll family. Snow trolls hunted polar bears for food, as well as humans. Racial Traits +2 Strength, +1 Charisma, Draconic Ancestry, Breath Weapon, Damage Resistance View Dragonborn Details Dwarf Basic Rules Bold and hardy, dwarves are known as skilled warriors, miners, and workers of stone and metal. Apr 28, 2022. Your Regeneration trait now allows you to regain hit points every minute. Maybe could add a skill specific about beasts as they also have beast . Their skin color ranges from green to brown with hair and eyes a variety of bright colors such as yellow, red or green. They tend to have some shade of green for their skin color as well as either gray or black hair that is sometimes tinged with green notes. Greater Trollish Fortitude got the AC bump because regrowing/reattaching limbs borders on being a ribbon. Can use a variety of weapons. Male trolls frequently squat in place, while the females do not. You can speak, read, and write Common and Giant. (I am aware I'm going outside the bounds of what Wizards is willing to accept by even permitting Large PCs.) Some trollkin are the result of unions between humans and monstrous brutes, such as ogres, trolls, or even stranger fey creatures of bloody disposition. | PF2 SRD Human Average base stats Above average luck Elf More nimble than humans Most charismatic metatype Dwarf Resistant to toxins and pathogens More sturdy than Humans or Elves Orc More Sturdy than a Dwarf Weaker version of a troll but more charismatic Troll Half-trolls are the result of genetic mingling between other races of humanoids, usually humans, and the race of mutant giants called trolls. The Giant Troll Adventurers table can serve as inspiration for coming up with a backstory for your troll in settings where troll adventurers are not common. If you want to keep the variants, I suggest adding some more negatives. If you hit with them, claws deal 1d4 + Strength modifier slashing damage, and fangs deal 1d4 + Strength modifier piercing damage. Trolls are horrid carnivores found in all climes, from arctic wastelands to tropical jungles. They can live in almost any climate and tend to roam between them. The trolls were one of the Five Races that ruled the world that would become Rokugan after the Great Sleep of the Naga. Your size range depends on which subrace you choose. Place Windows and Place Doors is available to all Plus and Pro subscribers. Now you hire your services out to the highest bidder. The Humanoid Troll Adventurers table can serve as inspiration for coming up with a backstory for your troll in settings where humanoid sized trolls generally would not exist. I've learned to keep my ears and mouth shut since most people are just trying to take advantage of me anyway. Ability Score Increase. Answer: Trolls are described as averaging around nine feet tall. Your size is Medium.Speed. You ignore the harmful effects of hot climates up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit and you gain resistance to radiant damage. Age. Says who? While the majority of trollkin live in remote communities, some thrive in civilization. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the Locate Animals or Plants spell once per day. Look at some homebrew-sources like this: Half-Troll (5e Race) [ https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Half-Troll_ (5e_Race) ] After that, just create your character. Though their drives are weaker than those of their troll parents, half-trolls are still very passionate and individualistic. Many half-trolls engage in destructive behavior, but many more have enough self-control to simply come off as uncouth.Size. Trolls often prove difficult to kill because of their amazing healing. In the 5E D&D Monster Manual the gnoll entry presents subheads planting them pretty firmly in the antagonist space. Even in peaceful circumstances, few troll parents stay long with their offspring, as their wanderlust and capricious nature get the better of them. The degree of healing factor varies between trolls, with the more monstrous trolls able to heal wounds and regrow limbs within seconds. These hit die are d6s and can be used to regain hit points over a short rest just like your normal hit die. The core rules don't even address the idea that players can use Large weapons, so we're in new territory here. | Dungeon World SRD Your size is medium. Your speed increases by 20ft when doing so but you cannot carry anything in your hands. This supplement is for 5th-edition Dungeons and Dragons. And adorning them for battle or war is done by some. JEB; Apr 21, 2022 *Dungeons & Dragons Replies 2 Views 2K. The early trolls developed an array of superstitious customs. Prerequisite : Troll Race And logically, your PC trained with normal-sized weapons up until they grew into the feat, it doesn't make sense for them to suddenly be able to wield them just because they gained some height. Troll-blooded are feral, savage, creatures, at least in appearance if not in behavior. 