Claws moved up to 3d4, the bite did 2-10 points of damage (2d5???) While it is setting up the ambush, if this is a high-traffic area, the Umber Hulk may choose instead to build a bypass so it can ready its traps for use if the combat gets spicy. The Umber Hulks still have that annoying ability to cause Confusion if you stare directly into its eyes. They were used as shock troops by the daelkyr. These creatures possess a mystifying gaze that drives creatures to madness. Your size is Medium. Should I use the Young Red Dragon stats as a starting point and take away Breath Weapon and add Confusing Gaze? Alignment The eyes of the Umber Hulk are a prized magical component among enchanters as the imprint ability that causes confusion acts as a magnifier for all enchantment magic. The creature was likely magically dominated by the tavern's wizard proprietor.[13]. While this is a beast of an encounter, a fairly competent mid-tier party should be able to put this monster to rest. Something is bugging me about this weeks monsterits left me feeling dazed and confused Its the Umber Hulk! Chaotic evil [3][8], Their bulk was covered in chitinous armored plates, tougher than steel, that laid over their hair-like feelers. There it is, the Umber Hulk. Origin After an Umber Hulk has been defeated, their carapaces are prized for their ability to withstand a lot of punishment, the immunity to bludgeoning damage, and resistance to even magical physical damage make it a prize for armorers and enchanters alike. The Neogis enslave ability only works within 30 feet as does the Umber Hulks confusing gaze. Hulklings quickly gained their iconic abilities and after two years were capable of joining the mother in order to learn hunting. 3rd Edition Statistics[3] The intelligence of the Umber Hulk is another clue to a more sophisticated social structure, there are no other intelligent creatures recorded that live a completely isolated life. But all told the Umber Hulks a solid fighter, and is sure to continue to vie for the belt every year. The Order of the All expeditions up to this point have ended in total failure. Not only has the Umber Hulk been a mainstay throughout the Monster Manuals, but it has thrived. Confusing Gaze (Su): Confusion as the spell, 30 feet, caster level 8th. The umber hulk makes They would just as easily however, turn on their masters for any reason, or for no reason at all. With the Umber Hulks AC of 18, making attacks at disadvantage is particularly punishing. But what happens if you somehow get the upper hand on an Umber Hulk? A party might try to parlay during combat, but without magical assistance, it is unlikely to succeed. WebTruly Horrid Umber Hulk The Closed content displayed above has been reproduced without permission from the copyright holder. Umber Hulk[1] However, the Neogi are said to have bred and trained Umber hulks to be their servants. Youll love it here, we promise. The carapace itself is prone to accelerated decay once the Umber Hulk is dead and will completely lose its specialized properties within hours if not properly preserved. We will also be going over where you will likely run into these bad boys and what they will probably try to do to you. A character under the effects of a normal Umber Hulks gaze will move 5 squares and become dazed. "Cross not a librarian, for they hold the keys to all lore." No more vacant rooftops and lifeless lounges not here in Capitol Hill. The monster can bring the walls and ceiling of the cave down onto its prey. However, while all encounters have been solo ambushes in dungeons or caves, there is evidence to suggest that Umber Hulks are social monsters. When a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the umber hulk and is able to see the umber hulks eyes, the umber hulk can magically force it to make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw, unless the umber hulk is incapacitated. There is no picture given for most of the monsters back in OD&D, and the supplement isn't very helpful in their description of our fearsome beast insect? then once it had acted and was no longer flatfooted it was easier to hit! Beyond the fascinating lore of the Umber Hulks abilities, not many changes. After the Truly Horrid comes the Dark Umber Hulk from Tome of Magic (2006) and the Psi-Hulk from Expedition to Undermountain (2007). I would love some help brainstorming a monster that I need to build for an upcoming encounter. Umber Hulks, who have a steady diet of young Purple Worms, will occasionally let themselves be eaten by Purple Worms so they can have the thrill of tunneling out and killing the worm. An umber hulk is a bipedal, chitinous monstrosity that burrows beneath the ground, lying in wait for its prey. So, there you are, minding your own business while exploring some tunnels out in the wild when a giant, bipedal beetle with crazy eyes starts trying to eat you. Hello and welcome to this edition of Evolving Monsters, where we look at monsters in the 5e Monster Manual and tweak them to make them more interesting. The thousands of tiny coarse hairs on the exterior of the carapace is what gives the Umber Hulk its tremorsense ability, the tunnels it typically excavates are just barely large enough to fit the monster so that more of the sensory follicles can be in contact with the surface. 