Kenny attempts to punch Lee, which Lee has only a moment to block. Lilly asks what they have. Thinking themselves in the clear, the two remark on how very nearly fatal that was before Christa enters the station to investigate the gunshot. The scene then reverts to the still shot of the sky with the arrows before looking back down at where Omid and Christa should be running, but neither one is there to be helped. She ended up shooting the kid, but I still buried him. In "A New Day", the abandoned truck trailer is seen without a ladder, yet in this episode, the trailer possesses a ladder which is implied by. I'm continuously waiting for Gabe's cocky streak to get the best of him, resulting in a fatal mistake in these final eight episodes. Lee can offer his input on who should be the one to shoot Duck, but the grieving mother only accepts Lee's words if he decides to shoot Duck himself, to which Kenny agrees firmly. Lee waits for Kenny to shoot, but the widowed man slackens, lowers his gun, and says that he cannot do it. Chapter 1: Going Hungry Chapter 2: Conversation Killer - Food problem Chapter 2: Conversation Killer - Andy and Danny Chapter 3: Thank you for shopping at Save Lots! With so many stories to wrap up in a short amount of episodes, "TWD" probably didn't have enough time to explore the ramifications of Aaron losing a child on top of losing so many friends in the past. Duck is also attacked by the oncoming walkers. After Lee exits through the door the camera will fall below the floor's texture, making it impossible for the player to move around the episode and halting further progress. She was kinda angry about my decision and called me a cop out or something. Talk Kenny down: Lee avoids the confrontation, asking Kenny to see reason. He shouldn't have survived the series' great haunted house episode. Lee joins her, asking if she was alright and if she understood what had happened when Chuck had told her. As with the glitch listed above, sometimes Clementine can be talked to and hair cut at the same time. Duck, of course, has his . Chuck angers Kenny when he tries to get the group to just drive right through it, but before the two could begin arguing, they are cut off by a voice from the top of the bridge. She demurely states that she was not ready for a gun, but he corrects her and says that they learned not to be afraid. Loud and boisterous, what he lacks in smarts, he makes up for with enthusiasm. Lee backs away to the door and retrieves his manual weapon, turning forth to kill the two walkers in quick succession. If you decided to kill Duck yourself, you'll have to shoot at him. Lee realizes that part of Kenny's denial has to do with his own failures and feelings, notably his guilt for the death Hershel's son. Lee beats it back with his rifle into an exposed rebar, trapping it as he and Kenny escape the oncoming walkers. The bandit leader was going to be shot by Lee, later this was changed and this bandit is shot by Lilly. Killing Duck yourself is the right thing to do, no questions. Since he was the only one in danger. The same thing happens if Lee goes back into her room and tells her that he is following up on stolen supplies. She questions him on his actions before the outbreak and whether or not killing was bad at this point as he cuts her hair. Lee turns on the thruster, and the train slowly accelerates down the tracks. Later, if Kenny is shot by Clementine before killing Jane, she can tell him that he will see Katjaa and Duck again. Kenny insists that the plan does not change because of Duck's condition, finding strength in the hope that perhaps somebody in Savannah had already found a cure. Yet I chose to save Shawn at Hershel's farm thinking that this wouldn't make much a difference since Duck gets to live anyway. At the conclusion of Lee's preparations to make Clementine safer, Kenny suddenly shouts from the engine compartment for everybody to brace as the brakes are engaged. There are others whose deaths would be impactful and deliver an element of surprise that's been missing for a while. Lee leaves him to his own thoughts and goes back to the boxcar for Clementine. Kenny, perhaps beginning to realize his guilt himself, initially denies Lee's assertion that Kenny did not kill Shawn. He has a wide knowledge of action comic books and usually obeys when others tell him to avoid trouble (aside from helping Lee's investigation whether Lee wants him to or not because he believed Lee was secretly asking him for help). Lee can either acknowledge that she could be correct and agree to search for more evidence as to who had been taking from their rations or refute her accusations, but he will still look for clues as to who had broken the flashlight regardless of what he tells her. At the end give the blowtorch to Omid so that