6 yr. ago. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage. | Heroes and Monsters SRD Size. At least a -1 Charisma, as they are deformed. The shapechanging ability is overpowered. You cannot reduce the damage if it is acid or fire damage.Thick Skin. Multiple arms. Keen Smell. Their skin is greasy and tends towards a greenish tint, their hair is straight and black, and their eyes range from red to blue. Alignment. Among themselves, trollkin refer to each other by identifying marks, well-known deeds, or recognizable characteristics (Bent-nose, Long-claws, Fears-lightning). You weren't originally a troll but are the result of an attempt to create magical super-soldiers with regenerative abilities. The Jotunn, sometimes called stone trolls, dwell primarily in mountains and hills while the Huldrefolk, known as forest trolls, live in forests and sometimes among human settlements. Half-trolls are the result of genetic mingling between other races of humanoids, usually humans, and the race of mutant giants called trolls. They often have multiple heads, warty stone like skin or extra arms. | Open Fantasy SRD The troll makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. Classes Races Backgrounds Spells Items Conditions Monsters Feats. | d20 Anime SRD Buildings and other structures are excluded from the affected . Snow trolls were rapacious predators, and very patient, unlike other trolls. These societies produce masterful hunters, mystic leaders who call upon primordial spirits for aid, and menageries of trained primordial beasts ready to tear apart any who stand against their troll masters. I would suggest that you work with Hit Dice instead. Balancing with class features is hard. They do not think through plans or schemes to get their food and instead prefer to kill their prey with brute force. Your movement is not impeded by rough terrain caused by plants or mud, you gain a 30 ft. swim speed, and you have advantage on saving throws against diseases. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. Other worlds feature trolls with more varied alignments. At the start or your turn, you can expend one of your hit die to regain hit points as if you finished a short rest. Question: Are Trolls Considered to Be Humanoid in 5e? Trolls are driven almost solely by their appetites, although they have been known to establish some small tribes and communities to live with one another. | Monad Echo SRD Why would you every double that again? I believe the whole point of the 2d6 is that is the Large damage from the Medium damage of 1d6. You made a mystical bargain that involved trading in a portion of your trollish power for increased mental abilities. Researchers tribute it to the regenerating blood leaving troll DNA open to mutation more frequently, causing them to evolve and mutate at a highly accelerated rate. They should approach combat without fear or hesitation while not taking any care toward strategizing or focusing on targeting enemies in a particular order. | Five Torches Deep SRD You cant discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. In some settings, trolls overall are less monstrous and prone to evil, resulting in many who regularly interact with other races and take up a life of adventuring. D&D 5E Dragon PC race experiment. "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin. Most trolls, excluding a few tribes, don't speak any of the common languages. While there are many variations, even within a single world, trolls are usually monstrous creatures that prey upon helpless travelers and serve as adversaries to be slain by adventures. You'd know if you knew what it was to be hungry. The matriarchal hierarchy also extends into their beliefs, as they worship the Great Mother, a daughter of the ogre god Vaprak, with each tribe thinking that theirs was the original one she created. They speak with varying accents that resemble that of a more tropical language. You must complete a long rest before using this ability again. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage. With Heads legs and arms hopping around trying to put itself back together, these creatures quickly become a ton of fun to play out as DM. If you hit with your bite, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. Resistance. This also means that the only way to kill a troll is by reducing them to 0 hit points while their Regeneration feature is disabled. Regarding troll sub-species, there are eleven currently recognized in 5e. As dour and taciturn as the sidhe are light hearted and spry, trolls are the rarest of the races. Ability Score Increase. While often horrific in appearance these deformities rarely inconvenience the troll and are often a boon. They are tall, but not much taller than most men, and have a hunched posture. Errata: You gain darkvision. They resembled ogres, but only slightly, as ogres were more muscular, bulky and stood even taller. My troll parent actually tried to help raise me, and I learned a lot from them. But even within cities, trollkin tend to stick together in their own neighborhoods that eventually begin to resemble urban tribes. Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Giant Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Special Traits Keen Smell. Some trollkin could even be considered beautiful by human standards, except for some subtle marker of their monstrosity, such as stone-gray skin or talon-tipped fingers. Youcannot wear armor but your skin provides a base AC of 17 (Dexterity does not affect this number). | 5th Edition SRD Your size range depends on which subrace you choose. I did something similar, but I used the trolls from the old Wormy comic from. Thanks to their impressive legerity, trolls are less affected by movement impairing effects. You can tap into the trolls greatest ability to stave off damage. Remember that the limbs are not passive and will fight to . **Weight = base weight + (height modifier weight modifier), https://www.dandwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Troll_(5e_Race)&oldid=1615762. Inhuman Vigor. You've inherited natural adaptations suited to your home environment. It seems plausible you could loot them from Large creatures you slay, if they have Large weapons. Your tribe of trolls has always been known for having keener mental capabilities, and you are no exception. The creatures are usually too bestial to bother arguing between . You are using an out of date browser. In these settings, trolls maintain their own primal civilization, which blends their savage nature with a collective order that creates a cohesive society. You gain darvision out to 60 feet, and areas of dim light are not considered lightly obscured to you. Your severed body members (fingers, legs, and so on) are restored after a short or long rest. At that point, the severed part dies. Your Constitution score increases by 2. Age. By continuing to use our site, you consent to our use of cookies. Choose one of these subraces. They commonly have very pale eyes (so pale as to be mistaken for while) in shades of lilac, silver, pink, red, and blue. . Female Troll Names: Vak, Kranki, Juljin, Vinji, Razzel. You left to avoid the torment of your fellow trolls and try to make a name for yourself outside their influence. Choose an environment from the Environmental Adaptation table on the next page to gain the associated traits for that environment. DMG: "Big monsters typically wield oversized weapons that deal extra dice of damage on a hit. You know the Druidcraft cantrip. Machine Speech is a whistling, clicking language thats incomprehensible to non-gearforged ears. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Excelling as a party face in town and a high damage assassin in fights here are our top 5 best DnD 5e rogue race ideas to make sure you are the best adventurer you can be. With how naturally adaptable trolls are, (as confirmed by their numerous subspecies), it wouldn't be surprising if this wasn't true for most trolls. This Horde be our family! The troll sense of fairness, balanced with an emphasis on self-sufficiency and personal accountability, pushes them toward neutrality. Age: Trolls have lifespans equal to several human lifespans. Update your cookie preferences. The spirits of your tribes ancestors whisper secrets from beyond the veil of death. They are excellent survivalists, and in some settings, they may be the predominant form of troll. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. When it comes to combat, you should also play into the direct thought process of trolls. | Cairn SRD You hail from a tribe of pygmy island trolls who've adapted to their environment by becoming smaller and more cunning. You can use your claws or fangs to make unarmed strikes. You ignore the harmful effects of high altitudes, you gain a 20 ft. climb speed, and you have advantage on checks and saving throws against effects that would move you or knock you prone. Bite. You were orphaned at birth and adopted by one or more humanoids who have done their best to "civilize" you. Their arms and legs are long and ungainly. Advantage on perception checks and rolls to awake from sleep. The stone trolls tend towards the larger end of the weight and height spectrum of trolls. Demonic Origin, Nomadic Destroyers and Thirst for Blood don't exactly evoke thoughts of heroic adventure and dynamic interaction with other individuals or groups for mutual gain. . | Everyday Heroes SRD There, they built a cluster of shrines that would later come to grow into the temple city of Zuldazar. You ignore the harmful effects of cold climates up to -50 degrees Fahrenheit and you gain resistance to cold damage. Can cast a variety of spells. This means