5E Umber Hulk is back in fighting form. Right away we can see this monster is a Brute. The support squad of the party (clerics, bards, and artificers) should make sure they use all of their abilities and spells to support these players with healing and buffs. Using its powerful claw, the monster augments its attacks or activates a previously hidden trap. 3e Hopefully, the PCs will help. The Truly Horrid Umber Hulk was released with 3.5 edition and has the same abilities as the Umber Hulk, but has 200 more hit points, higher stats and even more ways to kill your party. [8] If needed, some could also speak Terran and others could understand Deep Speech.[3][5]. We will only email you every other week when we release a Deep Dive or Rewind post! Will the PCs free the Umber Hulks and take down the councilman only to have the Umber Hulks killed by the Thri-Kreen and invite the wrath of the Neogi? The umber hulk makes three attacks: two with its claws and one with itsmandibles. An Umber Hulk sets up traps at the ambush site ahead of time to gain the upper hand during combat. Armour Class: 2 Hit Dice: 10Move: 60 (20) Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite Damage: 2-12/2-12/2-16 No. The Will save DC is 22 against the truly horrid umber hulk's confusing gaze, due to its higher Hit Dice and Charisma score. They have tried to remain out of sight and incognito, but that is proving to be very difficult. Two claws that hit for 2d6 and a bite that does 2d4, along with the ability to tunnel through 1 of solid rock per turnhere you have all the hallmarks of a fighter destined for greatness, 1st Edition firmed up Hulks fighting style. Creatures succeeding on their save are immune to the effects of this ability as long as they stay within the aura, if they leave the aura and are affected by it again then they must reroll the save. To escape, the creature must use an action to succeed in a strength check (DC in Stat Block) to push the stone far enough to squeeze out of the trap, if the check is successful the creature ends up on top of the stone, stunned until the beginning of its next turn. Use of such names without mention of trademark or copyright status should not be construed as a challenge to such status. Going back to the head, the Umber Hulks head is what puts the creature over the top. It is described as a human-shaped creature with gaping maws flanked by pairs of exceedingly sharp mandibles. After the Truly Horrid comes the Dark Umber Hulk from Tome of Magic (2006) and the Psi-Hulk from Expedition to Undermountain (2007). [7][8], Umber hulks were primarily solitary creatures and it was unknown if they had anything akin to a society of their own. monster? Either way, these mindless atrocities attack without fear or planning and use brute force to overwhelm their foes. They are solitary creatures but will mate and go on their separate ways. Glue-like secretions from the mandibles allow the monster to put tunnels back together again to hide its passage, while this can take much time, it is necessary for traps to be adequately designed. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage. A cave-in wall is automatically hit and only damage needs to be applied from attacks, it is immune to critical hits and fails all saves. Confusing Gaze. Check these out: Umber Hulks, as giant bug-like creatures, make great natural enemies of the Thri-Kreen. Round 1 Umber: Stares at players and makes attacks. Secondly, theyll need to have added mechanics for interactions within the environment; they are already on the bad end of the action economy and so will need as much help as they can get. On a failed save, the creature takes 4d10 bludgeoning plus 2d10 piercing damage and is knocked prone. The trap abilities in conjunction with the confusion will wreck any mobility that you thought that you had in your melee characters. The Truly Horrid Umber Hulk was released with 3.5 edition and has the same abilities as the Umber Hulk, but has 200 more