he can finish the job. Lee helps Clementine correct her stance and aim with two bottles before she is able to hit a third by herself with no assistance. Regardless of the choice, the fence holding back the walkers will break and Shawn will be killed by walkers, influencing Hershel to kick the group off the farm. (Determinant) During this time, the player has the option to tell the other survivors about Lee's past after a conversation with Carley. They will drop once, but you can pick them up and . Excited at the proposition of a mystery, Duck offers his services to Lee. On the surface, Duck can appear unintelligent, but he is smarter than others give him credit for. He can be seen on the swing while his father pushes him. You'll speak with Clementine and then with Chuck. A walker then grabs Duck and tries to bite him. Making it impossible to progress to further into the episode. I can understand killing him yourself to spare Kenny the pain, but I still think it's better that Kenny does it. Mom, what did I eat?". Once the train comes to a complete stop, Kenny watches dumbly at an overpass in front of them with a petroleum tanker hanging from the bridge that is blocking the train's path. If Doug was saved in "A New Day", then Lilly quickly aims at Ben, only for Doug to drag him out of the way and accidentally place himself in front of the bullet, horrifying Lilly over what she had just done. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). (Determinant) He can also be referenced to Christa and Omid if Lee chooses to tell them that his group is experiencing a bad day, and again if he tells them about Kenny and how he'd lost his entire family two hours before meeting the two newcomers. This episode in particular challenged many players' sense of morality, supplying multiple layers of emotionality to "Long Road Ahead. Katjaa takes a visibly depressed Duck over to a fallen log and sits him down in her lap to keep him close. Is killing both for him? He accidentally drives a tractor over Shawn's leg, trapping him. Lee finds a notepad that used to contain the instructions on how to start the train, but the page with the control directions had been torn off, nowhere to be found. Shocked, Lee can express outrage at Ben and threaten to kill him or just ask why he had done it, the latter resulting in Ben trying to excuse his actions by explaining that the bandits had threatened to kill his friend, but Ben had been unable to break off the deal when he discovered that his friend had never been with them. He offers to do anything to stay with the group, but Lilly just sees this as a sign that he is guilty. Like Lee says, no parent should ever have to do that to their child. Have Lee kill Duck: Lee takes the gun from Kenny, wanting to spare him from the pain of having to put down his son. Cast Guide If Lee fails to block the punch, Kenny strikes Lee directly in the face and stuns him as Kenny goes on the offensive and continues to punch Lee. He was the reason you're there in the first place. I originally saved Shawn in the game. I killed both myself and he seemed to appreciate that. - Mystery in the barn Chapter 4: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner . Firstly. The 2nd one. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Now, running low on the supplies they ravaged from the station wagon, can the group find another way to . A gunshot interrupts Lee before he can assure her of the necessity of their actions. He stands up when Kenny quietly announces that there was an obstacle in their way; a derailed train. Now, you need to use that direction as a basis for making her shoot more accurately. I saw it as an opportunity to help Kenny and let him move on after his son's death, so I got Kenny to do it. In any case, you can choose one of the following responses (Clementine's hair is a lot safer now.). The group hears a gunshot, assuming Katjaa killed Duck. Lee brings the bag back to Lilly in her room, reporting his findings of the chalk sign and where he had found the drugs. Check the body through the broken window. Since Glenn's death on the season seven premiere, the show has largely leaned into killing off secondary or tertiary characters to keep the main group intact. He lifts Clementine up to squeeze through a gap between the ceiling and metal bars, but she stops short before going to get the keys to open it with. A glitch can occur after Lilly kicks everyone out of her room, where both music and game volume cuts. He also implores Lee to take some scissors from his pack and cut her hair, as it would only give walkers and other people something to grab onto when they attacked her. The next shot is framed by Ben's corpse, as a reanimated Duck enters from the left and attacks Lee. Lee goes to Clementine, asking if she had any pink chalk, but she says that she had lost it. Depending on how many items Lee has gotten, (from little to lots of supplies) Lilly will be dismayed because of the shortage of supplies or relieved by the amount of new rations. I killed Duck for him, and when he said he was ashamed for not being able to kill Duck himself I knew that I had to have him do it this time. If many supplies were retrieved, Kenny will angrily refute the idea that they could last the winter in the motel with regular supply runs like this, complaining that they would freeze in the empty motel rooms. Walking Dead Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. (Determinant) Katjaa gives Lee an apologetic look before following her husband. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Clementine's hairstyle: Proceed bravely to get it done by choosing "So, here's the thing about your hair" and then cut hair. I've already taken a look at who's the most and least likely to get killed off of the show by November's series finale, but that's not who I think the series should take the ax to before its end. Kenny asks Lee his opinion on whether or not the group should leave the motel for the coast. Go back to the cab and talk to Kenny. Finally able to read the instructions, he powers on the dashboard by flipping several switches in an indicated pattern. They move to the other side and jump onto the train, with Omid having a bad landing and falling off, badly injuring his leg. That's not a good idea. Second, Lee takes the scissors from Chuck's supplies and informs Clementine of the practicality of shortening her hair. Lee then either scorns or thanks him for his efforts respectively. He takes a rag from her and- at her request- goes to the engine car to get Kenny to stop the train. Lilly counters by bringing up Lee's past, but this does not sway Kenny's stance, regardless of whether or not Kenny was told of Lee's past beforehand. It is worth 15 points and can be received for: Complete chapter 6 of episode 3. . He says that he needs to shoot her to keep her from suffering any further, but Kenny points out that if she continues screaming, she would draw all of the walkers in the area to her and keep them off of Lee and Kenny while they raided the drugstore. Luke has long outlived his comic death by Alpha on the show. When Ben starts to confess to Lee on the train, his hand clips through his hair. Climb out. Lee can answer his question honestly or respond with a question about who the man was, but the man introduces himself as Chuck- or Charles, if Lee preferred to call him that instead- regardless of Lee's response. Lee can either aggressively crush Kenny's windpipe or gently keep him from hurting himself. Lee recognizes the horror in her eyes, and- at her quick cry- barely turns around with before he is set upon by two walkers. The survivors of the motel all scramble for safety as the remaining three bandits stand in stunned silence at their fallen member. (Determinant) If Lee blocks three of Kenny's punches, then Lee is able to either compress Kenny's larynx or simply keep him against the wall. Choose to fight Kenny or tell him "I don't know what's wrong with you." Kenny pulls his hands up to fight. When it came to the boy on the attic though, Kenny thought that he couldn't do it, but I thought that it would be better for Kenny to do it himself, in order to be strong again. But the show should take some big swings in its final episodes. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. I'm working on my "best" playthrough and wondering which of these is best for Kenny. So will this affect his final choice even if I side with him all along the game or do I still have a chance? To do so, drop (use) the Blowtorch from the bridge. (You taught Clementine how to protect herself.). Which imo, may have trigger an alternative subplot within the story. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The new companion will ask if you want to drink: You decided not to share a drink with Chuck. I had Kenny kill Duck and Lee kill Fivel, just for the fact that I wouldn't like a stranger shooting my kid, and I would prefer to do it myself. Attention! - Searching for the bandits Chapter 3: Thank you for shopping at Save Lots! Doug/Carley speaks up, (Determinant) calling for Lilly to stop threatening Ben, yet Lilly curtly tells him/her to shut up. Clementine only wants to look for her parents, Lee eventually agreeing to look for them if he did not at first. The two of them enter Lilly's room, Kenny remarking that Ben being on watch is death sentence for all of them as Lee exchanges his rifle for a handgun. This takes place at night, though, and the motel attack was several hours earlier, not a few minutes earlier. Because boy does he hold a grudgehe'll bring it up everytime he has