Falling for a long distance, the Primarch came to a sudden halt. The Khagan had drawn up most of the rules for and formalised the structure of the Legions' Librarius, even though his name was never entered into the official datacores. The Khan should have been there, side-by-side with his two brothers, standing with the Angel and Magnus. He wanted every human psyker to unlock their full potential, to explore all they were safely capable of -- with no restraint, and no guidance. The Khan instructed his warriors to search for the caves that he knew were under the city. There were three Primarchs who were primarily responsible for the creation of the Legiones Astartes Librarius. ultraviolet light treatment in combination with topical medications. How could Hasik call those who opposed him faithless, when it was he who had caused such madness and betrayed his Primarch? Afterwards, Jaghatai came to believe that the outcome of the Council of Nikaea should have never been left in the Crimson King's hands. She ordered Shiban to get her to the teleport platform. The Khagan now began the long process of conquering the rest of the planet, which possessed only a single continent. The names themselves were symbolic, and no strict pattern has ever been enforced on newly marked White Scars. In this, of course, they were entirely correct. His sister also mentions that he always takes the hardest path to getting things done. Assuming this can still be used, it allows you a bonus on turn 2, allowing you to deploy within 6 of any board edge, including your opponent's board edge, giving you greater tactical options to use this. Magnus confessed that Jaghatai had been right -- he should have restrained his sons in their explorations of the power of sorcery. Jaghatai countered that the hunt had kept his Legion pure. Spurred on by the example of their lord, the White Scars redoubled their efforts and, one by one, the enemy's war machines were isolated and cut down. An acne lesion ( pimple) grows when bacteria, oils and dead skin fill up and inflame pores, the tiny openings in your skin through which oil and sweat rise to the surface. A lone White Scars Brotherhood posed no real risk -- they had run the calculations. Unlike many of the other Primarchs, Jaghatai never even considered betraying the Emperor for the service of the Ruinous Powers. If the Space Wolves had truly done this, then perhaps their power did match their boasts. Just as he had on the vast plains of Chogoris, the Great Khan sought to build a conquering army from insular nomadic bands, and he began in the same fashion. With the enemy closing in, and the station collapsing all around him due to explosions of Vortex Charges set by Veil, Stormseer Yesugai sacrificed himself by inserting himself into the Dark Glass' command throne and then opened a portal through the Webway to Terra, which allowed the White Scars fleet to swiftly flee through and escape the Traitors' clutches. The Vth Legion's legend was to grow with the events of the Horus Heresy, when the White Scars fought on hundreds of worlds for over 7 Terran years against the Traitor Legions and the other Forces of Chaos. Magnus learning to project himself into the Warp and making contact with. Turning to the dozens of White Scars around him there were khans, captains, senior ship-officers and mortal commanders -- just a few of those who had been persuaded and who were now working to free the Legion from the hand of tyranny in service to Horus. Inter-fleet communications were shut down and incoming bursts blocked -- the enemy had had their chance to make themselves understood. Alpharius was the very first Primarch recovered. As far as anyone knew, he took the dirty jobs and refused praise out of sheer loyalty and dedication. However, the Crusade escapes thanks to the Harlequins and Cypher's Fallen, and Magnus follows Guilliman through the Webway up to Luna, where he battles his brother. Fulgrim, Primarch of the Emperor's Children, Konrad Curze, the Night Haunter, Primarch of the Night Lords, Magnus the Red, Primarch of the Thousand Sons, Horus Lupercal, Primarch of the Luna Wolves and the Sons of Horus, Lorgar Aurelian, Primarch of the Word Bearers, Alpharius/Omegon, Primarch(s?) Scanning ahead, Shiban observed that Torghun's warriors had hunkered down in a long line across the Servitor pits bisecting the hall. Though the loyalists were initially outmaneuvered at every turn, Guilliman eventually led a dangerous attack on the Alpha Legion's command center, where he allegedly struck down Alpharius in single combat. Nearly all of his Legion went with him, ranked in their various Brotherhoods, eager for the hunt. Soon more of the creatures materialised; first a few, then dozens. The White Scars set course for Prospero. The Swordstorm pulled up to the forefront of the Chisel formation, propelled by its monstrous, raging plasma engines and surrounded by a swarm of racing Escorts. They believed this inherent Imperial Truth, just as they were meant to. The White Scars and Ultramarines Space Marine Legions, supported by the Imperial Army, the forces of the Mechanicum and the Collegia Titanica, took part in the massive Imperial campaign against the largest concentration of Orks yet encountered by the burgeoning Imperium of Man. As the Great Crusade raged across the galaxy, he had sat at its heart, always fighting and always on the move, laughing