hit points, higher stats and even more ways to kill your party. It has wicked claws for slashing and uses its mandibles to bite and tear into its prey. WebUmber Hulk, Truly Horrid (CR 14) Huge Aberration Alignment: Usually chaotic evil Initiative: +0; Senses: darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., and Listen +21 Languages: Terran AC: 12 (-2 size, +14 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 24 Hit Dice: 20d8+180 (270 hp) Fort +17, Ref +6, Will +15 Speed: 20 ft., burrow 20 ft. Space: 15 ft./15 ft. They were often captured and used as guard beasts due to their obedience if fed well when young. WHATCHA GONNA DO, BROTHER, WHEN THE 24 PINCERS AND UMBERMANIA RUN WILD ON YOU?!? Ask our leasing team for full details of this limited-time special on select homes. [10], The dwarven expression "chasing an umber hulk"referred to a prospector's strategy of following an umber hulk's trail in hopes of finding uncovered minerals, and meant a dangerous plan that could come with great reward with enough luck.[10]. we all went before it in the round and didnt really do Abomination Cult Leader. Jacks got amenities youll actually use. You can avert your eyes to avoid this gaze, but this means you are effectively blinded and will be attacking at a disadvantage. Dungeons & Dragons (19741976) The umber hulk was introduced to the game in its first supplement, Greyhawk (1975). If you can not use the above strategy, then your character needs to avert their eyes and use any attack or ability they have that relies on saving throws. The only real difference is that this one benefits from the generic burrow speed,tunneling at 20 per round through solid stone and earthen loam alike. WebThe truly horrid umber hulk stands more than 16 feet in height and weighs about 8,000 pounds. ACTIONS Multiattack. Debris Spray (Stats for the attack are in the Stat Block) Upon a hit, the Umber Hulk has advantage on melee attacks against the target until the beginning of its next turn. Most product names are trademarks owned or used under license by the companies that publish those products. 1e Climate/Terrain: SubterraneanFrequency: RareOrganization: SolitaryActivity Cycle: AnyDiet: CarnivoreIntelligence: Average (8-10)Treasure: GAlignment: Chaotic EvilNo. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage. WebThe Claws of the Umber Hulk (a module-exclusive item to the Princes of the Apocalypse campaign) is an extremely unique magical item in many different ways. Umber hulks did not have working relations with most other races, and were typically enslaved by members of other races. While helping, they discover that the Umber Hulks are being bred by a wealthy councilman who is using them to trade with Neogi for exotic slaves for whatever purpose suits your game. WebLanguages Umber Hulk. [8]Umber hulks were despised by most underground races not simply for their predatory nature, but because they were indirectly responsible for some of the worst conflicts in the Underdark. In 1986, the Creature Catalog finally came out and our best buddy the Umber Hulk was no longer the Umber Hulk. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage. Tunneler. This includes other Umber Hulks; so, no, they will not be used as mounts or thugs. Appearing: 1-4Armor Class: 2Move: 6 (1-6)Hit Dice: 8+8% inLair:30%Treasure Type: GNo. Conditions apply. Umber Hulks arent willing to fight to the death but will either burrow away or cause a cave in. Chaotic evil [10], Umber hulks were trainable creatures as proven by their use in the Blade Kingdoms and the city of Sumbria. July 2014. elminster said: Keep in mind that Umber Hulks are immune to confusion (so don't cast for instance a Chaos spell or a Confusion spell on them). This kind of reinforcement is magical in nature as live specimens have been shown to have a direct connection to the Elemental Plane of Earth. A little Q&A about Dungeons & Dragons with Chat GPT. When brute force won't overcome an enemy, it is more than capable of outthinking those who assume it to be a stupid beast. This would work as a great thrall or minion added to an encounter of a control-style boss. Though interestingly, no confusion upon looking into its way more than 4 eyes. WebUmber hulks enjoy being free; most of them go towards a chaotic alignment, although there are some who strictly believe in a lawful alignment. WebTraits. When Dungeons & Dragons was revised in 1977 for a simpler ruleset, known as Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set, the umber hulk was also revised for those rulesets. The Umber Hulks Confusing Gaze alone can quickly result in the death of everyone in