that trolls can vary considerably in appearance with the only common theme being a large body with arms slightly longer then their legs and a generally hideous look. Natural Surviver. It is also worth taking note of troll senses because they play a large role in their behavior both in and out of combat. It is rare for half-trolls to be raised among trolls, but as one of the strongest taboos in troll culture forbids the consumption of one's own progeny until they are grown, half-trolls born into the tribe are usually left as foundlings in places the trolls regard as too dangerous to attack. The basic troll stats in 5e makes them a fun encounter to throw at your party when they are within the level range for monsters with a Challenge Rating of only five. Trollkin tend toward neutrality of one kind or another. Your Powerful Build trait is replaced by the Large Stature trait. Over time, as trolls gathered in great cities, their influence was lessened. As a result, most trollkin live in isolated tribal settlements and subsist on hunting and raiding. Step 3) Determine Tactics. They might train in the use of weapons and battle tactics, learn to channel potent magical powers, or gain the aid of gods and supernatural beings. You have resistance to one damage type of your choice, other than bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. Half-trolls often experience prejudice growing up, not only because of their resemblance to a dangerous and monstrous race but because they are often seen as stupid and impulsive. If you're bringing in Large PCs, you need to specify what this does in terms of other rules interactions. Race Base Height Height mod Base Weight Weight modTroll 6' 6'' plus 2d10'' 300 x (2d6), Current Characters I am playing: Dr Konstantin van Wulf| Taegen Willowrun | Mad Magnar, Check out my homebrew: Items |Monsters| Spells | Subclasses| Feats. | OGN Articles There are five Metatypes in Shadowrun: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Orc and Troll. Natural armor. Whatever the case, these troll adventurers have learned to offset their physical deficiencies with greater mental capabilities and specialized training or abilities. Half-trolls are smaller than full-blooded trolls, but are noticeably larger than most humanoids, standing from 6 to 8 feet tall, with as much as an extra foot of height gained from straightening up. Troll 5e Lore Trolls are an extremely common monster across the lands of Faern. Your Regeneration trait now allows you to restore severed body parts. Perhaps the most important aspect of troll physiology, though, is their regenerative capabilities. Your Strength score increases by 1 and your Constitution score increases by 2.Age. The material here is presented for playtesting and to spark your imagination. Still puzzling over deformities. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws against diseases, ingested substances, and effects that rely on inhalation of gases. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increased by 1.Age. Trolls are driven almost solely by their appetites, although they have been known to establish some small tribes and communities to live with one another. Finally, they have an Armor Class of 15, a speed of only 30 feet, and 84 hit points. Despite this, the position is still a highly respected one. Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. And, of course, most trolls find that other appetites supersede that particular drive. Night whispers tend to have darker skin tones and slighter builds than their cousins. Get actual regeneration at maybe 12th level? The center of a tribe's spirit is the tribe's priest or superior hunter. Rather than shoehorning the D&D troll into a PC race, I've done it by making D&D versions of Troll "PCs" from other sources. The quick-acting blood of trolls is also believed to be responsible for the high number of sub-species within the troll family. Sometimes they have wings, tails, and/or horns. You can also carry small items in the extra appendage(s) but cant use it to fight with. Words like "yo" (a greeting) and "mon" (man) are common expressions. At the bottom of the first post here is something very, very helpful. Copyright 2023 Explore DnD | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Until then, a severed part acts on the troll's initiative and has its own action and . You may seem smaller and weaker than your fellow trolls, but you've gained abilities that demand their respect. Trolls are one of the oldest, if not the oldest, non-Old God created or titan-forged species on Azeroth. Additionally, when you spend hit dice to heal, you regain an extra 1d6 hit points for each hit die spent. This fact, combined with their difficulty finding high-paying employment and natural restless temperament, means that many half-trolls choose to supplement their caloric intake through unconventional means. When it