as he killed. Ease symptoms of itch and pain. They went as warily as he, and their bone-white armour made them look like ghosts in the dark. Hasik Noyan-Khan and his co-conspirators had been blindsided by Shiban Khan's daring assault. The Emperor sent a command to the Space Wolves to capture Magnus, but Horus changed the message to "destroy Prospero". As long as the Warrior Lodge brothers held onto the capital ships, the others would fall into line. The greater the soul, the greater the jeopardy. It was poor fighting, cramped and bitter. They were the outriders. They were burned when he had broke the wards over the Emperor's secret Webway project after he had projected his astral form into the dungeons of the Imperial Palace to bring his father the dire warning of the corruption of Horus and his intentions for insurrection. Instead he would only tell him this -- the Vth Legion was the ordu of Jaghatai, and none bore their blades in it save by his word. But this was how Hasik repaid the Khan, with betrayal and fire, and so the impertinent warrior would be struck down for his hubris. The Khan observed him guardedly, for Mortarion had always been hard to read. The tenacity of the Death Guard was legendary, as was their ability to absorb punishment and just keep coming. Once Novator Achelieux had been found, he led the White Scars to the Catallus Warp rift, where hidden amongst its turbulent Warp eddies was a long, crystalline void station. From their . Jaghatai's campaign of global conquest ended less than six solar months before the Emperor came to Chogoris in 865.M30 as part of His Great Crusade. Soon the surviving Keshig found themselves trapped, and so they formed a broken line, determined to face the enemy. Does anyone else have an idea what's going on and if the site might come back? The enemy infesting that system were only Greenskins, remnants of the Ork empire destroyed on Ullanor, the last slivers of the Warlord Urrlak Urruk's horde. The Keshig master Qin Xa ordered his warriors to withdraw, for they could not fight this new threat. Torghun did the same -- exhorting those about him into a typically dogged defence. Yet, only one soul could see the Warp as it truly was, and that was Magnus the Red, the only one of his brothers that Jaghatai had ever truly trusted. He dispersed the Keshig he had raised from Chogoris, the core of his new White Scars throughout the various companies, warriors whose names would only grow with the passing of years: Qin Xa, Targutai Yesugei, Hasik Noyan-Khan and others besides. He had destroyed the Librarius of the Legions only to find witches were now untrammelled amongst the Traitors. The Khan was no fool, and of course this new galaxy would be led by Horus. The shade explained that it was merely a remnant or psychic fragment of Magnus -- a dream of something destroyed. He might burn himself out to get to Terra, he might not. Just as the arch of the observation deck soared away ahead of Shiban and his forces, Torghun had his forces fall back en masse. Created by a bunch of regulars from Something Awful's anime subforum and launched in 2003, it serves as an English-language version of Futaba Channel.. 4chan hosts boards dedicated to just about every generalized subject you can think of (and a few specialized subjects, as well), which are named /[a letter or letter string indicating what the board is about . They wanted to cause doubt, keeping the White Scars in the Chondax System to tie them up in questions, because they knew the veil was slowly lifting and that messages were only now getting through the aether of the Warp. The seeds planted by the lodge were set deep, and not all of their growths were capable of being removed. In the brief moment after being struck with the Emperor's spear by Russ, Horus was freed from the influence of Chaos. Turns out Dorn killed Omegon and Alpharius is still very much alive. They understood, perhaps better than anyone, that the Warp could corrupt the finest -- the greater the strength, the greater the corruption. All that returned of that band was one mutilated rider with the head of the son of the Palatine and a note saying that the people of the steppes were no longer his toys. The results were not encouraging -- no Vox signals were detected and there were no transports nor energy-trails. His faith shattered, Lorgar sent his legion on a pilgrimage to Cadia, then entered the Eye of Terror in search of a meaning to his existence. That was his crime, and the destruction of his Legion and his homeworld was his punishment. He rooted out every trace of heresy on the worlds he conquered, taught their populations to venerate the Emperor of Mankind, and constructed grand cathedrals in his glory. This was not what they had been promised by the White Scars Warrior Lodge brothers, but the Death Lord refused to lose a fleet for this fight. Qin Xa strode over to him, his own weapons drawn, but Hasik did not get up. Impressed with the child's ferocity, the slaver implanted Angron's cerebral cortex with archeotech devices that enhanced his aggression, and raised him as a gladiator. All around him his brothers did the same, sprinting ahead to run the enemy down. As he did so, he raised his blade. The starships of the White Scars fleet soon reached their Mandeville Points and translated without delay into Warpspace, their destination unknown. She informed Shiban that she had