the party. The umber hulk can burrow through solid rock at half its burrowing speed and leaves a 5 foot-wide, 8 foot-high tunnel in its wake.Multiattack. With a base challenge rating of 5, the Umber Hulk is a monster that I want to love, with a concept and lore that grabs the imagination. Its smarter, taller and its picture is way better than the Hook Horror, which just looks like a turkey. Its back looks like a turtle shell and the antenna now stick out from the side of its head. - old Faernian saying. Bell of Lost Souls Staff Writer and DM, J.R. covers RPGs of all stripes and on occasion eats sandwiches. When a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the umber hulk and is able to see the umber hulk's eyes, the umber hulk can magically force it to make a DC 15 Charisma Maybe the claws of the umber hulk that Thomas Markov mentions have unique magical properties that justify it, but for anything you could just as easily replace with something you do have proficiency in, theres not much contest. The first picture of the Umber Hulk was released in this edition and it is truly horrifying. Large Burrowing up to a point adjacent to a main dungeon corridor, or finding a dead-end in the dungeon, it will peek through a crack and jump out on its unsuspecting prey as they walk by. They can, however, summon up to 20 electric eels once per day, so at least they have that going for them, furthermore, they hunt by rending the bottom of boats and sinking them and then feast on the, hopefully, humans swimming to shore. 5E Umber Hulk is back in fighting form. Any cave-in that an Umber Hulk creates can be cleared by doing 10 points of thunder; 20 points of bludgeoning or force; 40 points of slashing, fire, cold, or acid; or 60 points of piercing or lightning damage to it, or any combination thereof. And this was an era when Hulk was really thinking about the kind of moves available to himthere was a finisher hed break out during exhibition matches, the Cave-In, which only had a 25% chance of success, but if he pulled it off, it caved in the ceiling, and Hulk could just dig his way to freedom. WebEnemies Defeated 2 Heinous Flame Snakes (CR 21; advanced greater flame snake), 1 Paragon Thoqqua (CR 19; advanced paragon thoqqua), 1 Truly Horrid Flaming Umber Hulk (CR 20; advanced evolved fire element monster of legend truly horrid umber hulk), 2 Red Half-Dragon Ogres (CR 21; half-red dragon ogre Barbarian16/Rogue16), 2 Efreeti Flame His primary game is D&D 5e and has devoted much of his time to crafting his own campaign setting for his weekly game. Has your party encountered an Umbra Hulk? Nil/nil. Again, bigger and badder, but less popular now that hed made a heel turn. Its got loads of HP and a very high Armor Class of 18. Nothing like this ugly beetle-like creature jumping out, scaring the shit out of you, and then getting its claw and bite attacks on you before you can respond. There is an explosion and suddenly a huge size Umber Hulk appears right in the middle of downtown. Use the Controlled Cave-in ability to control where the party can go and target, ensure that the Umber Hulk kills any downed characters as they will be less likely to get back up and start attacking again. For more information, please see our Adding save proficiencies, traps, and skills, as well as increasing to hit and damage output on the attacks. The party of five level 6 heroes are the city's only hope. Over the past few years since 5e was released, Ive really started getting back into it. [3]They were often captured and used as guard beasts due to their obedience if fed well when young. Instead, the Umber Hulk was renamed the Hulker and was part of the Hook Horror family. An area 10 ft by 10 ft has a portion of the ceiling collapses onto it. It also typically results in a rapid onset of follow-up attacks from more and more powerful specimens. Get Tabletop, RPG & Pop Culture news delivered directly to your inbox. WebUmber Hulk Challenge: 5 Traits Confusing Gaze. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. If a creature is immune to being frightened or is resistant to fear then they have advantage on the save. Our main discussion is on utilizing tools at your table, the development of our Tools series on Dump Stat, and how to create your own. And because everyone experimented with new looks, 4th Edition also saw another persona. An Umber Hulk will set up a series of traps at the ambush site before the combat if it has time, listed below are a few examples. Neogi captured umber hulks and enslaved them, with young umber hulks being used as the first servants of hatchlings. [11], However, according to early writings, umber hulks were among the oldest creatures in the cosmos, having been around since before the Dawn War. Round 2 Umber: Turns Confusion Cloud Reaching into the dust that it creates from tunneling, a Truly Horrid Umber Hulk can even make its enemies stop distinguishing friend from foe. Chaos ensues as people get confused, walk off of the obstacle and into $dangerous_thing. We can just imagine a scenario where the Shadow Hulk has made a small hollow cave for it to await adventurers, phases through the wall, grabs some human meat and phases or tunnels back to its hole to eat its favorite meal. Confusion Cloud Reaching into the dust that it creates from tunneling, a Truly Horrid Umber Hulk can even make its enemies stop distinguishing friend from foe. Minotaurs that you encounter in the game should generally be more susceptible to status causing spells than umber hulks. Using a bonus action, any creature that is within 10 ft cube of where the Umber Hulk emerges from the wall of the cave must make a Dexterity save or take damage (DC and Damage in Stat Block). You dont know #Jack yet. For the purposes of this monster, Im going to use a set of rules that apply only to the cave-ins that it creates. In addition to the Confusion ability, the Umber Hulk can also see into the infravision so that there is no hiding from this beast. 1st Edition Statistics[5] The Vodyanoi, A lot like the Umber Hulk, but with slimy skin, knobby hide, and webbed claws that shares a taste for man-flesh with its cousin. However, they are unable to do so if they are surprised, which the umber hulk will ensure with its starting position. A combination trap, the Pit Cap Trap is a pit trap combined with a fall trap. Umber hulks hadtwo sets of evenly spaced eyes: compound eyes that lay on the sides of its head, and forehead eyes that were small and apelike. 5 The PCs run the risk of being killed by the Thri-Kreen in the early game, the Umber Hulks in the mid-game, and the councilmans crew in the end game. *Correction - The Umber Hulk first appeared in the 1st edition Monster Manual II (1983). Umber hulks normally had no need for complex plans, magic, numbers, or technology to accomplish their goals and so did not employ such things. Necrotic, Poison, Psychic, and Radiant damage have no effect. WebUmber Hulk The creature looks like a cross between a gorilla and a beetle, with a stout and highly muscular physique, standing just under 8 feet tall. Creating an Undead Hulk requires lots of different Umber Hulks as each part of the Umber Hulk, like the head, right arm, right leg, etc, must come from different Umber Hulks but how far do you go with that? Standard Large Truly horrid Huge [3] Females were rarer than males and males would defend them, possibly at the cost of their own lives, although males left after mating was completed. WebThe first picture of the Umber Hulk was released in this edition and it is truly horrifying. A grabbed target takes 10 damage every round if its in the Umber Hulks grasp until it escapes. Today well be looking at Umber Hulks and how they interact with others in the planes, as well as how they can be a more detailed part of any world lore. Alignment A buried creature can attempt to escape by making a strength check equal to the save DC at the end of their turn. Umber hulks were some of the biggest, and they still are. Their tunneler ability means they can create their own dens. Rather than a nose, they had a series of gill-like openings in their almost non-existent necks, potentially due to aquatic origins. The Umber Hulk is placed in a tunnel of reflective minerals or mirrors, and this expands its. Funnily enough, despite the bigger, badder appearance, 3rd Edition Umber Hulk is almost exactly the same asthe previous two generations. And uh, dont get hit. Better watch out, two pincers, four eyes, and 750 pounds of pure power are comin for you this week, as we turn the spotlight to the ring and introduce one contestant you WONT like when hes angry: The Umber Hulk! This is essentially a copy of the Umber Hulk in the book with the Damage Resistances / Immunities, Controlled Cave-in, Tunneler Ambush, and Debris Spray added in. Usually chaotic evil Once a cave-in is cleared, the ground that had the cave-in on it is considered difficult terrain. Again, 5th edition goes in and drops the challenge of many of its most iconic monsters. If you dont want added items to track, you can simply use a dexterity check to avoid eye contact, increasing the DC for each umber hulk in the encounter. Did 2-10 points of damage ( 2d5??? only to the death but will burrow! 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