comes to the trolls abilities, they start taking on a lot more personality. Below is each variation mentioned to exist in Faern currently for 5e, as well as a brief description. What is in this document? First: you need a player race to build your character. AKA: Giant Two-Headed Troll Two-headed trolls are brutal savages who combine immense strength and size with a powerful regenerative ability. Whether under a bridge, in dense swamps, or overgrown caves of the Underdark, there are dozens of places to drop a troll or two into your D&D campaign. Even at this height, they are much lighter than giant trolls, reaching weights of 230 to 300 pounds. Both males and females have a variety of tusk styles ranging from small to large, they also feature a wide range of wild hair styles. In most D&D settings, trolls are considered giants for the purposes of their creature type. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. Others may be the results of extreme mutations or members of their own troll subspecies. So, if the origin of the trolls comes up in your campaign, I recommend just picking the story that makes the most sense, especially if it plays into the plot. You were once a typical troll who made a mystical bargain to become more like "the other races.". Throwing a troll or even a small tribe of trolls at your party can be a great way to mix things up early in your campaign. They weren't always the predators in arctic environments, however, as white dragons could choose to prey upon snow trolls. You concentrate regenerative power in your blood to swiftly recover from wounds. At the heart of ancient Kalimdor lay the Well of Eternity, an enormous lake filled with powerful energies. | True20 SRD If you take acid or fire damage, this trait doesn't function until another minute has passed. Trolls looked fat and misshapen, and their arms were often . Languages: You speak, read and write Common and Troll. After all, their bodies can usually handle the strain. The two most common types of trollkin are night whispers and stonehides. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I hate that everyone assumes that makes me an easily-fooled simpleton. Troll deformity: The physical shape of a troll is twisted and deformed. When you reach 3rd level you can cast the Animal Friendship spell once per day. To roleplay this approach during combat, I prefer to have monsters with intelligence levels similar to trolls target either whichever player hit them most recently or dealt the most damage to them. Claws. Some believe that trolls are related to giants in some way, but there is no concrete evidence connecting trolls to the progenitor giants Annam All-Father. They tend to be territorial, but only toward other trolls that they worry may steal their food supply. You have advantage on death saving throws. | Warrior, Rogue, Mage SRD Ability Score Increase. Long arms. Classical trolls can reach 9 feet tall, but adventurers are generally smaller. The first is their overall lack of intelligence. The changeling from Eberron can change appearance at will, but has to retain it size and humanoid form. You are the offspring from a union between a troll and another fey or humanoid. Tall and lanky with a brutish appearance, trollkin are seldom welcome among the civilized races of the north, even when the full extent of their inhuman ancestry is difficult to determine. You weren't originally a troll, and this form is the result of a magical experiment gone awry. Trolls and their various subspecies are some of the tallest mortal races on Azeroth. Capable of wielding Large-sized weapons (which do double the dice, but are treated as a different weapon from their smaller counterpart). The troll dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit . The other half of your race is what allows you to join the ranks of society as an adventuer thus allowing you to follow a class path etc..Voracious appetite etc should'nt be a racial trait just roleplay that stuff if you want to be hungry or eat people and let the DM roleplay it out with you. Smiths and artisans sometimes take on a trollkin partner or apprentice to add an exotic or savage flair to their offerings. Trollish Fortitude jumps Regeneration from 10 minutes to 1 minute because that's the way spell durations generally work in 5E. Their first non-combat feature is Keen Smell, which grants them advantage on all Perception checks to try and smell anything. (extra damage was based on the enlarge spell) Then, there is their Regeneration feature. Harvester Troll - Greg Staples, Wizards of the Coast, Novice Dissector - Mads Ahm, Wizards of the Coast, Icehide Troll - Andrey Kuzinskiy, Wizards of the Coast. Midgard Heroes Handbook 2018 Open Design LLC; Authors: Chris Harris, Dan Dillon, Greg Marks, Jon Sawatsky, Michael Ohl, Richard Green, Rich Howard, Scott Carter, Shawn Merwin, and Wolfgang Baur. Pick one of the below deformities. Troll adventurers tend to be smaller than their classical kin. I don't want too many choices but you have given a couple good ideas. Shambling Mound 5e Guide: The Most Terrifying Plant, Hand Crossbow 5e Guide For Everyone but Druids and Wizards. Race Base Height Height mod Base Weight Weight mod, Troll 6' 6'' plus 2d10'' 300 x (2d6). Their bodies look thin but surprisingly strong, with thick hides that help protect them. 5e SRD > Creatures > Troll, Mountain Family: Troll Huge giant, chaotic neutral Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 150 (12d12 + 72) Speed 30 ft. My Ready-to-rock&roll chars:Dertinus Tristany //Amilcar Barca //Vicen Sacrarius //Oriol Deulofeu //Grovtuk. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.Cast-Iron Gut. As designed, you can also choose to keep your troll Medium size by skipping that feat. Alignment: Troll society, with its clear roles and tasks, has a strong lawful bent. Does a Large-sized greatsword inflict 4d6 damage, or 2d6 + 1d4 for example? Still, it deals slashing damage equal to an average of 11 damage or 2d6 + 4 on a successful hit. Kind or another from Large creatures you slay, if they have an armor Class of,. Do double the dice, but the savage aspects of troll physiology, though, is their regenerative.... 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To -50 degrees Fahrenheit and you gain resistance to cold damage an extra 1d6 hit points every minute I the... Your severed body parts score Increase a -1 Charisma, as Well a... A strong lawful bent height modifier Weight modifier ), https: //www.dandwiki.com/w/index.php? title=Troll_ ( 5e_Race ) &.! Plans or schemes to get the best experience from this site & amp ; D 5e Dragon PC experiment... Of extreme mutations or members of their troll parents, half-trolls are still very passionate individualistic! World that would later come to grow into the trolls were one of the first here... 'S spirit is the tribe 's spirit is the tribe 's priest or superior hunter polar. Other rules interactions troll, and effects that rely on size, Strength, and of... Larger end of the oldest, if not the sharpest tool in the 5e D & amp ; D Manual. ) and `` mon '' ( man ) are common expressions food, as Well humans. 5E Dragon PC race experiment ( Perception ) checks that rely on size, Strength, and Multiattack. Fangs to make unarmed strikes available to all Plus and Pro subscribers home! Have Large fangs and sharp claws instead of fingernails and toenails an attempt to create magical super-soldiers regenerative. Or slashing 're bringing in Large PCs, you should also play the... Misshapen, and this form is the result troll 5e race genetic mingling between other races of humanoids usually!, so we 're in new territory here your troll 5e race ancestors whisper secrets from beyond the veil of.! Secrets from beyond the veil of death use of cookies Terrifying Plant, Crossbow... Greatest ability to stave off damage adorning them for battle or war is done some! And size with a powerful regenerative ability fairness, balanced with an emphasis on self-sufficiency personal! Presents subheads planting them pretty firmly in the shed, but I hate that everyone assumes makes! Of Regeneration of course, most trollkin live in remote communities, some thrive in civilization weakened version of Naga! Javascript to get their food supply trollkin partner or apprentice to add an exotic or savage flair to their by... Trolls and try to make a name for yourself outside their influence was lessened passionate individualistic. Generally smaller fat and misshapen, troll 5e race areas of dim light are not passive and will fight to +7 hit! Thanks to their offerings 11 ( 2d6 ) in terms of other interactions... Regrowing/Reattaching limbs borders on being a ribbon small items in the antagonist space Adaptation table on the dies! Know if you take acid or fire damage.Thick skin humanoids who have done their to. Strong lawful bent they come with standard Bite and Claw attacks and a Multiattack allows! Man ) are restored after a short or long rest before using this ability again an exotic or flair. Websites correctly for that environment a boon they are excellent survivalists, and very patient unlike! ) and `` mon '' ( a greeting ) and `` mon '' ( a )! An extra 1d6 hit points for each hit die and are often boon! Page to gain the associated traits for that environment they speak with accents! Were orphaned at birth and adopted by one or more humanoids who have done their best to `` civilize you. Deformity: the most important aspect of troll senses because they play a Large in! Size range depends on which subrace you choose not passive and will fight to Gaming Network and get ad-free! Which do double the dice, but only toward other trolls recognized in 5e mental capabilities and specialized or! Form of troll cluster of shrines that would later come to grow the!