the Khagan's locus. The Council's rulings also created a new position amongst the Space Marine Legions, the Space Marine Chaplain, to uphold the Imperial Truth and help maintain the purity of an Astartes Legion's dedication and fidelity to the Emperor's commands. There had been no detail then, no authentication, just stray astropathic messages of dubious provenance. Khan fought hundreds of battles against other tribes and defeated hunting packs of nobles sent by the Palatine. He had never felt the bone-deep drag that Mortarion inspired. The White Scars thus continue to fight in Jaghatai's name, destroying the enemies of the Emperor in preparation for the day when the Great Khan completes his consummate hunt and returns to once again lead his chosen warriors and begin the next Great Crusade to unify the galaxy. They more commonly occur in taut skin areas following skin trauma, burns or surgical incisions. "It is not enough to take from an enemy their life -- rather take from them also their places of safety, their allies, their homes and their loved ones. It's also said that Horus wanted this and welcomed it. The Khan found that the truth, now that it was before him, was a bitter draught indeed. Classico Restaurant . The Legion was commanded by its Primarch Perturabo as an extension of his . They needed to get away from the benighted planet, and that when they did, to take him with them. In order to contain the outlaws, Renegades and aliens that dwelled within the Warp rift called the Maelstrom that had taken advantage of the disruptions of the Horus Heresy to run amok in the Ultima Segmentum, Roboute Guilliman ordered the surrounding star systems to be reinforced. Mortarion the Death Lord, Primarch of the Death Guard Legion, arrives upon Prospero. These markers were indicators of a heavy bombardment consistent with mass drivers from orbit, followed by a secondary trauma. He assured his warriors that this was the test. As the Khagan decided on his Legion's next move, the Alpha Legion cordon remained intact, its smooth unity broken only by minor adjustments to the twin defensive lines. It was a rare find, a realm of unsullied human genestock whose advanced technology was well-matched to that of the Imperium, but whose small size precluded any extended resistance to the Imperium's authority. Torghun's forces had lost too many warriors to hold the ground, and soon struggled to keep them back. Despite the offers of unity and peaceful integration transmitted by the Great Khan, he and his warriors were greeted not as long-lost kin or saviours, but as invaders, and their fleet came under swift attack. The website with some good insight on lore and also just funny in general. Similarly, the Thousand Sons were also known to be close to the Vth Legion for many reasons. It was Horus who saved Jaghatai from being sucked into the now collapsing vortex, Lupercal hauling his brother clear. Once the Warmaster declared his rebellion and the Horus Heresy erupted, Lorgar took particular pleasure in ravaging the realm of Ultramar. It's one of Europe's oldest zoos, dating back to the 1850s. Magnus took pride in his warcraft and he eternally sought knowledge. He held his dao poised, waiting for his enemy to move. Horus, who appreciated talent above appearances, also showed some favour to the Khagan, as did Sanguinius who had ever been a statesman and diplomat among his often quarrelsome brothers. Magnus had the good fortune to land on the world of Prospero, whose psychically-gifted population accepted the cyclopean, red-skinned child rather than slaying him for his mutations. Manipulated and betrayed first by the Traitor Legions, and then by the Imperium, the Ultramarines now stand defiantly against both great powers. Warriors remained in position, their weapons still poised. Qin Xa and his surviving Keshig warriors gathered around the Khagan. After Arvida introduced himself, the Khan regarded him closely. The White Scars are a formerly Loyalist First Founding Space Marine Legion of Heretic Astartes who are wholly dedicated to the service of the Chaos God Slaanesh, the Prince of Pleasure, though they were originally the proud V th Legion of the Legiones Astartes. Jaghatai Khan banishes the aether-shade of Magnus the Red. For a moment they stared into one another's eyes -- one face white with shock, the other rigid with anger. Things were becoming ordered and known -- the Imperium was winning, and in a final victory the White Scars would be undone. He explained that there was nothing inherently evil about a psyker. The White Wolf Wiki started in May 2004, and currently has 22,437 articles. As the clouds above them began to glow, a vibrant shard of light speared down from the smog, crackling as it hit the stone below. It was at Chondax that they first received the news of the Space Wolves Legion's actions during the Burning of Prospero. Despite how much the community puts him on a pedestal, I found him kind of boring. It was also known that the White Scars did not get along well with the Space Wolves Legion. They are kindred souls, those two: warrior archetypes, bound by shared codes of martial honour and impatient with the heavy fetters of empire.". But for now, battle called. With Horus, the Khan shared a love of the rapid assault, as well as feeling understood and accepted by Horus. Adapted from the traditions of the Chogorian steppe tribes, "the Blooding," also known as "the Ascension," is a simple ritual, dispensing with much of the shamanistic pageantry of the original. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. These creatures had been a blight on the otherwise benign world of Prospero for centuries, consuming the minds of mortals. The Warp ran through the minds of the Primarchs like blood in a vein. These were members of Mortarion's elite bodyguard, the Deathshroud. She ran straight towards Shiban as he charged the Servitor pits, her arms waving frantically. The new Primarch was given command of the XV Legion, whose numbers had been depleted following outbreaks of mutation and psyker abilities. Things were now moving very quickly. Prospero did indeed bear the kill-mark of Leman Russ, just as they had been told, but Magnus had already fallen, just as they were also told. Blink-dismissing the lattice of targeting reticules and environmental compensators hovering in their field of vision within their helmets, only then did the White Scars see them: shimmering in spectral blue-white, arthropodic, winged and massive. Yet, despite these qualities they were often seen as the least among their kin, followers and not lords, a fact that sat ill with warriors of such skill and dedication. There are many instances of rivalries, and some of outright hostilities. The Emperor rejected the White Scars Librarians' compromise. Frankfurt is generally a safe city. Staggering away from the creatures, the other warriors did not respond immediately. It had begun in the Chondax System, right towards the end of the long and brutal Chondax Campaign against the Greenskins -- the first inkling that all was not well in the wider Imperium. But in the end, the witch-hunters largely carried the day. Many tales of their exploits speak equally of their ferocious skill-at-arms and the strategic insight of their commanders, different in style to that of other Legions, wilder and more direct, but no less effective. He also rode his own personalized Shadowsword tank, nicknamed the Tormentor by his men, which featured additional armor and weapons and whose superstructure and engine had been heavily modified to convert the tank into a transport for Perturabo and his soldiers. He scanned over to the command throne, where the fighting was heaviest. They went from world to world and brought only death and destruction, scorching a path of ashes to the Pale Emperor's throneworld. Jaghatai Khan, known as The Great Khan or The Warhawk was the primarch of the White Scars Space Marine Legion.Known for his secluded and fierce nature, the Khan was commonly overlooked and seen as a barbarian but in truth was a highly cultured individual. A price always had to be paid for his inclination to freedom, for skirting along the edges of Imperial communication. They never demanded respect from anyone, and if the other Legions knew nothing of them, then that was their loss, because the White Scars knew about them. Within the space of a few short exchanges of weapons fire they were left aflame and crippled, though in recognition of their bravery, the Great Khan gave orders to allow them to withdraw. Turning away, rage still pulsed through the Khan's veins, laced with the heavy grief of betrayal. "You have chosen the doom I could not. At first the Khan did not believe the evidence of his senses for a long time. I think everyone has the right to know about this and hopefully someone out there can help them. There were no gods, they were told, and what looked like magic was just the growing power of the human mind. The Khan's keshig of Terminators fanned out around him. It took little convincing from Horus for Angron to side with the traitors against the Emperor, and the World Eaters fought in some of the bloodiest battles of the Horus Heresy, now claiming skulls for the Blood God. As the small landing party of warriors made their way deeper into the ruins of the city, they found themselves near the cult temples. He had only been able to go down, despite several attempts to find a route back to the surface. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/Warhammer40000ChaosPrimarchs. I'll post a link below. During the Iron Cage incident, the roles were reversed, with the Iron Warriors massively outgunning the Imperial Fists and having them surrounded. The White Scars launched several highly-successful hit-and-run assaults against the Traitor forces and together with remnants of the Imperial Army's 1st Terran Tank Division and several infantry regiments they successfully harassed the enemy supply lines as the Chaos armies fled to the Eternity Wall Spaceport to get off-world and escape Imperial vengeance. He was found by Ong Khan, the chieftain or khan of a small tribe called the Talaskars, who saw the young Primarch as a gift from the gods. Caught up in the maelstrom of the two opposing factions of White Scars aboard the bridge of their Legion's flagship, Shiban Khan had to make a decision -- fight and most likely die alongside his brothers or listen to the pleas of a mortal woman. Their capital ships were even slower, unable to take advantage of modified engines or the White Scars' almost preternaturally-skilled ship crews. But the Khan knew that his brother suffered as well -- blood flecked his sallow cheeks and forehead, and his rebreather rattled as he hauled in thick breaths. Where, at the beginning of the long war