the opportunity to do so o.O, Duckif you save shawn how does that affect the game? Even Carroll told me he couldn't believe his character made it out alive. Lee will be unable to open the door, but can still reach in and grab the animal crackers somehow. Much to Kenny's delight, Lee activates the controls on in front of the engineer's chair. I also did what you did, I killed Duck and let Kenny kill Fivel. ", in an annoyed tone. Lilly snaps at him, yelling that it would not be easier out on the road. Lee notices the bullet in the side of her head and the fallen pistol next to her hand and realizes what Kenny had witnessed. Sometimes when Lee is repairing the train in the front compartment, the cursor may glitch and become unable to reach the last button on one of the dashboards. If that's the case, we don't need two leaders of Oceanside. (Determinant) When the RV is out of sight, he decides to return his attention to the train, seeing it as their only way to reach the coast in time for Duck to get help. All of the other survivors of the motel deny any knowledge of how the flashlight came to be broken, but (determinately at Katjaa's direction) Lee discovers a cluster of broken glass shards near the edge of the walled area of the motel. Chapter 5: Handle It - Speaking with Clementine, "I'm serious about keeping your shit to yourself. Doctors and siblings usually don't fare well on this show anyhow. Lee is forced to use his spanner to prop the door open so they could see with sunlight, (Determinant) though Lee wishes he could keep it in case of danger. Lee can say that he is worried, but Kenny simply tells him that she needs to get over her father's death. It really is inevitable that he dies. A rare glitch can occur after the segment where Lee chose Ducks ultimate fate. If Carley was saved in "A New Day", then Lilly will simply raise her weapon on Carley and pull the trigger before she could even turn to face her, Lilly only staring coldly at her corpse. Interestingly enough, there are screams and cries of her begging for help, possibly rape (as she implies in the camcorder "[You] rapist mon-!" You can select one of the following answers now. I'm still hoping for a Luke and Princess meeting (since the two share a love for music), but with eight episodes left to go, it doesn't seem like there's time for something like that. Kenny points out a train station on the other side of the bridge that Lee should check for supplies or anything that could help with the tanker while he teaches Omid the controls to the train and Christa talks to Clementine. Alternatively, if Lee simply remains silent when asked what to do, Kenny will simply raise Katjaa's gun at Duck. Both will be remembered by Ben (Ben will remember that.). If you didn't threaten Ben and you talk to him again, you can choose one of several responses -"Anything ELSE you need to say?" Lee finds a blowtorch in the station, but a locked gate separates him from the object. I shot Duck. Lee introduces himself, learning their names as Christa and Omid. Do we really even remember Luke (Dan Fogler) at this point? He was allergic to bees, was never fussy about what he'd eat, and did not enjoy using forks. - Arriving and walking round the perimeter Chapter 3: Thank you for shopping at Save Lots! You're the greatest detective and I can be Dick Grayson! (Determinant) Otherwise, she simply grabs him and throws him out of the RV. While waiting for Duck to stop breathing, his head initially falls forward as he has died. Kenny seethes and says that he hates Lee before realizing what he was doing had nothing to do with Lee, and somberly goes to activate the brakes. He was nicknamed Duck because difficult things he went through (such as the apocalypse) went over "like water off a duck's back." Choosing to tell Kenny's family that his parents owned the drugstore they where taking shelter in during "A New Day" will affect Kenny's response when Lee attempts to talk with him about his past on the train, shortly after Duck's fate is decided. Even if you remain silent, Omid will eventually push you himself. Whatever the decision, Duck seems to be in agreement with his dad about looting the car. Kenny will get out, so you'll be able to search the Map Bin. Feed Duck (you don't have to feed Kenny) Side with Kenny in the meat locker (take a note this is the largest decision if you don't do this odds are Kenny will not immediately agree to help you even if you sided with him on most choices) Steal from the station wagon. You can burn them (an optional choice). I sided with Lilly in the meat locker but also saved Kenny's son in the first chapter. If Doug was saved in "A New Day", then Lilly turns to Ben and menacingly asks if there was something he wanted to admit. 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