the maps had been blank and the enemies unknown and terrifying, they were now replete and Mankind's enemies largely known and cowed. But Magnus dismissed his misgiving, telling him instead to focus on the future. Those worlds had served to bind his Legion together in blood and war, and now they would serve to rebuild it. Blood had been shed on many vessels, and some had been commandeered entirely by White Scars Warrior Lodge members still hoping to sway the Legion to the cause of Horus. The Chogorians had always known that utilising the powers of the Warp was inherently dangerous. A second later, the space between Shiban and the mortal woman exploded with light. Jaghatai and Magnus liked each other specially for the mutual respect that each showed to the other; the White Scar was not afraid of psykers and was willing to help the formation of the Librarius (alongside Sanguinius), while Magnus actively tried to understand the sons of Chogoris instead of treating them like simple barbarians (which is one of the main reasons the White Scars stay away from the Imperium). They surged back across the heaving terrain, lumbering away from the Psychneuein attacks as best they could, trying to reach the crumbling maw of the fissure that had swallowed their Primarch. Primarchs had ways of circumventing standard Imperial command structures -- they could bend rules, uncover hidden data-cores and suborn Mechanicum Magi to their desires. They would begin their search for the Crimson King there. This time it would not stop, not until only one faction remained on the bridge, Traitor or Loyalist, whichever was which. This is what they had been working towards. Arvida was determined to follow his fate, for he believed that his destiny was somehow connected to the image of the raven associated with the Corvidae Cult's sigil that he had foreseen while he was stranded on Prospero. The gap between the fleets slowly closed. The standard breakout response was a full-scale assault on the containment net, aiming to drive it back through a massed volume of concentrated ship-to-ship fire. When Jaghatai pressed Magnus for where his allegiances lay, the shade explained that his choices were constrained. Meanwhile, the four incoming Traitor warships drifted closer, utterly incautious, prowling through local space as though they owned it. Horus cracking under the weight of his position, being mortally wounded and seeing visions of a horrific future. Russ is exasperated by him. When the beleaguered forces faced a breach and potential collapse of the Imperial defences, Jaghatai decided on a change of plan. He would also earn the distinction of being the one Primarch who could form a friendship with Konrad Curze. Summoning up one last burst of energy, the Khan held position, panting hard, trying to drag up energy for the final clash. He ordered the crew to Vox the rest of the White Scars' fleet. The stakes were too high to leave things hanging unresolved -- the invaders were going to charge again. 9 photos. Fulgrim taking up the daemon-possessed Silver Blade. After the battle was clearly lost, he took the time to bombard the walls one last time just to penetrate them. Among later generations of the Legion, certain patterns of scarring began to identify separate Brotherhoods within the Legion, but such patterns did not begin to emerge until the last few decades of the 30th Millennium. Now a hundred more White Scars Legionaries stood arrayed in ranks across the outer circle of the bridge, all aiming their Bolters at the command throne. He betrayed the Emperor, then his best friend Ferrus Manus, tried to sacrifice Perturabo for daemonhood, abandoned Horus' war to do his own thing with the majority of his Legion, and even during the battle of Terra itself his forces ran around butchering random civilian targets rather than participate in the actual siege. That was his only hope. Every stage of the escalation had brought the ruin of the Vth Legion closer -- weapons that had been made to turn upon enemies were now opening up at one another. He sent a projection to the Emperor warning him of Horus' fall to Chaos. Angron was the first through the breach of the walls of the Imperial Palace, and the last Primarch to leave when the Siege of Terra failed. Jaghatai told his warriors he had felt this new arrival's presence following them for a long time. A man is corruptible and fallible. Jaghatai was next contacted by Leman Russ himself, who had just returned from the Burning of Prospero and the assault against the Space Wolves' old rivals, the Thousand Sons Legion. The last of the Primarchs recovered, (suspect) sources claim that Alpharius was encountered near the end of the Great Crusade, leading a swarm of fighters and small attack craft that managed to entrap and board a Luna Wolves cruiser. They smashed down the gilded gates of his palace and killed all within. `` destroy Prospero '' the Emperor for the service of the Death Guard was legendary, as well feeling. -- exhorting those about him into a typically dogged defence idea what 's going on and the! Pulsed through the minds of mortals just funny in general Cage incident, the Khan Keshig... Even considered betraying the Emperor rejected the White Scars fleet soon reached Mandeville... All of his Legion and his co-conspirators had been depleted following outbreaks mutation. 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